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Prom. SG. 88/8 Oct 1999, amend. SG. 48/13 Jun 2000, amend. SG.
43/13 May 2003, amend. SG. 37/4 May 2004, amend. SG. 88/8 Oct 2004,
amend. SG. 40/18 Apr 2008
Chapter one.
Art. 1. (1) This ordinance determines the minimal requirements for healthy and safe
conditions of work:
1. at each working place;
2. in using the working equipment.
(2) This ordinance shall apply in all enterprises and places where working activity is
carried out according to Art. 2 of the Law for the healthy and safe conditions of work
(3) This ordinance shall apply by complying its provisions with the specific
normative acts for safety and protection of the health in working, stipulating requirements for
the following working places:
1. in the transport used outside the enterprise and in the transport vehicles;
2. on temporary or mobile platforms;
3. in the mining industry;
4. on the fishing ships;
5. in the field, forests and other places which are a part of agricultural and forest
enterprises and are located outside the buildings and the territory of the enterprise.
(4) (new, SG 43/03) This ordinance shall also be applied by the persons who work
Art. 2. The employer shall provide the application of the requirements of this
ordinance for the working places, the working process and in using the provided working
Art. 3. (amend. SG 88/04) Except the obligations to LHSCW the employer shall:
1. (suppl., SG 43/03; suppl. - SG 40/08) inform the workers and/or their work safety
and health representatives about all measures related to the safety and protection of the health
to be taken at the working place and in using the working equipment; The information must be
easily understood by the workers whom it regards.
2. (suppl. - SG 40/08) consult with the workers and/or their work safety and health
representatives and create possibility for their participation on all issues related to this

Art. 4. In organising and carrying out the working activity shall be fulfilled the
requirements of this ordinance, of the normative acts for the safety and health in working in
the different industries, activities, types of work and working equipment and for fire safety.

Chapter two.
Art. 5. (Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
Art. 6. (Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
Art. 7. (amend., SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
Art. 8. (Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
Art. 9. (amend., SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
Art. 10. The owner or the user of an enterprise, site or working equipment shall create
a dossier containing:
1. (suppl., SG 43/030 executive documentation or the part of it referring to the project
provision of the healthy and safe conditions of work, the act certifying the commissioning of
the construction and the documentation (records and acts) proving the compliance of the
finished construction with the requirements of LHSWC;
2. all documents registering periodical tests and inspections during the operation,
including the repairs, as well as the measurements for the conditions of the working
environment, including the results from the monitoring when provided for.
Art. 10a. (new SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
Art. 10b. (new SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
Art. 10c. (new SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
Art. 10d. (new SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
Art. 10e. (new SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
Art. 10f. (new SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)

Art. 10g. (new SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
Art. 10h. (new SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
Art. 10i. (new SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
Art. 10j. (new SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)

Chapter three.
Art. 11. The territory of the enterprise (the site) shall be fenced and/or other measures
shall be taken for restriction of the access of outsiders.
Art. 12. The composition design of the territory of the enterprise shall provide all
conditions related to the safety and health of people.
Art. 13. The roads on the territory of the enterprise and the organisation of the
transport shall be complied with the nature of the working activity, the used vehicles, the
transported cargo and the requirements of this ordinance.
(2) The roads on the territory of the enterprise shall be constructed and maintained by
durable cover and shall be signalled by the necessary marking, road signs and signals.
Art. 14. The safety of the operation of railways property of an enterprise, including
the places of their crossing with other roads and pedestrian crossings, shall be provided
according to the normative acts of the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Interior.
Art. 15. Masts, aerials, chimneys, towers, buildings and other installations, the height
of which presents danger for the aviation shall be signalled by light marking.

Chapter four.
Section I.
General requirements
Art. 16. The working premises and the working places must provide safe conditions
of work and protection of the health of the workers.

Art. 17. In fulfilment of the minimal requirements for the working places for safety
and protection of the health shall be considered the characteristics of the working place and of
the activity, as well as the concrete circumstances and danger.
Art. 18. (1) (prev. text of art. 18 - SG 43/03) Not admitted shall be the exceeding of
the established norms of production micro climate, noise, vibrations, dust, toxic substances,
lighting, non-ionising and laser radiation in the working premises and at the working places.
(2) (new, SG 43/03; amend. - SG 40/08) In no case the workers shall be exposed to
high risks, as a result of work in restricted space.
(3) (new - SG 40/08) For the workers in restricted space provided shall be a
permanent observation from outside and appropriate measures shall be taken for providing
effective and immediate help.
Art. 19. The buildings in which working places are located must have a construction
and operation security according to their purpose.
Art. 20. Technological processes and activities accompanied by a release of dust,
toxic and other harmful substances, noise and vibrations above the established norm, the
presence of ionising radiation, infra red radiation, ultra violet radiation, laser, electromagnetic
fields, overheating micro climate, wet processes, etc. shall be organised in other buildings or
premises in compliance with the requirements of the normative acts for the respective type of
activity for providing healthy and safe conditions of work and fire safety.
Art. 21. The working places and the working equipment, including the ventilation
systems, shall be cleaned regularly in compliance with the hygienic and technological
Art. 22. (amend. SG 88/04) The working premises must have enough area, height and
air allowing the workers to fulfil their job without risks for the safety, the health and their well
Art. 23. The free unoccupied area of the working place shall be measured up in such a
way as to provide enough freedom of movement of the workers in fulfilment of their job.
Art. 24. The size of the working premises, the number of people, the arrangement of
the working equipment in them, the roads for transport vehicles and people and the free areas
shall meet the requirements of the normative acts for safety and health in working and fire
safety for the respective activity.
Art. 24a. (new, SG 43/03) (1) The mobile or fixed working places at a high or law
place shall be steady and robust, taking into consideration:
1. the number of workers on the grounds;
2. the maximum possible loading and distribution of loads;

3. the possible external impact.

(2) When the bearing and other parts of the working places are not stable enough their
steadiness shall be provided through appropriate and safe fixing devices in order to prevent
any incidental and/or unwanted change of the position of the whole working place and/or parts
of it.
(3) The steadiness and robustness shall be controlled in an appropriate way, especially
after each possible change of the height, respectively depth of the working place.
Art. 25. The organisation of the work, the size and the arrangement of the working
place shall be complied with the physiological and ergonomic requirements for providing
normal course of the working process and for removal or reduction of the risk for the health in
fulfilment of the working activity.
Art. 26. The working place shall be designed in compliance with the ergonomic
requirements and with the anthropometric characteristics of the workers.
Art. 27. The colour design of the working place shall be complied with the principles
of the ergonomy and the industrial aesthetics, the architectural particularities of the working
premises, the nature of the working process and the factors of the working environment.

Section II.
Floors, walls, ceilings and roofs of the premises
Art. 28. (1) The floors of the working premises and of the individual working places
and their elements shall be made and maintained in such a way as to be immobile and stable,
not to be slippery, not have dangerous unevenness, slopes, obstacles and apertures.
(2) (amend. SG 88/04) The floors, the walls, the ceilings or the roofs of the premises,
in which there are working places, shall be isolated thermally according to the kind of the
work and the physical load of the workers in order to be avoided risks for their health.
Art. 29. The floors and the walls of the working premises shall be made of materials
which do not release, do not let through and do not carry emissions harmful for people and
which are complied with the requirements for fire safety.
Art. 30. The surface of the floors, the walls and the ceilings of the premises shall be
made in a suitable way which shall not complicate their regular cleaning according to the
production and hygiene requirements.
Art. 31. (1) (amend., SG 43/03) Walls and other screens, worked out of transparent
material, in premises or close to working places and transport roads shall be marked or
protected for the purpose of avoiding collisions.
(2) (suppl., SG 43/03) The transparent materials must be safe or the construction of
the walls and screens must prevent harm to the workers in the event of their destruction.

Art. 32. (amend., SG 43/03) Access to roofs and other surfaces made of materials of
insufficient strength shall be permitted only by using devices providing safe work, taking
measures for preventing involuntary stepping on these surfaces or falling through them.

Section III.
Windows and dormers
Art. 33. (suppl., SG 43/03) The windows, the dormers and the ventilation devices of
the working premises shall be closed, opened and fixed in a chosen position in such a way as
not to cause danger for the workers, as well as for the persons around the building, including
Art. 34. (1) The windows and the dormers shall be designed with the necessary
devices which allow their cleaning without a risk for the workers who fulfil the work, for the
workers in the building and the persons around it.
(2) The windows and the dormers shall be maintained and cleaned by:
1. methods and devices stipulated by a project;
2. methods and forms provided by the employer.

Section IV.
Doors and portals
Art. 35. The place, the number, the size and the type of the doors and the portals in
the working premises and on the territory of the enterprise, as well as the materials of which
they are made, shall be determined by the nature of the activity, the type of the working
premises, the transport vehicles, the processed cargo and by the requirements for evacuation in
cases of accidents and fire.
Art. 36. The transparent doors and portals shall meet the requirements of Art. 31 and
their marking shall be on the eye level.
Art. 37. The rotating and swinging doors and portals must be transparent or to have
apertures providing visibility.
Art. 38. The sliding doors and portals must have safety devices against slipping out of
the rails and falling.
Art. 39. Doors and portals opening upside shall be provided with a device against
uncontrolled back movement or falling.
Art. 40. The doors along the emergency roads:

1. shall be marked by the established signs for safety;

2. must be able to open inside out without obstruction at any time, without a key.
Art. 41. (amend., SG 43/03) The mechanised doors and portals must move without
creating danger for the workers.
Art. 42. In case of accident in the power supply system the mechanised doors must
automatically be opened and to remain open or to be able to open them manually.
Art. 43. The heavy doors and portals shall be secured against unhinging and moving
on their own.
Art. 44. (1) The doors and the portals of the working premises must provide the safe
passage of the workers.
(2) The doors for pedestrians cannot be in the closest vicinity of portals, provided for
transport vehicles except if safe passage is provided for the pedestrians. The doors must be
clearly marked and permanently free.
Art. 45. The doors and the portals determined for passing of only transport vehicles
shall be marked by signs prohibiting the movement of pedestrians.

