Eng 6

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1.1 :

.6/1 :

- look at the ./here/over there./Say it

again./Read and draw./Put a/an.in/on/under/an/Dont
go over there. etc.

- Please look up the meaning in a

dictionary./Look up the meaning in dictionary,

please./Can/Could you help me, please ? etc.

You should read everyday./ Think before you

speak./ Start./My turn./Your

turn./Roll the dice./Count the number./Finish.

First,.Second,.Next,..Then,. Finally,..



Mother says ______________

Grandpa is sleeping.
A. Be quick.
B. Be quiet.

C. Dont be angry.

D. Dont

be careful.

2. Wanida : Its raining. Can you close the window,


Naree : _______________________

A. Yes, certainly.

B. Have a good trip.

C. Take care of yourself.


D. Thank you very much.

3. Ann : ________________________ .
Lisa : Thats a good ideA.

A. Have a good time.

B. Lets go swimming .

C. Point to

the picture.

D. Give me some tea, please.

4. In the classroom. If you want to drink some
water .

What will you ask for the teacher ?

A. Can I help you ?

B. May I borrow a pen ?

C. May I go out , please ?


D. May I come in, please ?

5. A: Whats your name ?




A: __________________________
B: T-A-T-C-H-E-R

A. Can I repeat that please ?

B. How do you spell your first name ?

C. Why not say your last name again ?
D. How

do you

spell your



name ?

6. When the teacher says Be quiet. What should you do?

A. Stand up quickly.

B. Look at the blackboard.

C. Stop talking with a friend.

D. Talk with a friend slowly .


7. You do not have an eraser and you want to borrow your

friend, what should you say with him?
A. Is this your eraser?

B. Do you have an eraser?

C. Could you borrow your eraser?

( d )

D. Can I borrow your eraser?

8. Your friend says Im sorry! after he steps on your

foot, what should you say with him?
A. Youre bad.

B. Thats all right.

C. Its your wrong.

D. Youre welcome.

( b)

9. When you finish studying in the computer room, what

should you do the first ?

A. Turn off the lights.

B. Turn on the lights.

C. Open the windows and the doors.

D. Switch on the lights and the electric fans.

Read How to make a flower garland. Then answer the

questions 10-12.

How to make a flower garland.

Materials : 1. a needle

2. thread

4. colored paper

First :

Draw flowers

Next :

Cut out the flowers from the


on the colored paper.


Then : Thread the

Finally: The both ends of the thread together.





10. If you want to make a flower garland, what should you

do the first?


11. If you want to make a flower garland, what should you

do the next?


12. After cutting out the flowers from the paper, what should
you do the next ?


.6/2 :

- -
- -

(linking sound)
1. nd
A. mild

B. fund

C. found

D. wide

2- 5
2. 1) report

2) refrigerator

A. 2 1 3 4


3. 1) notebook

A. 3 1 4 2

D. 3 2 1 4

B. 1 2 4 3

D. 2 3 4 1

3) rest

C. 4

2) painter

3) lovely 4)

B. 3 2 4 1

C. 3 4 1 2

4. 1) hide

2) village


A. 3 1 4 2

B. 3 2 4 1

D. 3 2 1 4

5. 1) uniform

3) fight

2) west

A. 2 3 1 4


C. 3 1 2 4
3) dozen 4)

B. 2 1 4 3

C. 4 1 2 3

D. 4 3 1 2

6. What is the matter?

A. What

B. is

C. matter


7. (Stress)
A. papaya

B. strawberry

D. coconut

C. rambutan

8. (Stress)
A. cauliflower
C. spinach

B. tomato

D. mushroom

9. (Intonation)

A. Can
you ?

C. Can




you ?

B. Can

D. Can


10. ( Linking Sound)

A. Stand up.

B. Sit down.

C. Look at.

D. Close your eye.

.6/3 : /

,-, (
1. A :

How is the weather in this picture?

B :

It is _________________ .

A. raining
C. windy

B. cloudy
D. sunny

2. A : What is the weather like today?

B: It is _________________ .
A. raining

B. cloudy

C. sunny


D. windy

From the picture, how is the boy? He is






4. The boys are



running B.

C.flying kites


5. A : What does your father do?

B : He is a .__________________ .
A. postman

C. policeman

B. soldier

D. fireman


6.What does he look like? He has ___________________

A. long curly

C. long straight

B. short curly

D. short straight

7. Suda is a student. She wants to be A

____________________. .
A. pilot

B. doctor

C. dentist

D. reporter


The library is ___________________ the restaurant and the

post office.

A. behind

B. in front of

C. at the back of

D. between

9. I went to the ____________________ last week.

A. mountain

C. swimming pool

D. beach

D. movie

A. Dont eat here.
B. Dont park cars here.

C. Dont have a picnic here.

D. Dont leave rubbish here.
A. Go out this way.
B. Dont use this door.

C. None can use this door.

D. This door is for the people who work here.

A. You cant buy this.
C. It is free.

B. You can sell this.

D. It is cheap now.

You want to get the job, you should

A. phone the office
C. go to the office

B. write to the manager

D. see the manager


You want this job, you should be

_____________________ .
A. English

B. Thai

C. German


D. Italian

You make a phone call in the


A. bus stop

B. postbox

C. mailbox

D. telephone booth


to stop or go

The ________________ tell the drivers

A. A. sidewalk




traffic lights
bus stop

___________________ .

People get on the buses at the

A. telephone booth

B. mailbox

C. bus stop

D. bridge

18. You turn right here.







19. The above sign means _____________________ .

A. You cant park your bicycle here.
B. You should walk with your bicycle here.
C. You can park your bicycle here.
D. You can ride your bicycle here.

. 6/4


Yes/No question

- Is/Are/Can..? Yes,. Is/Are/Can./

No,.Isnt/Arent/Cant. Do/Does/Can/is/are.?


- Or-Question

Who is/are.? He/She is./They are

What.?/Where? It is../They are.


- Or-Question

Is this/it a/ anor a/an?



It is a/an.

Read the passage and answer the questions 1-5.

Nan and Nam always go for a picnic on Saturday. They take
bread, jam and pizza in a basket. Nam carries two bottles of orange
juice. They always walk along the road to the park. They are very
happy. They want to go again next week.

1. Who go for a picnic?

a. Nid and Nam
b. Nan and Nid

c. Nam and Nan

d. Nam and Noi
2. When do they go?
a. Friday

b. Sunday

c. Saturday
d. Monday
3. What do they take in the basket?
a. bread, butter, water
b. bread, tea, milk

c. jam, butter, cake

d. bread, jam, pizza

4. How many bottles of orange juice do they take?

a. one

b. two
c. three
d. four

5. How do they go?

a. by car
b. by bus

c. on foot
d. by bicycle

Read the passage and answer the questions 6-10.

Nat got a new bike for her birthday. The next day, she
saw Nee. Lets go for a swim, she said. We can ride our
bikes to the river.
On the way there, Nat could not keep up with Nee. Nee
could ride the bike very fast.
Then they got into the water. Nee could not keep up
with Nat. Nat could swim faster than Nee. Both girls
laughed. They liked to ride and swim together.

6. Nat had a new _____________________

a. river

b. friend
c. way

d. bike

7. Nat was faster than Nee ___________________

a. in the water
b. on foot

c. on a bike

d. all the time

8. The word there means the ____________________
a. bike

b. river
c. day

d. swim
9. We can say that both Nat and Nee feel
a. sad

b. hungry
c. happy
d. tired

This story is about ____________________

a. A Silly Birthday Party

b. Nat and Nee Have Fun

c. Nees New Friends

d. The Girls Go to School

Read this information and answer the questions 11-15.

1 New life
2 First days
3 Care by parents
4 Growing up
5 Ways of living
6 On their own



How many pages are there about New life?

a. 17 pages
b. 18 pages
c. 19 pages

d. 20 pages


What is the last page number of Growing up?

a. page 76

b. page 77

c. page 84

d. page 85

Which topic is the longest?

a. First days

b. Care by parents
c. Growing up

d. Ways of living

You want to learn how animal live. What is the

first page you look at?

a. Page 35
b. Page 49

c. Page 85
d. Page 93



.6/1 : /

Hi/Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon/ Good evening/I

am sorry/ how are you?/Im fine/very well./thank you and

you? hello I am hello,.I amthis is my sister her name

is. Hello../nice to see you. Nice to see you.

Too./goodbye./bye./see you soon/later./great!./good./ very good

thank you/thank you very much./youre welcome./its o.k.

/Thats all right/Not at all/ Dont worry/Never mind/ Excuse
me , sir./ Miss/Madam. Etc

Read the conversation and complete 1-3.

Jim : Good morning , Joe.

Joe : Good morning , Jim ______( 1 )________?

Jim : Im fine, thank you . And you ?
Joe : Im not so gooD.

Jim : ______( 2 ) ________?

Joe : I have a sore throat.

Jim : Oh, thats too bad . Get well soon.

Joe : ______( 3 ) _______.

A. How do you do

B. How are you

C. Whats the matter

D. Whats wrong

A. What are you doing


B. Whats the

C. How do you do

D. How are you doing


A. Thank you

B. Thats O.K


Kim : Hello, Im Kim Thomson. ________________?

C. O.K

: Im Jimmy Brown. Nice to meet you.

A. How are you

C. What are you


D. Youre welcome

B. Whats your name

D. How are you

Daeng : Hello, Somsak ! This is my sister, Jinny .

Jinny, ______( 5 ) ______.

Somsak : _____( 6 ) ______ ? Nice to see you.

Jinny : How do you do ? _______( 7 ) _______.

Somsak : I have to go to work. See you next time.

___( 8 ) ___.

A. He is my friend


C. This is my friend, Somsak

D. This is my

A. How are you

B. How do you do

A. Nice to see you , too

B. Nice to see you


B. He is my friend,

C. How are you doing

D. What do you



C. Nice to see you

D. Nice to see you,

A. So long

B. Have a good dream

C. Goodbye

D. Have a nice time


Sally : Happy Birthday, AnnA. This is the gift for you

Anna : Thank you.
Sally : ____________.
A. Never mind

B. Youre welcome

C. It doesnt matter

D. Thats O.K

10. John : __________. Im late.


: Dont worry.

A. Excuse me
C. Pardon me

B. Im sorry

D. How silly of me

11. Tim : ___________. May I sit here ?

Ben : Yes, you may.
A. Pardon me

B. Excuse me

C. Sorry

D. Im sorry

12. Martin

: Good morning. __________________. You

can call me Mark.

Joy : How do you do ?

Lee .
me ?

My name is Joyana

A. Whats your name ?

B. Do you know

C. My name is Martin Luke.

D. I want you to

know my name.

