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Play It Safe

When the sun is shining and the skies are blue people flock to the out doors for

Commented [BI1]: blue, people

An introductory adverbial phrase is often set off by a comma.
Chicago Manual of Style 6.36

leisure activities. Enjoying there free time is usually all that people have on there minds

Commented [BI2]: outdoors

One word Merriam-Webster Dictionary

when they go out to play. But, with 1 in 5 adults having some type of sun related

Commented [BI3]: their

of or relating to them or themselves especially as possessors,
agents, or objects of an action <their furniture> <their verses> <their
being seen>." - Merriam-Webster Dictionary

affliction, we need to be concerned with sun safety.

Commented [BI4]: their

See Comment BI13

Being concerned with sun safety starts with prevention in children because, they
are most at risk for overexposure to UV radiation. Sunburns during childhood appear to
increase the likelihood of melanoma as an adult. According to the American Cancer
Society Just one or two blistering sunburns in childhood can double a person's risk of
developing melanoma later in life. The American Cancer Society also claims that skin
cancer is the most common of all cancers. The incidence of skin cancer is greater than
the incidence of breast, lung, prostate, colorectal, and kidney cancers combined. Every
hour an American dyes of skin cancer.
In addition to skin cancers, overexposure to UV Radiation can damage the eye
tissues. The American Academy of Opthalmology has cautioned that excess exposure
to UV radiation may increase the incidence of cataracts. The 1998 Journal of the
American Medical Association reported that even low amounts of sunlight can increase
the risk of developing eye disorders.

Commented [K5]: one in five

In nontechnical contexts, Chicago advises spelling out whole
numbers from zero through one hundred and certain round multiples
of those numbers. Chicago Manual of Style 9.2
Commented [BI6]: sun-related
Hyphenate noun + adjective words Chicago Manual of Style 7.85
Commented [BI7]: children, because
When independent clauses are joined by and, but, or, so, yet, or any
other conjunction, a comma usually precedes the conjunction. If the
clauses are very short and closely connected, the comma may be
omitted unless the clauses are part of a series. Chicago Manual of
Style 6.28
Commented [K8]: ultraviolet (UV) radiation
"[Most abbreviations] should generally be spelled out at first
occurrenceat least in formal textas a courtesy to those readers
who might not easily recognize them. The use of less familiar
abbreviations should be limited to those terms that occur frequently
enough to warrant abbreviationroughly five times or more within
an article or chapterand the terms must be spelled out on their first
occurrence. (The abbreviation usually follows immediately, in
parentheses. but it may be introduced in other ways; see examples." Chicago Manual of Style 10.3
Commented [BI9]: Society, Just
Material quoted in the form of dialogue or from text is traditionally
introduced with a comma. Chicago Manual of Style 6.50
Commented [BI10]: dies
to pass from physical life : EXPIRE - Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Commented [K11]: radiation
Not a porper noun.
Commented [BI12]: Ophthalmology
Merriam Webster Dictionary
Commented [BI13]: excessive
exceeding what is usual, proper, necessary, or normal MerriamWebster Dictionary

And if that wasnt enough over exposure to UV Radiation has been linked to
Immune System Suppression. Scientists believe sunburns can alter the distribution and
function of disease fighting white blood cells in humans for up to 24 hours after exposure
to the sun. Repeated overexposure to UV radiation can cause more damage to the bodies
immune system. Mild sunburns can directly suppress the immune functions of human

Commented [K14]: enough,

"an introductory adverbial phrase is often set off by a comma but
need not be unless misreading is likely. Shorter adverbial phrases are
less likely to merit a comma than longer ones." - Chicago Manual of
Style 6.36
Commented [BI15]: Overexposure
One word Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Commented [K16]: radiation
See Comment K11
Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.5", Line spacing: Multiple
2.5 li
Commented [BI17]: disease-fighting
See Comment BI15
Commented [K18]: twenty-four
See Comment K5

skin where the sunburn occurred, even in people with dark skin.

Commented [BI19]: bodys

The possessive of most singular nouns is formed by adding an
apostrophe and an s. Chicago Manual of Style 7.15

Luckily, the devastating effects of the sun can be prevented. One of the ways to
prevent sun damage is by limiting sun exposure during the hours when the suns rays are

Commented [BI20]: Suns

See Comment BI13

the strongest, 10am to 4pm. One way to recognize when the sun is at its highest intensity
is by noting the length of your own shadow. When youre shadow is the shortest the sun

Commented [K21]: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

"Numerals are used (with zeros for even hours) when exact times are
emphasized. Chicago recommends lowercase a.m. (ante meridiem)
and p.m. (post meridiem), though these sometimes appear in small
capitals, with or without periods." - Chicago Manual of Style 9.38

is the most intense. Another way to prevent sun damage is to seek shade whenever

Commented [BI22]: its

of or relating to it or itself ecpecaially as possessor, agent, or object
of an action." - Merriam-Webster Dictionary

possible. Also, wearing hats, sunglasses, and long-sleeved, tightly woven clothing can
physically block out the sun's harmful rays. Sunglasses should be worn to block out 100
per cent of UVA and UVB radiation to protect the eyes from damage. And lastly, using

Commented [BI23]: your

of or relating to one or oneself Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Commented [BI24]: shortest, the
See Comment BI1
Commented [BI25]: Also, wearing hats; sunglasses; and longsleeved, tightly woven clothing
"When items in a series themselves contain internal punctuation,
separating the items with semicolons can aid clarity." - Chicago
Manual of Style 6.58
Commented [BI26]: percent
one word Merriam Webster Dictionary

sunscreens that block UVA and UBV UVB rays should be worn. Any sunscreen that you
use should at least be SPF 15.
The risk of sun damage is real, but early prevention and sun protection can
drastically protect your body from over-exposure. Being sun safe will help you enjoy the
outdoors and live a longer life.

Commented [K27]: overexposure

See CommentBI11

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