Section V.
Electric installations and equipment
Art. 46. (1) (prev. art. 46, amend. SG 88/04; amend. - SG 40/08) The electric and
electricity distribution installations and equipment shall be designed and worked out in such a
way so that at using them no dangers of fire or explosions are caused. The exposed working
persons must be protected in appropriate way from risk of injuries from electricity from direct
or indirect contact.
(2) (new SG 88/04) The designing, working out and the choice of materials and
protective devices and protection means must be complied with the electric voltage, the
conditions of the ambience and the competence of the persons, who have access to the
installation and its component parts.
Art. 47. (1) The designing and working out of the electric installations and equipment
and the choice of the materials and safety devices used for them shall be complied with the
type and the volume of the electric voltage and the conditions of operation.
(2) The electric installations and equipment shall be serviced by persons with the
necessary qualification and capacity.
Art. 47a. (new, SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)

Section VI.
Traffic routes and danger zones
Art. 48. The traffic routes shall be determined, arranged and dimensioning depending
on their purpose.
Art. 49. The routes used for pedestrians and for transport vehicles shall be
dimensioned in compliance with the number of the potential users and the type and the nature
of the activities, always providing for the pedestrians enough safe space.
Art. 50. The traffic routes, including stairways, steps, immovable stairs and places for
loading and unloading, as well as the distances between the used vehicles and doors, portals,
columns, corridors, pedestrian passages, stairways, working equipment, etc. shall be
determined so that they provide the safety of the equipment, of the transport vehicles and the
safety of pedestrians and workers in the vicinity of these traffic routes.
Art. 51. (suppl., SG 43/03) The traffic routes shall be indicated and marked,
maintained and controlled according to the established requirements.
Art. 52. (1) (prev. art. 52 SG 88/04) For working places with danger zones,
depending on the degree of the risk:
1. the established safety signs shall be placed;
2. devices shall be applied obstructing the access of unauthorised persons in these
3. the necessary measure shall be taken for protection of the authorised workers in
entering the danger zones.
(2) (new SG 88/04) At the places, where risk exists of falling through or falling
subjects, shall be applied the measures according to items 1, 2 and 3 of para 1.
Art. 53. (1) The transport in the enterprises, carried out by motor vehicles shall be
organised in observing:
1. the normative acts for traffic safety, safety of operation, servicing and repair of the
respective vehicles;
2. the requirements for fire safety;
3. the specific requirements for the technology and the production.
(2) The operation of transport vehicles shall be prohibited:
1. for failed signal (light and sound), steering, braking and lighting systems;
2. by unqualified and unauthorised persons.
Art. 54. The transportation of people by transport, lifting, cargo and other means of
transport not designated for this purpose shall be prohibited.
Art. 55. The escalators and the moving stairways must function safely, to be provided

with the necessary safety devices and the emergency switches must be easily visible and

Section VII.
Places for loading and unloading
Art. 56. (1) (suppl. SG 88/04) The places for loading and unloading shall be complied
with the size and the nature of the transported cargo and the applied technology of loading and
unloading and must have at least one exit.
(2) If technically possible exits on both sides shall be provided for loading and
unloading places of considerable length.
Art. 57. Measures shall be taken on the loading and unloading platforms for
protection of the workers and of the used machines from falling.
Art. 58. The cargo shall be processed in compliance with the requirements for safety
and protection of the health in operation and the established signs and signals.
Art. 59. The cargo classified as dangerous shall be transported and processed in
compliance with the requirements of the normative acts specific for them.

Section VIII.
Emergency roads and exits
Art. 60 Provided in the working premises and in the buildings shall be emergency
roads and exits for evacuation in emergency situations, fires, calamities, etc., complied with
the number of the employees.
Art. 61. The emergency roads and exits shall always be kept fit, free and clean with
the purpose of providing the fastest possible taking people out of the danger zone.
Art. 62. In case of occurring danger possibility shall be provided for quick and safe
evacuation of the workers from all working places.
Art. 63. The number, the location and the size of the emergency roads and exits shall
be determined depending on the location, the size and the using of the equipment and of the
working places and the maximal number of people.
Art. 64. (amend., SG 43/03, SG 88/04) (1) The doors of the emergency roads must be
closing so to be able easy and immediately to be opened by each person, who must use them in
case of accident.

(2) the doors of the emergency exits, that take out of the building or the enterprise to
opened from inside to outside easily without key or other blockings.
(3) The doors along the emergency roads shall be marked by the established safety
Art. 65. It shall not be permitted to use sliding and rotating doors for emergency exits
and along emergency roads.
Art. 66. The emergency roads and exits shall be signalled permanently by the
established signs.
Art. 67. The transport routes and doors providing access to the emergency roads and
exits must be free of obstacles and must be usable without difficulties at any time.
Art. 68. The emergency roads and exits, when necessary, shall also be provided with
emergency lighting of suitable intensity.

Section IX.
Working places in the open
Art. 69. (amend. SG 88/04) Working equipment, installations, road routes or other
open air places, where work workers or which are used in connection with the work in the
open, shall be set up in a way providing the safety and protection of the health of the workers
and shall be organized so that the pedestrians and the transport vehicles to operate safely.
Art. 69a. (new - SG 40/08) The requirements of Art. 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56 and 57
from this Ordinance shall apply also to the main routes on the territory of the enterprise
(routes, leading to permanent working places), to the routes, used for regular maintenance and
observance of the enterprise installations, as well as for the load sites.
Art. 69b. (new - SG 40/08) The requirements of Art. 49 - 52 from this Ordinance shall
apply also to working places in open air.
Art. 70. The working places in the open shall be lighted additionally by artificial
lighting when the natural lighting is insufficient according to the requirements. The lighting
fixtures shall be fixed where necessary.
Art. 71. The working places in the open shall be constructed and organised in such a
way so that the workers shall be protected from:
1. falling objects;
2. noise;
3. harmful effect - gasses, steam, dust, non-ionising radiation, etc.;

4. falling and slipping.

Art. 72. measures shall be taken for the working places in the open for protection of
the workers from the effect of unfavourable atmospheric conditions.
Art. 73. Provided for the workers in the open shall be a possibility of fast evacuation
and help.

Chapter five.
Section I.
Lighting of the working places
Art. 74. (amend. SG 88/04) (1) The working places must have natural and artificial
light, ensuring the safety and the health of the working. With priority in the working places
shall be provided natural light.
(2) When the natural light is insufficient or is not possible to be ensured, combined
lighting or artificial lighting shall be applied.
(3) (new - SG 40/08) The colours of the used artificial lighting shall not hamper or
affect the perception of the work safety and health signs and signals.
Art. 75. For substantial differences in the requirements for the lighting of closely
located working places shall be fulfilled the requirements for the prevailing type of working
places, and for the working places with stricter requirements shall apply combined (natural
and artificial) lighting or a system of combined (common and local) artificial lighting.
Art. 76. The lighting installations in premises where there are working places and in
the passages and the places for passing by the workers shall be arranged in such a way as not
to create risk of accidents due to the type and the fulfilment of the installation and the quality
of the lighting.
Art. 77. (amend., SG 43/03) On premises of working places and of transport roads,
where at time of accident the workers are exposed to risk of injuries, shall be provided
emergency lighting with the necessary intensity.
Art. 78. (1) Maintained in the process of operation shall be the design, the qualitative
and quantitative indices of the lighting fixtures and the lighting devices.
(2) The qualitative indices of the lighting devices shall be established by periodical

Art. 79. The additional requirements for the lighting of underground sites, railway
stations, aerodromes, ports, etc. shall be stipulated by specific branch or company rules.
Art. 80. (1) For the respective branch, division of branch, administrative body, trade
company or enterprise can be approved stricter requirements for the lighting.
(2) For concrete premises, working places or equipment, for which specific
requirements are made for the lighting, shall apply norms specially developed for them.
Art. 81. Production equipment, ready production, etc. shall be arranged in the
building or out of it in such a way as not to influence the lighting of the working places.

Section II.
Production micro climate
Art. 82. (amend. - SG 40/08) During the working time the temperature of the working
places at which people permanently work must correspond to the established norms and to be
complied with the used methods of work and the physiological requirements.
Art. 83. In large production premises (halls) and in other places where, during the
cold and the transitional periods of the year, it is technically impossible to meet the
requirements of Art. 82 additional measures shall be taken for providing heat for the workers
(heated premises or cabins, hot air showers, special working clothes, etc.).
Art. 84. The choice of the heating sources and systems shall be complied with the
requirements and the nature of work and the working premises and with the norms and
requirements for safety and health and fire safety.
Art. 85. For work in premises where, due to technological reasons, below zero
temperature is maintained, the workers shall be provided with special working clothes and a
suitable working regime shall be established.
Art. 86. For working places with temperature values above the norm shall apply
technical and organisation decisions for restriction of its harmful effect.
Art. 87. The temperature is zones of recreation, on duty premises, dressing rooms,
bathrooms, washing rooms, WC, canteens and rooms for first medical aid must be suitable for
their purposes.
Art. 88. (amend. SG 88/04) In the presence of high level of sun radiation at the
working place measures shall be applied for prevention of the unfavourable impacts. These
measures shall comply with the nature of the performed work and the specifics of the working
place and shall be applied with regard to windows, dormers and glass screens.

Art. 89. Production processes and working equipment which cause inadmissible
changes of the temperature at the working place shall be isolated in separate premises or
measures shall be taken for the reduction of their effect.
Art. 90. For surface temperature of technological equipment higher than 55 oC
constructive decisions shall apply obstructing the touching of the hot surface.
Art. 91. (1) Materials heated during the technological process, when they can have
harmful effect on the health or the safety of the workers, shall be isolated or taken out of the
production premises. Their manipulation shall be carried out by remote way and out of the
zone of the big heat pressure.
(2) For cooling very heated materials and articles shall be provided and designed
special premises or places. When this is technologically impossible measures shall be provided
for letting out the released heat.
Art. 92. Command and other units of heating furnaces and other similar equipment
which is manipulated manually shall not have temperature higher than 45 oC.
Art. 93. The operative apertures of the heating furnaces and of other similar
equipment shall be provided with devices or appliances preventing from heating radiation.
Art. 94. For activities where overheating of the workers occurs shall be provided:
1. rooms or recesses of normal micro climate and conditions of rational cooling;
2. rational drinking regime with the purpose of compensating the losses of liquid and
mineral salts.
Art. 95. In productions characterised by extensive humidity release and relatively low
temperature of the air ventilation installations for mist removal shall be provided.
Art. 96. For air velocity above the normal values shall be taken measures for its
reduction - ventilation systems, air curtains, screens, barriers, doors, glassing, etc.

Section III.
Dust, toxic and other harmful substances
Art. 97. Not allowed shall be concentrations of harmful substances in the air of the
working environment above the respectively admissible limited concentrations.
Art. 98. (1) Depending on the type and the degree of harmfulness of the substances
shall be carried out permanent or periodical control for their content in the air at the working
(2) In processes with permanent control shall be provided signalling for the presence

of concentrations higher than the admissible.

