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The Season of Epiphany
By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller
more vivid picture of the As a counterpoint to this
vastness of the love of emphasis on Christmas, I Church Events
God. Epiphany is a good would like for you to con- January
example of this diversity. sider the importance of
Epiphany. For the esti- 6 EPIPHANY SERVICES
For Christians in America mated 400 million Ortho-
As Americans Christians we and in many other parts of dox Christians of the world
the world, Christmas is the 11 4FS CYCLOTRON TOUR
are often temped to think (i.e., Greek, Russian, East-
that we are the center of most important season in ern) Epiphany (January 6)
the Christian religious the Christian calendar. The- rather than December 25 23 Sauerzopf Ordination
world. We are the richest ology may tell us that is the big day of celebra-
and most powerful nation Easter is the most important tion. The essence of the
season of The Liturgical 31 Annual Meeting
in the world and one of the feast is the manifestation
most religious. In our arro- Year; and even though we of Christ to the world
gance we often think that prepare for Easter with the (whether as an infant or at TBD MLK Celebration
our way of understanding 40 day season of Lent, in his baptism in the Jordan)
God and worshiping God’s terms of emotional invest- and the Mystery of the
essence is the ONLY way; ment and preparation, Incarnation. While it is im-
obviously a distorted truth. nothing can compare with portant that Jesus was
We are also a diverse Christmas. This might relate born, it is more important
society that has borrowed to the fact that commercial- that God has chosen to
traditions from the many ism has high-jacked much reveal himself to us in the
ethnic cultures that dwell of the season, but there is variety of ways that he
here. We can learn many something very persuasive has.
things from observing and and inviting about the
understanding how tradi- presence of a baby in our Epiphany begins with the
tions around the world dif- midst versus someone coming of the Magi or
fer which will give us a hanging on a cross. (Continued on page 10)

Annual Meeting
This year’s Annual Meeting will be held after the 10 a.m. service on January 31. It will begin at approximately 11:30
a.m. with a light lunch. We hope you will make every attempt to be at the most important meeting we hold as a commu-
nity. During 2009 your vestry has worked hard to eliminate the deficit that has existed for the last few years, and al-
though it is not completely gone it has been greatly reduced. You are invited to learn what we have accomplished as a
Parish during 2009 and participate in the plans for 2010. As always, child care will be provided as well as a delicious
lunch sponsored by the ECW Steering Committee.
Vestry Nominations
By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller

Four new members will be elected to the Vestry at the January 31 Annual Meeting. The four positions have been admira-
bly occupied by Sr. Warden, Martie Repaskey, and Vestry members Millie Ericson, Larry Clark and Kirk Lindquist. We
thank them for their service. These four positions will be filled at the Annual Meeting. To qualify you must be:
 A Baptized member
 At least 16 years of age
 Regular in attendance
 A contributor to the life of the congregation with time, talent and treasure
 Willing to attend a minimum of 10 Vestry meetings a year
 Willing to chair a Vestry committee
 Willing to attend a Vestry retreat at the Weber Center
If you would be willing to serve or would like to nominate someone, please confirm that person’s willingness and submit his
or her name in writing through the parish office. As always, nominations from the floor of the Annual Meeting will be ac-
cepted if the consent of the person nominated has been obtained.

4F’s to Tour the MSU Cyclotron

By Nancy Sheldon
On Monday, January 11, members of St to enter are important as only one door
Paul’s are invited to join the 4F’s group to for entry is unlocked. If you have access
tour the MSU Cyclotron. It is critical that to the internet, you can also access the
everyone sign up by Wednesday, January following website for maps and instruc-
6 as the groups are divided into smaller tions:
groups of 12 or fewer people and they’ll NSCLTourInstructions.pdf 
need to know how many tour leaders to  If you get lost, please call the NSCL re-
“The orange arrow marks the have on hand. ceptionist at 355-9671; 
lobby entrance in the curved
glass section at the northwest  Your tour guide will want to know the
corner of the building (next to What to expect on the tour: level of physics your group understands
Chemistry and across from the  The tour lasts typically 90 minutes but (don’t worry…mine is non-existent!) and
Shaw Lane Parking Ramp);
you must enter this way be-
can be shortened or lengthened, some- whether you have any time limitations in
cause all other exterior doors what, based on your needs;  case the tour runs over. 
are locked.”  The tour route is handicap-accessible  Questions are encouraged; 
and safe for guests with medical im-  Your tour begins with an extensive slide-
plants;  show introduction with demonstrations in
 High-heeled shoes and sandals are not the seminar room; 
recommended;   The tour itself involves walking for about
 Cameras are encouraged;  40 minutes on level floors. 
 If you are driving on your own, carry a
copy of the map (printed copies will be This promises to be a fascinating and infor-
available outside of the Merrifield mative tour and we hope you will consider
Room by the sign-up sheet) as the cor- joining the group.
rect parking ramp and the correct door

