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These attachments address both ObamaDontCare and Rush; the former provides quotations from the

A.C.A. related to pending litigation and to abortion.

26 U.S. Code 36B - Refundable credit for coverage under a qualified health plan
(a) In general
In the case of an applicable taxpayer, there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax
imposed by this subtitle for any taxable year an amount equal to the premium
assistance credit amount of the taxpayer for the taxable year.
(b) Premium assistance credit amount
For purposes of this section
(1) In general
The term premium assistance credit amount means, with respect to
any taxable year, the sum of the premium assistance amounts
determined under paragraph (2) with respect to all coverage months of
the taxpayer occurring during the taxable year.
(2) Premium assistance amount
The premium assistance amount determined under this subsection with
respect to any coverage month is the amount equal to the lesser of
(A) the monthly premiums for such month for 1 or more
qualified health plans offered in the individual market
within a State which cover the taxpayer, the taxpayers
spouse, or any dependent (as defined in section 152) of
the taxpayer and which were enrolled in through an
Exchange established by the State under 1311 [1] of the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or
(B) the excess (if any) of
(i) the adjusted monthly premium for
such month for the applicable second
lowest cost silver plan with respect to
the taxpayer, over
(ii) an amount equal to 1/12 of the
product of the applicable percentage
and the taxpayers household income
for the taxable year.
The Affordable Care Act's defining a health insurance exchange [in scintillating Section
1311] as a "governmental agency or nonprofit entity that is established by a state."
Section 1321 allows the federal government to set up federal exchanges in states that
do not take on the task themselves.
Section 1401(f)(3) requires both federal and state exchanges to report information
about any credits being administered. [Why would federal exchanges need to report
that information, if they were not administering credits?]


(a) Special Rules Relating to Coverage of Abortion Services.
(A) IN GENERAL. Notwithstanding any other provision
of this title (or any amendment made by this title), and
subject to subparagraphs (C) and (D)
(i) nothing in this title (or any
amendment made by this title), shall be
construed to require a qualified health
plan to provide coverage of services
described in subparagraph (B)(i) or
(B)(ii) as part of its essential health
benefits for any plan year; and
(ii) the issuer of a qualified health plan
shall determine whether or not the plan
provides coverage of services described
in subparagraph (B)(i) or (B)(ii) as part
of such benefits for the plan year.
described in this clause are abortions
for which the expenditure of Federal
funds appropriated for the Department
of Health and Human Services is not
permitted, based on the law as in effect
as of the date that is 6 months before
the beginning of the plan year involved.
described in this clause are abortions
for which the expenditure of Federal
funds appropriated for the Department
of Health and Human Services is
permitted, based on the law as in effect
as of the date that is 6 months before
the beginning of the plan year involved.
The Secretary may not determine, in
accordance with subparagraph (A)(ii),
that the community health insurance
option established under section 1323
shall provide coverage of services

described in subparagraph (B)(i) as part

of benefits for the plan year unless the
(I) assures compliance
with the requirements
of paragraph (2);
applicable provisions of
requirements, circulars
on funds management
of the Office of
Budget, and guidance
on accounting of the
Accountability Office,
that no Federal funds
are used for such
coverage; and
section 1323(e)(1)(C) or
any other provision of
this title, takes all
necessary steps to
assure that the United
States does not bear
the insurance risk for a
coverage of services
subparagraph (B)(i).
requires, in addition to the essential
health benefits required under section
1323(b)(3) (A), coverage of services
described in subparagraph (B)(i) for
enrollees of a community health
insurance option offered in such State,
the State shall assure that no funds
flowing through or from the community
health insurance option, and no other
Federal funds, pay or defray the cost of
described in subparagraph (B)(i). The

United States shall not bear the

insurance risk for a State's required
coverage of services described in
subparagraph (B)(i).
(iii) EXCEPTIONS. Nothing in this
subparagraph shall apply to coverage of
services described in subparagraph
(B)(ii) by the community health
insurance option. Services described in
subparagraph (B)(ii) shall be covered to
the same extent as such services are
covered under title XIX of the Social
Security Act.
(i) IN GENERAL. The Secretary shall
assure that with respect to qualified
health plans offered in any Exchange
established pursuant to this title
(I) there is at least one
such plan that provides
coverage of services
described in clauses (i)
and (ii) of subparagraph
(B); and
(II) there is at least one
such plan that does not
provide coverage of
services described in
subparagraph (B)(i).
(ii) SPECIAL RULES. For purposes of
clause (i)
(I) a plan shall be
treated as described in
clause (i)(II) if the plan
coverage of services
described in either
subparagraph (B)(i) or
(B)(ii); and
(II) if a State has one
more than 1 insurance
market, the Secretary
requirements of clause
(i) separately with

