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The Chancellor, H.E. Hon. Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi, Chairman of the University Governing Council,
Vice-Chancellor, Kabarak University,
The University Community,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am delighted to join you today, the 10th Graduation Ceremony of Kabarak University. I take this
earliest opportunity to congratulate all those who are graduating today.
This event testifies to the joyful culmination of sacrifice, dedication, hard work and prayer on the
part of the teachers, students, parents, guardians, sponsors and other stakeholders.
I Thank all of you for joining hands in helping our country receive additional graduands armed
with skills and inspiration to serve fellow Kenyans and build the nation. Of course in an event such
as this, the focal point of all the work is the graduand. I congratulate you on achieving this
singular milestone, and welcome you to the task of nation building that awaits each one of you.
My Government continues to put together a sound environment where every talent and skill will
contribute meaningfully to national progress and your personal actualisation. Let your service be
exemplary, and your achievements will be the testimony of your true worth.
This morning, I had the honour of launching the Kabarak University Online Education.
This is a great technological milestone for Kabarak University, and an additional contribution to
our country's innovative approach to education, and ICT. I Trust that this online platform will
revolutionize our education system in Kenya and beyond. It is my expectation that Kabarak
University will set high standards and enable Kenya consolidate its position as a continental hub
for ICT and education, among other fields. My Government will continue to support institutions of
higher education to ensure that technology is integrated with learning in order to increase access
throughout the country.
I salute the founder and Chancellor of this university, H.E. Hon. Daniel Arap Moi the second
President of the Republic of Kenya for living up to his values throughout his life. His passion for
high quality education, service to the community and the Christian ethos of love, integrity and
charity are reflected in the numerous fine aspects of this institution. I appreciate his steady and
determined vision visionary focus in guiding this great institution from its founding until now, in
setting up a state of the art ultra-modern online centre. Kabarak University is destined for
I also congratulate the University Council, Senate and Management for its various efforts to
ensure that the University offers excellent services to its students. I am aware that the School of
Medicine and Health sciences Complex is almost complete and the construction of the Teaching
and Referral Hospital has started. These are clear indications that this University is playing its role
of not only churning out excellent graduates but also developing necessary infrastructure to
support these students in their career development and to prepare them to serve the nation.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The construction of the Teaching and Referral Hospital that has just begun will certainly
accommodate the increasing demand in the health sector for highly trained, technically astute
professionals. It will also increase access to higher education by more Kenyans. I wish to thank His
Excellency the Chancellor, Board of Trustees, University Council and the management for their
effort in raising funds from internal sources towards this construction.
More importantly, the Hospital will be a great resource for the local community living around and
all Kenyans from far and wide who would use this facility.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am also aware that Kabarak University hosted a successful 4th Annual International Conference
in July this year whose theme was Research and Innovation for Socio-Economic Transformation.
It is important for our institutions of learning to reflect intensely on how they can directly
contribute to the rapid development of Kenya as a knowledge society ready and able to support
industrialization and economic transformation. Such activities therefore, converge excellently with
my Government's transformative agenda.
We fully support such intellectual pursuits, especially when they promise to translate into
concrete developmental impact.
I congratulate the Kabarak University students for winning the annual ENACTUS (Entrepreneurs in
Action) competition against other local universities for the third time, thereby proceeding to
represent the country in the global competition that was held in Beijing, China. This is the sort of
evidence we use to determine if the university is developing innovators, thinkers and leaders who
will contribute to national growth. Indeed in you, I see the innovators, investors, managers,
entrepreneurs and leaders we need to steward national development to its proper destination.
My Government will continue to support young entrepreneurs who are ready to create wealth and
job opportunities for their fellow youth.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
My Government's commitment to the youth of this country is strong, evident and steady. All our
pledges are being realized rapidly. Our intention is to ensure that youth is a time to dream and
imagine, not to worry and fear. It is the Government's work to give wings to your talent, passion
and vision.
I want to encourage the graduating class to take advantage of the Uwezo fund and the Youth
Enterprise fund to start up business and become successful entrepreneurs.
My Government will continue to encourage the young people to take up the 30% of public
procurement opportunities that have been earmarked for youth, women and the disabled. I
believe that if more of our young people develop successful businesses and companies we shall
significantly reduce unemployment in our country.
I wish the graduands all the best as they pursue their dreams onwards from here. Stay focused
and consistently live up to the values of Kabarak University. This will enable you overcome the
many challenges young people encounter, and will help you go further and help your fellows
when they seem discouraged or frustrated.
Thank You and God bless you.

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