Art. 99. In choosing production processes and in modernising the acting ones shall be
carried out preliminary assessment of the risk of effect of harmful substances over the
workers, preferring the harmless, less harmful and those with a lower degree of risk.
Art. 100. Restricted to a minimum shall be the contents of admixtures in the raw
materials which, in the process of production, can lead to a release of harmful substances into
the working environment.
Art. 101. Records of files shall be kept for each enterprise and working place for the
used dangerous substances and their characteristics.
(2) Instruction or directions for safe work shall be worked out for each dangerous
Art. 102. The production processes using dangerous substances shall possibly be
organised as maximum mechanised and automated.
Art. 103. In the probability of creating dangerous concentrations of toxic gases in the
working environment shall be provided automatic gas analysing and gas signalling systems
connected with an emergency ventilation and signalling.
Art. 104. The roads of transportation and technological processing of dangerous
materials shall be marked according to the requirements and shall be optimised.
Art. 105. The manipulation and the packing of powdered, toxic and other harmful
materials shall be carried out chiefly by automated or mechanical way providing:
1. minimal height of free falling;
2. measures for restriction of their falling in the working environment;
3. observing the established norms and requirements.
Art. 106. (1) The formation of secondary sources of pollution of the working
environment shall be prevented through suitable regular cleaning of the technological
equipment, the working places and the production premises.
(2) Dry means shall not be applied in the cleaning (dusting, brushing, beating and
cleaning by compressed air).
(3) For restriction of the secondary dust pollution measures shall be taken for:
1. improvement of the surfaces where depositions are possible;
2. besprinkling;
3. reclamation of inner-plant grounds and solid waste depots;
4. using vacuum devices for cleaning the working place and the working equipment;
5. wet cleaning, etc.

Art. 107. Provided shall also be the using of personal protecting devices (PPD) by the
workers in:
1. short-term contact with harmful substances, which cannot be prevented;
2. emergency situations with increased dust release;
3. cleaning and repair of working places and equipment, change of filters and
purification installations;
4. crushing dust releasing materials and similar jobs.
Art. 108. If there is a contact of the workers with toxic and other harmful substances
in the air of the working environment periodical control shall be carried out for:
1. the concentrations of harmful substances in the air of the working environment;
2. the contents of harmful substances in the biological liquids of the workers and of
the specific indices for their effect.
Art. 109. Applied in using powdered raw materials and materials shall be methods
and means of prevention of dust release through a respective technology or treatment.
Art. 110. In applying means of wet dedusting shall be used means and methods of
improving the wetting quality of the water.
Art. 111. In processing articles which can release dust the dry methods of processing
shall be avoided.
Art. 112. The technological equipment for transportation of dust releasing materials
must provide observance of the norms and requirements for the working places and premises.
Art. 113. The transport and the loading and unloading operations of powdered
materials shall be carried out in a way preventing their sputtering in the air.
Art. 114. The powdered materials shall be sifted in closed areas. In sifting for
separation into fractions fixed to the sifts shall be thick casing with a possibility of connection
to an aspiration device.
Art. 115. The bunkers for piling powdered materials shall be provided with devices
signalling the level of the piled material or the degree of its discharge.
Art. 116. In emptying silos and bunkers containing powdered materials in bulk shall
be used dosing devices excluding the uneven entry of materials, sliding or free falling related
to duct release.
Art. 117. In recirculation of air the dust content in the recirculation flow shall not be
allowed within the limits up to 10 percent of the admissible limited concentration (ALC) for

the working environment.

Art. 118. The release of harmful substances into the air from open-air surfaces
(galvanic baths, cleaning baths, solvent containers, oil, freshly painted or varnished surfaces,
etc.) shall be restricted by fixing board aspiration systems, covers, isolation in separate
premises, using foamier or through a change of the organisation of the technological
Art. 119. If impossible to prevent the release of harmful substances in the working
environment the necessary technical measures shall be taken (screening, water shower, local
and common exchange ventilation, system of air purification, etc.) for providing the
maintenance of the lowest possible concentrations in the air within the limits of ALC.
Art. 120. In transporting, storing, keeping, manipulation and using raw materials,
materials and production which contain harmful substances, taken into account shall be their
specific characteristics and safety and protection of the health of the workers shall be
provided, including the prevention of explosions, self ignition, incompatibility, release of toxic
substances, isolation.
Art. 121. Toxic or aggressive liquid and liquified substances shall be transported and
stored in special containers of the necessary solidity and resistance to chemical effect. When
glass containers are used measures for preventing their breaking shall be taken. Their storing
shall be made, if possible, in the containers in which they have been transported.
Art. 122. The waste products shall be removed in due time from the working place
and shall be stored in compliance with the necessary requirements.
Art. 123. In industrial technological processes related to a constant transfer of big
quantities of liquid or powdered dangerous substances the following requirements shall be
observed for the receiving containers:
1. the receiving container must have a larger volume in order to avoid the necessity of
switching to other containers;
2. to be provided with indication devices for controlling their filling;
3. depending on the danger of their being provided with systems of purification of the
outgoing air containing toxic substances and for its throwing out in a suitable place;
4. the technology of transfer shall provide safety and protection of the health of the

Section IV.
Ventilation of the working places in the premises
Art. 124. (amend. SG 88/04) The production and auxiliary premises shall be aired by
natural or mechanical ventilation, providing the necessary air exchange in compliance with the

nature and the intensity of work, the physiological needs of the workers and the established
norms of air velocity, temperature and relative humidity.
Art. 125. (1) Compulsory ventilation shall be provided in working premises where
dust, toxic and other harmful substances are released.
(2) Local ventilation shall be provided at the source of release of harmful substances.
Art. 126. (1) In using a system of compulsory ventilation shall be provided its
effective and reliable functioning and maintenance.
(2) Where, for the protection of the health of the workers, it is necessary each
accidental interruption of the ventilation to be signalled by a control system.
Art. 127. (1) In using climatic or ventilation installation it shall not be admitted for
the workers to be subjected to harmful air drafts.
(2) Deposits and pollution which create immediate danger for the health of the
workers shall immediately be removed.
Art. 128. In the cases when there is a possibility of emergency release of strong toxic
substances or creation of explosive and highly inflammable concentrations in the working
premises or places emergency ventilation system shall automatically be operated.
Art. 129. In technological processes related to the using, obtaining or storing toxic
substances or probability of creating explosive mixtures depending on the existing risk one or
more technical decisions shall apply:
1. automatic switching of the ventilation systems at the beginning of the technological
2. automatically operated ventilation, signalling, emergency, fire alarm or fire
extinguishing systems;
3. stopping of the production process and signalling;
4. neutralisation of the harmful substances.
Art. 130. The local suction installations servicing equipment which release strong
toxic gases and dust and the common exchange ventilation installations in working premises
of the category of production A and B shall be installed in such a way as to be started
simultaneously with the technological equipment and prevent its start in cases of failure of the
Art. 131. In production processes with release of toxic substances, morbid micro
organisms, strong unpleasant smell, possible abrupt increase of the explosive and highly
flammable substances the ventilation system shall be created without recirculation of the air.

Section V.
Reduction of the noise at the working place

Art. 132. (1) In choosing machines, equipment, instruments and technologies

preference shall be given to those which generate less noise, observing the established norms
and requirements.
(2) The accompanying documentation of the working equipment shall indicate the
noise parameters.
Art. 133. In reconstruction and modernisation of the production buildings and
premises designed and fulfilled shall be architectural and construction solutions for absorbing
and isolation of the noise with the purpose of not admitting its spreading in neighbouring
working premises and buildings.
Art. 134. In the presence of noise level above the standard at the working places
applied in dependence of the technological possibilities shall be technical solutions for its
reduction through screens, sleeves, covers, fences, noise absorption processing of walls and
ceilings, isolation, remote control of machines and equipment, noise-proof cabins for the
personnel, etc.
Art. 135. Inspection of the working places and equipment where the noise
characteristics are close or higher than the allowed shall be carried out at least once a year and
protection measures shall be taken. The measurements, the measures and the results shall be
entered in the documentation for the assessment of the risk.
Art. 136. For work in the conditions of noise above the established norms and when
all requirements for reduction of the noise have been applied the workers shall be provided
with anti-phones (internal or external).
Art. 137. In the cases when it is impossible, by technological means or through
application of technical solutions, to achieve the established norms for noise rational regime of
work and rest shall be worked out, reducing the exposure and its harmful effect.
Art. 138. For noisy production rooms for periodical rest of the workers shall be
equipped, with noise level not higher than 65 dB(A).

Section VI.
Prevention of the harmful effect of the production vibrations at the working
Art. 139. In constructing new industrial buildings or in reconstruction and
modernisation of the existing ones shall be taken the necessary architectural and construction
measures for prevention of the spreading of vibrations.
Art. 140. In introducing in the production machines, equipment and manual

instruments preference shall be given to those which generate less vibrations, observing the
established norms.
Art. 141. (1) Machines and equipment - source of vibrations, shall be installed
according to designs guaranteeing the mechanical reliability of the construction of the
buildings and equipment and of their individual elements.
(2) For restriction of the level of vibrations the machines and the equipment shall be
installed on individual foundations and/or technical solutions shall be applied for reduction of
the noise of vibrations.
(3) Manual machines and instruments - sources of vibrations above the standards,
shall be supplied with vibration subduing handles according to the established requirements.
(4) (amend. - SG 40/08) The parts of the vibrating equipment, in contact with the
hands of the working persons, shall be of ergonomic form providing optimal muscular tension.
Art. 142. In using the useful effect of the vibrations the workers must be protected
against their harmful effect.
Art. 143. The accompanying documentation of the working equipment shall indicate
the parameters of the generated vibrations.
Art. 144. Periodically, as well as after every repair, inspection and measuring shall be
carried out for the vibration characteristics of the equipment generating vibrations. The
measurements, the taken measures and the results shall be entered in the documentation for
assessment of the risk.
Art. 145. In working with vibrating equipment engaging the upper limbs the
production activity shall be carried out at air temperature not lower than 16 oC, humidity 40 60 % and air velocity not more than 0.3 m/s. In working during the cold period of the year in
not heated premises or in the open at average day temperatures lower than + 10 oC, provided
shall be special premises for periodical warming up with air temperatures over 22 oC, relative
humidity 40 - 60 % and air velocity not higher than 0.3 m/s.
Art. 146. Provided for the workers subjected to vibrations shall be:
1. vibration isolating personal protection devices;
2. medical prophylactics.

Section VII.
Work in conditions of non-ionising radiation in the working environment
Art. 147. At working places with fields and radiation shall not be admitted the excess
of the maximal admissible values of their intensity or of the established duration of stay of the
workers there.

