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Phyllis A Kennedy

Generated on: 11/20/2014

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Table of Contents


Criminal Records



Court Runners

Phyllis A Kennedy
Location: Pilot Knob, MO
S u m m a ry

Personal Information
Aliase s:

Phyllis A Kennedy
Phyllis A Kennedy
Phyllis Kennedy
Phyllis Kennedy
Phyllis H Kennedy
Phyllis H Kennedy
Phyllis Kennedy Sanderlin
Phyllis Kennedysanderlin
Phylis Kennedy
Phyliss Kennedy Sharp
Phyliss Kennedysharp
Phyliss Kennedy Sharp
P Kennedy
P Sharp
Phyllis A Sanderlin

Age :


Pho ne :

573-54 6 -0 80 8
573-783-39 22
573-54 6 -0 9 88
573-54 6 -0 285
573-54 6 -0 6 0 5
573-783-24 87

P ro p e rty

Address History

Addre ss

Po Bo x 4 89 , Pilo t Kno b, MO 6 36 6 3

Po Bo x 76 , Pilo t Kno b, MO 6 36 6 3

Po Bo x 322, Frederickto wn, MO 6 36 4 5

30 2 S McCune, Bo x APT, Pilo t Kno b, MO 6 36 6 3

30 4 W Russell St, Iro nto n, MO 6 36 50

30 5 E Walnut St, Arcadia, MO 6 36 21

30 6 S McCune St, Pilo t Kno b, MO 6 36 6 3

135 E Walnut, Iro nto n, MO 6 36 50

10 20 Madiso n 26 8, Frederickto wn, MO 6 36 4 5

Ad d res s es
Fo und

Last Se e n Dat e

C rim in a l R e c o rd s

Criminal Records

Rec o rd s

Likely Matches:
These reco rds have the same name and date o f birth as the perso n yo u selected. In mo st cases, this is a stro ng indicato r that
the perso n yo u selected is also the perso n in the result belo w.
No results.

Possible Matches:
These reco rds have the same name o r the same date o f birth as the perso n yo u selected. So metimes co urt reco rds are
inco mplete as a result o f being filtered thro ugh different co urt systems o r because o f typo graphic erro rs when mo ving the
reco rds fro m paper to co mputerized fo rmat.
No results.

R e l a tiv e s

Possible Relatives

Nam e


Addre ss

Co dy R Kennedy


17 King Dr, Ro lla, MO 6 54 0 1

(0 8/20 0 9 - 10 /20 10 )
4 0 9 W Wayne St, Iro nto n, MO 6 36 50
(0 3/20 0 8 - 0 8/20 0 9 )

To nyi R Warden


17 King Dr, Ro lla, MO 6 54 0 1

No Occupancy Dates Specified
4 0 9 W Wayne St, Iro nto n, MO 6 36 50
(12/20 0 6 - 0 9 /20 0 7)

Charles M Sanderlin


Po Bo x 4 89 , Pilo t Kno b, MO 6 36 6 3
(0 8/19 9 6 - 0 8/19 9 6 )

William F Siebert


Po Bo x, Iro nto n, MO 6 36 50
No Occupancy Dates Specified

Jannette Sue Sanderlin


Rr 3 Bo x 9 9 3, Unio n, MO 6 30 84
(12/19 83 - 12/19 83)
Rr 2 Bo x 74 0 , Unio n, MO 6 30 84
(0 4 /19 6 8 - 0 4 /19 6 8)

Tho mas J Kennedy


217 Steambo at Ln Apt 20 2, Ballwin, MO 6 30 11

(0 3/20 0 5 - 0 6 /20 0 6 )
12333 Inletridge Dr Apt B, Maryland Heights, MO 6 30 4 3
No Occupancy Dates Specified

Phyllis H Kennedy


Po Bo x 76 , Pilo t Kno b, MO 6 36 6 3
(0 1/19 85 - 0 1/19 9 4 )
30 2 S McCune Bo x APT, Pilo t Kno b, MO 6 36 6 3
No Occupancy Dates Specified

R K Sharp


Po Bo x 4 6 5, Frederickto wn, MO 6 36 4 5
(0 8/19 9 9 - 0 1/20 0 3)
Po Bo x 4 34 , Bo urbo n, MO 6 54 4 1
(0 8/19 9 7 - 0 8/19 9 7)

Russell L Sharp


9 3 Sylvia Dr, Mammo th Spring, AR 72554

(0 9 /20 0 5 - 0 9 /20 0 6 )


Lisa J Sharp


270 7 W Service Rd, Saint Clair, MO 6 30 77

(0 1/20 0 3 - 0 1/20 0 3)
270 7 N Service Rd, Saint Clair, MO 6 30 77
No Occupancy Dates Specified


Charity A No ble


1538 Lake Dr, Iro nto n, MO 6 36 50

(20 0 5 - 0 1/20 0 5)
Po Bo x 4 89 , Pilo t Kno b, MO 6 36 6 3
(20 0 5 - 20 0 5)


Christo pher S No ble


326 W Bushy Hill Dr, Duncan, SC 29 334

(0 6 /19 9 9 - 0 6 /20 0 4 )

39 75 N Nellis Blvd Apt 210 9 , Las Vegas, NV 89 115

No Occupancy Dates Specified

Christo pher S No ble


1538 Lake Dr, Iro nto n, MO 6 36 50

(20 0 5 - 0 1/20 0 5)
Po Bo x 4 89 , Pilo t Kno b, MO 6 36 6 3
No Occupancy Dates Specified


