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Hay Guide Chart

Every job exists to add value to the

organization through delivering
some set of results.

Submitted By:
Surbhi- CHF 22
Charu Singh- CHF 06

Job Evaluation
It is a systematic
method of
appraising the value
or worth of one job
in relation to the
other in an
It becomes easier to
fix an equitable and
fair wage structure
for different grades of

Need for a Job Evaluation

The process of evaluating jobs enables many
important applications, such as:

Designing effective organizations;

Clarifying interdependencies and accountabilities;
managing succession and talent;
Setting competitive, value-based pay policies.
To ensure a reasonable balance between flexibility and
control, many organizations are revamping the process
through which they value work.

One key driver is the

need to re-establish
discipline within
programs, and to better
align pay with value
creationparticularly at
executive levels.

The job
processes help
well beyond
appropriate pay

Evaluating jobs not only provides

consistent work value
measurement, it also gives
organizations a common
framework and language to
design jobs , define career
progressions, analyze
organization structures, and more
strategically manage human

Hay Group Guide Chart Profile Method of Job Evaluation

In the early 1950s, Edward N. Hay and Dale Purves developed a Guide
Chart- Profile method for evaluating jobs that is one of the most
popular methods used for evaluating executive, managerial and
professional positions but also widely used in evaluating clerical,
blue-collar and technician jobs.

It is based on the notion that jobs can be measured on the basis of

their relative contribution to the overall objectives of the organization.
By considering core aspects of content and context that are common
to all jobs, it provides a clear, understandable and systematic basis
for defining and comparing the requirements for all kinds of jobs at all

The Hay Method is based on the idea that jobs can be

assessed in terms of:

the knowledge required to do the job;

the analytical ability needed to solve the problems
commonly faced;
the responsibilities assigned, and;
the working conditions associated with the job.

Hay Group Guide Chart


is based on three factors:

It starts from the premise that all

jobs exist to achieve a purposeto
create value in their organization
and evaluates this by analyzing
what is the value that is created
(accountability), how it is created
(problem solving) and what the job
requirements are that a person has
to meet in order to deliver the value

Important Universal Factors



Problem Solving

Hay Group Guide Charts

Hay Groups guide charts are proprietary instruments that
consistent work evaluations.
Each of the factorsknow-how, problem solving, and
accountabilityhas its own guide chart that reflects the
elements identified above.
These help to yield consistent and legally defensible work
Hay Groups job evaluation approach , is the worlds most
widely accepted for managerial and executive posts.

Know How
To achieve the accountabilities of a job requires knowhow (or inputs), which is the sum total of every capability
or skill, however acquired, needed for fully competent job
It has three dimensions:
Practical / technical knowledge
Planning, organizing and integrating (managerial)
Communicating and influencing skills


A. Basic
B. Elementary
C. Intermediate Skill And / Or Knowledge
D. Extended Skill And / Or Knowledge
E. Diverse or Specialized
F. Seasoned, Diverse or Specialized
G. Broad or Specialized Mastery

Level Explanation

Performance of a task(s) highly specific as to objective

and content, and not involving the leadership of others.


Performance or direction of activities, which are similar

as to content and objectives with appropriate awareness
of other activities.


Direction of an important unit with varied activities and

objectives OR guidance of an important sub function(s)
or several important elements across several units.


Direction of a major unit with noticeable functional

diversity OR guidance of a function(s) which significantly
affects all or most of the organization.


Management of all units and functions within the



1. Basic
2. Important

3. Critical

Know-How points are derived from the matching

of the three dimensions described above. For
example, a Cognitive scoring of D, combined
with a Managerial scoring of I and Human
Relation skills of 3 provides a total Know-How
ranking. Often the notation used to display the
Know-How factor is written as, DI3.

Problem Solving
Problem solving (or throughputs) refers to the use of
know-how to identify, delineate, and resolve problems.
Problem solving measures the requirement to use knowhow conceptually and analytically.
It has two dimensions:
Thinking environment
Thinking challenge

A. Highly Structured
B. Routine
C. Semi-Routine
D. Standardized
E. Clearly Defined
F. Generally Defined
G. Broadly Defined
H. Abstract


1. Repetitive
2. Patterned
3. Varied
4. Adaptive
5. Unchartered

Problem Solving points are derived from the

matching of the two dimensions described above.
For example, a Thinking Environment scoring of
D, combined with a Thinking Challenge scoring
of 3 provides a percentage. To find Problem
Solving points, match the Know-How total score
and the Problem Solving %. This provides the
total Problem Solving ranking.

Accountability measures the type and level of value a job
can add. In this sense, it is the jobs measured effect on
an organizations value chain.
It has three dimensions:
Freedom to Act



These jobs are subject to explicit, detailed instructions AND/OR

constant personal or procedural supervision.

These jobs are subject to direct and detailed instructions AND/OR very
close supervision.

These jobs are subject to instruction and established work routines

AND/OR close supervision.

These jobs are subject, wholly or in part, to standardized practices and

procedures, general work instructions and supervision or progress and

These jobs are subject, wholly or in part, to practices and procedures

covered by precedents or well-defined policies, and supervisory

These jobs, by their nature and size, are subject to broad practices and
procedures covered by functional precedents and policies,
achievement of a circumscribed operational activity, and to managerial

These jobs, by their nature or size, are broadly subject to functional

policies and goals and to managerial direction of a general nature.

Subject to the guidance of broad organization policies, community or



M (Minimal)
1 (Very Small)
2 (Very Small)
3 (Medium)








Accountability points are derived from the

matching of the three dimensions described
above. For example, a Freedom to Act scoring of
D, combined with a Magnitude scoring of 1
and an Impact scoring of C provides a total
Accountability ranking of D1C.

Working Conditions
This Guide Chart measures the conditions under which the job is
performed by considering:
Physical Effort, which measures the degree of physical fatigue
that results from the combination of intensity, duration, and
frequency of any kind of physical activity required in the job.
Physical Environment, which measures the physical discomfort or
the risk of accident or ill health which results from the
combination of intensity, duration, and frequency of exposure, in
the job, to unavoidable physical and environmental factors.

Sensory Attention, which measures the intensity, duration, and

frequency of the demand, in the job, for concentration using
one or more of the five senses.

Mental Stress, which measures the degree of such things as

tension or anxiety which result from the combination of
intensity, duration, and frequency of exposure to factors,
inherent in the work process or environment, which would
typically cause stress to someone reasonably suited to the job.

By focusing on the important aspects of the content of each job,
the end results which each is expected to achieve, and the
conditions under which the work is performed, the Hay Method
provides a vehicle for systematically assessing the relationships
among the various positions and determining their relative value.
Leading organizations use job evaluation as a source of
competitive advantage by improving the organizations ability to
manage its investment in human resources with greater
credibility, discipline, and fairness.
It is a critical management tool, extremely useful in ensuring an
organizations proper integration of strategy, culture, structure,
process, people, and reward.


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