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1. Current learning situation and goal.

I am a Greek-American ESL Teacher living in Greece. I have always had a love of learning. Delving deeper
into the English language from multiple perspectives (translation of documentaries, teaching English for specific
purposes, oral examination of students in the English language etc.) has been a lifelong pursuit.
2. The learning aim that is of importance to me.
I am going to prepare a demo lesson which I will then present in front of a committee for a job interview
teaching The Conventions of the Short Story using The Scarlet Ibis by James Hurst as a model.
3. The biggest mental challenges in achieving my aim.
I have never taught literature in a classroom because even though this is the domain which I have specialized
in, I finally ended up teaching English as a foreign language. So I have to brush up on my literature skills in
order to be effective.
An additional challenge is that my presentation is due in only six days so I have to deal with my initial urge to
Finally, my natural tendency for pushing myself beyond my limits which often leads to burnout.
4. Outline of existing research or learning techniques.
Takeuchi, H., Y. Taki, H. Hashizume, Y. Sassa, T. Nagase, R. Nouchi, and R. Kawashima. "The
Association between Resting
Functional Connectivity and Creativity." Cerebral Cortex 22, no. 12 (Jan 10 2012): 2921-29.
The pomodoro technique for Procrastination.
Durrant, S. J. , S.A. Cairney, and P. A Lewis. Overnight Consolidation Aids the Transfer of Statistical
Knowledge from the Medial Temporal Lobe to the Striatum
Carpenter, S.K., Cepeda, N. J., Rohrer, D., Kang, S.H.K., &Pashler, H. (2012). Using spacing to
enhance diverse forms of learning: Review of recent research and implications for instruction.
Educational Psychology Review, 24(3), 369-378 doi: 10.1007/s10648-012-9205-z
5. Application of research findings or learning techniques.
I am going to try to allow myself to work in the focused mode to collect all the data I need but also ensure that I
use the diffused mode to unleash my creativity and generate an awesome presentation. Getting started is the
most difficult part so I will use the technique of the pomodoro to overcome my hesitation. Learning the lecture
by heart will require daily repetition, preferably 3-4 times a day but evenly spaced within the day and within this
limited 6-day period. This spacing will help me consolidate my knowledge. Every night I will make sure that I
am in bed by 12:00 am in order for my brain to get rid of the toxic waste and be rejuvenated so as to achieve
maximum performance the following day. This is also the way to give my brain the opportunity to assimilate the
information. Finally, every morning I plan to exercise - go for a 1-hour walk to make my hippocampus active.

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