Trinity Blood History & Background

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Red Mars Project and Armageddon

Translated by: reizahn( & M. Yamazaki

Stories Untold
In able for us to understand the story, we have to first understand what really
happened 1000 years before the time in which Trinity Blood was set. The late author
was able to leave scrapbooks and notes behind, which allowed us to see how he
would have wanted the story to end.
It was around the year 2080, when the earth was experiencing a population boom.
The earth already reached a population of 12 billion, and humans are finding it hard
to allocate resources. Because of this, the United Nations decided to start a project
that aimed to build colonies in Mars. They called this "The Red Mars Project" in which
the whole world also participated.
Upon the arrival of the first batch of people in Mars, they discovered this strange,
alien artifact. Soon, they found out that this artifact was indeed left by aliens long
ago, and that it contained a very advanced technology, which they called
"Bachilus/Bacillus". This Bachilus/Bacillus is actually a nanomachine, in which can be
integrated into the body. It allows that person's body to adapt to the harsher
conditions of mars. The colonies decided to integrate this into their bodies, of course
and gave them the ability to survive the Martian environment. In a sense, they
became better than an ordinary human living in earth.
Because of this, the world became very much interested in the Bachilus/Bacillus.
Everyone wanted to be able to integrate such things into their bodies as well. Thus,
the Armageddon started. This left earth in a devastated state, wherein most of the
world was destroyed by nuclear weapons. Only the continent of Europe was left, as it
was mostly affected by biological weapons, hence even cathedrals were left standing.
The human race was close to extinction. (This occurred around 2100 AD-ish)
When the first batch of human colonizers from Mars decided to return to earth (they
were referred to as "returners") to try and see what has happened after the
Armageddon, they found out that the earth was a wreck, and all technology that
civilization has achieved was lost to the war. They helped the humans rebuild what
was left. Life returned to the old days, a reminiscent of the medieval ages. Of course,
these "Returners" have the Bachilus/Bacillus in their blood, so they are in effect,
stronger and has a lifespan of 300 years.
The second batch of returners came and they were very much against the human
race, and this brought about a conflict, which almost left the humans crippled. The
returners did initially have the advantage. A war broke out between the returners
and the humans. This time came to be known as the "Dark ages". However,
something occurred to the Bachilus/Bacillus. Because of the difference in the various
conditions between earth and mars, the Bachilus/Bacillus has somehow mutated into
something that consumes it's host's red blood cells. This brought about the need for
blood of the host. Another effect was that they became very sensitive to the UV rays
from the sun, hence they are unable to wander about during daytime.
When the human race was losing hope, this Bachilus/Bacillus mutation gave an
advantage to them. With the help of the "good returners", they were able to drive
the rebel returners to eastern Europe, hence at the setting of the Trinity Blood story,

humans are living in western Europe, and the vampires, in eastern Europe. Some
returners inhabit western Europe, but these are the ones on the human's side, or
those that were unable to flee to eastern Europe during the war.
The time where Trinity Blood was set was the time after this war...
The Test tube babies were created solely to be in charge of the Red Mars Project
when the colonizers will be in Mars. They were genetically modified beings and age
1.5 times slower than a normal human being. Lilith Sahl was born in South Asia, Cain
in Berlin, Abel in London and Seth in America. (thought it was Canada?).
Another 100,000 people were sent to Mars, though their purpose is not to live there
but, rather to prepare the Martian terrain for human inhabitants. At one point,
several colonizers did not like their leader, Abel Nightroad for some reason. They
plotted against him and they decided to lure him out of safe human grounds into the
Martian wilderness. He was left alone and he was about to die as he was running out
of oxygen, and only Lilith, came, in a car, to save him. However, Lilith's car broke
down so they are both in danger. This is when they found a strange space ship and
decided to explore it. The space ship saved them somehow from dying in the Martian
In the space ship, they found dead, preserved bodies of aliens. Some bodies seem to
more preserved than others, in particular, the bodies of what seem to be the aliens
with a high-ranking position. Their technology level seems to be extremely high as
well, higher than that of Earth. This space craft came to be known as "The Ark".
People took and examined the alien bodies. Seth was the one who discovered the
Bacillus (Kudorak?) and another type of Bacillus which has a cross-shape, which she
called "Crusnik". It is so much harder to 'grow' these Crusniks, so much more
difficult than growing the normal Bacillus. They failed many times trying to grow
these things.
There was a terrible incident in which Cain and another Colonizer had an accident
during one of the project works. They were at dying point. Seth decided to inject
them both with the Crusnik, in an attempt to save them. However, instead of saving
them, it killed them both. Cain actually died... but after a while, however, Cain just
suddenly stood up and became alive again. The other colonizer however, remained
They also came to discover that the Crusnik only seems to be compatible with the
genetically-modified humans (namely Seth, Lilith, Cain and Abel), so they froze the
Crusnik to keep it and decided to mass-produce the normal Bacillus for the other
Because the space ship discovery had such high technology, every other country
wanted to gain possession of it. Among the colonizers were representatives of each
country, and they all want to be the one in charge of the space ship. This started a
Martian civil war, which eventually destroyed their space ship to return home, as well
as their communication with earth.
Meanwhile, on earth, Armageddon is also happening for more or less the same

