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A Song of Apology to the People I May Have Hurt along Lifes Journey

By: Niasehkar Gluaseay, Jr.

Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa
December 1, 2013

Rough it always is, and will be

Not even tomorrow will it cease, as there are more years ahead of me,
But now is the time I must make it right!
It has been a long way coming along lifes journey
Short it can never be
Beautiful and dreadful ages I have seen
Virtuous and evil stints I have known
And my world is mixed because of these.
I know many people today black and white alike
For one way or the other, they all passed me by,
They crossed my path!
Thus, there were lives which I entered and never stayed
But left marks some noble, others awful as I traversed
At times their memories are sweet, they make me glad and I smile
Other times, the thoughts are sour and wild that they make me sad and I cry

For this is what they called life!

Howbeit, let me take a moment while I still respire and have the chance
To say I Am Very Sorry
To all those who I ever hurt along lifes journey
Please take my bad as I apologize
Judge me not, for I am just as sad as you are.
Oh! I cant tell you to forget my wrongs; I am only asking you to forgive them
As they say to err is human but to forgive is divine
You might be right if you choose not to make me your friend again
Since I have betrayed your trust
But see me as I am
For like you, I am only human a mortal man
And remember, two wrongs cannot make a right!
So please judge me not
For when I really thought I was loving somebody,
The opposite was true
It turned out that I was hurting them instead
Even as I attempted to care,
My actions caused somebody despair and fear
As I sit here in retrospect while I pen, I regret
That I am unable to count all the pains I have shared.
Then I ask myself
How many hearts have I broken?

How many promises have I never kept?

How many friends have I disappointed?
Some I have even lost and that makes me scared!
For it is like water or words,
One never gathers it when wasted or calls them back when said
So is it with a friends trust
Each day I walk the streets, I feel the shame and despair
Yet I must strive to live
While it hurts me like a flame of fire in the air, I must thrive!
So I figured the only way I can reclaim joy and make my life repaired
As I fervently look back at all the places I have stumbled and fell
Is to honestly seek forgiveness from all the people along lifes journey who I may have hurt
So to them, I say I Am So Deeply Sorry
And please accept my apologies today if life should be fair
I promise never to be the same again
So help me God, for I am a real friend and clear!

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