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Arrange a review meeting with their supervisors to discuss their thesis plan and

chapters already written.

Agree a time frame for submission and ensure that the Year 3 review form is
completed by both supervisor and student with recommendations made. The
possible outcomes of the review are outlined on the Year 3 review form.
Take the completed writing up plan and annual review form, agreed signed and
by both supervisor and student, to the Faculty Research Office.

All experiments and research work in laboratories and Faculty offices must be completed
by the end of the third year when you complete your studies at the University.
You will receive a letter from the Student Administration by month 34 of your studies
with a Notice of Intention to Submit Thesis form to fill out after consultation with
your supervisor. Student Administration will inform the Faculty Research Office when
they receive the completed form. The submission pack with guidelines is at
Thesis pending
'Writing up' is something that you will actually be doing in the background throughout
your studies with the help of your monthly and annual reports. You are expected to
have written up much of your thesis by the end of your period of directed study (within 3
years for a full time PhD student). The thesis pending period currently allows up to 12
months to fine-tune the thesis.
University regulations state that PGR students must submit their thesis within
four years of registration. If you fail to submit by the end of the thesis pending period
without good cause the University will not allow you to submit your thesis for
examination or award a degree.

You may only be granted an extension to your thesis pending period in your fourth year
if significant extenuating circumstances exist. The procedure for applying for an
extension to the thesis pending period to the Academic Services Division giving
supporting evidence and examples of circumstances taken into consideration can be
seen at
www.notti nqha m.ac.0 k/academicservices/qual itymanual/researchdegreeorogra mmes/the
-thesis-pendi ng-period.aspx
Requests for extensions are only considered as a result of circumstances affecting the
thesis pending period and not the period of registered study.
You must apply no less than 3 months before the end of your thesis pending period as
retrospective applications will not be considered. Taking up employment would
not normally warrant an extension.
Timescales: If you want to graduate at the July ceremonies you must give formal notice
of your intent to submit before 1 February and aim to submit your thesis for examination
before 1 April. The deadlines for the December graduation are 1 July (notification) and 1
September (submission). You can also graduate in absentia in the October and March

Part-time students
Part-time students normally take up to 6 years to complete and are formally reviewed
every two years. They take their First year review in their second year, their Second
year review in their fourth year and their Third year review in their sixth year. It is,
however, recommended that they take the opportunity to discuss progress with their
supervisor at the end of each year.

All students in their thesis pending period in the fourth year are entitled to a minimum of
six meetings (either face-to-face or electronically) with their supervisor(s) and for the
supervisor(s) to read and comment on one draft of their thesis prior to submission.

Status updates
The Faculty Research Office must be informed about suspensions, withdrawals and
extensions to ensure that our records are up to date and Student Administration has
been informed. If you need advice about these topics go the Student Services Centre in
the Portland Building. The status of our PGR students is regularly reviewed by the
Faculty Research Operations Group.

They are also are entitled to use library facilities and University computing facilities but
they are not entitled to use laboratories or facilities for primary research.

It is also important to notify the Faculty Research office of any change in

address or email as we need these to communicate with you.

Access to University Buildings

If your Smart card no longer gives you access to computer rooms, libraries etc you
should ask the Faculty Research Office to inform Security to reactivate your card.

Submission and Examination

Desk space
Students are not entitled to their desk space after the end of Year 3 as it will normally be
required for new PhD students joining the Faculty. However desk space is managed by
each Research Group and if there is a spare desk you may be permitted to use it or desk
share until it is required for new students.
Email access
Your University account normally expires 90 days after graduation, and access to email
is removed at the same time. If you retain a link with the University after graduation
then your supervisor can request an associate's account along with your existing
external email addresses. Your supervisor should contact Jane England in the Faculty
Research Office for advice on this facility.

Supervision and progression guide 2012-13

The Doctor of Philosophy degree is awarded to candidates who have critically

investigated and evaluated topics resulting in an independent and original contribution to
knowledge, set out in a thesis which has been examined and defended at a viva voce
examination and worthy of publication.
When you have completed your thesis and your supervisor has approved it, you need to
submit 2 softbound copies to the University Student Services Centre. It is the
responsibility of the internal examiner to arrange the date for your Viva Voce
examination with you and the external examiner.
Vivas are compulsory for PhD students and should take place within three months of
submission of the thesis. Permission may be given in exceptional circumstances for the
viva to be held outside the University or by video conference if appropriate. The
examiners and student must agree and the location must be suitable.
Supervision and progression guide 2012-13

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