(2010) Five Star Clinton Global Initiative 5th Annual Summit

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Five Star: erment, education, and global health. Presi-

dent Clinton’s opening remarks captured the
mood following a challenging year economi-
from the organization’s commitment. Global
Give Back Circle committed to helping ado-
lescent girls in Kenya achieve financial and
commitments are projected to impact upon
more than 200 million lives. Since 2005,
members of the Clinton Global Initiative

The Clinton cally, socially and politically for many na-

tions representatives;
“In the midst of a global financial crisis, it
societal independence with the help of men-
tors, the local community, and financial part-
ners. Already, 35 high school graduating se-
have made nearly 1,700 commitments val-
ued at $57 billion dollars.

 “I think we can
say with some certainty that this model ac-

Global Initiative
doesn’t surprise me that more people are niors have been accepted to Universities tually does work,” President Clinton said.
attending this meeting than ever before… across Kenya. The three women held the au- “People don’t have to have the same politics,
Since 2005, it has become clear that CGI has dience with a combination of poetry and the same religion, or speak the same lan-

Fifth Annual
found an effective model for addressing music cleverly composed to highlight the guage to work together and to have an im-
challenges around the world. Our members benefit of the scheme and their appreciation pact. We all have things to learn from each
have made more than 1,400 commitments for the effort. other. What we need is a shared mechanism
affecting more than 200 million people to achieve common goals.”

Summit Re po rting by J effrey B radfo rd P h D

around the world. Because of their efforts,
more than 10 million children have access to
a better education, 48 million people have
better health care, and more than 12 people
final surprise on the opening day of
the Summit was a visit by current US
President Barack Obama who gave a
short speech acknowledging the importance
The impact of 2009 commitments, once
fully implemented, are expected to have
the following outcomes:

Former US President B ill C lin to n million have safe drinking water. But there is of the Clinton Global Initiative and the need
still work to be done.” for service; - 79 million people will generate sustain-
On Tuesday, September 22, 2009, President Bill Clinton opened the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Clinton Global Initia- “This week, even as we gather at the United able income through self-employment or
The President then moderated a panel dis- Nations to discuss what governments can do new job opportunities.
tive (CGI). This is an annual event held in New York City alongside the opening of the United Nations General Assembly cussion featuring Michelle Bachelet, presi- to confront the challenges of our time, even - $5.4 billion will be invested in or loaned to
that brings together global leaders from business, government, academia, science, religion, and nongovernmental dent of the Republic of Chile, Mike Duke, as we’re joined tonight by so many presi- small- and medium-sized enterprises
organizations, including numerous heads of state, former heads of state, CEOs of multinational corporations, and president and CEO of Wal-Mart Stores, dents and prime ministers - this Global Ini- - 25.4 million people will have improved
Muhtar Kent, chairman of the board and tiative reminds us what we can do as indi- access to capital and financial services.
prominent philanthropists.
CEO of Coca-Cola, and Kevin Rudd, prime viduals: that you don’t have to hold public - 3.5 million small farmers will gain access
minister of the Commonwealth of Australia. office to be a public servant,” President to inputs, supports, and markets.
The panel set the stage for the discussion Obama said, adding: “That’s the beauty of - 7 million women and girls will be reached

his year’s Annual Summit brought to- eral Kofi Annan, and former Vice-President and Matt Damon, Quincy Jones, Alicia Keys, over the following three days, much cen- service - anyone can do it and everyone through empowerment initiatives.
gether a stellar array of Heads of Al Gore to join the CEOs of Cisco, The Coca- Wangari Muta Maathai, Demi Moore, Barbra tered around four global challenges: eco- should try.” - 30 million children will gain access to ed-
State, politicians and celebrities moti- