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User Requirement Specification

Workshop E – Job Planner


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2 DETAILS OF USER REQUIREMENTS...............................................................6
2.1 DATA EXCHANGE OVERVIEW................................................................................6
2.2 IMPORT JOB PLANNER........................................................................................9
2.3 EXPORT JOB PLANNER.....................................................................................10
2.5 OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF JOB PLANNER & XPC SCHEDULE...................................11
2.6 ASSUMPTIONS................................................................................................. 11
2.7 EXISTING HBC TEXT FILE FORMAT......................................................................12
2.8 EXISTING LINMARK LOGON XML FILE FORMAT....................................................14

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registered trademarks of their respective owners. ecVision Ltd. is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in
this document.
The scope of Job Planner Integration Requirements is/are following:
• Import Job Planner for Customer Data Exchange
• Export Job Planner for Customer Data Exchange
• Integration of Job Planner and XPC Schedule Module

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registered trademarks of their respective owners. ecVision Ltd. is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in
this document.
2.1 Data Exchange Overview

The Job Planner Data Exchange Module can be divided into two major

• Import Job Planner Data and Update XPC Schedule Task.

Customer Import XPC

File Job Planner
Processor Schedule

• Export Job Planner and Schedule Data.

XPC Export Customer

Job Planner
+ Schedule Processor File

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registered trademarks of their respective owners. ecVision Ltd. is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in
this document.
The Customer File contains all the
updated data which is provided by
Customer. For more details, please
File refer to Appendix 3.1

The Import Processor is responsible for

executing all the import procedures
which includes:
• Parse Customer Data File
Import • Resolve the difference of Data
Format between Customer Data
and Linmark Data
• Insert New Job Planner Data
• Update XPC Schedule Data
• Generate the result of Import

The Export Process is responsible for

executing all export procedures which
• Query all Job Planner Data which
need to export.
Export • Query all the Updated Job
Processor Planner Data from XPC Schedule
• Combine these two sets of Data
to produce a full set of Job
Planner Data
• Generate the Export File
The Job Planner Tables store 3 kinds
of Data
• Original Job Planner Data.
• Customer-specific Setting.
Job • Cross-reference Setting for
Planner mapping of Customer and
Tables Linmark Data

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registered trademarks of their respective owners. ecVision Ltd. is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in
this document.
The XPC Schedule Module is
responsible for
• Store the Job Planner Data which
can be updated by Linmark User.
• Provide function for user to
Schedule manipulate the XPC Schedule
Module Data
• Provide a View of Job Planner

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this document.
2.2 Import Job Planner

1. All the Customer uploaded Job Planner files will be processed in

ascending chronological order.
2. System should provide Cross-reference tables for storing Customer-
specified Setting and the Import Mapping between Customer Job Planner
Data and Linmark XPC Data.
3. The Cross-reference Tables may also help to parse the Import File with
Customer-specific Format.
4. System should store the Original Job Planner Data for data mapping when
export and restoration of XPC Schedule.
5. System should also update the corresponding XPC Schedules for those
Job Planner records which can be matched to existing XPC Schedules.
6. For the mapping of Job Planner Records and XPC Schedule Records,
System should make use of key “Job-id” + “Milestone-id” + “Task-item” +
7. If the key (“Job-id” + “Milestone-id” + “Task-item” + “Color”) cannot be
mapped to existing Linmark XPC Schedule Record, then System should
create a new XPC Schedule Record for storing of that new Customer Job
Planner Record.
8. For each Customer Job Planner Record with same Job-id should be
grouped into a single XPC Schedule.
9. System should only modify Job Planner Data with “I” or “U” flag in XPC
Schedule Task. Fields that are updated include “Plan Date” (Schedule Due
Date in XPC Schedule), “Actual Date”(Complete Date in XPC Schedule)
and “Task/Milestone Status”.
10. For cancelled Job-id, system will mark the “Milestone Status” of
corresponding tasks in the corresponding XPC Schedule as cancelled. For
those Job Planner Tasks with “I” Flag, system will also cancel the
corresponding XPC Schedule Tasks.
11. For failed Milestone, system will fail the XPC Schedule Task and
regenerate a new XPC Schedule Task.
12. System produces a result log of import process for each Job Planner
13. All successfully processed files will be moved to a specific destination.
14. All failed files will be moved to another specific destination.

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registered trademarks of their respective owners. ecVision Ltd. is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in
this document.
2.3 Export Job Planner

1. System should export Job Planner Data to a Customer-specified Format

2. System should export all Job Planner record under the following
a. The last updated date of record is current date
b. The action type of record is “U”(Update), which means this record
can be updated by Linmark user.
3. System should provide Cross-reference tables for storing customer setting
and the Export Mapping template between Customer Data and Linmark
Data for Export.
4. The Cross-reference Tables may also help to re-produce the Export File
with Customer-specified Format.
5. The exported files will be generated to a specific destination.

2.4 Job Planner & XPC Schedule Data Synchronization in


1. System should allow user to view the Original Job Planner Data.
2. System should allow user to view the Modified Job Planner Data, which
includes “Plan Date”, “Actual Date” and “Task/Milestone Status”.
3. System should allow user to update the Job Planner Data, which includes
“Plan Date”, “Actual Date” and “Task/Milestone Status”.
4. In order to roll back XPC Schedule Data that has been misstakenly
updated by user, System should restore those XPC Schedule Data from
Job Planner daily under the following conditions:
a. The Last Updated Date of record is current date and the action type
of record is “I” (Information), which means this record is for
information only and should not be updated by Linmark user.
System will restore “Schedule Due Date”, “Complete Date” and
“Milestone Status”.
b. The Last Updated Date of record is current date and the action type
of record is “U” (Update), which means this record can be updated
by Linmark user and also the “Schedule Due Date” in XPC
Schedule and “Plan Date” in Job Planner are not same. (In this
case, system will only restore the field “Schedule Due Date”)

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registered trademarks of their respective owners. ecVision Ltd. is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in
this document.
2.5 Other Requirements of Job Planner & XPC Schedule

1. System should allow user to search Job Planner records by using Style
No, Vendor Name, and Delivery Date.
2. System should allow user export the Job Planner Data manually by
passing the Job Id.
3. System should allow administrator to configure Exportable Flag (Yes/No)
for Export Job Planner/XPC Schedule Data with the following parameter.
a. Customer
b. Vendor
c. Milestone Status
4. System should provide a report for displaying newly created Job Id and
cancelled Job Id.

2.6 Assumptions

1. End users are responsible for mapping XPC Schedules correctly to Order

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registered trademarks of their respective owners. ecVision Ltd. is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in
this document.

2.7 Existing HBC Text file format

Field Name Data Lengt Start End Notes
Type h position position
Record-type Char 1 1 1 Value = ‘H’ (header)
File-type Char 30 2 31 Value = ‘milestone
update ‘
Header-date Numeric 8 32 39 Format is
Header-time Numeric 8 40 47 Format is HHMMSS
Filler Char 553 48 600 Blanks

Field Name Data Lengt Start End Notes
Type h position position
Record-type Char 1 1 1 Value = ‘D’ (detail)
Job-Id Numeric 7 2 8 Internal use only
Banner- Char 3 9 11 Value = ‘Bay’ or ‘Zel’
Style Char 30 12 41
Ship-date Numeric 8 42 49
Vendor- Char 50 50 99
Template- Char 50 100 149
Milestone-id Numeric 7 150 156 Internal use only
Milestone- Char 50 157 206
Task-item Char 50 207 256
Colour Char 50 257 306
Description Char 25 307 331
Item-due- Numeric 8 332 339
Item-revised- Numeric 8 340 347
Item-arrival- Numeric 8 348 355
Review-due- Numeric 8 356 363

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this document.
Review- Numeric 8 364 371
Review- Numeric 8 372 379 LINMARK UPDATE
actual-date FIELD *
Milestone- Char 15 380 394 LINMARK UPDATE
status FIELD *
Comments Char 100 395 494 LINMARK UPDATE
Action-id Char 1 495 495 Value = ‘U’ (update)
‘I’ (information only)
Filler Char 105 496 600 Blanks
* LINMARK to update field if action-id of record = ‘U’
-all date fields are in format DDMMYYYY

Field Name Data Lengt Start End Notes
Type h position position
Record-type Char 1 1 1 Value = ‘T’ (trailer)
File-type Char 30 2 31 Value = ‘milestone
update ‘
Trailer-date Numeric 8 32 39 Format is DDMMYYYY
Trailer-date- Numeric 8 40 47 Format is HHMMSS
Record- Numeric 10 48 57 Excludes header and
count trailer record
Filler Char 543 58 600 Blanks

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registered trademarks of their respective owners. ecVision Ltd. is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in
this document.
2.8 Existing Linmark LOGON XML file format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<action_calendar_data_exchange file_timestamp="" >
<item rownum="">
<item_due_date xsi:nil="true"/>
<item_revised_date xsi:nil="true"/>
<item_arrival_date xsi:nil="true"/>
<logon_actual_date xsi:nil="true"/>

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<add_date1 xsi:nil="true"/>
<add_date2 xsi:nil="true"/>

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This User Requirement Specification is agreed by Linmark and

ecVision representatives.

Project Owner
ecVision Limited

Project Assurance
Linmark (HK) Limited

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