The Martians decided to build another spacecraft to return home, and this took well
over 80 years. They modeled this spacecraft with "The Ark".
The returners called their spacecraft "The Ark" as it was modeled after the Ark that
they found on Mars. They successfully returned to Earth and found it in such a
devastated state. The returners vowed to help their "fellow" human beings upon
seeing this.
They looked for a relatively unpolluted place, which was Europe and some
surrounding area. They parked their spacecraft above an African mountain (?). They
created a lift/elevator from the Ark to the top of the mountain.
After a while, something happened to the Bacillus in their blood (as was explained
earlier), perhaps because the Earth is closer to the sun than to Mars, and it increased
their activity somehow. This, of course produced the symptoms of vampirism. The
returners were killing earthlings, in as much as they don't want to. This created the
rift between the earth inhabitants and the returners.
At this point, Cain had already fused his mind, 100% with the Crusnik and he started
to want to destroy the world.
All the Nightlord siblings were on the returner's side apart from Lilith. They used
their Crusnik power against the earth inhabitants. This literally killed millions and
millions of people. Lilith got extremely upset because of this and she wanted to help
the earth inhabitants. She then decided to fuse herself with the Crusnik and became
Crusnik 04.
She went down and helped the earth inhabitants, she made contact with Grigori
(number?), the current Vatican pope at that time. She gave them technology and
supplied electricity to Budapest, Istvan etc. She commanded an army, which
encountered a battle with Seth, Cain and Abel's army in Paris, in which the three
Nightlord siblings lost to her. At this point, Lilith and the earth people were winning.
Cain told Abel and Seth that he wanted to make peace and would like to talk to Lilith.
In fact, he just really wanted to kill her. Lilith descended up the Ark to meet Cain,
only to find out she was about to be killed. They battled for a while, Cain was heavily
wounded during the incident, but Lillith was dead.
Abel found out about the lie that Cain did and that he had killed Lililth, and suddenly
went berserk. He threw Cain out of the Ark and started destroying the Ark. Taking
Lilith's body down to earth, he was taken in by the Vatican.
Lilith was buried in an underground cemetery in Rome. Abel guarded her tomb for
900 years from then on.

Crusnik Nanomachine
The Crusnik Nanomachine was a very high form of technology that was created
billions of years ago by an intelligent life form. However, this Crusnik Nanomachine
eventually destroyed the race that created it. After this, it traveled through space.