.6/2 :

: -

Read the passage and answer the question 1-2.

1. Pour some cooking oil into the pan.
2. Clean the fish.

3. Put the pan on the stove.

4. Put the fish in the hot oil.
1. The correct order is ___________________ .
A. 2, 3, 1, 4
B. 1, 2, 3, 4
C. 3, 1, 2, 4

D. 3, 2, 1, 4

2. The above passage is about ___________________ .

A. How to cook fish

B. How to make fried fish

C. How to clean fish

D. How to heat the cooking oil

Read the passage and answer the question.

1. Id like mushrooms, onions and cheese,


2. Can I help you?

3. Id like a pizza, please.

4. What would you like on it?

5. Whats your phone number?

6. 0-2591-6838.
3. The correct order is ___________________ .

A. 2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 1
B. 2, 3, 4, 6, 1, 5

C. 2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 6
D. 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 6
1. Id like mushrooms, onions and cheese, please.
2. Can I help you?

3. Id like a pizza, please.

4. What would you like on it?

5. Whats your phone number?
6. 0-2591-6838

4. The above passage is about .__________________.

A. How to cook food

B. How to order pizza

C. How to order food

D. How to cook pizza

5. Teacher : Give me your exercise book, please.
Supha :

A. I do

C. Go ahead

___________________ .

B. Here you are

D. Not now

6. _________________ the lights before you leave the


A. Turn on

B. Lets turn on

C. Please turn off

D. Dont turn off

7. Dont _____________away. Please __________for me.

A. ran, waited

B. runs, waits

C. running, waiting

D. run, wait

8. Tim: Hello, this is 035-375-171.

John: _______________

Tim: Yes, speaking.

A. Can Tim speak, please?

B. May I speak to Tim, please?

C. Will Tim speak English?

D. Should Tim and I speak?

9. On the bus
Bus conductor: Can I see your ticket, please?
Amy: Yes _____________________
Bus Conductor:

Thank you.

A. Come on here.

B. Here you are.

C. You're right.

D. You're welcome.

10. A: Can I speak with Mr. James, please.

B: Oh ! sorry, my father is out.

A. See him

again tomorrow.

B. Can I take a message?

C. What do you want?
D. I dont know.

11. Jenny: _________ bring me a glass of water?

Bob: Alright. Here you are.

A. Do you

C. Does she

B. Could he

D. Can you

12. Joe: Do you mind if I leave now?

Mary: _____________
A. Sorry

C. I dont know

B. Not at all

D. Yes, Im going now

13 .
A. Lose your weight, please.

lose some weight.

C. You should lose some weight.

must not lose your weight.

B. Please
D. You


A. Please get the phone.

take a minute.

B. Please

C. Wait for me, please.

D. Please

hold the line.

.6/3 : /

need/help me!/can/could.?/ yes./no.. etc.

1. At the store.
Shopkeeper : Good afternoon _______________
Kanda : Yes. Give me a kilo of sugar.
a. Can I help you?

b. Can you help me?

c. Can I buy any sugar?

d. Can you sell any sugar?

2. At the canteen.

Naree : What would you like to have ?

Wanna : ______________________

a. I am WannA.

b. I am a student

c. I have some apples.


d. I want some fried rice.

In the restaurant.

The waiter : Would you like some green salad?

Manee : _________________ I like it.
a. I am sorry.

b. No, thanks.
c. Yes, please.

d. Youre welcome.

4. Lin : How many buffaloes does Thong have?

Suwit : I dont know ____________________

Lin : Thong, How many buffaloes do you have?
Thong : Seven.

a. Please ask you

b. Please ask him.

c. Please ask me.
d. Please ask us.

5. At the food shop

Anna : How much is a piece of cake?
Seller : __________________ .

Anna : Please give me two pieces.

Seller : Thats sixteen baht.

a. six baht

b. eight baht
c. ten baht

d. sixteen baht

: _________________ Could you tell me

where is the toilet ?



Yes of course.

B. Excuse me

C. Hello
D. Sorry


Tom : Excuse me. May I borrow your exercise books?

Tim : _______________________
a. No, Im not.
b. Yes, I did.
c. Yes, I am

d. Yes, you may.


Suda : Would you like to have some cake?

Manee : No, thanks, Can I have some cookie?

Suda : Yes. And I want to have some cookies, too.

The conversation means that ____________________

a. Suda likes to have some cake and Manee likes to have

some cookies.

Suda likes to have some cookies and Manee likes to

have some cake.

c. Suda and Manee like to have some cake.

d. Suda and Manee like to have some cookies.

.6/4 :

what do you do? Im a/an.

What is she/he? .is a/an ()
How old/tall? I am

Is/aregoing to.or.?

Is/are going to .. etc.

1. Tom : What is your telephone number ?

Job : It is .

A. room 405


C. 0-2443-13063

9/5 Mahidol RD.

D. cd 911

2. Tom : What is your nationality ?


This is




I live in England

I am Thai



ride a












Who can play football ?

A. Nancy

B. Suda

D. Susan

C. Tony

4. Who can ride a bicycle ?

A. Nancy and Suda


B. Suda and

C. Tony and Susan


5. A :

D. Susan and

What do you do ?

B :


A. I look for a job.

B. I am a pilot.

C. I

D. I am sad.

work hard

A : I m a doctor.
B :

A : I work

in a hospital.