Art. 148. The production processes and the working equipment which are source of
electrostatic field shall be operated in such a way as the intensity of the electrostatic field in
the working environment does not exceed 25 kV/m.
Art. 149. (1) One or more technical solutions shall be applied in the presence of
electrostatic fields:
1. grounding of the metal and conducting parts of the machines and equipment;
2. using current conducting floor covers in the premises and current conducting shoes
and clothes for the workers;
3. equalising the potentials between the individual parts of the equipment and of the
4. using neutralisers or ionisers of the air;
5. reduction of the specific volume and surface resistance of the materials through
introduction of anti-static additives, current conducting fillings, anti-static paint, preparations,
6. maintaining high relative humidity in the working environment;
7. optimisation of the technological processes through reduction of the speeds of
transportation of liquids, using relaxing electrostatically charged tanks, reduction of the
turbulence of movement of liquid dielectrics;
8. using warning signalling or blocking;
9. using devices for collective and individual protection - floor covers, clothes and
(2) For work in conditions of electrostatic fields obligatorily provided shall be the
fulfilment of all specific requirements of the respective normative acts.
Art. 150. For restriction of the effect of the electromagnetic fields at the working
places, along the roads for movement of people and transport vehicles shall be constructed
permanent or temporary grounded screening devices.
Art. 151. (amend. SG 88/04) The production processes and the working equipment
which are source of permanent magnetic field shall be used in such a way so that the magnetic
induction at the working place does not exceed 60 mT (equivalent to 600 G), average in time
during the working day, and the maximal value of the density of the flux of the magnetic field
does not exceed 2 T regardless of the time of radiation.
Art. 152. The sources of low frequency electric and magnetic fields shall be mounted
in such a way as the maximal admissible value of the intensity of the electric field shall not
exceed the following values:
1. for frequencies from 0 to 100 Hz - Emax = 25 kV/m;
2. for frequencies from 100 Hz to 4 kHz - Emax = 2.5.106/f, V/m, where f is the
frequency in Hz;
3. for frequencies from 4 kHz to 60 kHz - Emax - 625 V/m.
Art. 153. The maximal admissible value of the density of the flux of the magnetic

field must correspond to the following relation:

Bmax = 60/f, mT, where f is the frequency in Hz.
Art. 154. For persons working with implanted cardiological stimulators the maximal
admissible density of the flux of the magnetic field must be less than the following values:
1. Bmax = 0.1 mT at f = 50 Hz;
2. Bmax = 1.0 mT at f < 6 Hz.
Art. 155. For protection of the workers from electric and magnetic fields at the
working places, passages and roads shall be used protective screens, such as visors, sheds,
bafflers, etc.
Art. 156. Outside the activity of the permanent screens used shall be temporary or
portable screening devices.
Art. 157. The requirements for safe work in conditions of complex modulated
electromagnetic radiation for which no requirements are established shall be determined
according to instructions of the respective competent body.
Art. 158. For working in conditions of electromagnetic radiation from the radio
frequency and micro wave range shall be observed the established norms of BDS 14525-90
and BDS 17137-90.
Art. 159. The working places in conditions of electromagnetic fields within the
frequency range of 10 MHz to 300 MHz shall be arranged in such a way that the intensity of
the magnetic field does not exceed 0.16 A/m.
Art. 160. Working equipment which is a source of electromagnetic radiation shall be
provided with protective screens providing reduction of the released energy to the values of
the established norms.
Art. 161. The following requirements shall be observed in protective screening of the
radiating equipment:
1. the radiating elements shall be screened individually as the generator shall be
screened by a common screen;
2. the operative element (inductor, condenser) can be within a common screen with
the generator if the technological process allows that; otherwise individual screening shall be
made for the feeding lines and the operative element and the generator shall again be screened
by a common screen;
3. for frequencies of the radiated electromagnetic field under 10 kHz shall be used
screens of steel leaves and for frequencies over 10 kHz - any magnetic and non-magnetic
conducting materials (steel, aluminium, copper, etc.);
4. the screening can be made with a thick material or metal net as the concrete

requirements for the efficiency of the screens shall be determined by calculation.

Art. 162. For each laser system the instruction for operation shall include
requirements for safety and protection of the health in operation.
Art. 163. (1) Admitted to work with laser devices shall only be persons with special
qualification and passed examination on the rules for providing safe and healthy conditions of
(2) The persons who service lasers and laser systems shall pass courses for safe
operation once in two years and for every change of the conditions or replacement of the laser
(3) Responsible official shall be appointed for each laser system.

Chapter six.
Section I.
General Provisions
Art. 164. (1) (suppl., SG 43/03) The home produced and imported working
equipment, technologies and materials must correspond to the requirements for safety and
protection of the health in working, for fire safety, for ergonomy and to the requirements
contained in the normative acts applicable for this equipment, related to assessment of the
(2) The producers and the importers of working equipment, technologies and
materials shall provide accompanying documentation in Bulgarian language with all the
necessary data and requirements related to their safe operation, maintenance and repair.
(3) (new, SG 43/03) Installations, machines and equipment, including manual
instruments, without or without a motor, must be:
1. correctly installed and used;
2. maintained in good operational condition;
3. used only according to their purpose;
4. (amend. - SG 40/08) serviced by appropriately trained working persons.
Art. 165. (1) In creation organisation of work, choice of technological processes and
working equipment and in its adaptation and using shall be provided observance of the
established norms and requirements for the safety and protection of the health in working as
well as fire safety.
(2) (new - SG 40/08) When choosing working equipment the employer shall take
under consideration the specific work conditions and characteristics, the risks existing in the
enterprise and on the working place, as well as the additional risks, which can be caused by the
use of the working equipment.
(3) (prev. text of Para 02, amend. - SG 40/08) In using the working equipment where

it is impossible to exclude completely the risk for the safety and the health of the workers the
employer shall take suitable measures for minimising the risks.
(4) (new, SG 43/03; prev. text of Para 03 - SG 40/08) For working equipment in
operation, before the enactment of the ordinances under art. 7 of the Law for the technical
requirements for the products may not apply the same measures as stipulated for the new
working equipment.
Art. 165a. (new - SG 40/08) Where the work equipment creates specific risks for the
safety and health of the working persons, the employer shall take the necessary measures to
1. that the use of the work equipment is restricted to the persons, assigned to use it;
2. that the installation, de-installation, changes, tuning, maintenance, service and
repair of the equipment are carried out only by persons who are qualified and assigned for the
specific tasks.
Art. 166. (1) (new - SG 40/08) The employer shall provide to the working persons
information and written instructions, if necessary, for use of the working equipment.
(2) (prev. text of Para 01 - SG 40/08) In using working equipment when there is a risk
for the safety and the health of the workers the employer shall provide the application of
written instructions.
(3) (prev. text of Para 02, suppl. - SG 40/08) The written instructions under Para 1 and
2 must be clear for the workers whom they concern and shall contain the necessary
information including:
1. the conditions for using the working equipment;
2. the foreseeable abnormal situations;
3. the requirements for safety and health in working;
4. the conclusions deriving from experience in using the working equipment.
Art. 167. (1) The employer shall provide for the workers the necessary training for
using the working equipment, including training for every possible risk.
(2) For repair, change, maintenance and servicing of the working equipment the
respective workers must receive the necessary specific training.
Art. 168. (1) The workers must be introduced to the dangers which can be caused by
the working equipment, including the one which they do not use directly, located at:
1. their working place;
2. the places related to the fulfilment of their job.
(2) (amend. - SG 40/08) The requirements under para 1 shall also apply to any
changes of the working equipment.
Art. 168a. (new, SG 43/03) (1) (amend. - SG 40/08) Where the safety of the working
equipment depends on the conditions of instalment with the purpose of guaranteeing its correct
installation and functioning, the employer shall provide the fulfilment of:
1. initial inspection after the installation and before the initial commissioning;

2. inspection after the instalment of the working equipment on another working site or
for change of its location.
(2) For working equipment, exposed to impact which can cause deterioration of its
state and, as a result, lead to dangerous situations, the employer shall provide the performance
of periodical inspections and, where necessary, periodical tests for guaranteeing its safe
(3) After reconstruction and other changes in the production processes, a continuous
period of stay, occurrence of extraordinary circumstances, such as natural calamities,
accidents, etc., which may have dangerous consequences for the safety of the working
equipment, the employer shall provide extraordinary inspections and, where necessary, tests
for the purpose of guaranteeing the observance of the requirements for safety and health
during work and the timely detection and removal of occurred failures.
(4) When normative acts do not provide otherwise the inspections under the preceding
paras shall be carried out by persons hired by the employer, having the necessary qualification,
who might belong to the respective organisation, or from outside.
(5) Written records shall be issued for the results from the inspection, which shall be
stored in a dossier according to art. 10, to be submitted to the control bodies on request.
(6) When the working equipment is used outside the enterprise it shall be
accompanied by a copy of the written records or by another document related to the last
Art. 169. The working equipment and the processes during which dust, gas emissions,
steam, liquids, toxic and other harmful substances are released shall be provided with
purifying and/or ventilation devices located at the sources of danger.
Art. 170. (1) Documentation shall be kept for each ventilation or purification device
containing its technical parameters, results from tests and measurements and instruction for
operation and repair.
(2) New or repaired ventilation and purification devices shall be implemented after
the establishment of the efficiency of their operation.
(3) For each ventilation and purification device, after its implementation, a file shall
be made according to Art. 10 which shall be kept by an official appointed by an order.
Art. 171. (1) The ventilation devices releasing into the atmosphere processed air in
which the concentration of harmful substances and dust exceeds by 30 percent the determined
admissible norms of concentration for the working environment shall be supplied with
purification installations.
(2) processed air polluted by smell shall be rendered free of smell in letting it out into
the atmosphere.
Art. 172. Depending on the possible risk and the established technology the processes
related to the using, obtaining or storing toxic or other harmful substances shall be carried out
n hermetic installations.