Through time, it has encountered other intelligent life forms, which it infected.
However, it eventually destroyed the bodies of their hosts and they use these bodies,
together with their spacecrafts and used it to travel through space. They crash
landed in mars and that is how the early colonizers found it.
The early colonizers actually found two types of Nanomachine, the Crusnik and the
Bacillus. They assumed that the Crusnik is another type of Bacillus and they decided
to integrate these nanomachines into their Leaders. The truth is, The Crusnik created
the Bacillus to serve as their food. They are able to change the form of atoms, hence
they have such abilities.
At this point, one can understand why both Seth and Abel do not wish to release
these Crusnik nanomachine to a full 100%. Abel is aware that once this happens,
these nanomachines could take over him totally, and they are bent set on
destruction. Indeed, it is very dangerous.
For hundreds of years, the real distinction between a Terran and Methuselah has long
been forgotten. The truth is, the Methuselah is just a Terran who happens to be
infected with a Bacillus. In the past, this Bacillus would turn an infected into a
"monster" or animal hungry for blood, nevertheless the Methuselahs refuse to be
called "vampires". The term "Methuselah" was taken from Noah's grandfather who
was rumored to have lived for 900+ years. Not all people however are compatible
with the Bacillus. If for instance, if you get bitten by a vampire and the Bacillus
enters your bloodstream somehow, you do not necessarily turn into one. In fact, the
likelihood is you either get your brain damaged, the Bacillus in your blood will be
dormant and act as red blood cells or some other form of reaction.
Truth is, there are different reactions among people who are infected with the
Bacillus. It needs to be "awakened" in order for its effect to take place. When it lies
in your blood and is dormant, it looks and acts like a normal red blood cell. A
Methuselah may be able to walk under the sun and use silver at this point. This is the
reason why these vampires have a memory of being under the sun and being able to
eat using silver utensils. When the Bacillus awakens, it starts it's effects in the body.
There are several main effects of the Bacillus awakening; Sensitivity to sunray,
slowing down of the aging process, reaction towards silver and repressed
reproductive system. These effects could happen over a period of time, or it could
just happen in one go.
UV Light
UV Light increases the activity of the Bacillus in the infected's blood stream. It
increases their activity so much, to the point that the Bacillus consumes everything
in its path. This gives the image of a vampire, who is subjected to exposure under
UV light, of "burning". The truth is, the Bacillus is just eating every single cell in the
vampire's body. You could say that the Bacillus is consuming the vampire from the
inside. The smoke coming out of an event such as this is caused by water vapour
brought about by this chemical reaction, and not because the vampire is burning. An
event such as this will only leave the bones of the vampire, looking as if it has been
licked clean, and removed of it's bone marrow. When the Bacillus finally consumes
everything, it consumes one another until they are annihilated.

Silver temporarily stops the activity of the Bacillus. This means that once it reacts
with the Bacillus, it renders them useless, and hence the vampire becomes more of a
human. The silver does not kill in itself, it is the fact that the vampire becomes more
of a human, that stab or shot on the vital organs will obviously be fatal. Some
vampires drink liquid silver in order for them to temporarily walk under the sun. This
liquid silver is made such that it minimizes the discomfort on the consumer's part.
Reproductive System
Another effect of being infected with the Bacillus is the repression of their
reproductive system. If a human male being has intercourse with a female vampire,
though she is less likely to be pregnant, her offspring will become a vampire.
However, if a human female has intercourse with a male vampire, the offspring will
just be a normal human. This is true unless the human female turns into a vampire
during such intercourse, through the exchange of bodily fluids.

Trnity Blood Characters

Translated by: reizahn( & M. Yamazaki
Cain Knightlord
Cain is the elder brother of Abel and is the first to be turned into a Crusnik, hence he
is Crusnik 01. He is very intelligent and is kind, gentle and calm. Many people loved
him as he was indeed a great leader. He oversees the whole Red Mars Project and
has a rank of a "Major" in the UN (UNASF? I'll double-check).
However, deep in his heart, he has a hatred for humanity. He hated humanity for
creating him and his beloved siblings, solely for the purpose of the Red Mars Project.
He felt like a tool and he feels sorry for all the four of them. He died once in the
story, though nobody is really sure exactly what happened to him. When he fused his
mind with the Crusnik nanomachines, he and those nanomachines had the same
goal, and that is to destroy the world.
He first killed Lilith and took her nanomachines (Crusnik 04) as he was interested in
them. He wanted to destroy the world, however before this could happen, he was
dropped out of the Ark by Abel, and so, when he fell to earth, he was just a pile of
ash. He regenerated, starting from a mere pile of ash.
This had obviously decapitated him and delayed his plans on destroying the world.
Even for 900 years, he was never really fully recovered. He can only use his body for
hours at a time. He would have to regularly go in a "status" (you know those things
where a person is in a glass tube filled with liquid) to regenerate himself. If he uses
his power, then this even further shortens the time he can use his body. This is the
reason why he did not immediately confront Abel or Seth, otherwise, if his body was
well, he would have made a direct attempt to kill them both, and take Crusnik 02