Where are you from ?

B. Where


Where do you work ?

D. Where

are you now?

do you live ?

A : I have got to go now. See you


B :



A. See you , bye.

B. Yes , please dont

C. Have a vacation.

D. Get out.

A : .?
B :


Im Robert

What s his name ?

name ?

B. What s her

C. What s your name ?

D. Where are

you from ?

9. How tall are you ?


I am 10 years old

B. I am

C. I am 145 cms.


35 kilos

D. I am a

Situation: Jane sees Don and talks to him.





you doing?



Fine. Thanks. __10__


What do you do?



How are you, Don?


And you?

Very well, thank you.

What are



Thats gooD.


It is very nice.



sorry to hear that.


At a cliniC.

Doctor : ..



A. How

: I have a headache and a

are you

B. Do you


feel sick ?

c. Are you all right ?

d. Whats the

matter ?

13. A: ..
B: Here you are.

A. How are you today ?

B. Im fine .Thank you.
C. Give

me a book, please.

D. Are you a carpenter ?

A : I'm sorry. I broke your glass.

B : "__________________".
A. I'm sorry.
B. That's all right.
C. You're welcome.
D. Never minD.

15. Dum : ________ do you do homework late?

Dang : Sometimes.

A. How old
B. How often
C. How far

D. How much

.6/5 : /

Im../he/she/it is/You/We/They are

I/You/We/They like/He/She likes.because.

I/You/We/They love /He/She loves.because
I/You/We/They dont like/love/feelbecause.
He/she doesnt like/love/feel.because..
I/You/We/They feel .because..etC.

1. Kate : ________________________ ?
Kim : No, thank you. Id like some fried noodles.

A. May I have fried rice?

B. Do you want some noodles?

C. Do you like soup or noodles?


D. Would you like some soup?

: ____________________
B : He likes summer best.
A. Why does Jack like summer best?
B. Which season does Jack like best?
C. What did Jack do last summer?
D. What is Jack going to do next summer?
3. Im hungry. I want some __________.
A. water
B. rice
C. drinks
D. milk

Dont lock the door. Because I dont have the

A. lock



C. door

D. window

Tim : Would you like some coke?

Nan : May I have some iced-water.

A. O.K.

B. Thank you.
C. Thats right.

D. No, thank you.

6. Im thirsty. I want some __________.

A. water




C. noodles

7. You have not good health because

A. you
B. you
C. you
D. you

eat a lot of ice cream.

get enough rest and sleep.
keep your body clean every day.
eat good food and get enough exercise every day.

8. I cant play in the playground _______________ Its


A. or

B. and


D. so

9. Manee: _________didnt you come to the party?

Malee: Because I was sick.

A. Who


C. What
10. A

: What _______do

B : Red.

D. Where

like best?

A. subject
B. animal
C. colour
D. fruit

11. Both Joe and Jane like to watch TV and read

newspaper. What does this sentence


A. They like to do the same things.

B. They dont like to do the same things.

C. Joe likes to read but Jane likes to watch TV.

D. Jane likes to read but Joe likes to watch TV.
12. A: Why do you like Tom?

Because hes _________________ .


B. moody


13. If you are hungry, you will go to a

___________________ .
A.TV station

B. police station

14. She wants a __________________ one.Because this

skirt is too long for her.

C. bigger

15.She cant________________ this bicycle. Because Susan

is small.
A. ride

B. drive
C. get on

D. get off



.6/1 : /


Nan : .
Tomas : 25 Uthong Road, Ayutthaya.


birthday ?

Whats your address ?

b. When is your

Is that your house ?

d. Who live

here ?

2. Sally :
David : Im twelve years old.
a. How tall are you ?

do you weight ?

c. How old are you ?

years are there ?

b. How much
d. How many

Read and answer number 3 - 4

A man works in the big building.

People have to go into the building if

3. What is this man ?
a. A waiter

3. A mailman.
4. they are not feeling well
a. they are busy

c. they are happy

b. A barber.

d. A doctor.

b. they are sick.

d. they are tired.

5. Which is wrong ?

a. The teachers work in school. b. The nurses

work in the hospital.

c. The soldiers work in the post office.

sellers are in the supermarket.

Read and answer in order.

1. Suda has breakfast

with her mother.

2. Suda arrives at

d. The

6. Which is correct ?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

7. Which is the colour of the rainbow ?

a. white grey gold


c. pink

b. blue black brown

purple green

d. yellow orange

8. Mothers Day is in .
a. August

b. September

c. October

d. November

a. oval

b. circle

9. The sun is . .
c. square

d. triangle

10. Yesterday was Monday. What day is the day after

tomorrow ?

a. Sunday

c. Wednesday
11. Which is

correct ?

b. Tuesday

d. Thursday

a. Be quit, please.

b. Be quit. please

c. Please, be quit.

d. Please, Be quit.

12. Mary and Jane are crossing the street.

Mary : . The car is coming



a. Watch out ?

b. Watch out !

c. Watch out ,

d. Watch out .

A : .
B : Yes of course.

a. You can help me ?

b. Can you

c. Can you

d. Can you

help me ,

help me ?

help me.

14. The boys have a big ball.

That is .

a. the boys ball.

c. the boys ball.

b. the boyss ball.

d. a boys ball.

15. A : What is your father(..)

B : He is a doctor (..)

a. ( . ) ( . )
c. ( , ) ( . )

b. ( . ) ( ? )
d. ( ? ) ( . )

.6/2 :

Read the following and answer the question.