Art. 173. (1) Not admitted shall be the operation of working equipment with missing
or failing systems of control, protection, signalling and automation related to the safety of
(2) (amend., SG 43/03) The measurement devices related to the safety of work shall
be provided by metrological assessment.
(3) The scales of the control measurement devices shall additionally be marked by the
values of the measured quantity creating conditions for the precise reading of the indications.
Art. 174. The automatic regulating devices must provide signalling of the departure of
the processes from the limits of regulation when it creates danger of injuries and accidents.
Art. 175. (1) (prev. art. 175, amend. SG 88/04) The working equipment must be
complied with the environment and the premises where it will be used at work in the open, at
fire danger, explosivity, high humidity, etc.
(2) (new SG 88/04) The dimensions of the working equipment must be complied
with the nature of the work done and with the predictable loads and to allow safe movement
Art. 176. The using, independently or within technological systems, of working
equipment must be maintained in such a way as to meet the requirements for safety and
protection of the health in working during the entire period of using it, including instalment
and taking out of operation.
Art. 177. (1) The control units shall be installed, arranged, fulfilled and marked so
1. they can provide the fulfilment of the requirements for safety and protection of the
health in working;
2. they can be easily visible and identified.
3. (new SG 88/04) at involuntary activation not to increase whichever of the
possible dangers.
(2) The control units must provide the starting of the working equipment only in cases
of deliberate activity of the operator in:
1. initial starting;
2. repeated starting after the stopping for any reason whatsoever;
3. necessity of changes of the conditions and the regime of operation;
(3) The requirements under para 2 shall not apply when:
1. the operation of the working equipment is a part of a normal automatic cycle;
2. the changes do not generate any danger for the workers.
(4) The control units are located outside the danger zones in such a way that their
operating does not generate additional danger.
(5) When it is imperative for individual control units to be located in a danger zone
additional measures shall be taken for their safe operation.
(6) (amend. - SG 40/08) The place of control of the working equipment shall be
arranged in such a way as that the operator can make sure there is no person in the dangerous
(7) If it is impossible to provide visibility from the place of control of the working

equipment in all danger zones:

1. (amend. - SG 40/08) provided shall be automatic warning and/or visible signal
before starting and stopping so that the exposed workers must have time and means of
avoiding the danger;
2. created shall be a signal system through which timely information shall be
provided to the workers about the regimes of work related to their safety.
(8) (new - SG 40/08) In cases a working person occurs fully or partially in a
dangerous zone, time and/or money for fast prevention of the risks, caused by turning on
and/or off the working equipment shall be ensured.
Art. 178. (1) The control systems for the working equipment must be safe and must
provide its safe using.
(2) The control systems shall be chosen by taking into account the possible failures,
omissions and restrictions in the conditions for using the working equipment.
Art. 179. (1) Every working equipment must have a control device which can safely
stop it completely.
(2) The control device for stopping must have priority before the control devices for
(3) When the working equipment or its dangerous parts are stopped the power supply
of their respective drives must be switched off.
Art. 180. At each working place, depending on the existing danger there must be
control devices which can stop safely the entire working equipment or a definite part of it.
Art. 181. Depending on the type and the nature of the working equipment, the
existing danger in its operation and the necessary time for its normal stopping shall be
provided the emergency stopping device.
Art. 182. The warning devices of the working equipment must be easily and
unambiguously comprehended and realised.
Art. 183. Working equipment which creates danger from falling or thrown out
objects, substances, etc. shall be provided with suitable preventing devices corresponding to
the danger.
Art. 184. (amend. - SG 40/08) For securing the safety and health of working persons
the working equipment and its parts must be stabilised by attaching, screwing, tightening,
clamping and other appropriate means.
Art. 185. For risk of tearing off or disintegration of parts of the working equipment
suitable protective measures shall be taken.

Art. 186. (1) The moving parts of the working equipment which create a risk of
accidents shall be isolated by protective devices preventing the access to the danger zones or
shall be provided with devices stopping their movement in reaching the danger zone by a
person or by an object.
(2) The protective fences and the protective devices shall meet the following
1. to be strong enough;
2. not to create additional danger;
3. not to be easily removed or taken out of operation;
4. to be located at enough distance from the danger zone;
5. not to restrict more than necessary the possibility of supervision of the working
equipment and its servicing;
6. to allow, when possible, without dismantling of the fencing and the other protective
devices, necessary for the adjustment or replacement of parts and for jobs on the maintenance,
restricting the access only to these places where the respective job is done.
Art. 187. The working equipment or parts of it with a high or very low temperature, if
not thermally isolated shall be fenced with protective devices.
Art. 188. The working equipment shall be arranged, installed and used so that it can
reduce to a maximum the risks for the directly working with it and the remaining workers
1. providing enough space between the mobile parts of the equipment and
neighbouring mobile and immovable objects;
2. safe supply and letting out of energy and substances which are used or produced;
3. other necessary measures.
Art. 189. The working equipment shall be used only according to its purpose and
under the conditions for which it has been designed.
Art. 190. (amend. - SG 40/08) The places and the zones related to the operation and
the servicing of the working equipment shall be appropriately lighted according to the
conducted work.
Art. 191. (1) The operations for the maintenance of the working equipment shall be
carried out when it is stopped. When it is impossible all necessary precautions shall be taken
or the maintenance operations shall be fulfilled out of the danger zones.
(2) (amend. SG 88/04) When for the work for maintenance of the working equipment
is required keeping of diary, it must be in updated status.
Art. 192. (1) the units for switching out the working equipment from the supplying
energy sources shall be mounted and marked in a way allowing their easy identification.
(2) In switching in and out of the working equipment to the energy sources shall be
fulfilled the organisation and technical measures providing safety for the workers.

Art. 193. Placed on the working equipment shall be all necessary signs, warning signs
and marking related to the provision of the safety and health of the workers.
Art. 194. (1) The workers must have safe access and be safe in all places and zones
where production activity and operations on the adjustment and maintenance of the working
premises are carried out.
(2) All operations carried out with the working equipment or parts and elements of it
in connection with assembly, operation, maintenance, repair and dismantling shall be carried
out by observing the instructions of the producer and the established organisational and
technical measures of safety and protection of the health in working.
Art. 195. The working equipment must provide protection of the workers from the
risks of inflammation, exceeding the temperature, leakage of gasses, dust, liquids, steam or
other substances which are produced, used or stored by it.
Art. 196. It shall not be permitted for a working equipment to create risks of
explosion, related both with it and with the produced, used or stored by it substances.
Art. 197. (amend. - SG 40/08) The working equipment must be suitable to protect the
exposed working persons against any risk of direct or indirect contact with electricity.
Art. 198. Work with sources of non-ionising radiation shall be carried out in
conditions not allowing harmful effect.
Art. 199. (1) (amend. SG 88/04) In carrying out elevation work the necessary
auxiliary devices shall be provided (plots, platforms, scaffolds, stairs, ropes, cradles etc.) for
the safe fulfilment of the job.
(2) The used auxiliary devices, including those which are elements of stationary
equipment, must meet the requirements established for them and provide safety of operation.
(3) (new SG 88/04) Temporary work at height in the open shall be admitted only
when the climatic conditions do not threaten the safety and the health of the working.
Art. 199a. (new SG 88/04) (1) The means for access to working places at height
shall be chosen depending on:
1. the periodicity of movement;
2. the precise height, which must be reached;
3. the duration of use.
(2) The means for access must:
1. allow quick and easy evacuation in case of immediate danger;
2. ensure safe passing in one and in the other direction between the means for access
and platforms, plots or bridges for passing without additional risks of falling from height.
(3) On the basis of the assessment of the risk and in the cases when the choice of para
1 is not justified, shall be admitted the use of:

1. stairs as working places at height upon short duration of the work or upon existing
of peculiarities of the working plot which the employer cannot change;
2. techniques for access and positioning by ropes.
(4) At use of ropes shall be ensured a seat, supplied with the respective appropriate
devices depending on the duration of the work and the ergonomic requirements.
Art. 199b. (new SG 88/04) When necessary for prevention of falling and as far as
possible for protection of the working from injury additional facilities shall be put with
appropriate configuration and sufficient strength.
Art. 199c. (new SG 88/04) (1) Means for collective protection for prevention from
falling can be missing only at the places for access (stair or staircase).
(2) When it is necessary temporary removal of means for collective protection for
prevention of falling appropriate compensating (substituting) measures shall be taken for
ensuring of safety, without which working shall not be admitted.
(3) After ultimate or temporary finishing of the work, imposed the removal of means
for collective protection for prevention of falling, they shall be put again.
Art. 200. (1) (amend., SG 43/03) In designing, construction and operation of electric
installations, devices, instruments and other working equipment, where required, shall be
observed the requirements for:
1. the construction of the electric installations;
2. the operation of the electric consumers;
3. the safety of work in operation of the electric installations and equipment;
4. the fire prevention construction and technical norms;
5. thunder and lightening protection.
(2) The electric installations and equipment shall be serviced only by persons with the
necessary professional training, having the required qualification group and medical
Art. 201. Emergency power supply of enterprises, technological processes and
working equipment shall be carried out in cases when the stopping of the power supply can
lead to accidents and danger for the life and health of people.
Art. 202. (1) The repair of the working equipment shall be carried out in compliance
with the requirements of the accompanying, technological and repair documentation and the
approved repair schedules.
(2) In carrying out repair jobs related to a risk for the workers organisational and
technical safety precautions shall be taken:
1. stopping of the working equipment;
2. switching off of the power supply;
3. termination of the technological supply of materials, raw materials, elements, etc.;
4. realisation of measures against repeated starting;
5. placing of signs, tables and fencing;

6. checking up the absence of harmful substances and rendering harmless the working
7. other measures depending on the dangers, the specifics of the working equipment
or the process.
(3) In carrying out repair jobs in closed containers provided, besides the measures
under para 2 shall also be:
1. emptying and isolation of the container by mufflers;
2. airing before and during work;
3. measuring for presence of harmful substances (incl. explosive concentrations)
before and during work;
4. lighting according to the environment;
5. cleaning of the internal surfaces;
6. safety belts;
7. safety rope;
8. control and connection with the workers;
9. other measures according to the technological processes, the specifics and the
designation of the closed container.
(4) Repaired working equipment shall be put in operation again after proving its safe
qualities registered in a document to be kept in a file according to Art. 10.
Art. 203. (1) Working equipment subject to influence by aggressive environment shall
be protected against corrosion in compliance with the requirements of the designs, the
construction and repair documentation.
(2) The working equipment shall be subject to periodical inspections for
establishment of the degree of corrosion. The terms and the methodology of the inspections
shall be according to normative or accompanying documents or they shall be determined by
internal normative act.
Art. 204. (1) (amend. - SG 40/08) The designing, the production, the import, the
assembly, the technical certification, the maintenance, the repair, the periodical inspections and
the operation of the equipment of high degree of danger according to Art. 281, para 3 of the
Labour Code, including those subject to technical supervision, shall be carried out according
to the requirements of the normative acts specific for them.
(2) When there are no specific normative requirements for some equipment of high
degree of danger they shall be worked out by the respective administrative body or by the
Art. 205. (1) (prev. text of art. 205 - amend., SG 43/03) The equipment with high
degree of danger shall be indicated by a clear marking for the nominal values of their
operation parameters, pressure, speed, type of storing or transported fluid, etc., and shall be
provided with the respective protective and control measurement devices necessary for their
safe operation.
(2) (new. SG 43/03) The lifting equipment shall have clear marking regarding the
nominal load and, where necessary, a table indicating the nominal load for each configuration
of the equipment, which is a result of using technological equipment influencing its loading