Elizabeth Bro o me McDaniel


11 Angela Cir, Spartanburg, SC 29 34 9

(0 3/20 0 0 - 0 3/20 0 0 )
11 Angler Dr, Spartanburg, SC 29 30 3
(0 4 /19 9 3 - 0 4 /19 9 3)


Kenneth L No ble


11 Angela Cir, Spartanburg, SC 29 30 3

(10 /19 9 3 - 10 /19 9 3)


Michael Andrew No ble


212 Cedar Bluff Dr, Mo o re, SC 29 36 9

(0 3/20 0 4 - 11/20 0 8)
10 17 Crestmo nt Way, Greenville, SC 29 6 15
No Occupancy Dates Specified


Casey Co rn No ble


16 9 Weaver Rd, Inman, SC 29 34 9

(0 8/20 0 0 - 11/20 0 8)
212 Cedar Bluff Dr, Mo o re, SC 29 36 9
No Occupancy Dates Specified


Kenneth L No ble



Tho mas Kennedy



Elizabeth D Kennedy


Rr 2 Bo x 6 9 8, Iro nto n, MO 6 36 50
No Occupancy Dates Specified
4 10 Marie St, Cape Girardeau, MO 6 370 1
(11/20 0 3 - 0 5/20 0 5)


Do nald L Go o dman


Rr 2 Bo x 6 9 8, Iro nto n, MO 6 36 50
(0 1/20 0 3 - 0 4 /20 10 )
Po Bo x 6 9 8, Iro nto n, MO 6 36 6 3
No Occupancy Dates Specified


Leslie L Go o dman


Rr 2 Bo x 6 9 8, Iro nto n, MO 6 36 50
(11/19 9 6 - 0 9 /20 0 9 )
Po Bo x 6 9 8, Iro nto n, MO 6 36 6 3
No Occupancy Dates Specified


Nicho las T Go o dman


280 4 Charlo tte St Apt 4 , Kansas City, MO 6 4 10 9

No Occupancy Dates Specified
Rr 2 Bo x 6 9 8, Iro nto n, MO 6 36 50
(0 4 /20 0 1 - 10 /20 0 9 )


Matthew D Go o dman


276 S Steury Rd, Springfield, MO 6 580 9

(0 7/20 0 5 - 0 6 /20 13)
9 Tucker Ln, Fulto n, MO 6 5251
(12/19 9 9 - 0 1/20 0 5)


Do nald L Go o dman


6 9 8 Rr 2, Iro nto n, MO 6 36 50

No Occupancy Dates Specified


Leslie Rr Go o dman



Keith Kennedy-Sharp



Wesley J Sharp


10 20 Madiso n Apt, Frederickto wn, MO 6 36 4 5

No Occupancy Dates Specified

A s s o c ia te s

Possible Associates

Nam e


Addre ss

David S Kemp


211 SW 20 th Ter, Oak Gro ve, MO 6 4 0 75

(0 1/20 12 - 0 1/20 12)
1212 Co tto n Wo o d Cir, Pleasant Hill, MO 6 4 0 80
(20 12 - 20 12)

Nancy P Kemp


1117 Laurel Ave Apt 5, Kno xville, TN 379 16

(0 4 /20 0 3 - 0 4 /20 0 3)
2834 Whitener St Apt 4 , Cape Girardeau, MO 6 370 1
No Occupancy Dates Specified

No na Patience Kemp


Po Bo x 76 , Pilo t Kno b, MO 6 36 6 3
(10 /19 9 2 - 10 /19 9 2)

Stanto n W Kemp


30 0 S Main St, Frederickto wn, MO 6 36 4 5

(19 9 5 - 0 7/19 9 5)
4 810 Spring Ridge Rd Apt 126 , Enid, OK 7370 3
(0 2/19 88 - 0 9 /19 9 2)

Christo pher S No ble


326 W Bushy Hill Dr, Duncan, SC 29 334

(0 6 /19 9 9 - 0 6 /20 0 4 )
39 75 N Nellis Blvd Apt 210 9 , Las Vegas, NV 89 115
No Occupancy Dates Specified

Julie L Turner


336 E Reyno lds St, Iro nto n, MO 6 36 50

(0 1/20 12 - 0 1/20 12)
1785 Hc 6 9 Bo x 1785, Iro nto n, MO 6 36 50
(0 2/20 0 1 - 0 2/20 0 1)

Christo pher S No ble


1538 Lake Dr, Iro nto n, MO 6 36 50

(20 0 5 - 0 1/20 0 5)
Po Bo x 4 89 , Pilo t Kno b, MO 6 36 6 3
No Occupancy Dates Specified

C o u rtR u n n e rs

Court Runners

Disclaim e r: While we are co nstantly updating and refining o ur database and service, we do no t represent o r warrant that the
results pro vided will be 10 0 % accurate and up to date. BeenVerified is a database o f publicly available so urces o f info rmatio n
aggregated fo r yo ur co nvenience. BeenVerified do es no t pro vide private investigato r services and this info rmatio n sho uld no t be
used fo r emplo yment, tenant screening, o r any FCRA related purpo ses. BeenVerified do es no t make any representatio n o r
warranty as to the character o r the integrity o f the perso n, business, o r entity that is the subject o f any search inquiry pro cessed
thro ugh o ur service.
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