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The hydrogeological characteristics of ground

To difine a hydrogeological terms on the space reserved for building, it is ana

lysied the most of the holes made in there for the research. The most of the hol
es contain informations of level of the containing underground water, so it can
be surely say that here exists underground water. It is caused definitely by ch
aracteristics of the ground and hydrogeological terms in there, which contain mi
croporous layers, and those thertiary sediments are not waterproof.
During the drilling holes, in the researched hole S-1, in a depth of 5,5 meters,
it is registreted containing underground water. After drilling the hole, level
of the underground water stabilized itself in a depth of 5 meters (which is equa
l to an absolut point of 108,5 mrv). In the holes drilled on the corner of the I
barska Street and Brace Kovac Street, underground water is registreted in a dept
h of 5,5 - 5,6m, but finally, at the end of the procedure , the level stabilized
in a depth 5,1m. In the holes drilled in the location Ibarska no.18 Street, reg
istrated levels of the underground water are: 4,8m (hole I1), and 5,6m (hole I2)
Specifisc of the hydrogeological terms of ground, and the fact that this slop-ar
ea tends (gravitates) to an stream-bed of Mokroluski stream that used to be in t
here, leads to conclusion that in the moisture is in the ground and that is caus
ed by precipitation (rainfall,snow etc.), but the most of it is caused by damage
d pipes of water supply system, and by damaged sewerage system as well. It empti
es by a collector that is on the foot of the slope, and is build along the highw
ay Beograd-Nis.
Comparing the projected elevation funding from the project of the company ``Nesk
ogradnja``, with registreted level of the underground water in this slope area,
it is concluded that the digging and making a foundation would be followed by oc
casional inflows of groundwater into the foundation of excavation, and it will h
appen in the area where is planned to build an auto-elevator. It is recommended
during making a foundation in this area, to make a drainage channel and collecti
ng hole, from which water would be pumped to rain-sewerage system. According to
the documents, quantity of water is small (Q=0,2-0,3 l/sec), but it is very impo
rtant from the aspect of protection of stability of the excavation and the area
behind. Wet, degraded sodden clay tends slipping and collapsing, so it should be
done drenage in there, and not just that, the part which is on the street shoul
d be good protected by adequate protective structures. Because of containing un
derground water, funding of the excave-auto-elevator should be done on the buffe
r zone which should be made of gravel, and the gravel layer should be d=30-40cm.

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