1. Which sentence is correct?

a. Dang can sing but he cant swim.

b. Mary can swim but she cant sing.

c. John can sing but he cant play volleyball.

d. Lee can play volleyball but he cant swim.

2. Which sentence is false?

a. John can swim and play volleyball.

b. Mary can sing, swim but she cant play


c. Lee can swim and play volleyball.

d. Dang can play volleyball and he can sing.






150 cms.

47 kgs.



155 cms.

60 kgs.



156 cms.

60 kgs.



150 cms.

3. Who is the tallest girl ?

49 kgs.


a. Panee







4. is as old as .. .

a. May



Kanda . Mary




Suda ..

5. Who is the youngest, the lightest and the shortest


a. May



The train to
Hat Yai is
15 mins.









5 : 40

5 : 30

Hat Yai

6 : 20

4 : 30




6. What time will the train arrive at Hat Yai ?

a. 6 : 15 p.m.

b. 6 : 35 p.m.

c. 4 : 15 p.m.

d. 4 : 45 p.m.

7. Dara wants to go to Chiang Mai. What time

should she be at station ?

a. Before 5 : 40 a.m.

b. After 5 : 40

c. Before 5 : 30 p.m.

d. After 5 : 30







8. How many T-shirts were sold last week ?

a. 20

b. 30

c. 40

d. 50

a. Jeans

b. T-shirt

9. What item was sold the best ?

c. Watch

d. Socks

10. Which sentence incorrect ?

a. Thirty pairs of shoes were sold.

b. Watches were sold the least.

c. Jeans were more popular than T-shirt.


d. Watch sales were less than T-shirt sales.








11.How many students are there in the classroom ?

a. Four.

b. Five.

c. Six.

d. Seven.

12. Where is the blackboard ?

a. Its between the teacher and Peter. b. Its in

front of the classroom.


c. Its next to Peter.

d. Its opposite

13. Is Nancy sitting behind Mike ?

a. No, she isnt.

b. Yes, he is.

c. No. She is.

14. Who is sitting next to Anna ?

a. Peter.

c. Linda.

b. Ben.

d. Mike.


Yes, she is.

.6/3 : /


A : How can you get to school ?

B : .. .

a. I go there everyday.

b. I go there


c. I go there with my friends.


there on foot.

I go

2. A : What is the weather like ?


Its very big.

c. Its sweet.

b. Its sunny.
d. Its delicious.

3. A : Whats the matter with her ?

B : . .
a. Shes a cold.

b. Hes a cough.

c. Ive a headache.

arm hurt.

d. Youre an

4. A : I have a bad headache.

B : ?
a. Why dont you read cartoon books.
b. Why dont you go swimming.

c. Why dont you go to see the doctor.

d. Why dont you eat pizza.

5. What is the hottest month in Thailand ?


a. May.

b. April.

c. July.

d. October.

A : What do you do if its rainy ?

B : . If its rains, . .

a. I wear sunglasses.

c. I go cycling.

b. I use an
d. I play


7. What do you want to be ?

a. I want to drink coke.

a teacher.

c. I want to play basketball.

to eat spicy food.

b. I want to be
d. I want

8. What did you on weekend ?

a. I had a bad cold.

b. I went to

c. I went to Pattaya.

d. I go to



9. When do you do get up ?

a. I get up in the afternoon.

at night.

b. I get up

c. I get up at 6.00 p.m.

d. I get up at

5 a.m.

10. Why does she come to school ?

a. Because she wants to play with her friend.
b. Because she needs to study subjects.
c. Because she loves animals.

d. Because she likes shopping.


.6/1 :


Malee: Good morning ( 1)

Fruit seller: Yes, please ..(2)

Malee: Two kilos.

Fruit seller: Here you are.

Malee: And (3) me some bananas.
Fruit seller: How many ?
Malee: Five, please.

Fruit seller: (4)..

Malee: Thank you.

Fruit seller: (5).

1. ..
A. Can I help you, please?

B. Can you help me


C. Can I have some oranges, please? D. Can you have

some orange, please?

2. ..
A. How many?

B. How much

C. Do you want two?


D. Are there two

A. Put

D. Give

B. Show

C. Point

4. ...

A. Yes, please

D. Here it is.

B. No, thanks.

C. Here you

A. Never mind.

C. Dont worry.

B. Thats good.

D. Youre welcome.

6. You meet your friend at 3.00 p.m. at the park. How

will you greet them?

A. Good morning

B. Good afternoon

C. Good night

D. Good evening

7. .1

A. Thats good.

C. Its a good news.

my business

B. Congratulation.
D. It isnt


A. I hope to see you later.

you again.

C. Im fine thank you. And you?

to see you again, too.

B. Its nice to see

D. Its nice


A. Thats O.K.

B. Never mind.

C. Youre welcome

D. Dont mention it.

Santi : Here are some mangoes.

Sombat: ..(10) I like bananas.

Santi : .(11) .
Sombat: Thank you.

10. ..
A. I like mangoes.

C. I dont like mangoes.

B. I have mangoes.

D. I dont have


A. I want some bananas.

B. I want some

C. These are some mangoes.

D. Here are some


12. At the food shop.

Food seller: Do you want some roasted duck?

Thanee: . I dont like it.
A. Yes, of course.