Page 2
Epiphany Service
By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller
Epiphany (from Greek ἐπιφάνεια for "appearance" or "manifestation") is the season
which commemorates the visitation of the Biblical Magi to the child Jesus. The season be-
gins on January 6, the first Wednesday in January this year, and continues until the Tues-
day before Ash Wednesday. We will celebrate with a Eucharistic service at 7 p.m. As As the Wise Men cele-
the Wise Men celebrated the revelation of God in human form in the person of Jesus brated the revelation
of God in human form
Christ, so should we. in the person of Jesus
Christ, so should we.

ECW Provides Lunch at the Annual Meeting

By Lyn Zynda, President
This year’s Annual Meeting served before the meeting non-perishable food items
will be held on Sunday, for our fellow parishioners. for the Food Bank (and
January 31 after the 10 please watch the expiration
a.m. service. There is impor- This year we are donating date).
tant work to be done, Ves- the money collected from
try members to be elected, the brunch ($5 per person It is amazing the amount of
Angel and Canterbury or $15 per family) to the good you will accomplish
Awards to be presented, Greater Lansing Food by attending the Annual Donations collected at
Millennium Development Bank. In this economic cli- Meeting. You will help de- this year’s Annual Meet-
Goals to be decided, and mate the need is so great; cide important business for ing will benefit the
and, unfortunately because your parish community and Greater Lansing Food
much important parish busi- Bank.
ness to be discussed. As in of the economic climate, your donations will help
the past, the members of donations are not meeting feed hungry people in the
the ECW Steering Commit- the increased need. We community where you live.
tee will prepare the meal are also asking that you
bring a donation of canned

B&PW Thank You Ordination

By Nancy Rudd, President Linda and I would like to thank Scheduled
all the members of the parish
for your cards, gifts and sea- By The Very Rev. Dr.
The January meeting of the
son’s greetings. This is truly a Gordon F. Weller
B&PW Guild is Tuesday, Janu-
ary 12. We will meet in the Hill wonderful community and we Our new assistant, Richard Sau-
Room at 6 p.m. for dinner and a are pleased to be a part of it. erzopf, is scheduled to be or-
business meeting. Our program dained to the priesthood at St.
this month is our yearly planning Gordon & Linda Weller Paul’s on January 23 at 10 a.m.
meeting. We will decide on the Richard has been on staff for a
year's menus and will arrange brief time, but he has attended
for programs. St. Paul’s for over a year and is
well known within the congrega-
Please call Debby Pierce for a tion. We hope you will put this
reservation. Dinner is $8, and important date on your calen-
yearly dues are $7.50. Join us dar, help celebrate his ordina-
for an evening of delicious food tion and welcome him to his new
and great companionship

Page 3
New Parking Lot Arrangements
By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller

As you may know, St. Paul’s owns 10 The action taken by the CCCC Church spots is sometimes acceptable.
parking spaces in the common lot (the (Capitol Churches Coalition Corpora- Most importantly, come into the church
old Board of Water and Light lot) tion) Board consists of every parking office and tell someone you are there
between the Methodist and Baptist spot having a sign indicating who is and give us your license plate num-
churches on N. Capitol. Ownership in allowed to park there, signs at the ber. This will preclude you being
this lot goes back six or seven years entrance indicating that unauthorized towed when the church offices check
and is a product of the three churches parkers may be towed at the parker’s with one another. We realize this is
forming a corporation to explore expense, and a contact system be- inconvenient, but without this proce-
parking possibilities with the State tween the churches so that parishion- dure no one would be able to find a
when the Roosevelt Parking Structure ers of the parishes are not towed space.
was built. For the last few years use away by mistake.
of this lot has increased to the point If you attend the 4F’s meetings on
where the member churches feel that What this means for you when you Mondays, please be aware that our
something needed to be done to con- come to St. Paul’s during the day and own lot behind the Merrifield Room is
trol access so that when members of need to park is minimal. First, pull into also available. On those Mondays the
the churches come to their parish, the lot and find a parking space. Look staff parks in the CUMC lot so that
parking is available. for a St. Paul’s space first, but using there are more spaces available for
one of the Central United Methodist parishioners.

