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A very good moming to all of you. On this glorious morning, l, Norhazlin bt lsmail, am
going to give a talk on " how the lnternet can be used for education".
Nowadays, the advancement of technology benefits various aspects, and all of a

sudden life has becorne easier for everyone. For examples, items like plasma
televisions, smart phones, notebooks and other electronic


gfje t

our life a

ln the same way, the daily routine of students to has changed.

When we talk about technology in education, the first thing that appears in mind is the
computer or laptop and internet.
One can say that if a student has internet connection on his/her computer, there will be
a possibility that the particular student will not go to library. I am not trying to over

generalise, but through intemet, students can



thousands of

articles and they have the entire world of information at their finger tips.
They can search information on science, mathematics and history notes easily.
Besides, it saves energy and time and they simply can click to the various webpage if

they experience difficulties

lntemet too enables students to browse interactive videos for their leaming prooess. lt is
a different learning experience compared to.sole! talking and just writing on the board.
When you watch videos, you are able to see realthings happening. I personally believe
that technology is able to help students in many ways. Showing videos and graphic
materials are able to stimulate students'cognitive thinking.


with real life examples, students will be able to relate the new

knowledge that they receive to their personal experiences.

From that, they can make their own judgment and views of specific events.
Nevertheless, t agree that there should be a limit for learners to access online videos.

Moreover, with intemet, students will be easily connected with their peers. Decades
ago, the society never thought of having live conference classes, but now, everything is
Classes can be conducted via online without having to be in classrooms. Softsvares
such as Skype and Paltalk allow classes to be done online. With softwares like Mailvu

and Brainshark, even teachers'work willbecome easier.

It is a fac{ that the teaching profession today is a hectic one. They need to attend
6pur5es, meetings and sometimes these clash or get mixed up with their routine
By having these sofiwares, they simply can record their lecture presentations and
straightaway emailthem to their students. Students as well may have group discussions

via live conferences.


We cannot deny the fact that most kids nowadays play computer and online games.
They spend hours sitting in front of computers playing games.
Obviously there are some negative sides of this but we are looking on a positive note. ln

this context, software developers can play their part in shaping education system by
creating videos and online games that relate to academic or subjects the students are
It is important to make it as enjoyable as they can so that teenagers willfind it

interesting. For exampte, grammar leaming in the old days can be a dull one if teachers

do not know no*


ir tesson properly.

Wigt f1e introduction of games into larqguage learning sessions, grammar learning will
be an enjoyable one.

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Online interactive games, especially the ones relating to academic, are able to enhance
learnerc' performances in their studies.

bdbve that there should be a balance in terms of seriousness and fun in teaching and
leamirXg proess.

A serious dass 's pivotal sornetimes in order to bring in elements of discipline, but too
muc*r serbusness in leaming

lesons may lead to depression and lacklustre in

sfiderG' outcorne.
By lnserting online inbracilive games into part of leaming lesson, it will be able to create

enffibb, pcitive

pel$elpatg3 among students.

Consequently, the

leson phnners willfeelthe positive vibes circulating around the


and it will boost students' motivation to perform better.

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