Lab Report 1 The Simple Pendulum

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The Simple Pendulum

Experiment title:
Amanda Reid, 16164167
Salim Instructors Name:
Abstract Summary Brief statement of the aim, what was done, the key result
and the main conclusion.
The aim of the experiment was to determine the value of the acceleration due
to gravity by measuring the period of the simple pendulum.
effects that the length of the string and the mass of the bob have on the
During the expirement both the length of the string and the mass of the bob
were increased and the resulting time data recorded.
For each time recording the bob completed 5 full swings.
The data indicated that the length of the string had an effect on the period of
the pendulum. The mass of the bob DOES NOT effect the period.
The result of time squared vs the length is effected by the square root of the
Gravity was determined to be ### +/- ## by using the following
T = 2pi sqroot of L/G
G= 4pisquaredL

Statement of the aims
Summary of the appropriate background theory
Do not reproduce the instructions
A simple pendulum is basically a mass (bob) suspended by an almost
weightless length of string from a rigid support. A small metal sphere is used
as the bob. The time it takes to complete one full swing is considered the time
period of the oscillation. The angle of the displacement from the equilibrium
position is 10 degress +- 1 degree. This is known as the amplitude
The aim of the expirement is to determine the value of the acceleration due to
gravity by measuring the period of the simple pendulum. Then to compare the
experiment result for G with the accepted value of 9.8 m/s/s. Reference ??
This will be accomplished by recording and analysing data with the use of
tables and graphs. A comparisson between the two values will then be made,
with uncertainties, reasons and potential improvements discussed.

Data Collection & Analysis

Record measured values in labeled table
Calculations must be in logical order
Label data tables at the top
Label graphs at the bottom with title or description
Bob (metal sphere)
Measure the length of string from the pendulum to be .4m and secure to a
sturdy structure using the clamp
Draw the bob to a 10 degree angle from its equlibrium
Upon release of the bob start the stopwatch
All the bob to swing for 5 full oscillations and stop the clock
Repeat steps to 1 - 4 3 times and record all data.
Add a weight to the bob and repeat steps 1 - 5
Add an additional weight to the bob and repeat steps 1 - 5
Add an additional weight to the bob and repeat steps 1 - 5
Lengthin the string by .1m at a time and repeat steps 1 - 5. Do this 4 times in
Compile a table and graph using recorded data.

Uncertainty Analysis
All units and measurements must have an estimated uncertainty
The length of the string was measured to an uncertainty average of .05m
Given that the length of the string was measures to +- 1mm and the R
0.005m x 100 = 1.25%
The uncertainty of G was found by taking half the distance of the lowest value
and the highest value for G.

The value for G can be calculated by dividing 4pie squared with the gradient
of the line of best fit.
9.54m/s/s + -0.4

Discuss implications of results and what they mean
Limitations on result because of uncertainty
Which source of uncertainty are most important
How can they be reduced
The graph of T2 against length shows a linear relationship in agreement with
the theory.
The line of best fit does not go through 0,0 which ndicated an error in the
experiment. This could be because of the response time during timing, true
length of the string, control of the string during swing, temperature of the room
23 degrees.
The time restraints and inexperience of, basic equipment.
To reduce errors:
An accurate measurement of the string could be taking by calculating the
radius of the bob using a vernier calipers to reduce the error margin.
A digital sensor could be used to more accurately measure the period of
If we use a longer piece of string - as the string increased the value of g was
closer to the true value.
More measurements could have been taken to further reduce the uncertainty.

Brief statement about what you did in the lab
How you did it
Summarize your results and all conclusions

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