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I, the students of CBSE is conducting a survey as a part of our

curriculum. The information being used here will be kept confidential and
would be used only for the purpose of making a project on Big Bazaar.

Personal information


Business man


Residence Address


Telephone Number


Q1. Do you know the principles of management given by Henry Fayol?

(a) Yes

Q2. Can you recognise these principles of management?

(a) Division of work and labour


(c) Remuneration

De Corps



Q3. Do you think that, these principles of management are effective

in reality?
(a) Yes

Q4. Do you recognise this logo?

(a) Yes



Q5. Do you agree with the 3C Theory adopted by Kishore Biyani

(Founder of Big Bazaar) ?
(a) Yes

Q6. How often do you go shopping at Big Bazaar?

(a) Once a year
twice a year

(c) thrice a year

more than 3 times
Q7. Do you know about the schemes of Big Bazaar?

(a) Wednesday Bazaar

(c) Great Exchange offer


Maha Bachat


Q8. What are the most useful advertising tools used by BB according
to you?
(a) Television media
Social media

Print media

Other (please specify)

Q9. Are these advertising tools helpful for you?




Considering the fact that there are a lot middle class

families in India, Big bazaar has had a huge impact on the
middle class section of India, the prices, quality and sales
strategy has helped in getting the middle income groups
getting attracted towards Big Bazaar. Big bazaar has
been known for its great sale and great offers& discounts.
Big bazaar has had long lines of people waiting to get into
the store for the sale. Therefore, the sales that Big Bazaar
has had increased in a huge way due to offers &
discounts, thus this has been one of the main advantages
of Big Bazaar.
Through my research I conclude that Big Bazaar is
preferred by the youngsters because of the low prices,
variety and quality of clothes and the good ambience &
services they provide. The various pricing and advertising
strategies followed by Big Bazaar are some of the
important factors for its preference.
Out of a sample size of 20 people (10 boys and 10 girls),
mostly of the age 18 to 20 years. 90% of the sample size
knew about the principles of Fayol and 10% didnt. 9 out
of 10 girls agreed that advertising is a very effective tool
and 3 out of 10 boys didnt agree that advertising is a
very effective tool for big bazaar.
There are various advertising tools used by Big Bazaar
i.e., Print, Social, Television media. According to the
survey 25% women and 30% men found print media an
effective advertising tool used by Big Bazaar, 50%
women and 10% men found social media effective, and
25% women and 60% men considered television media
as an effective advertising tool.
There are various schemes that Big Bazaar offers to its
customers i.e., Maha Bachat offer, great exchange
offer, Wednesday Bazaar etc. According to the survey
10% men and 75% women knows about Wednesday

Bazaar offer, 60% men and 15% women knows about

The Maha Bachat offer, 28%men and 5% women knows
about the Great Exchange Offer and others didnt knew
about any schemes offered by Big Bazaar.

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