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Johnny Marr interview piece

How would I interview Johnny Marr? How would I interview Johnny

Marr? It was a question that stuck in my head for days; perhaps it
was easier that I failed to secure an interview with the great guitar
maestro. The next best thing from Johnny Marr I have been
informed, Johnny Marr fans, but after the responses of some, Im not
What, in your opinion, are the chances of a Smiths reunion *cowers
at the thought of presenting this question to Johnny Marr*. Is met
with great enthusiasm from both pro and anti-smiths reunion
respondents alike; In my opinion, they shouldn't get back together,
I liked The Smiths but will they be as good, I don't think so! The
same goes for The Stone Roses and Oasis was made by a certainly
bold person who was in the young age demographic category,
talking like hes the bitter old man of the music world, kicking all the
hipster kids off his lawn because he remembers the days of old and
musicians who dont make it like that anymore. While the previous
respondent chews a Werthers original and does some knitting, a
level headed individual weighs in with: I think at the minute, there
is little chance of a reunion because Marr and Morrissey seem to be
in different opinions of whether they are getting back together or
not. However, I think eventually they will do a special tour for a
milestone year or a series of tours. While I too am in denial about
the whole Smiths reunion debacle, I believe that they will never get
back together; I think they will be trapped in the confines of the 80s
forever, sorry to disappoint you.
What was Marrs quintessential album and why? Fans are as
divided over the reunion as they are about Marrs best work. Some
are adamant that his best work was with The Smiths, while a few
stated that The The were brilliant. I thought these people didnt
exist either, but I was evidently wrong. It has to be The Queen Is
Dead without sounding 'too original'. Many people will probably say
this but I think this features all the hits and this is the album that
propelled The Smiths to stardom cried one respondent, while
another went for Meat is Murder' surely has to be the only answer
here. At the time The Smiths released it, they were at their best,
especially Marr. It's weird to think they separated just 2 years later.
Others feel his solo work (or post Smiths period was much better)
After having the mass low of The Smiths breaking up in 1987, to
come back within two years and get to number 4 in the UK with The
Thes Mind Bomb was massive thrown in for good measure. Of
course we cant forget the modern music from Marr. A younger
person, who seems to have forgotten what music pre-90s
formulated this response: As for solo material, I believe that The
Messenger was his quintessential album so far. Marr went into
unfamiliar territory, solo artist, so the results were very key to the

success of this solo career while another, shall we call them one of
those added I liked Modest Mouse before Johnny came along, but I
think Johnny added something to the 2007 album 'We Were Dead
Before The Ship Even Sank', 'Dashboard' on that album is so good.
Playland, Marrs brand new album, was the main focus of my next
question; asking what my respondents thought of it. Again, my
respondents were split in opinion on the matter, sorry Johnny!
When I first listened to it, I didn't particularity like it because I
thought it was too dissimilar to his previous stuff. After a few more
listens though, I realised that it didn't have to sound like his
previous material was the sentiments of the first answer, while
someone else joined him with those thoughts by contributing I
don't like it very much, easy money was good, dynamo was average
and then it goes downhill from there. I like The Messenger a lot more
and I believe that's Marr's best solo album to date which is really
the equivalent of saying, Johnny Marr, youre going backwards,
OUCH! However, some fans are in the Manchester guitar heros
corner; one person exclaimed It's really good, one of the best
albums of the year and I expected it to be. After I heard Easy Money,
I preordered the album, it was that good while our grumpy friend is
back with another great quote, this time he says: I haven't heard
the whole album but 'Easy Money' came on the radio the other day
and I thought it was a classic Marr tune; simple but played to
perfection. It also sums up Britain at the moment, doesn't it? hes
changed his tune a bit! Perhaps the hipsters have decided to vacate
his lawn?
Can you criticise Johnny Marr in any way?I honestly am a fan of
Johnny Marr, I promise. Some fans stayed loyal to The Smiths man,
while some got the knife stuck in. One middle aged individual tries
to give Marr some advice (I know, I squinted as well but let this
person have their five seconds of fame) by saying: I think he has
tried to go too experimental on Playland, he should stick to amazing
riffs and guitar patterns and stay away from broadening his
horizons, and he's done enough of that in his career before going
on to say He should also spend more time on his lyrics; he spent
only a year working on Playland, a bit more time could have made
the difference between it sounding average and sounding perfect
while another respondent took another approach with: Since
becoming an avid follower of The Smiths in this last 10 years, I read
some articles and interviews from Johnny Marr during his times in
The Smiths and he could sometimes come across as arrogant
occasionally. Now though, he seems pretty grounded and is one of
the last surviving guitar style icons around today. Another conveys
every Smiths fans sentiment, even if many wouldnt get this
animated; Yeah! He should make up with Morrissey! I like Johnny
Marr but he needs to put all the differences aside and reunite The
Smiths as soon as possible! Someone please tell that person that I

cant do anything about it, I mean, I couldnt even get an interview

with the guy, let alone, get his old band back together.

What, in your opinion, are the chances of a Smiths reunion?
25-34: They shouldn't get back together, I liked Smiths but will
they be as good, I don't think so! The same goes for The Stone
Roses and Oasis
55-64: They've had their day in the sun, it's time for new bands to
have a chance at what they had, and I dont want them to get back
together anyway
What did you think of Marrs new album Playland?
18-24: It's really good, one of the best albums of the year and I
expected it to be. After I heard Easy Money, I preordered the album,
it was that good
25-34: I don't like it very much, Easy Money was good, dynamo
was average and then it goes downhill from there

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