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Updated August 2014

OVERVIEW is an online resource for learning about the latest in sustainable
transport and urban development. Launched in 2007, the site connects a global netor!
of riters, urban planners, designers, engineers, and citi"ens ho or! to ma!e cities
better places to live. The blog is produced by #$%&'(, a nonprofit program of the
)orld 'esources *nstitute+s )'* 'oss Center for ,ustainable Cities that or!s to
cataly"e and help implement environmentally and financially sustainable transport and
urban planning solutions.
,ince 2002, the #$%&'( netor! has gron to include five centers - based in %ra"il,
China, *ndia, $exico, and Tur!ey - that or! together ith local authorities to reduce
pollution, improve public health, and create safe and accessible urban environments.
TheCityFix relies on this international community and other volunteer contributors to
provide a global, multi.disciplinary perspective to its coverage of issues relating to urban
'ead our partner blogs in /ortuguese at and in Tur!ish at
TheCityFix covers !ey happenings in sustainable transport and urban development,
focused on developing cities. )e pay particular attention to the folloing topics0
Integrated Transport - bus rapid transit 1%'T2, rail, metro, bicycling,
ridesharing, multi.modal integration
Urban Developent ! A""ess#b#l#t$ - land use, urban design, infrastructure,
sustainable architecture, transit.oriented development
Transport ! %l#ate %&ange - local pollution, global carbon emissions,
adaptation, clean fuels, climate policy
Healt& ! Road Sa'et$ - public health, 3uality of life, safety and security, active
%o(n#"at#ons - branding, mapping, visuali"ation, user engagement, data,
photography, video
This or! is licensed under a Creative Commons &ttribution.4onCommercial.4o5erivs 6.0 7nported
Updated August 2014
o O(r a(d#en"e
TheCityFix+s audience is global by nature. )e produce content that is interesting to
technical experts, but understandable and relevant to a non.technical audience.
o %onta"t (s
*nterested in blogging8 Let us !no9 /lease fill out this online form and include your
idea for a post in the message section0
o Wor* +#t& (s
*f e feel li!e you ould be a good fit, our editors ill or! ith you to develop a
main message and a direction for the post. The main message should be crafted
using this template0;2<=(ud.
o Ta*e #t a+a$
>nce e+ve approved your main message and agreed on a publication date, it+s time
to get don to riting. 7se the template at;2<=(ud for guidance on
structure and be sure to !eep in touch throughout the process. )hen you+re finished,
send it in to our editors for final revision and publication.
o Be or#g#nal
*t+s essential that all content you submit for publication on TheCityFix be your on
or!, or properly referenced. /lagiarism is not acceptable and ould ris! your
reputation and maybe more. ,tatistics, 3uotes, and ideas should be referenced in
text and must alays be cited via hyperlin! 1see examples belo2.
In-text Example: According to UN-HABITATs 2011 !lo"al #eport on Human $ettlement% t&e
'orlds cities are responsi"le (or up to )0* o( green&ouse gas emissions+
H,perlin- Example: T&e 'orlds cities are responsi"le (or up to )0* o( green&ouse gas
.om"ination Example: According to UN-HABITATs 2011 !lo"al #eport on Human
$ettlement% t&e 'orlds cities are responsi"le (or up to )0* o( green&ouse gas emissions+
5ata should come from reputable, peer.revieed sources and must be cited.
TheCityFix does not publish original data analysis that has not undergone revie.
o Be "on"#se
&im for 7?0 ords and concise paragraphs. 4o post should be over ;,000 ords.
o Wr#te a good &eadl#ne
This or! is licensed under a Creative Commons &ttribution.4onCommercial.4o5erivs 6.0 7nported
Updated August 2014
'eaders should be able to tell hat your post is about from the title. Try to include
!eyords in your title. 'emember, less is more - limit your title to ?.@ ords.
o Use #ages
*f you have a great picture in mind, send it to us9 /ictures should be colorful,
dynamic, and Creative Commons licensed. For more on our photo guidelines, see0;;2A?4B. *f you can+t find a good photo, e+ll help you out.
o Add &$perl#n*s
&s mentioned above, hyperlin!ing to your sources provides more information and
depth. &lays try to hyperlin! names of people, organi"ations, related stories, and
o Tone
Try alays to be optimistic - focus on opportunities and solutionsC speci(ic - go in
depth and use detailsC in(ormed - refer to credible sources and alays attribute
information and 3uotesC clear - alays carefully explain the basics and avoid
unnecessary DargonC (res& - be creative and ta!e ne angles on familiar topics.
o St$le
)e follo the Chicago $anual of ,tyle guidelines0;2s?;6r.
This or! is licensed under a Creative Commons &ttribution.4onCommercial.4o5erivs 6.0 7nported

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