respect to each such

(A) IN GENERAL. If a qualified health plan provides
coverage of services described in paragraph (1)(B)(i),
the issuer of the plan shall not use any amount
attributable to any of the following for purposes of
paying for such services:
(i) The credit under section 36B of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (and
the amount (if any) of the advance
payment of the credit under section
1412 of the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act).
(ii) Any cost-sharing reduction under
section 1402 of the Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act (and the
amount (if any) of the advance payment
of the reduction under section 1412 of
the Patient Protection and Affordable
Care Act).
(B) SEGREGATION OF FUNDS. In the case of a plan to
which subparagraph (A) applies, the issuer of the plan
shall, out of amounts not described in subparagraph (A),
segregate an amount equal to the actuarial amounts
determined under subparagraph (C) for all enrollees
from the amounts described in subparagraph (A).
(i) IN GENERAL. The Secretary shall
estimate the basic per enrollee, per
month cost, determined on an average
actuarial basis, for including coverage
under a qualified health plan of the
services described in paragraph
(ii) CONSIDERATIONS. In making such
estimate, the Secretary
(I) may take into
account the impact on
overall costs of the
coverage, but may not
take into account any
estimated to result
from such services,
including prenatal care,

delivery, or postnatal
(II) shall estimate such
costs as if such
coverage were included
(III) may not estimate
such a cost at less than
$1 per enrollee, per
(3) PROVIDER CONSCIENCE PROTECTIONS. No individual health care
provider or health care facility may be discriminated against because of
a willingness or an unwillingness, if doing so is contrary to the religious
or moral beliefs of the provider or facility, to provide, pay for, provide
coverage of, or refer for abortions.
(b) Application of State and Federal Laws Regarding Abortion.
in this Act shall be construed to preempt or otherwise have any effect
on State laws regarding the prohibition of (or requirement of) coverage,
funding, or procedural requirements on abortions, including parental
notification or consent for the performance of an abortion on a minor.
(A) IN GENERAL. Nothing in this Act shall be construed
to have any effect on Federal laws regarding
(i) conscience protection;
(ii) willingness or refusal to provide abortion; and
(iii) discrimination on the basis of the willingness or
refusal to provide, pay for, cover, or refer for abortion
or to provide or participate in training to provide
subsection shall alter the rights and obligations of employees and
employers under title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
(c) Application of Emergency Services Laws. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to
relieve any health care provider from providing emergency services as required by State
or Federal law, including section 1867 of the Social Security Act (popularly known as

Rush Limbaugh Echo for Thursday, 11/20/14

Opening: Obamas speech is for Hispanics only.
Segment#1: Obama is only speaking to new Democrat voters

Dingy Reid, Nancy Pelosi, they all know this is not constitutional; that is part of the thrill
for Liberals. There is nothing that can stop them; there is nothing that is going to
happen. Why didnt we do this before? Mitch McConnell says they will stop this and
the WH Regime is quaking.
This is a Big Deal and it has turned into a carnival show. Its like an announced bank
robbery and we all know what is going to happen. The carnival barker speaks tonight.
Ive heard that prosecutorial discretion has been written to justify polluting the
Constitution, and even that has been polluted. Wheres the passion to stop the bank
robbery happening in eight hours. It is like knowing a comet is coming to hit Earth and
asking if it will hit Russia of USA.
Stop looking at things in conventional ways. Daniel Henninger writes a great column
today but misses the point. He chronicles the problems the Democrat Party is in,
problems created and only a matter of time. It is 30 yrs behind the time.
It may hurt the Democrat Party but that is not the way to look at the core of the
Democrat Party. They dont care about winning or losingthey only care about
transforming America. They are not in any troublethey are getting away with it, folk!
Elections used to change the direction of parties, but they dont anymore.
>>> Thats the difference today. [ED: Constitution hangs by a thread.]
Seg#2: Democrats dont care about public opinion
((Reading Henninger: For some 80 years, the techrocrity has been the support of the
Democrat Party. Jonathan Gruber . . .)) What is missing is that despite showing the
disaster, they are achieving lasting damage on this country.
An election here, and an election there, is somewhat irrelevant.
You might disagree with me, but Democrats losing elections not changing the
direction of the country much. Im not being pessimistic but everyone needs to change
their perspective. We are going watch how the Constitution will have holes in it
tomorrow because nobody is stopping the Democrat Party.
From Obama on down in the Democrat Party, they dont care!
>>> And until someone tries to stop them,
>>>>> they will continue to not care.
Seg#3: You have to stop the advance of Liberalism [not just watch] !
Back in the 1990s, I remember talking to an elected Republican after a massive defeat,
Democrats always will over-reach and tick off the American people. You cant