and 03. He was very much interested in these Crusniks. In the past, when he was
still human, he felt love as a brother for both Seth and Abel, however this has
disappeared when he turned into a Crusnik.
As a result of Cain's handicap, he decided to lead the Rosencreutz Orden to try and
make chaos in the world. The truth is, this Orden is meaningless to him, it meant
nothing at all. With his power, he could easily destroy the world. This is also the
reason why he lets the Orden do as they please, for him, his main priority is to
regenerate/heal himself.
Cain also wants to access the lab in Londinium, in which Abel was created. The lab in
Berlin where he was created has been destroyed during the Armageddon. Abel wants
to destroy that lab, before Cain reaches. Cain wants to obtain the genetic information
used to create the Night lords. Isaak refers to this genetic information as "Blue-print
of the Gods". This lab is located under a Ghetto in Londinium, where Methuselahs are
not allowed to enter. It is an old EU lab containing a very high technology.
Seth Nightlord: Augusta Vradica
Seth is the youngest of the four genetically-modified siblings. She is also Crusnik 03.
She has a Lieutenant rank in the UNASF and she is also the head of the Science
She is childish and also idealistic. She believes in change, and that the Methuselah is
the true human. She has this idea that the Terrans live for such a short time,
therefore what they do is only think about themselves in the present, and not in the
future. This does not mean however that she wanted to exterminate the Terrans. She
believes that the Terrans should be the Methuselah's subordinate or workers.
She was in alliance with Cain against humanity, however when she found out that
Cain only purely wants destruction, she broke the alliance. She realized that Cain is a
very dangerous man and so she is still searching for him.
Currently, she is trying to see how to make the Methuselah immune to UV light and
silver, which is of course a threat to Vatican.
Abel Nightroad
Abel is one of the genetically-modified humans designed for the Red mars Project.
More or less, the same genetic information that was used to create Cain was used to
create him. He has the rank of a Captain/Commander (?) in the UNASF. This is above
Seth's, but below Cain's.
His personality is that of very violent person, he hated people in general, hence the
people in the project hated him too. It was only when he started having
conversations with Lilith, that he became more humane.
Upon the return of the people from the Red Mars Project to earth, a returner was
killed and attacked by accident by an earthling. This incident made Abel go nuts
(again) and he led an army against earth inhabitants, which costed the lives of
millions of them. Only when Lilith went on the human's side, that he realized that
what he was doing was a mistake. He also felt that Lilith's death was all his fault,
hence later on he decided to atone for his mistakes.

His perception now has changed, he believes that Terrans and Methuselah are all
equal and the same, and he believes that peace should exist between these two.
Currently, he is working as an agent for the Vatican's AX Agency. By doing this, he
believes that it is easier for him to go on missions, as he is a priest. He won't be
treated with malice on both sides, as a priest is a personality symbolizing peace.
Abel does not really have a religion, however, he believes in fate.
Stand on Fighting
Abel is well-aware of the compromise he has to make whenever he releases his
nanomachine crusnik. In a way, the higher level you release your nanomachine
crusnik, the more of your consciousness gets lost to these nanomachines. He is
aware that he is always under constant threat of being taken over by these
nanomachines, hence he tries to avoid releasing it as much as possible. Another
thing is these nanomachines also entice him to increase the level of their release.
This brings about the fact that the more strong opponents he meets, the higher
chance of him being taken over by these nanomachines. Apart from his atonement of
his sins, this may be one of the reasons why he refuses to kill, nor fight with anyone,
as much as possible.
Stand on Cain
Though he hated Cain for killing his beloved, Lilith, he also loved him as a brother. He
believes that it was the nanomachines that made Cain the way he is now, and he
hopes that when these nanomachines are removed from his body, he will return to
the old, normal Cain. Deep in his heart, he is also aware that this may not be the
case. Cain has inherently a destructive personality, though it may not seem to be like
that. He is aware of his hatred for humanity for creating him, only to be used as tool
for the Red Mars Project.
Stand on Humans and Vampires
As mentioned, he believes that these two races are equal, and is working hard to try
and build peace between them. This also makes him feel better in a way, as he felt
that he was one of the people who started the enmity between these two.
Lilith Sahl
Lilith Sahl is a prototype used for creating the Night Lord siblings. Her rank is a
Lieutenant in the UNASF, below that of Cain, Abel and Seth. She is Crusnik 04. She is
in charge of the department of medicine/health care in the Red Mars Project. She is
also Abel's crush/love.
She is against the war of between the humans and the returners, and in the middle
of the war, she went on the earth's side. There was a certain chapter in the novel
(Descending Angel?) which described this incident. Because she left the Ark, this has
caused a major problem. For the Ark to be controlled properly, it needs the four
Crusniks to operate it. Another problem was that she unified the human side, which
was even worse for the Returners.
Cain called Lilith up to Ark again for peace talks, before that however... she said

