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Jefferson Outline Notes

11/6/2014 7:43:00 AM

Which principles does Jefferson maintain through his presidency?

Which principles does he modify?
Washingtons Presidency:
Debate over creation of national bank. (Doc. C)
Strict construction (no elastic clause), Hamilton, emergence of
political parties (Federalists, and DR) (Doc. A)
States rights vs federal rights
French Revolution
o neutrality proclamation, alliance with France,

National assumption of states debt

Whisky tax
Tariff on industry

Adams Presidency:
Alien Sedition Acts (Doc. B)
o VA and KY Resolutions -> nullification (Doc. J)
Jeffersons Presidency:

Embargo Act of 1807 cuts off all trade with Europe (enforced by
Navy: violates 4th amendment) (Doc. D, E, F)
o Peaceful coercion (Doc. A)
Mosquito boats (small single-gunned boats).
Embargo act -> economic depression.
(after repeal with Embargo Act) Non-intercourse Act: cut off trade
to only Britain and France
Louisiana Purchase (Doc. H, A, J).
o French needed money for war efforts
o French lose Caribbean
o Jefferson worried that the British will take over in Louisiana.
o Jefferson wanted New Orleans. Napoleon decides to offer the
entire stretch of Louisiana.
o Purchase wasnt supported by Constitution,
o Excise tax repealed
o National bank stays

o Alien and Sedition Acts repealed/expired and a new

naturalization passed
o Pays off debt
o Cuts military
o Keeps a lot of Federalists appointed
Impeachment of Samuel Chase (Doc. G)
o Wanted to reduce federalist power in supreme court
o Violates strict construction
o Huge increase in executive power

Bold means maintained throughout presidency

1. Agrarian Republic/ (Yeoman farmer)
a. Opposes Whisky tax, tariffs
b. As president: Louisiana Purchase
2. Peaceful Coercion/ Neutrality
a. neutrality proclamation
b. Embargo Act of 1807
3. Frugal Government

4. Strict

reduction of military
opposition of debt
opposing national bank
Alien and Sedition Acts
o VA and KY Resolutions -> nullification
5. States rights (goes into Strict Construction ideals)
6. legislative vs. executive power

neutrality proclamation (for legislative)

Embargo Act (for executive)
Louisiana Purchase (for executive)
Impeachment of Samuel Chase (for executive)

Format for Thesis: While/Although Jefferson (insert past-tense verb) (insert

principles as president)________, he (insert verb) (insert new

o DR principles vs. Federalist principles
o Revolution of 1800
o then, introduce thesis
(you can use documents in the introduction and conclusion )
if youre going to directly quote, then provide context before quoting.
Jefferson stated in his First Inaugural Address, We are (Doc. B).
Introduce the document, paraphrase or quote the document, citation,
analyze (why is this quote/paraphrase
Dont end paragraphs with citations.
Pull paper together, and connect to something.

Every paper should have a legitimate title (not Jefferson DBQ)

11/6/2014 7:43:00 AM

11/6/2014 7:43:00 AM

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