overreach more than Obama! You have to stop the advance of Liberalism or it will roll
For two minutes, I was rendered speechless when Mitch McConnell said, I guess
Obama is not going to move more to the center as we thought he would. Where has he
been? He is back in time 30 years.
Not only is Obama going to put millions on a path to citizenship, he is providing a
magnet for millions of additional voters from south of the border.
Lets start with the oath of the office: POTUS takes the oath he will preserve, protect,
and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Millions throughout the
world will watch that oath being laughed at, cast aside as a meaningless piece of
confetti in a carnival parade.
Article Two: the POTUS will see to it that laws are properly executed.
Executive Amnesty, the actual result, is an instruction to law enforcement officials to
ignore the law. He is simply going to tell everybody in law enforcement to ignore their
duty and look the other way. Look at the things we have seen so far.
They will also be given work documents; under existing law, they are not allowed to
have work documents. Obama is writing his own law out of thin air. REAGAN DID NOT
DO THIS: Congress passed a statute and Reagan signed it!
The President does not have the authority to do this.
Heres the nub of it: prosecutorial discretion is exactly as the words say and is for when
too much crime going on in a category and they cant enforce it entirely.
EXAMPLE: Treasury investigates transfers of over $10,000 in cash. Just because it may
be ignored, doesnt make that criminal act legal. Just because Obama cant find all the
illegals, they are still illegal.
>>> Only Congress has authority to make or amend laws;
>>>> No president has authority to ignore existing laws.
Rush uses another example: lax enforcement of Marijuana.
>>>>>Everybody, Left and Right, knows Obama is out of bounds:
>>>>>>> The difference is that the Left is thrilled about it.
Seg#4: Does Dont tread on me! mean anything anymore?
There is no way in Hell that prosecutorial discretion allows Obama to make laws out of
thin air: which laws the executive branch will prosecute and not prosecute. Just
because he chooses to ignore their illegal status doesnt make them legal! Yet, that is
what Obama will be doing tonight.

>>> What Obama is doing tonight is unconstitutional.

When *President Obama+ do you plan to cease abusing our patience?
Senator Ted Cruz paraphrasing Cicero.
Seg#5: For the ears of Latino voterscurrent, soon, and beyond
9.8 million tune into the Latin Grammys, delayed to cover the 10 minute Amnesty
address for the carnival barker. Home parties are set up to watch will those that will
not be deported.
There is a plan by Republicans to defund just one area and not shut down the entire
government. Problem is, Obama/Democrats could just shift the money; look at what
else he does: he cant do it, but he does. Impeachment has been taken off the table.
Who takes any action? The people of Oregon voted to deny drivers licenses to illegal
aliens. OBAMA CAN BE STOPPED AT THE STATE LEVEL. Republicans cleaned up in the
election in 23 states with governorship and state legislatures. Only five states are with
Democrat total leadership.
> Republicans need to capitalize on the will of the people: STATE LEVEL!

From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Duckworth"
Illinois Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth found out the hard way how her Democrat
Party leaders treat women in need.
Tammy Duckworth is a veteran of the Iraq War. She lost both legs during the conflict.
Democrats gave Ms. Duckworth very high exposure during their conventions. They used
her at every opportunity to show that theyre not anti-military, or antiwar. Even though
they are.
Fast forward. Congresswoman Duckworth is now eight months pregnant. Her doctors
forbid her to travel until she gives birth. So, pregnant and medically unable to travel, the
Congresswoman requested she be allowed to vote by proxy in the elections to decide
leaders for the Democrat Party.
Nancy Pelosi and Rosa DeLauro were out front in telling Congresswoman Duckworth her
vote didnt count. They refused to allow her to vote by proxy, because the "rules" said
she couldnt. Never mind that they had the power to make exceptions.
Now, Roll Call hinted there might be more to Pelosis decision, that she may be banning
Duckworths vote in order to stack the deck for one of her friends running for a
leadership position.