something to Abel.
"Abel, you seem to hate the world, but you can't. Deep inside you, there is
something different that you feel for humanity. You cannot hate the world. You loved
and you believed, but you have been betrayed, and this is why you became the
enemy of the world. It is not to late to stop this now. Why don't you start all over
again? Please do not forget that."
At this point it seems that Lilith was already aware that she will be killed, but these
words tells of how much she cared for Abel and believed in him.
When Cain killed Lilith, he took her nanomachines into his body. Because his body is
not used to this, it became weak and also, he had a lower stamina. This is why it
took him such a long time to regenerate when Abel threw him into the Earth's
After this incident, the 3 Crusniks took a different path. Cain was preparing himself
to become the ultimate destructive force, Seth built a empire for her and the
returners. Abel, on the other hand is continuing what Lilith would have done.
Esther Blanchett
A girl named Anna Farmer, who was a maid for the "White" family who lives in
Whitechapel knows a lot about Esther's birth. Because of this, she was killed by Jack
the Ripper,
Brother Petros came, but it was too late already as Anna was dead. However, Jack
the Ripper mentioned to Brother Petros that there is another person who knows
about Esther and this is someone named "Michelle Lee".
Note: Whitechapel is a place in London where the real Jack the Ripper murders
occurred in the late 19th century. Today, it is a rather rough-looking area still, but in
the past, it is pretty much a dump.
Dietrich von Lohengrin
Dietrich was born in a province in Germanicus. He was the son of a landowner. Even
at very young age, he was able to display his unusual intelligence, to the point that it
scared the people of his town, and they grew suspicious of him. He was not treated
as a genius, but rather as a monster. Because of this, he was isolated and people
avoided him.
When Dietrich was six, his father tried to kill him because he grew scared of the little
boy's apparent potential for evilness. He was unsuccessful, however as Dietrich was
able to kill his entire family... at the age of 6.
He used his father's lands to collect people from his own town and use them as his
toys. He experimented on them and killed them.
When Dietrich was 7 years of age, Cain and Isaak visited his town, by coincidence.
When Dietrich saw Cain, Dietrich was amazed at the tremendous power that Cain
possesses. This was the first time in his life that he found someone who is far more
powerful than he is. Cain is a being that has surpassed good and evil, hence he