Mardi Gras
Dr. Martin Luther Celebration
King, Jr. By The Very Rev. Dr.
Celebration Gordon F. Weller
By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Ash Wednesday (February 17, this
F. Weller Super Bowl Party year) is the day which marks the
beginning of the season of Lent.
Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, The weekend before is the tradi-
By The Very Rev. Dr.
1929 – April 4, 1968) was an tional time for Mardi Gras cele-
American clergyman, activist and Gordon F. Weller brations around the world; one
prominent leader in the African- last opportunity to “party” before
American civil rights movement and For the last several years there
have been many suggestions that a period of spiritual discipline,
is recognized as a martyr by the fasting and moderation in prepa-
Episcopal and Lutheran churches in we have a Super Bowl party in the
Merrifield Room. This year it has ration for Holy Week and Easter.
America. For Americans, the most famous
been decided to allow the idea to
For the last five years we have become a reality. Additional de- and well attended location for this
marked Dr. King’s legacy to secure tails will be in the February Issue celebration is New Orleans. While
progress on civil rights. This year of the SPN, but save the date – we can’t all go to the city of New
we are advertizing and promoting Orleans, we can bring a part of
February 7, 2010.
the Diocesan Anti-Racism seminars New Orleans here and celebrate
one of which will be held at St. the end of the Season of Epiph-
Katherine’s, Williamston on January any. Stay tuned to the St. Paul’s
16 beginning at 8:30 a.m. To regis- News to see what’s in store, but
ter or for additional information, reserve Sunday Night (February
please contact Beth Rowley(313) 14) for a night of fun, dinner and
833-4421 maybe some dancing. The culmi-
nating event will be a New Or-
leans style Eucharist.

Page 4
Financial Information as of November 30, 2009
By Julie Young

Year to date through November is 92% of the year. Pledge income in November was $26,637 bringing the year to date
total pledge income to $269,061 which is only 86% of the budget. It appears that we are slightly behind year to date
projections with pledge revenue collection.
Operations for November had a net loss of ($13,658) bringing the year to date loss to ($159,670). Much of this loss can
be attributed to building maintenance and improvement projects such as roof repair, sidewalk repair and the updating of
the speaker system, items that were not anticipated in the 2009 budget. Funds designated for this purpose have been
used to pay for these repairs and improvements.
There were transfers totaling $10,000 into the operating account from the investment account in November.
On a personal note, I would like to thank Jeff Irwin for all of his help and guidance in my transition into the position of
Treasurer. He has been and continues to be a great asset to St. Paul’s.

Vestry Highlights
On Tuesday evening, December 15, your Vestry:  Discussed the custodial situation and the alternative
 Enjoyed dinner together and celebrated Advent  Received a report about ACTION of Greater Lansing
 Studied and sang the “O” antiphons (O come O come which is in the midst of a Listening campaign
Emmanuel) for devotions  Passed a motion to allocate up to $6,000 to install a
 Approved the minutes of the November 17meeting new server and appropriate programs to upgrade
 Received a special report from Max Pierce about all our computer and internet systems
the capitol improvements completed this year  Received a report from the Finance Committee that
 Received the Treasurer’s report, a synopsis of which is described the gains made by our investment portfolio
found elsewhere in this issue  Passed a motion to authorize Cardinal Investments to
 Discussed the 2010 budget. act as our agent to receive any stock contributions
 Received a Stewardship report from John Nevin contributed to St. Paul’s
 Received a Nomination Committee Report  Noted Richard Sauerzopf’s pending ordination (God
 Received a 4C’s parking lot report, also found else- willing) on January 23
where in this issue  Noted the Diocesan Ministry Fair scheduled for the
 Passed a motion to allocate $500 to the 4 C’s corpo- May 1 at St. Paul’s. Martie Repaskey and Sally Law-
ration to establish a contingency fund rence agreed to act at co-chairs
 Discussed the filling of the Jr. Warden position  Noted that the Diocesan Visioning Process (RSVP) will
 Noted that all committee and guild reports are due to have a meeting at All Saints, East Lansing on March
Pam Irwin by January 4 so they may be included in 27. This is an important meeting and all Vestry per-
the Annual Report sons are urged to attend
 Heard a report from the Personnel Committee about  Discussed the February Vestry Retreat and what we
filling the position for a nursery attendant. (We have want to accomplish
found a replacement and hope to affiliate with one  Received various other reports
of the MSU sororities so that we have access to candi-
dates for the future.)