Congresswoman Duckworth was used by Pelosi and her party when she was a valuable
asset. Now, eight months pregnant, unable to travel (the pregnancy bugs 'em) the
double amputee veteran is treated like, well, lets put it this way. Tammy Duckworth,
the War on Women your party talks about, you're in the crosshairs, babe.
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"I've always been of the impression that the Democrat Party, the Drive-By Media and
the American left really didn't like Ronald Reagan very much. I've always been under the
impression that they thought Reagan was stupid. And yet it seems like whenever the
Democrat Party needs to validate something that it plans to do, they always cite Ronald
"Congress debated and passed a law to grant amnesty to three million illegal
immigrants, and Reagan signed it. They are saying that's exactly what Obama's going to
do. They are claiming that Reagan signing legislation, thereby making it legal, is the
same thing as an Obama executive order. It breathtaking what they're trying to say
"The American people, the Congress, and the courts need to know that we have a
president that will enforce the law."
"If the most effective, the most tireless, the most committed, the most eloquent antiamnesty spokesman in the Senate is to be removed from his Budget Committee
chairmanship -- that is where the power of the purse would be used -- That pretty much
tells us that there isn't going to be any opposition to Obama."
"What's broken about the immigration system is that we're not enforcing it. There's
nothing broken about the law. The law is perfectly fine. We're just not enforcing it."
"The president is promoting his own appearance on his own Facebook page. I've never
seen this. I've never seen this happen."
"You have people in positions of power and authority inside the Beltway and the media,
and they just assume that everybody like them is just as smart as they are and just as
oriented the same way they are."
"A journalist expressing shock that Obama is not doing more to reduce the debt? It's
right in front of your face that he's trying to increase the debt. It's right in front of your
face that he's trying to raise the price of energy."
"If you don't understand Obama's ideology, and if you don't apply his radical leftist
ideology to everything he does or says, then you are going to forever be confused about
what he's doing."
"The answer to Obama is learning and understanding liberalism and progressivism. Once
you have that, then Obama is no longer a mystery and you can see him as the threat he

really is to free markets, to the founding of the country. That's what he's opposed to,
and he's making it abundantly clear."
"In my naive days I used to try what the Republicans did. In an interview, I would go in
knowing that the journalist thought that I was a reprobate just 'cause I'm a conservative.
So I would try to say things that would make the journalist question her or his opinion of
me. Back in my naive days where I thought that was possible. I learned 22 years ago that
that's a waste of time."
"I can't stand these little sniveling liberal, arrogant supremacists running around out
there talking about how their way is the only way and anything that's not their way is
obstructive and disastrous. It grates on me."
"Folks, it's uncanny, all these civil rights dinosaurs, they're heading back to Ferguson. It's
going to be Selma all over. It's going to be Montgomery, Alabama, all over. It's going to
be Lester Maddox all over again. They're going to have so much fun. They're going to
relive the whole era, and they can't wait for it."
"What do you think is going to come first, the grand jury decision in Ferguson or Obama
announcing amnesty? Oh, man, the left is so excited, folks! They got a twofer coming up
"Obama's approval number is down to 37% now, by the way. Have you seen that? Of
course you haven't! Why am I asking?"
"Obama knows who he lies to, he knows why he lies, and he knows he's going to get
away with it. He knows he's not going to be called on it."
"Reagan and previous presidents, when they suspended some deportations, did so
under the guidelines of a statute that was in existence. They were not creating law.
They were not adding to it. They were not subtracting from it. They were using it."
"What Obama's doing is effectively saying by throwing open the borders, 'Come on in!
Take whatever you want, because it isn't ours. We want to share it with you because
we don't deserve it ourselves.' And do not doubt me."
"I'm Rush Limbaugh, doing what I was born to do, and that is not preside over the end
of America. That's not what I was born to do, and so that's not what happens here."
"The only reason Republicans wanted to win the damn election, is they wanted their
precious Senate committee chairmanships, because it puts them in charge of the
"If the Republican leadership doesn't want Sen. Jeff Sessions running the budget
committee, it means they don't want anybody fighting Obama, pure and simple. At
least for the leadership."

"Maria Bartiromo is perplexed by Obama's seeming ignorance about economics. This is

a woman who ought not be confused at all. She is the primo financial journalist in
America, correct?"
"The devastating thing about Obama's destruction is it's happening to virtually
everybody in this country. The damage does not know racial lines of distinction. The
damage does not know sexual or gender lines of distinction. The damage is being
meted out, handed out, all over this country, and everybody is being hurt."
"You hear more and more people talk about the fact that America's best days are
behind us. We're in a country in decline and we have to learn to adjust to that. Sorry.
Not me."
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