B. Yes, please

C. No, Thanks

D. Not at all.


A. Im sorry.

B. Excuse me.

C. I dont know.

D. Can you help me?


A. May I help you, please?


C. May I go out, please?

B. May you help me,

D. May I come in,


15. Ladda : Im sorry. I take the wrong notebook.

Beem : .
A. Never minD.

B. Of course.

C. Youre welcome.

D. Have a good time.

.6/2 :

: /

Read the passage and answers the question 1-5.

I am happy on New Years Day. It is on the first of
January. The weather is very cold. I wear a jacket and a
scarf around my neck. I wish everyone a happy new year.

1. Today is ..
a. Songkran Day

b. New Years Day

c. Christmas Day

d. Childrens Day
2. The weather is .in January.
a. hot

b. wet

c. sunny
d. cold

3. January is the first month of the

a. day

b. week
c. month
d. year

4. What do I wear?
a. jacket
b. scarf

c. jacket and cap

d. jacket and scarf

5. Everyone is .on New Years Day.

a. sad

b. hungry
c. happy

d. angry
Read the passage and answers the question 6-10.
By Linda Owens
Valentines Day is on February 14th. We are going to buy Mom a
card and a box of candy. Dad is taking my sister and me to the store.
We can see the cards and candy there. We want to buy a box of candy
shaped like a heart. It will have candy in the box. It will be pretty. My
sister likes to read the cards at the store. We will buy a sweet card
for Mom. She will like the card and the candy. It will be a happy
Valentines Day for Mom.

6. Who is taking the children to the store?

a. Mom
b. Dad

c. Sister
d. Friends

7. What does the sister like to do at the store?

a. eat candy
b. play

c. read the cards

d. color the cards

8. Where will the candy be?
a. in the house
b. in the box
c. in the car

d. outside the box

9. The girls are going to give mom

a. a heart box

b. a box and flowers

c. a card and a box of candy
d. a heart candy box

10. Mom will be.. on Valentines Day.

a. happy
b. sad

c. laugh
d. cry

11. When is the Halloween Day?

a. Its on the 29 October.

b. Its on the 13 October.


c. Its on the 23 October.


d. Its on the 31 October.


12. What is the Halloween Day?

a. Its the night before Christmas.

b. Its the night of ghosts visiting homes.
c. Its the night party for ghosts.
d. Its the night party for lovers.

13. Which item is not the symbol on Halloween Day?

a. Jack O Lantern
b. A reindeer
c. A vampire
d. A witch

14. What is Christmas Day?

a. Its the day to celebrate the birth of Jesue Christ.

b. Its the day to celebrate Saint Valentines.
c. Its the day to celebrate love.

d. Its the day to celebrate the end of the year.

15. Why do children hang socks on Christmas Eve?

a. To make them warm at night.
b. To decorate their houses.

c. For presents from Santa Claus.

d. For good wishes.

.6/3 :

2.2 .6/2 : /

: /

When we think about Christmas day we will

think of a fat man in the red dress. His name is
Santa Claus. He carries a red big bag which full of
gifts. The children believe that he is an angle who
come from the heaven to give the gifts to them on
Christmas day every year. But he isnt. In fact, he
is a kind old man. He is the symbol of Christmas
day. Until someone thinks that Christmas day is his
There are big celebrations all over the
world. Its a joyful festival for giving the gifts to
each other, especially the children. Someone thinks
that Christmas day is Santa Clauss birthday. But it
isnt. Who is the real owner of Christmas day? He
is Jesus.
Who is Jesus? In the bible said, Jesus is the son
of God who will be died on the cross for redeeming

humans sin on the earth. And on December 25 or

Christmas day, God gave his son names Jesus to be
born on the earth as his promise. So the human are

very joyful to win the sin. And they have the big
celebrations for thank you God. For this great gift.

1. What is Christmas day?

a) Santa Clauss birthday.
b) Heavens birthday.
c) Jesuss birthday.
d) Gods birthday.
2. Who is Santa Claus?
a) A kind old man in red dress.
b) An angle come from heaven.
c) A man come from heaven.
d) An angle in red dress.
3. Who is the real owner of Christmas day?
a) Santa Claus.
b) Heaven.
c) Angle.
d) Jesus.

4. Who is Jesus?
a) An old kind man.
b) Son of GoD.
c) An angle.
d) GoD.
5. What is Gods promise?
a) To give an old kind man.
b) To give his heaven.
c) To give his angle .
d) To give his son.

6. Do you think Christmas day important?

a) Yes, you think.
b) Yes, they do.
c) Yes, it is.
d) Yes, I do.
7. Why is Christmas day important?
a) Because we have got joyful festival.
b) Because we have got redeeming sin.
c) Because we have big celebrations.

d) Because we have got gifts.

8. What did the bible say?
a) Jesus will be die on cross.
b) Jesus can redeem sin.
c) Jesus is son of GoD.
d) All of (a) (b) and (c)

In Thailand, there is a cheerful festival. Its

Loy Kratong Day. Children like
it very much. They like to make Kratongs from
banana leaves. They decorate them beautifully by
some flowers and put a candle, three incenses and
some coins in each Kratong. Then they will bring
them to the river, canal or pond for floating.
Before they float it, they will pray to angle of water
name Pramae Kong-ka. She is an angle in
Brahmanism. They thank you, ask for forgive and
worship her too.They believe Pramae Kong-ka
keep and take care water. It helps them to have
enough water.