became an element of pure destruction. At this time, Cain and Isaak already seized
control of the Rosenkreuz Orden. Dietrich joined the Orden and at the age of 10, he
was already in a high ranking position.
Perhaps the encounter with Cain and Isaak had given the boy a purpose for his life,
as he was rather aimless at the beginning. Dietrich is innocent, but evil. That is why
he makes a formidable enemy of Abel and Esther.
He is the most evil out of all the characters in Trinity Blood. To him, trust, love,
friendship and loyalty do not exist, and he therefore goes on without these, alone. He
sees people as his toys. He is intrigued by Esther and Abel because they are
complete opposites of him. It's not unusual for a devil to pose as the bringer of light.
Dietrich has the face of an angel, but has the heart of Satan.
Isaak Fernand von Kmpfer - The highest ranking officer (after Cain, that is) in the
order, he is a person to fear. He uses a lot of magic and has the ability to summon
monsters and weapons out of thin air. Tres would look like a baby compared to his
abilities. His motives are very mysterious, however, outside of his mission, he takes
interest in the power of the Kresnik, and would like to see what these beings are able
to do. After failing a mission, he is beginning to lose trust from the high ranking
officers in RCO.
Isaak Butler - Isaak Butler is an alias that Isaak used when he was in Istvan and
rescued Esther from someone named Crayman (?). He was in fact Isaak Fernand von
Kmpfer. He introduced himself, coincidentally, as a butler for an English nobility.
The relationship between von Kmpfer and Wordsworth is a deep and mysterious
one, even more mysterious than the relationship between Kmpfer and Dietrich.
There are a lot of unknown things and gaps between this particular relationship.
According to the old character designs, Isaak Butler was a fake name. This was the
alias he used to get into the University of Londinium, an imperial university. He was a
genius and was also involved in a research using this name. There were three more
prodigies in University of Londinium at that time, they were; Catherina Lang, Zebbet
(?) Garibaldi, and William Walter Wordsworth... they were all rivals. They were
competing against each other with their brains/intelligence.
One technology that they analyzed shook the whole academia and caused a scandal.
Because Wordsworth and von Kmpfer were leading the research, they were
expelled. Also, during this scandal, Wordsworth's wife died.
After being kicked out of the University, von Kmpfer was roaming around places
doing nothing. He then met Cain, who was still 900 years into his recovery.
They started doing things together then. At this point, what happened between these
two characters was not mentioned in the novels
When von Kmpfer and Cain took over this really small society called Rosencreutz
orden, not only did they succeed in making the society bigger, they also participated
in many terrorists activities. They used power which can only be described as magic
to make the AX suffer. In AX, von Kmpfer has a lot of interest in Abel. He seems to
know a lot about Abel, such as his weaknesses and strengths. It may have been the

case that Cain himself was disclosing information to von Kmpfer about Abel.
Because Cain can't move around freely... he is doing Cain's job in terms of cornering

Rosen Creuz Orden (RCO)

According to the Canon, the RCO has been in existence for quite a while. At some
point, it was just a small organization in Berlin consisting of Terrans and Methuselahs
who did not like the Vatican. It was just a small society, and they were not doing
much with regards to their hatred of the Vatican.RCO only grew into a bigger, proper
organization, it only needed the charisma of someone like Cain and Isaak, in just
over a hundred years. It also acted as a gatekeeper for other small terrorists
organizations. If a particular group has plans of action, they would have to go
through to RCO first. The RCO's activities are very much shrouded in mystery, that
not even the Vatican knows much about it. Eventually, the order consisted of people
who were not very happy about the current situation of the world. You could consider
the RCO an anti-peace organization, but they believed in the need to renew the
world and they wanted to create a new utopia, but in able for this to happen, they
need to destroy it first, hence their motto, "With our fire, we will renew the world".

Source: Trinity Blood Community

Trinity Blood General Timeline and the Ages from Canon

Translated by: Reinselft

3021 AD Havel is born

3023 AD William is born
3029 AD Francesco is born
3031 AD Leon & Kate are born
3032 AD Hugue is born
3034 AD Petros is born
3036 AD Caterina is born at Milan. Paula is born at Krakow. Prof Zebetto Garibaldi
begins to formulate his ideas for the creation of cyborg soldiers, named the HC
series. Cloning begins.
3042 AD Dietrich is born
3044 AD Alessandro is born
3045 AD Esther is born at Albion kingdom.
3055 AD Caterina is 19.
- Feb, Pope Gregorio the 30th passes away.
- Mar, Papal elections - Caterina is made Head of State Affairs branch, Francesco is
the Head of Doctrine

