YH Leadership Meeting 22nd October 2014 Final

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Yorkshire and Humber Learning

Disability Leadership Meeting

22nd October 2014 in York

Welcome and Introductions

Rosie Pope welcomed everyone to the meeting. Rosie is the lead Director for people
with Learning Disabilities in Yorkshire and Humber for the Association of Directors of
Social Services (ADASS).
This meeting is about
How some people are working with people with Learning Disabilities and family
members to check the quality of support or services
The Care Act that became a law in 2014 and the changes start to happen in
Everyone introduced themselves.

How the Good Lives Leaders work in Leeds

Janet, Shirley and Liz from Leeds told us how the Good Lives Leaders project works in
Janet is the commissioner (the person who buys and plans for services) and Liz and
Shirley are family members and Good Lives Leaders.
People with Learning Disabilities, family members, staff from support organisations and
advocacy groups worked with the commissioner and contracts people in Leeds to
develop the Good Lives Leaders.
Lots of different people were involved to come up with the best way they could of
checking the things people with learning disabilities and families think are important as
well as the usual checks the Council do.
You can see their presentation on how Good Lives Leaders work and what they think
has gone well or needs to get better at


How Care Quality Commission are working with Experts by

Lucy and Maralyn told us about how the Care Quality Commission (CQC) works with
Experts by Experience when they are checking on services.
CQC regulate health and social care services this means they check if services are
good enough against national standards.
Maralyn said what was good and bad for her about being an Expert by Experience
involved in CQCs work Maralyn thinks that Experts by Experience make a real
difference to the work.
You can see their presentation at http://bit.ly/1vsh6sS

How people are involved in checking quality in other ways

We worked in groups and talked about how people with learning disabilities and family
members are involved in checking in other ways.
Lots of groups have different ways of doing this and said they are happy to tell other
people about it.

You can see a list of different examples in Yorkshire and Humber and how to find out
more at the end of these notes.
The groups also said what is important about people and families being involved in
People and families will notice things other people do not
It is an important part of valuing peoples experience and skills
People will understand the issues better for other disabled people and families
People with learning disabilities and families can be an independent check and
voice focus on the person

The Care Act the big changes

Sam did a presentation about the Care Act because Pete Lenehan who is working for
ADASS in the region cannot come.
The Care Act is a change to the law on how Social Care services work. The changes
will start happening in April 2015 but some will not happen until 2016.

The big ideas in the Act are

Services must promote health and wellbeing
Try to help people not need care and support where possible be independent
Focus on making peoples lives better
Support families and carers same legal rights
Care services must be of a high standard
Adult social care, NHS and housing work together
Similar ways of working across boundaries so it is better for people
There are lots of big ideas and changes in the Act. Sam said she thinks we all need
to take some time to think it through and work out what it means today was a
chance to start that but we know there is loads more to do.
You can see the presentation at: http://bit.ly/1ue0gqA
You can see an Easy Read version of the Act from the Department Health at
Sam said she will share easy read information or resources about the Care Act with
people in the Leadership Group and local areas if you have any can you send them
to Sam and she will send them round local groups and Boards.

What the Care Act changes might mean to us

We worked in groups from our local area to think about the good things the Act will
mean and some of the things we need to plan for.
Each area has done an action sheet for themselves and what they need to work on

The Big ideas were

This could mean really good changes for people and their families in having
more choice and control and services joining up
Everyone wants more easy to understand information and a chance to talk it
Lots of people want to find out more on what is happening in their area.
Sam will ask Pete Lehanan about the regional Care Act leads group who they are
and what information we can help share
Inclusion North will share any information they find or do send them things you think
other people might find helpful
Check your local areas action sheet for what people said is important to do there

Any other business

Sam told everyone the information about the Learning Disability Joint Health and Social
Care Self-Assessment is out
You can find it at
The easy read information explaining what should happen in each area is at

Date of the next meeting

Rosy thanked everyone for coming to the meeting and working hard.

The date of the next meeting is 9th February 2015.

People and families being part of checking services

What we are doing
CHAD involvement in
general hospital and with
GPs looking at how to
access services e.g.
signs and symbols

How you can find out more

Phone or e mail us on

What we are doing

How you can find out more

Self-Advocacy Voice at
Bradford People First.

Phone or e mail us on

User led forums for

people with learning
disabilities to have their

01274 744151

What we are doing

Checks in leisure checks
in Hambleton with a list
prepared by members of
the local Health Task

How you can find out more

Phone or e mail us on

What we are doing

How you can find out more

Phone or e mail us on

Trying to get a group

together to check
services need funding,
looking at this. We had
rights and responsibilities
training which we used to
talk to staff at Henshaws
arts and crafts


What we are doing

How you can find out more

Phone or e mail us on

David Bruce selfadvocate Harrogate is a

member of the Quality
Checking Group of
Harrogate Hospital


What we are doing

We have done hospital
audits in Selby and York
to check how accessible
they are for people with
learning disabilities

How you can find out more

Phone or e mail us on

What we are doing

Supporting and
monitoring visits for
carers in Shared Lives

How you can find out more

Phone or e mail us on

What we are doing

How you can find out more

Quality checks on support Phone or e mail us on

received direct from
service users and family
carers (Shared Lives)
Service users involved in
approval of Shared Lives
carers/panel meetings

What we are doing

How people are involved
and how it works

How you can find out more

Phone or e mail us on
Marion Belshaw via Jackie.dolman@cloverleaf-advocacy.co.uk

I was a quality checker

for my provider at home
in Calderdale

What we are doing

We have been doing
Getting Things Right with
our LDPB- they have
listened to us that we
need an exp by exp
programme in Calderdale
and commissioners are
looking at this

How you can find out more

Phone or e mail us on

What we are doing

Two people from our
Phone or e mail us on
service user rep group
are part of the checking
group for Choice Support.
They feel it is good to be
part of the check and
their views listened to

How you can find out more

What we are doing

Checked 3 buildings and
talked to staff and clients.
We gave certificates to
them if the service was
good. If things were bad
told service leader and if
they didnt do anything
we took it to
commissioners and the
Partnership Board

How you can find out more

Phone or e mail us on


What we are doing

Good Lives Leaders
Project in Leeds

How you can find out more

Phone or e mail us on


Who was at the meeting





Adam Snowball


Alison Owen

Rotherham Speakup

Belinda Croce

North Yorkshire

Beverley Cowen

North Yorkshire

Claire Collins


Carol Travis


Danielle Michelle


Derek Barker


Di Lofthouse


Eden Haytree

Rotherham Speakup

Gillian Carlin

Bradford People First

Glynis Smith


Hazel Griffiths

North Yorkshire

Jackie Dolman


Jai Rea


Janet Wright


Jill Burton


Joanne Hodgson


Julie Cole


Julie Dodsworth

North Yorkshire

Julie Sabin


Karen Amos


Liz Davis


Maggie Kelly


Maralyn Adey


Mark Johnson


Matthew Pitt
Michael Hyde
Mildred Smith


Pamela Mellor

East Riding

Paul Haworth


Paul Howatson


Peter Collier


Rosie Tozer


Rosy Pope

East Riding

Rowy Lodge


Sam Suttar

North Yorkshire

Samuel Barrington

East Riding

Sarah Kenny

North Yorkshire

Sandra Twitchett


Sharon Clarke


Shirley Evison


Stephanie Nicholson

East Riding

Steve Foy


Sue Lear

North Yorkshire

Tom Newton

North Yorkshire

Angie Dyson

North East Lincolnshire

Jean Riley

North Yorks

Judith Wild


Peter Choules

East Riding

Sharon Graham


Stephen Mirfin


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