Page 5
Requests for Prayer
We pray for those who are sick and in need: Cindy Robinson, Richard and Aaron Hegmon, Shelley Robinson, Ma-
son Hill, Lois Caswell, Erik Lindquist, Chance Collins, Barb Hacker, Marjorie Belles, Aleda, Dave, Kathryn Senko,
Barb Powers, Patricia Reno, Skip and Marsha Macholz, Michael and Gwen Skinner, Tom Foltz, Vivian Hawkins,
Linda, Kaema Amachree, Bill, Mary Lindquist, Yvette Constan and family, Cris Plyler, Brian French, Lynne, Kent
Riley, Jan Bigham, Max Sutton, John Hawkins, Joan, Karol Ryan, Irma Narezo, Mike Wood, Julie, Phyllis Quinn,
Amanda, Laura Miller, Stephanie, Maureen Nauss, Grace, Norm Landon, and Jered Miller.
We pray and remember those in the Military serving in dangerous areas: Daniel Reno, Steven Johnson, Tyson
Carter, Matthew Rawlins, and Jonathon Reno.
We pray for all those whose jobs and livelihoods are in jeopardy.
We pray for comfort for the family and friends of Marlene Dombroske and John Flewelling, who recently passed
We pray for those expecting: Tonya and Joshua Couts, Mindy and Matt Pauly, Katie Thompson and John Shaw-
Reed, Elana and John Waugh, Stephanie Earley and Antonio Urista, and Jenelle and Paul Rawlins.

Jr. Warden Resigns

By Martie Repaskey, Sr. Warden
Stephanie VanKoevering, Jr. Warden has resigned from St. Paul’s Vestry and from her position as Jr. Warden. In a
letter addressed to Fr. Weller and the vestry she explained that this was a difficult decision to make, but that her
“personal and professional commitments make it impossible for me to continue to contribute the level of time and en-
ergy required by this board.” Mrs. VanKoevering concluded by wishing and praying “that St. Paul’s would be continu-
ally blessed with dedicated leaders, a strong vision, and an enduring faith in a bright future.”
The vestry and nominating committee will announce in January the selection of a new Jr. Warden, and the slate of
nominees selected to fill four vestry positions which will expire as of January 31, 2010.

The 4Fs Group Programs Paul (perhaps in costume??).

Feb 8: We continue our study of various religions when we
By Nancy Sheldon learn about the Society of Friends from the Quaker Red
Cedar Friends in East Lansing. One of the topics they’ll
Usually meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. share with us is how they deal with conflict and change.
(Exceptions noted *due to Town Hall conflict)
Feb 22: The Lenten Book Reviews begin and are held
 12 noon Eucharist, 12:30 p.m. Lunch ($4) every Monday from Noon to1p.m. There will be a Eucha-
 1 p.m. Bible Study (Steve Lange) 1:15-2 p.m. Program rist service in the chapel at 11:30 a.m.
Anyone is invited who has time in the middle of the day!
April 19: Turkish friends of Carol Ingells will share their
For Bible Study this year we will continue to examine the food, customs and religion with us (more details to follow
psalms. Please sign up outside of the Merrifield Room or closer to the date)
call the church office to make a reservation or request a
ride. May 3: We’ll visit the Butterfly House & the beautiful Chil-
dren’s Garden at MSU and take a box lunch from A Ca-
Jan 11: A tour of the Cyclotron at MSU. We will meet at tered Affair with us.
the church for the Eucharist, lunch and Bible Study and car-
pool to MSU to begin the tour at 1:15 p.m. (see article). May 17: This will be our end of the year picnic, annual
book share, and next year’s planning time at Nancy Shel-
Jan 25: St Paul’s Birthday – Steve Lange will entertain us don’s.
with an unusual and very interesting look at the life of St
Page 6
Choir News
Special Dates to Note
There will be no rehearsals on Wednesday or Thursday, December 30 and 31 for any of the choirs. Rehearsals 
will resume their normal schedule on Wednesday and Thursday, January 5 and 6.  
Sunday, January 2 ‐‐ England Parents and Choristers Potluck and Meeting after coffee hour. We will discuss 
more fully the nature and scope of the trip, its opportunities and responsibilities. Please save this date. I 
would like a volunteer to organize the meal. It can be a potluck, lasagna or some equivalent main course to be 
purchased or another idea. Please let me know if you are willing to do this. Thanks.  
Saturday, March 27 at 5 p.m. ‐‐ All Choristers please save this date for an important Cabaret meeting 

Many, many thanks to all of you, both choristers and families, for your con‐
tributions to the Christmas celebrations at St. Paul’s. What a wonderful ad‐
dition you made to the spiritual and worship life of St. Paul’s through Les‐
sons and Carols and the Christmas Eve services. You helped to bless the lives 
of many parishioners. Thank you! 