- Apr, failed rebellion by Bishop Garibaldi. He had Castle of San Angelo captured by
his HC cyborgs. Commits suicide in the end. Able and Caterina manages to hijack
one of the cyborg soldiers, HC-IIIX. IIX is taken by the Inquisition.
- May, Ax is formed. Initial members - Krusnick, Know Faith, Gunslinger, Professor,
Iron Maiden & Sword Dancer.
3056 AD Mistress; Noelle Boer joins the Ax.
3058 AD Dandelion; Leon Garcia joins the Ax.
3059 AD Noelle leaves the Ax.
3060 AD Caterina is 24.
- Jan, Airship Tristan is hijacked (RAM I).
- May, Noelle dies in Barcelona.
- Oct, Havel dies (aged 39)
3061 AD Ax battles the RCO at Vienna. Ax battleship, Iron Maiden is destroyed. Iron
Maiden II goes into commision.
3062 AD Caterina is 26. Esther is 17.
- Nov, Star of Sorrow incident (ROM I)
3063 AD Feb, Esther leaves for Rome.
3064 AD May, Esther is crowned Queen of Albion (ROM VI)
So by the end of ROM VI, Caterina is 28 & Esther is 19. From that we can estimate
everyone's ages accordingly.
William 41, Francesco 35, Kate & Leon 33, Hugue 32, Petros 30, Paula 28, Dietrich
22 & Alessandro 20.
As for the Krusnicks
2085 AD Lilith is born.
2088 AD Cain & Abel are born.
2098 AD Seth is born.
by the end of ROM VI, Cain and Abel are 976 years old & Seth is 966 years old. Lilith
dies in 2220 AD and she was 135 years old.

Source: Trinity Blood Community

The Lost Stories - ROM Future Story Development

Translated by: Rosen_K
This section is from Canon Part II, chapter 3 The Lost Stories (page 213-218), the
future revelation of R.O.M. series that have been put together from the notes left
behind by Mr. Yoshida.

(1) In order to take the resources of Bohemia, gain more power and for their own
interests, the Vatican and Germanicus plan to invade Bohemia. As queen of Albion,
Esther gets involved and tries to prevent their plot. She suggests to hold a
international conference in Prague with involving countries, and decides to attend
herself. To stop her action, both Vatican and Germanicus send out assassins to kill
Esther. While some of the extreme groups of Vatican are proactively planning the
assassination, Rosen Creutz Orden and Cain are also involved behind the scene.
(2) On the other hand, Abel and Ion are tracking down some mysterious stolen
information on Vitter island. They are heading Bohemia. In order to find the clue,
they are working undercover as teacher (Abel) and student (Ion) at a university of
Prague, and start their investigation.
(3) Abel becomes aware of the assassination plot and Cain's strategy, he plans to
help Esther to escape from Prague. But Catherina thinks this is the best chance to
expose Rosen Creutz Orden to the world, and won't listen to Abel's request.
Catherina has suffered collagen disease and knows that she won't have much time
left. This is the last chance for her to destroy RCO. And it's also getting harder for
her to suppress her growing feelings for Abel, and being jealous of Abel's attention to
Esther, she has lost her ability to calmly judge the current situation.
(4) Finally, Abel quit AX again, and decides to rescue Esther with Ion's help.
Catherina is outraged by his action. She sends Tres and Monica to infiltrate into
Bohemia's capital Prague, and order the arrest of Abel.
(5) Pope Alessandro, Germanicus King Ludwig, Albion queen Esther and Lady
Lipshe(?) from Bohemia are under intense negotiation. Meanwhile, Abel decides to
confront Sister Judith, assassin from Francesco's Inquisition group, and Esther
assassin group from RCO. But he was obstructed by Tres and Monica, who are
coming to arrest him following Catherina's order, Abel's effort to prevent the
assassination has failed. When Esther is in extreme danger and just about to be
killed by sister Judith, pope Alessandro jumps out and blocks the fatal attack directed
to Esther. Esther has made a narrow escape from death and survived, but Alessandro
has sacrificed his life to protect Esther.
(6) Cain appears and fights Abel, and Abel is defeated again by Cain. And Bohemia is
eventually overrun and conquered by Germanicus and the Vatican's army. Esther
barely escapes and returns to Albion.
(7) Upon hearing the death of Alessandro, Catherina has been in a deep sorrow and
grief over his death, and blames herself for what had happened. Her health condition
has gotten worse. After the event, she hardly appears in the public places anymore.
Francesco is also saddened by Alessandro's death. But he quickly claims pope's
position, and declares that he will devote himself to the world and the Vatican.
(8) New pope Francesco claims that Albion queen Esther is responsible for the death
of pope Alessandro. He sends Catherina into exile for not effectively prevent the
assassination of Alessandro. AX agency is also dissolved.
(9) RCO's contrived activities have caused the relationship between human world and
the Empire to worsen dramatically. Try to take advantage of the fatal "Event",
Vatican launches a crusade to against Albion and the Empire. Now the balance of
coexistence between Terran and Methuselah which maintained over hundreds of