1. What is the important of Loy Kratong day?

a) To worship Pramae Kong-kA.
b) Made from banana leaves.
c) A cheerful festival.
d) Floating in the river.
2. What should we do before floating
a) To pray to the angle of water.
b) To decorate it beautifully.
c) To put some flowers.
d) To bring it at the river.
3. Do they put some coins in kratong too?
a) No, you dont.
b) No, they dont.
c) Yes, they do.
d) Yes, you do.

What is Valentines day? And how does it

Valentines day is the day of love. Its on

February 14 every year. For remember Saints

Valentine who fulled of love and best wishes for

humanity. He was dead on this day in the jail. Saints
Valentine is a leader of Christianity. He was very
kind. He brought some food to put in front of the
poors house.
In the past, Christianity was resisted by Roman.
So Saints Valentine was caught and was taken into the
jail. Before he would be kill one day. He met his
lover. She was blind. But with his love, he prayed to
God for healing her blindness. By his praying, his
lover was not blind. She could see everything. He
wrote the ending of his letter to her before he was
killed . From your Valentine.
Later, it became a Valentines festival. People give
red roses, some chocolate or pretty gift to their
lover or someone they love. Some lover have
wedding on this day too. Why? Because they
realize that real love is the most important for
living together in this peaceful world !

1. When is Valentines day?

a) The dead day of Saints Valentine.
b) For remembering Saints Valentine.

c) On February 14 every year.

d) Its the day of love.
2. Why did Saints Valentine was killed?
a) Because he was Christian.
b) Because he was poor.
c) Because he was blind.
d) Because he was kind.
3. How did he heal his lovers blindness?
a) He brought some food to the poor
b) He gave pretty gifts to his lover.
c) He prayed to God for healing her.
d) He gave red roses to her.
4. Is the real love the most important for
living together in this peaceful world?
a) No, she isnt.
b) No, he isnt.
c) Yes, he is.

d) Yes, it is.


.6/1 : /

1. Mary ______ Joanne are my sisters.

A. and

B. or

C. but

D. so

2. I study every night ______ I can pass the test.

A. and

B. or

C. but

D. so

3. We can drive into the city, _________ we can take

the bus.
A. and

B. or

C. but

D. so

4. He did not have enough money for a soda and

chips, _________ he just bought a soda.
A. and

B. or

C. but

D. so

5. I wanted to call you last night, ____________ my

brother was on the phone.
A. and

B. or

C. but

D. so

6. I can pick you up after school, __________ you

can walk home.

A. and

B. or

C. but

D. so

7. There was no food in the refrigerator,

____________ we ordered pizza.
A. and

B. or

C. but

D. so

Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

8. dog runs the fast
A. The dog runs fast.
B. Dog the fast runs.
C. Runs the fast dog.
D. The fast run dog
9. watches movie she the
A. Movie she the watches.
B. The movie watches she.
C. She watches the movie.
D. The movie watches she.
10. cold the is milk.
A. Milk is the cold.
B. The cold is milk.
C. The milk is cold.

D. Cold is the milk

11. has cat she pretty a
A. Pretty cat has a she.
B. She has a pretty cat.
C. She has a cat pretty.
D. A pretty cat has she.
12. car he cool a wants
A. He wants a cool car.
B. Cool car he wants a.
C. Car cool he a wants.
D. He cool a want car.
13. is scary very monster the
A. Monster scary is very the.
B. The monster is very scary.
C. The very scary monster is.
D. The scary monster is very


.6/1 :

1. What does your mother do?

A. She likes to sing a song

B. Shes


C. Shes a teacher.

D. Shes smart.

A. plumber

B. doctor

2. John is a .. . He works in the rice field.

C. engineer

D. farmer

3. My younger sister wants to be a.. . She likes to

help the sick.

A. doctor

C. teacher

B. bus driver

D. postman

4. George is an . . He builds houses.

A. dentist

B. carpenter

C. farmer

D. driver

5. Susan lends the books to people. She works at the


A. library
C. aquarium

B. post office

6. Which is not a musical instrument?

A. guitar

D. museum

B. cymbal

C. racket

D. flute

7. Cherry teaches her students how to draw pictures. Shes

a/n . .

A. Art teacher

C. P.E. teacher

B. tour guide
D. Painter

8. Kwanta is a good photographer. She likes to

. .

A. teach pupils

C. water the plants

B. draw pictures
D. take photos

9. Nan shows people around towns. She is a

A. photographer
C. guide

B. teacher

D. artist

10. What does the sign + mean? It means ..

A. plus

C. times

B. minus

D. divide

11. Chompoo wants to know about animals. She takes good

care of her dogs when they are sick. She should be
when she grows up.
A. doctor
C. nurse

B. vet
D. teacher

12. Which of the following should be in the kitchen?

A. orange

B. mangosteen

C. garlic

D. durian

13. Mum wants to make shrimp pasts, so she needs to buy a

few.to make it a bit sour.
A. onions

C. oranges

B. garlics

D. limes

14. If you want to be a good farmer, learn how

A. grow
C. keep

B. cut

D. make

15. Venesa is from Germany. She is a/n . .

A. Spanish
C. British

16. How do you go to school?

A. By bus

C. Very well, thanks.

B. German

D. American
B. I am fine.

D. I am a pupil.

17. A: ?
B: At 6 oclock.

A. What do you do

you get up

B. What time do

C. Where is your bed room

D. How old

are you

18. do you go to the movies? Twice a


A. How

B. What

C. How often

D. Where


.6/1 :

1. At classroom : Youd like to come in the class. You
say _____________

A. May I come in ?

B. Come in , please.

C. Excuse me. May I come in , please ?

D. Can I

come in , please ?