Art. 205a. (new, SG 43/03) (1) Provided for the fixed lifting equipment shall be the
necessary stability and reliability during the whole period of operation, taking into
consideration the nature of the load and the places on which the construction is installed.
(2) The equipment shall be installed in such a way as to reduce the risk for the load:
1. to hit the workers;
2. to have a threatening swing or to fall;
3. to incidentally detach.
Art. 205b. (new, SG 43/03) (1) The load-holding devices shall be chosen depending
on the loads under operation, the places of gripping the load, the device for attachment and of
the atmospheric conditions and the configuration of the load holding device itself.
(2) The load-holding devices shall be marked in a way allowing the identification of
their basic characteristics necessary for the safe using.
(3) When the load-holding device consists of constituent elements and it will not be
dismantled after using, it shall be marked by its basic characteristics, including the
characteristics of its constituent elements.
(4) The load-holding devices shall be stored in such a way as not to be damaged and
to provide the preservation of their characteristics.
Art. 205c. (new, SG 43/03) When the working equipment is not designated to lift
people, but such a possibility really exists, an appropriate and clear notice of prohibition shall
be visibly placed.
Art. 205d. (new, SG 43/03) (1) The working equipment designated for lifting or
moving workers shall meet the following requirements:
1. to prevent, by an appropriate attachment, the risk of falling of the transporting
device (cabin, wheel, platform);
2. not to allow a risk of falling of a worker from the transporting device (cabin, wheel,
3. to prevent the risk of hitting, crushing or pressing the worker due to an incidental
contact with objects;
4. to provide the safety of people blocked due to an accident in the cabin, wheel or
platform, and their safe rescue.
(2) If, due to reasons inherent to the working premises and to the level the risk under
para 1, item 1 may not be avoided by any safety measures, additional rope with increased
coefficient of security shall be installed and its fitness shall be inspected every working day.
Art. 206. (1) (amend., SG 43/03) Lifting equipment without fit limit switch, without
tested ropes, chains and cargo catching attachments shall not be admitted in operation.
(2) Not allowed shall be:
1. lifting of cargo exceeding the lifting capacity of the equipment;
2. using ropes and chains for lifting cargo when worn out to an extent greater than the

3. (amend., SG 43/03) using cargo holding attachments which are not determined by
the technical documentation;
4. towing and trailing cargo by lifting equipment.
Art. 206a. (new, SG 43/03) Working equipment designated for lifting cargo, which is
mobile or which periodically must be dismantled for the purpose of its moving to another
place or due to other technological reason, shall be used only upon ensuring its stability, taking
into consideration all foreseeable conditions during its using and the nature of the ground
Art. 206b. (new, SG 43/03) (1) The lifting of people shall be made only by a working
equipment and devices designated for this purpose.
(2) If the working equipment has not been specially designed for lifting people, in
exceptional cases, it may be used for that purpose, only upon provision of the necessary
measures and transformations for providing the safety of the workers in compliance with the
established requirements.
(3) During the presence of workers on a working equipment designed for lifting
cargo, used according to para 2, the following requirements shall be met:
1. a competent worker shall be present all the time at the control desk;
2. the workers who are lifted shall have a secured communication device with the
worker at the control desk;
3. a way of evacuation of the workers is provided in case of danger;
4. daily instructions shall be read to the participants in the fulfilment of the task.
Art. 206c. (new, SG 43/03) (1) Under attached cargo and under their way of passing
there must not be workers, unless the working places and the way of movement of the workers
are protected by appropriate protective constructions.
(2) When protective constructions are not used, in order to observe the requirement of
para 1, an appropriate organisation of the work shall be created on the basis of approved
written procedures.
Art. 206d. (new, SG 43/03) When, on one working ground, there is more than one
working equipment for lifting freely hanged cargo, and their scope of activity is overlapping,
the necessary measures shall be taken for not admitting contact between the cargo and/or
between the equipment.
Art. 206e. (1) On using mobile working equipment for lifting freely hanged cargo
measures shall be taken for preventing its inclining, turning over, slipping or self-induced
(2) Before using the working equipment under para 1 an inspection shall be carried
out of the efficiency of the implied measures.
Art. 206f. (new, SG 43/03) (1) If the operator of working equipment, designated for

lifting freely hanged cargo, cannot observe the entire course of the cargo, either directly or by
auxiliary devices providing information, a competent person shall be appointed who, through a
permanent connection with the operator, shall direct his actions.
(2) In the case of para 1 additional organisational measures shall be taken in order to
avoid clashes of the cargo, which would endanger the workers.
Art. 206g. (new, SG 43/03) The work with freely hanged cargo shall be organised in
such a way as, in manual fixing/hanging and release of the cargo the worker can, directly or
indirectly manage the process safely for himself and for the other workers.
Art. 206h. (new, SG 43/03) On lifting a cargo simultaneously by more than one
working equipment, established and applied for lifting of freely hanged cargo shall be a
procedure in order to provide the good coordination between the operators.
Art. 206i. (new, SG 43/03) All operations related to the lifting of freely hanged cargo
shall be planned, managed, observed and fulfilled in such a way as to provide for the workers
safe and healthy working conditions.
Art. 206j. (new, SG 43/03) When a working equipment for lifting freely hanged
cargo, during interruption or damage of the energy supply, cannot hold the cargo, the
necessary measures shall be taken for preventing the respective risks.
Art. 206k. (new, SG 43/03) Hanged cargo shall not be left without supervision, unless
the access to the danger zone is restricted in an appropriate way and the cargo has been hanged
and stays safely.
Art. 206l. (new, SG 43/03) (1) On using working equipment for lifting freely hanged
cargo in the open the necessary measures shall be taken for preventing its turning over and for
avoiding all possible risks for the workers.
(2) The using of working equipment for lifting freely hanging cargo in the open shall
immediately be interrupted on deterioration of the meteorological conditions to a degree
threatening its safe functioning or which can expose the workers to risks of injuries.
Art. 207. (1) Welding operations shall be carried out in compliance with the
requirements for safety of work in welding and cutting metals.
(2) In electric arch welding measures shall be taken for not allowing the lighting of
Art. 208. (1) The manual operations shall be carried out by suitable and fit
instruments which do not create conditions for injuring the persons using them.
(2) In the premises with explosive environment shall be used instruments not
allowing the formation of sparks.

Section II.
Additional requirements for mobile working equipment -Self propelled and
not self propelled working equipment (Title suppl. SG 43/03)
Art. 209. Self propelled and not self propelled working equipment shall be used
according to the requirements of the specific normative acts for the respective type of working
Art. 210. The self propelled working equipment shall be operated by authorised and
qualified workers.
Art. 211. (suppl., SG 43/03) In using self propelled and not self propelled working
equipment operated by workers or workers inside/on it precautions shall be taken for
restriction of the risks to which they are subjected, including from a contact with the workers
with the wheels or with crawler tracks, as well as against the possibility of being pressed by
Art. 211a. (new, SG 43/03) (1) When an unintentional blockage of the driving
elements between the working equipment and its attachments and/or trailers, may cause a
specific risk it shall be equipped or adjusted in such a way as not to hinder the blocking of the
driving elements.
(2) In the cases when such a blocking cannot be prevented all possible measures shall
be taken in order to avoid the unfavourable consequences for the workers.
Art. 211b. (new, SG 43/03) If the driving shafts for moving/transmitting power to a
mobile working equipment can be damaged or polluted during their dragging on the ground an
attachment for their fixing shall be provided.
Art. 211c. (new, SG 43/03) (1) For mobile working equipment, on which there is/are
worker(s), used in conditions different from the ones stipulated by normative acts and
instructions of the producer, provided must be restriction of the risks ensuing from overturning
through realisation of one or more of the following measures:
1. presence of a protective device which does not allow the overturning of the
working equipment by more than one fourth revolution;
2. guaranteeing enough and safe space around the workers if the overturning
continues for more than one quarter of revolution;
3. applying other device with equivalent effect.
(2) The protective devices under para 1 may be an integral part of the working
(3) The measures under para 1 shall not be required when the working equipment is
stabilised during the respective operations or when it is so designed that its overturning is
(4) If there is a risk during overturning for the workers to be smashed between parts

of the working equipment and the ground a system of keeping the workers shall be mounted.
Art. 211d. (new, SG 43/03) The fork lift trucks having one or more workers on them,
used in conditions different from those stipulated by the normative acts and instructions of the
producer, they shall be customised or equipped in such a way restricting the risks for the
workers ensuing from overturning of the truck, by one or more of the following measures:
1. fencing preventing device for the driver;
2. a device preventing overturning;
3. a device providing enough space of the workers between the grouns and the
respective parts of the truck in case of overturning;
4. a device keeping the workers to the seats so that they can be protected against
smashing in overturning;
5. other device of equivalent effect.
Art. 212. (1) Self propelled working equipment which, by its movement, can generate
risks for the people must meet the following requirements:
1. to have a device for prevention of setting into motion by unauthorised persons;
2. to have suitable device for reduction of the consequences from collision when more
than one self propelled equipment are operating on one railway;
3. to have a device for stopping and remaining immobile; when the requirements for
safety require it there must be an emergency device with the same functions which can be
operated by easily accessible control devices or by automatic systems;
4. when the direct visibility of the driver is insufficient to provide safety additional
devices shall be fixed for improvement of the visibility;
5. in order to provide lighting suitable for the performed job for the purpose of safety
of the workers for operations during the night or at places of insufficient light;
6. to be equipped with suitable fire extinguishing devices in case that the working
equipment itself or a cargo towed by it can create danger of fire and there are no fire
extinguishing devices in the closest vicinity;
7. when operated by remote control to be able to stop automatically when it foes out
of the range of the control and in case of contact with an object outside the fulfilled
8. (new SG 88/04) when operated by remote control and at the normal conditions of
use it can cause risks of clashing or blow, shall be ensured with device for prevention of these
risks unless it is supplied with other appropriate device, controlling these risks.
(2) In the cases when self propelled and not self propelled working equipment is
driven in a working zone out of the determined routes organisational safety rules shall be
Art. 213. (1) Taken shall be organisational measures for prevention of the access of
pedestrians in the zone of operation of the self propelled equipment.
(2) When the presence of workers is necessary in the zone of operation of the self
propelled equipment the necessary precautions for their safety shall be taken.
Art. 214. When a self propelled working equipment is designated for transportation of

workers who fulfil a definite job during the movement the speed shall be regulated with the
view of the safe performance for the job.
Art. 215. Self propelled and not self propelled working equipment with internal
combustion engine can be used at working places only when precautions are taken for
providing the norms and the requirements for purity of the air and of the working place.