years finally collapse, and Terran started a war against Methuselah. Meanwhile,
Catherina is still coping with grief and mourning for Alessandro's death. With her
worsened collagen disease, she has been restricted to bed and incapable of doing
(10) The Crusade leaded by Francesco starts to invade the Empire, but is defeated
by Empire's troop. Meanwhile, Albion Crusade is forced to retreat after facing strong
resistance from Esther's troop in Dover gulf. Francesco is desperate by the constant
defeat, he finally decides to use nuclear weapon.. Under the nuclear attack,
Timisoara, the second largest city of the Empire, has been completely destroyed.
Francesco's second target is Empire's capital Byzantium and Albion's capital
(11) To prevent more nuclear attack, Seth is forced to unseal the reactivation system
of the "Ark", which has been hidden in imperial palace. She also plans to destroy
nuclear military base of the Vatican by using the satellite cannon carried by the Ark
on orbit. But this is exactly what Cain is waiting for. Once the seal is broken by Seth,
Cain is able to get into the system, and has Dietrich takes over the control of the
"Ark". They have intended to land the "Ark" on the earth.
(12) Abel and Ion are following Cain into Byzantium. In the Empire, an intensive
fight has broken out between Able, Seth and Cain. During the battle, Dietrich
activates the satellite cannon on the Ark. Rome is under direct hit and the whole city
is demolished by the attack. The Vatican is destroyed, Pope Francesco is killed.
Fortunately Catherina is recuperating in Milan, and has escaped the disaster. Cain is
still trying to land the Ark on earth which will destroy the world, but Seth stops his
plan by sacrificing her own life. Now the Empress of the Empire, Vradica, also known
as Seth Nightload has died. In the mist of the chaos, Abel and Cain also seem die
together in the battle... But the truth is not what may be seen, they have both
survived but are severely injured.
(13) With the destruction of Rome and the murder of Empress Vradica, the world is
in turmoil. Two years have passed since then. Because of RCO's manipulation, Abel
Nightlord has been framed as "the assassin from the Vatican". Therefore, when the
human world is in chaos after losing Rome and Vatican, the Empire declares a war
against the Terran. Two years after the war started, the Empire has taken over half
of the Terran territory. Now there are only two human countries are left, Albion and
(14) As victorious country, the Empire couldn't handle the rapid expansion of the
territory and started to slow down the advance of their forces. Meanwhile, Esther's
troops, as well as former Vatican members (including ex-AX members) which are
leaded by Esther now, are forming a strong resistance against the Empire and place
the Empire in a dilemma.
(15) The young Earl Kaurstein(?)'s daughter Camilla picks up a Terran (Abel) on the
street. But this sliver haired, blue eyed Terran has lost his memory. After
examination, it seems that he has some kind of relationship with Albion queen
Esther. Anxious to win honor, Camilla takes this silver-haired young man into the
enemy territory, and plans to kill queen Esther. But Abel's memory starts to come
back while staying with Camilla. Abel and Esther finally meet again.
(16) Catherina and Tres who joined the RCO are on the stage now. Catherina has

been in desperation of her life, and has lost to her jealousy towards
Esther...However, she is only using her negative image. She has betted on her life
and is going to destroy the RCO from the inside.
(17) Evidently, Dietrich never trusts Catherina and Tres. But he is starting to feel
awkward towards Cain when Cain's recovery is nearing completion. He is puzzled by
the question which Catherina brings up, -- Do the RCO, Kampfer and you mean
anything to Cain after he fully recovered? -- Catherina has started a psychological
warfare with Dietrich and eventually turns him to against Cain. Meanwhile, queen
Esther as well as Able, Catherina and Ion are ready to start the final war against the
Roson Cruetz Orden.
(18) In the end, the final stage is back to the "Ark" in satellite orbit. Cain who wants
to crash the Ark into the earth and destroy the world, and Abel who tries to stop
Cain, have begun their final battle.
Above are all the R.O.M stories that author Mr. Yoshida left. Unfortunately, Mr.
Yoshida did not leave any clues about the result of the final battle between Cain and

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