Singing Schedule
Date Choirs Date Choirs

January 3 Any choristers who are avail- February 7 High School; Boys’ and Grace
able (Chancel, High School and February 14 Chancel and High School
Boys’ and Grace)
January 10 Chancel and High School February 21 Chancel and High School
January 17 Chancel and High School February 28 Chancel and High School
January 24 Chancel and High School
January 31 Chancel and High School

Page 7
Youth Group Activities

Christmas “Drop and Shop” Childcare and

Gift Wrap Service
St. Paul’s Youth Group sponsored a to watch Christmas movies. Many thanks to
Childcare and Gift Wrap Service on Kathy McDaniel and Kris Krupka for
Saturday, December 5 to support Youth teaching “Gift Wrap 101” and to Carol
Group activities and the Lansing Rescue Laub who shepherded our childcare ser-
Mission. Parents were able to drop off vice. The youth group will hold another
their little ones, go out to do some early Childcare service for Valentine’s Day
Christmas shopping and then bring their scheduled for Saturday, February 13.
gifts to be beautifully wrapped. Thank you for your generous donations
which will support future youth group op-
The children were well attended (2 youth portunities. The youth group designated
group members to each child) and thor- Lansing Rescue Mission to receive half of
oughly entertained with games, crafts the proceeds from their labors.
and a quiet room where they were able

We are happy to take your Bottles and Cans

At our first Youth Group meeting this year, members were asked to think of ways that they, as a St. Paul’s group, could
do to make a difference in meeting the financial challenges with which our church is currently dealing. One idea they
came up with was to turn in bottles and cans for cash to help offset the Group’s activities and outreach opportunities.
We would like to offer a bottle and can recycle service to St. Paul’s parishioners. You can either bring the recyclables
into church or call for a pick up. Contact Barb Heany (420-5316) to make arrangements.

Page 8
Church School Outreach Project

Church School classes (Pre-K through 12th) gathered together on December 13 to

make Christmas Cards for our Parish shut-ins and to share some Christmas cheer on
the last day of the 2009 Church School year. Our classes gathered back in Sep-
tember to participate in an outreach project for Heifer International (making quilt
squares) and continuing to reach out to others was the perfect way to complete the
first half of the church school year. These projects remind our children that they too
play an important role in the mission and outreach service of St. Paul’s.

Youth Group Meeting and Skating

There will be a youth group meeting on Sunday, January 10 after the 10 a.m. service followed by roller skating at
EDRU Skate A Rama in Holt from 1 to 4 p.m. The cost is $5 which includes skate rental. Lunch will also be provided.
Please contact Barb Heany (420-5316) with questions or for more details.

Page 9
(Continued from, Epiphany, page 1)

Wise Men, the first persons to identify that God incarnate had come into the world. On the Sunday following Epiph-
any, the lessons always include the baptism of Jesus, the first time Jesus is identified (by a voice from heaven) as the
son of God, “This is my beloved Son, Listen to him!”
In the five weeks of this season of Epiphany (the length of the season varies because the date of Easter moves around
as does Lent which precedes it) the stories are those of events in the life of Jesus that lead us to recognize and declare
Jesus as Lord and Messiah. The last Sunday in the season of Epiphany, (this year it’s February 14) is always the ac-
count of the Transfiguration, Jesus on the holy mount and Peter and John watching him being transformed before their
As we progress through Epiphany I hope you will come to appreciate with new eyes the importance of the season and
give even greater thanks that God chose to reveal himself to us.

Page 10

Non Profit Org.

Permit 1621

St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Lansing Michigan
218 W. Ottawa
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-482-9454
Fax: 517-485-8621
Choir Room: 517-482-0369

The St. Paul’s News is a publication of St. Paul’s Episcopal

Church, Lansing Michigan.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Staff

The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller, Rector
Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
The Rev. Deacon William H. Fineout
Ms. Mary Rodeck, Assistant Minister of Music
Ms. Kathleen Johnson, Office Manager

St. Paul’s News Editorial Staff

Christine Caswell, Editor
Lyn Zynda, Layout Editor

If you no longer wish to receive these mailings, please call the church office (517) 482-9454,
Page 12 any time of the day or night and leave a message to be taken off our mailing list.

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