Section III.
Specific requirements at using of ladders (new SG 88/04)
Art. 215a. (new SG 88/04) (1) The ladders shall be selected as kind and dimensions
so that to be convenient and safe at their use.
(2) The ladders shall be put in a safe way, guaranteeing their stability and not
allowing movement during their use.
(3) The portable ladders shall be put on stable, firm, with appropriate dimensions and
immovable base so that the steps to remain in horizontal position.
(4) the hanging ladders shall be fixed in safe way, not allowing swinging movements.
(5) the ladders for access shall be with the necessary length and shall be above the
platform for access so that to ensure strong catch of the working who use them except when
other measures are taken for ensuring strong hold.
Art. 215b. (new SG 88/04) (1) The descending and the ascending of working along
slopes bigger than 20 shall be implemented on ladders, safeguarded with parapets.
(2) The climbing of the working on ladders at height bigger than 10 m shall be
admitted under the condition that the ladders are equipped with plots for rest, placed at height
at distance not bigger than 10 m.
(3) When the ladders serve for access to a plot with many working or there is
intensive movement on them separate ladders shall be used for climbing and descending.
(4) The ladders mist have sufficient strength, to be safe, properly maintained and used
at the respective place according to their designation.
Art. 215c. (new SG 88/04) (1) The slipping of the supports of the portable ladders
during use shall be prevented by fixing of the side beams at or close to the upper and/or the
lower ends by a device against slipping or by other equal in effectiveness device.
(2) The one armed ladders in working position shall be put with slope to the
horizontal plain from 70 to 75 (the distance from the base of the ladders to the vertical line,
passed from the upper support, is equal to 1/3 to 1/4 of the distance from the base of the stair
to the upper support) wit aim preventing unwanted movement (slipping) of the supports.
(3) On very slippery floor and in the cases when it is impossible the securing of the
single ladders against slipping and turning instead of single arm ladders shall be used two
armed ladders or ladders with plot.
(4) When the measures of para 1 cannot be applied the single armed ladders shall be
ensured against slipping by holding by a man in front of the stair or at the side.

Art. 215d. (new SG 88/04) (1) The single armed ladders with length bigger than 3
m shall be fixed against turning backwards or to the side regardless of the number of climbs or
the time of using.
(2) At using of single armed ladders with length bigger than 5 m measures shall be
taken against deformation (support in the middle etc.).
(3) The hanging metal ladders with length over 5 m shall be equipped with metal
rings with vertical links between them.
Art. 215e. (new SG 88/04) (1) The ladders shall be put with regard to the zone of
servicing so hat the work to be done conveniently and safe.
(2) The ladders shall not be put on pedestrian paths, communication roads, next to
unlocked doors, opening towards the ladders and other place where they can be pushed by
passing people or vehicles.
(3) When the requirement of para 2 cannot be observed measures shall be taken for
preventing the pushing of the ladders by fencing warning signs and boards, organizing of
guard etc.
Art. 215f. (new SG 88/04) At using of sectional or elongating ladders shall be
ensured the immovability of the separate elements or one to other as well as of their supports
according to art. 215c before climbing on them.
Art. 215g. (new SG 88/04) (1) The ladders shall be used so the working to be able
at any time to catch strongly and to have strong support.
(2) The hand carrying of a load on a ladders must not hamper the permanent secure
catch of those using it.
Art. 215h. (new SG 88/04) It shall not be admitted:
1. extending (adding on) of single armed or double armed portable ladders except in
the cases when this is provided by the producer;
2. using in working position double armed ladders as well as such with plots as single
3. carrying of loads at moving on ladders except when it is impossible or inexpedient
their carrying in another, more safe ways by rope, lifting devices, direct giving from hand to
hand etc;
4. moving of ladders with working or with subjects on it;
5. (amend. - SG 40/08) moving of double armed ladders with not closed arms or with
the force of the working person on it;
6. staying on ladders on one leg and the other is hanging aside or has stepped on other
7. standing under ladders, on which work is done;
8. placing and leaving instruments etc. on the steps of the ladder;
9. throwing of hand electric instruments, products etc. to a person, who is on ladder;
10. the ladder to have as lower and/or upper support point a step;
11. resting of single ladder in leaned aside position;
12. movement and work on ladders when their steps are covered with substances or

materials, facilitating slipping;

13. the person, doing working operation on ladder to take positions, which can take it
out of balance;
14. work from ladder at height bigger than 3 m from the base of the ladder by a
person, who is not fixed with safety belt to a strong and secure construction.

Section IV.
Specific requirements at using scaffolds (new SG 88/04)
Art. 215i. (new SG 88/04) For the scaffolds shall be made calculation checks for
their steadiness and stability when there is no documentation by the producer or in it are not
covered the intended structural configurations.
(2) The calculations of para 1 can not be done when the scaffolds are mounted
observing the configurations, provided by the producer.
Art. 215j. (new SG 88/04) (1) For the scaffolds shall be worked out plan for
mounting, use and dismantling by the producer or by a person with the necessary designer
legal capacity, which covers also the specific characteristics of the respective scaffold,
including the need of the construction of load plots.
(2) The platforms on the scaffold must correspond as dimensions, form and location
to the work, which is done and to be with the necessary loading capacity, allowing safe work
and passing.
(3) The platforms of the scaffold shall be mounted so that:
1. their constituent parts to be immovable during their use;
2. there are no dangerous hollows between them and the means for collective
protection for preventing falling.
(4) Using of hand carts for horizontal transport of loads on the platforms of the
scaffolds, which are not designated for this purpose, shall not be admitted.
Art. 215k. (new SG 88/04) (1)The scaffolds shall be mounted, used and dismantled
in safe way, guaranteeing their stability and not allowing moving during the use.
(2) The bearing elements of the scaffold shall be secured against slipping by fixing to
the support plane with devices against slipping or by other equal in efficiency device.
(3) The moving scaffolds shall be secured against sudden movements by appropriate
fixing devices.
(4) The pads, on which scaffold is mounted, shall be designed and made so that the
admissible loading of the base in not exceeded.
Art. 215l. (new SG 88/04) Parts of scaffolds, which are not ready for use (for
example during mounting, dismantling or reconstruction), shall be marked with the respective
signs for safety and shall be fenced with appropriate means for physical protection for
preventing the access to the dangerous zone.

Art. 215m. (new SG 88/04) (1) Scaffolds shall be mounted, dismantled or

significantly changed under the control of qualified person, determined by the employer and
by workers, who have received appropriate specialized training with regard to:
1. reading of the plan for mounting, dismantling or reconstruction of the respective
2. the safety during the mounting, the dismantling or the reconstruction of the
respective scaffold;
3. the measures for preventing the risk of falling of persons or subjects;
4. the measures for safety upon worsening of the climatic conditions, which can
render unfavourable impact on the security of the respective scaffold;
5. the admissible loads;
6. the risks, which can occur due to the works for mounting, dismantling or
reconstruction of the scaffold.
(2) The qualified person and the respective working of para 1 shall be lead by the plan
of art. 215j, para 1, as well as by the instructions, included in it.

Section V.
Specific requirements at the use of techniques for access and positioning by
ropes (new SG 88/04)
Art. 215n. (new SG 88/04) At use of techniques for access and positioning by ropes
the following requirements shall be observed:
1. the rope system shall contain at least two separately fixed ropes, one serving as
means for access, for descending and support (working rope), and the other serves for reserve
means (safeguarding rope);
2. the working persons are supplied with safeguarding belt, fixed the safeguarding
3. the working rope is supplied with protection means for lifting and descending and
it has self blocking system, which prevents the falling of the user in case he loses control of his
4. the safeguarding rope is supplied with moving system, preventing from falling,
which follows the movements of the working person;
5. the instruments and devices, necessary for work, are fixed to the belt or the seat of
the working person, or to another appropriate means;
6. appropriate planning and permanent of the work so that in case of accident to be
possible to be rendered immediate help to the working person;
7. the working persons have received appropriate specialized training for the
implemented work and for the respective rescue procedures.
Art. 215o. (new SG 88/04) Upon exceptional circumstances when at risk
assessment it is established that the use of second rope can increase the danger at work, shall
be permitted the use of one and only rope after the respective appropriate measures for
securing of the working persons are presented.

Chapter seven.
Art. 216. The working activity shall be carried out in such a way as to prevent or
restrict every unfavourable effect generating from the nature and the organisation of the work,
the used technology, the working equipment, the working place and the working process and
to provide optimal conditions of work, high working capacity, efficiency and satisfaction.
Art. 217. (1) The establishment of the compliance of the working environment, the
working process, the used technology and the working equipment with the norms and the
requirements for safe and healthy working conditions shall be carried out by the approaches,
the methods and the forms of carrying out assessment of the risk.
(2) The assessment of the risk shall comprise all aspects of the working activity in the
(3) The necessary measurements shall be carried out according to the requirements of
the respective normative acts and within periods determined by the employer for assessment of
the risk.
(4) (amend. SG 48/2000; amend. - SG 40/08) The necessary measurements shall be
carried out by units and specialists of the employer and/or by corporate bodies and individuals
authorised the Executive agency "Bulgarian Accreditation Service".
(5) The documents for establishing the compliance with the norms and requirements
for safe and healthy conditions of work, including the results from the measurements shall be
included in the documentation for assessment of the risk.
Art. 218. The working pose and the location of the workers during work and in using
the working equipment shall be complied with the ergonomic principles.
Art. 219. The working activity shall be carried out with optimal organisation of the
working movements and the working pose with the purpose of preventing the prolonged static
muscular tension and restriction of the motion monotonous activity.
Art. 220. The psychological social factors related to the working activity shall be
controlled and improved through applying specific for every type of work prophylactic
programmes for reduction of the psychic tension and stress during work.

Chapter eight.
Art. 221. (1) The enterprises and the sites, depending on the nature of the work
carried out in them shall be provided with the necessary quantity of water for production,
drinking and fire fighting purposes.
(2) Prohibited is the connection of water supply installations for drinking water with

the installations for water for industrial and technological purposes.

(3) In the presence of water supply installations of different types it shall be
inadmissible to use industrial water for drinking needs.
Art. 222. (1) Created in the enterprises shall be the necessary sewage systems and
(2) waste waters containing aggressive toxic substances, petrol and other harmful
products shall be disposed into independent sewage system and their purification or
neutralisation shall be provided.
(3) Prohibited is the mixing in common sewage system of the waste waters under para
2 with the household faecal waste waters before their purification or neutralisation to
concentrations according to the acting norms.
(4) The waste waters shall be purified and neutralised by technologies and with
equipment according to a project coordinated with the respective competent bodies.
(5) For sewage for chemically polluted waters shall be constructed the necessary
installations according to the requirements for safety and protection of the health of people, the
environment and the fire prevention.