2. Youd like to wish your friend on his birthday . You

say _______________.
A. Birthday to you.

C. Have a nice day.

B. Happy birthday to
D. Happy to you.

3. The visitors come to your school. You say

A. Welcome

B. Youre welcome.

C. Great to come.

D. Very nice to come.

4. You will meet your friend tomorrow. You say

A. See you again.

B. Hope to see


C. See you soon.

D. See you


5. Your friend give you a pen. You say ______________.

A. Thank you.
C. Welcome.

B. Youre welcome.
D. Dont worry.

6. Sam: Im trying to listen to the

Ted: Im sorry ,Sam.
a) Do you enjoy talking?
b) Could you help me, please?
c) Could you be quiet, please?
d) Do you want to see the movies.

7. Teacher: Why didnt you take the test yesterday?

Student:. I didnt come to school.
a) I didnt like it.
b) I will go to Phuket
c) I was sick.
d) I always study hard.

8. If you come late. What you can say?

a) Sorry, Im late
b) Youre welcome
c) Very good, Im late
d) Goodbye, Im late.
9. Alice: Can I borrow your umbrella?
Tom: Yes, Here you are.
Alice: Thank you.
Tom: _______________ .
a) See you again
b) Youre welcome
c) Nice to meet you.
d) Nice to see you.
At the department store
Seller : Hello (5)..

Customer : Yes, please. I want to buy a shirt.

Seller :


Customer : Blue

A. Can I help you?

B. What do you want?
C. Do you like a shirt?
D. What are you doing?

11. A. How much does it cost?

B. What color do you like?
C. Do you like a blue shirt?
D. How often do you buy a shirt?

Choose the best one answer:

Situation : Interview for joB.


: Hello. My name is Erie. Whats your

Joey : My name is Joey

: Nice to meet you.

How old are you?

Joey : (7)

Eric :


Joey :

I live at 16 Silom Road, Bangkok

Eric :

What is your hobby?

Joey :


12 . A. I like football.
B. My number is 38868011
C. Im 24 years olD.
D. Im from ThailanD.
13 . A. Where do you live?
B. What color do you like?
C. How tall are you?
D. What is your hobby?


A. Im 165 centimeters
B. I like to draw
C. I like to drink coffee
D. Thank you

Situation : In the classroom

Teacher : Today Im sick

Student : (10).
Teacher : I have a colD.
Student : Do you go to see the (11)
. ?
Teacher : yes, I do.
15. A. How old are you ?
B. Whats the matter?
C. How are you?
D. Where are you from?
16. A. manager
B. soldier
C. police man
D. doctor


.6/1 :

1. Jack is from the United States of AmericA. She is


A. Chinese
C. British

B. Spanish

d,. American

2. Sue is going to Britain next week. The plane..at

7 A.m.

A. is taking off

C. will take off

3. What time is it? ( 10 : 30 )

B. takes off

D. has taken off

A. Ten fifteen

B. Ten thirty

C. Thirty ten

D. Ten oclock

4. What is Tom like? He

A. likes to sing a song

B. is


C. is tall and thin


D. doesnt like

5. What is Barbara doing now?

A. Shes watered the plants

B. She

waters the plants

C. She watered the plants

D. Shes

watering the plants

6. is someone who treats patients.

A. A doctor

C. A farmer

B. A scientist

D. A carpenter

7. George always takes his dog for a walk when he is free.

What does George like to do in his free time? He likes
to .

A. feed the dog

dog to the vet.

C. walk the dog

B. take his
D. play with


Read the following story and then answer the questions.

May is a time of fun for children, parents and teachers.

Moms and dads take children to the store to buy school

supplies. They buy pencils, paper, crayons, glue and erasers.

There will be hard work to do at school, but it will be fun
too. The lazy days of summer are over. The busy days of
school work are just beginning! Welcome to school.
28. For whom is May a time of fun?
A. children
C. parents

B. teachers

D. children,

parents and teachers

9. Where do parents take their children to?

A. Department store
C. the market

10. What do they not buy?

A. crayons
C. pepper

B. the store
D. Lotus3
B. glue
D. pencils

11. They (line 2) means . .

A. children
C. teachers

B. parents

D. moms and


12. The word it ( line 3) means..

A. school

C. pencils

B. hard work

D. supplies

Read the following story and then answer the questions.

Saturday is our day to clean but mom turns work into

fun. We love singing and dancing. We like to sing when we
dust. We like to dance when we mop. We clean the kitchen
together. We do the wash together. We both wear our caps.

When we finish the work, we hurry to the store. We shop for

fooD. Mom lets me buy the fruits that I like best. We carry
the food home. Mom tells stories while we walk. At night,

our work is done. Friends come over. We cook dinner. We

sing and dance, Saturday is our day to clean, but mom turns
work into fun.

13. When do they clean?

A. on Saturday

C. any time they feel like

B. any day

D. on


14. What do they like to do? They like to .

A. sing

C. sing and dance

B. dance

D. do the wash


15. What does mom do when they walk?

A. sing and dance

C. do the wash together


B. sing a song
D. tell


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