Chapter nine.
Art. 223. (1) (prev, art. 223 - SG 43/03) The entire organisation of the activities in the
enterprises and the sites shall be complied with the requirements of the normative acts for fire
(2) (new, SG 43/03) The fire extinguishers, fire-detectors and alarm installations and
their elements shall regularly be controlled, maintained and periodically tested.
Art. 224. (Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
Art. 225. (amend., SG 43/03) The operation of the buildings, equipment and
installations, the repair and other types of activities shall be carried out in compliance with the
requirements for fire safety.
Art. 226. Welding and other fire works shall be carried out in compliance with the
requirements for fire safety in carrying out fire works.
Art. 227. Depending on the size and the using of the buildings the contained
equipment, the physical and chemical qualities of the used substances and materials and the
maximal number of people the working places shall be equipped with suitable fire
extinguishing devices and when the circumstances require this - with fire warning and alarm
Art. 228. The non-automatic fire extinguishing devices must be easily accessible,

simple to use and to be indicated by the established permanent signs in suitable places.

Chapter ten.
Art. 229. (1) The territory of the enterprise, the production and other premises and the
working places shall be kept clean.
(2) The waste shall be collected and processed at places determined and indicated for
purpose according to the production, sanitary and fire prevention requirements.
(3) The materials, raw materials and the ready production shall be stored in places
designated for the purpose, observing the requirements for safety of work and in compliance
with the sanitary, fire prevention and technological requirements.
Art. 230. For the needs of the personal hygiene the workers shall be provided with
sanitary and daily necessity premises according to the requirements of the normative acts.
Art. 231. When the production process requires the workers to use special working
clothes and in connection with the safety, the health or the good manners it shall not be fitting
to dress and undress elsewhere easily accessible dressing rooms, with enough place, capacity
and possibilities for sitting and dressing shall be provided.
Art. 232. Every worker shall have a cupboard in the dressing room which shall be
locked. When the nature of the fulfilled work requires it (work with dangerous substances,
humidity, pollution, etc.) the cupboards for the working and common clothes shall be separate.
Art. 233. (amend., SG 43/03) When dressing rooms are not required a place for the
clothes of every worker shall be provided with a possibility of locking his personal belonging
and clothes.
Art. 234. When the nature of the work and the healthy and safe conditions of work
require it the necessary showers shall be provided for the workers. The size of the shower
rooms shall be complied with the number of the workers and shall provide conditions for
washing according to the hygiene requirements.
Art. 235. When showers are not required provided, according to Art. 234, suitable
washing basins with cold and hot water shall be provided close to the working places and the
dressing rooms.
Art. 236. When the shower rooms or the premises with washing basins are separated
from the dressing rooms direct passage shall be provided between them.

Art. 237. (1) (prev. text of art. 237 - SG 43/03) Close to the working places, the
premises for rest, the dressing rooms, the shower rooms and the washing rooms shall be
provided the necessary number of WC with washing basins.
(2) (new, SG 43/03) Provided for the workers shall be enough quantity of drinking
water and, where possible, soft drinks.
Art. 238. Depending on the number of the workers and the nature of the work
provided for the men and women shall be either separate dressing rooms, shower rooms,
washing rooms and WC or their separate using.
Art. 239. (1) (no para 1 sign - SG 43/03) Provided for the workers shall be rest rooms
1. the technological process requires frequent and long interruption of the work;
2. when there is permanently more than definite number of people at the working
place or in the premises;
3. for providing the safety and the health regimes of work and rest are introduced.
Art. 240. (1) The rest rooms must be:
1. easily accessible;
2. spacious enough;
3. (amend. SG 88/04) complied with the number of persons using them
4. (amend. SG 88/04) provided with equipment complied with the nature of the
necessary rest and with tables and chairs with backs.
(2) To workers in offices or other similar premises, providing possibility of relaxation,
rest rooms shall not be provided for the time of work.
(3) (suppl., SG 43/03) Smoking shall be prohibited in the rest rooms and places.
Art. 241. Provided for pregnant breast feeding women suitable conditions for rest
lying down shall be provided.
Art. 242. Depending on the size of the enterprise, the type of work and the frequency
of the accidents at work one or more rooms for first aid shall be provided.
Art. 243. (1) The rooms for first aid shall be equipped with the necessary devices and
means for first aid and they must be easily accessible in using stretchers.
(2) The first aid rooms shall be indicated by the established signs.
Art. 244. At places where the conditions of work so require provided shall be easily
accessible means of providing first aid which shall be indicated by the established signs.
Art. 245. Provided for the handicapped workers shall be suitable working places. This
also regards the doors, passages, stairways, bathrooms, washing rooms, WC and other

equipment used by them.

Chapter eleven.
Art. 246. (1) Provided for the workers shall be the necessary personal protection
devices and special working clothes according to the order and the requirements determined
by the normative acts.
(2) Not admitted to work shall be persons who do not have the required personal
protection devices and special working clothes required for the respective type of work and
who are not instructed and trained for using them.
Art. 247. (1) Approved in every enterprise shall be a list of the working places and the
types of work for which the workers shall be provided with personal protection devices and
special working clothes, determined shall be the type, the terms of wearing out and the
conditions of their using.
(2) The lists under para 1 shall be announced to the workers.
(3) (amend. - SG 40/08) The employer shall provide conditions for storing, cleaning,
disinfection, maintenance and periodical testing of the personal protecting devices and the
special working clothes according to the requirements of the producer and the requirements
stipulated by the normative acts for safety and health in working.
(4) Prohibited is the using of the personal protection devices and the special working
clothes not according to their purpose, as well as those with expired term.
(5) (amend. - SG 40/08) All expenses related to the supply and maintenance of the
personal protection devices and special working clothes shall be for the account of the

Chapter twelve.
Art. 248. (1) Worked out in every enterprise shall be a plan for prevention and
liquidation of accidents.
(2) The plan shall, annually or within a shorter term if so required by other normative
acts specific for the activity, shall be approved by the employer.
(3) In its part regarding the fire prevention the plan shall be coordinated with the
respective territorial body of the Ministry of Interior.
(4) In case of changes of the organisation of the work or the technological scheme the
plan shall be updated.
(5) All officials and workers shall be introduced to the plan against signature.
Art. 249. (suppl. - SG 40/08) The plan for prevention and liquidation of accidents
shall provide measures and devices depending on the existing danger.

Art. 250. The plan for prevention and liquidation of accidents shall contain:
1. operative part including the plan of the enterprise with indicated schemes of power
transmission systems, water basins, transport equipment, fire prevention equipment, etc.;
2. prophylactic measures for prevention of accidents stipulating: methods of studying
the possible accidental situations; measures which would prevent the occurrence of accidents;
places for storing and maintaining materials, instruments, devices for protection and premedical care, etc.
3. distribution of the obligations among the individual persons participating in the
liquidation of the accident and their interaction;
4. a list of the officials of the enterprise and outside bodies and organisations which
must immediately be informed about the accident.
Art. 251. (1) (suppl. - SG 40/08) The respective chief shall introduce to the workers
the plan for prevention and liquidation of accidents and their obligations related to the specific
working place.
(2) (suppl. - SG 40/08) Periodically, but not less than once a year organised in the
enterprises shall be played the possible accidental situations stipulated by the plan for
prevention and liquidation of accidents, as well as the use of the installations and devices
under Art. 223, Para 2.

Additional provisions
1. In the context of this ordinance:
1. "minimal requirements for providing safe and healthy conditions of work" is the
concept defined in 1, item 9 of the additional provisions of the Law for healthy and safe
conditions of work;
2. "working place" is the place where the work is to be performed in premises or
elsewhere on the territory of the enterprise or which can be accessed in connection with the
fulfilled job;
3. "enterprise" is the concept defined in 1, item 2 of the additional provisions of the
Labour Code;
4. "working equipment" is every machine, apparatus, instrument, installation, device,
unit or equipment used in fulfilment of the job;
5. "using the working equipment" is every activity related to the working equipment
such as starting, stopping, operation, transportation, repair, change, servicing, maintenance,
6. (amend. - SG 40/08) "danger zone" is every zone in and/or around the working
equipment and at the working place in which the working person is exposed to risk for his
health or his life;
7. "endangered worker" is every worker who is entirely or partially in a danger zone;
8. "employer" is the concept defined in 1, item 2 of the additional provisions of
9. "psychological social factors" are: insufficient or excessive pressure of work,
monotony, impossibility of control over the fulfilled tasks, limited social contacts at the
working place, lack of support by the administrative chiefs, insufficient motivation for work,

psychic microclimate;
10. (amend. - SG 40/08) "working person" is the term defined in 1, Items 2a of the
Additional Provisions of the Law on Healthy and Safe Working Conditions;
10a. (new SG 88/04) "operator" is working person who has task to use working
11. (new, SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
12. (new, SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
13. (new, SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
14. (new, SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
15. (new, SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
16. (new, SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
17. (new, SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
18. (new, SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
19. (new, SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
20. (new, SG 43/03; Revoked, SG 37/04, In force from November 6th 2004)
1a. (new - SG 40/08) This Ordinance shall implement the provisions of:
1. Council Directive 89/654/EEC of 30 November 1989 concerning the minimum
safety and health requirements for the workplace (first individual Directive within the meaning
of Article 16 (1) of Directive 89/391/EEC);
2. Council Directive 89/655/EEC of 30 November 1989 concerning the minimum
safety and health requirements for the use of work equipment by workers at work (second
individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16 (89/391/EEC); amend. and suppl. by
Council Directive 95/63/EEC, amend. and suppl. by Council Directive 2001/45/EC).

Transitional and concluding provisions

2. This ordinance is issued pursuant to Art. 7, para 2 of the LHSCW and Art. 276 of
the Labour Code.
3. This ordinance shall enter into force three months after its promulgation in the
State Gazette. Within this period the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and the Ministry of
health shall publish in their specialised bulletins a list of the normative acts related to the
fulfilment of the requirements of the ordinance.
4. The requirements contained in Art. 115, Art. 123, item 2 and 3, Art. 126, para 2,
Art. 130, Art. 177, para 6 and para 7, item 1, Art. 180 and 181 for established working places
and started operation of working equipment before the deadline for entering into force of this
ordinance shall be provided according to the term determined in 3 of LHSCW.
5. Revoked from the date of enactment of this ordinance shall be Ordinance No 6 of
1996 for the general requirements and obligations for providing safety of the working activity
(SG, No 75 of 1996), Ordinance No 41 of 1995 for the unified rules for providing healthy
conditions of work and ordinance No 1 of 1987 for establishing data for safe and healthy

conditions of work (prom., SG, No 32 of 1987; amend. and suppl. No 69 of 1993).

6. Instructions on the implementation of this ordinance shall be given by MLSP and
7. The control over the fulfilment of the ordinance shall be carried out by the Chief
Labour Inspection at the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.

Concluding provisions
40. This ordinance shall enter into force one year after its promulgation in the State
Gazette regarding the requirements for the organisation of the work and three years - regarding
the technical requirements related to the safety of the working equipment.

Transitional and concluding provisions

(SG 88/04)
24. The ordinance shall enter into force on November 5, 2004.
25. Ordinance No 3 for use of portable ladders (SG 28/76) shall be revoked.

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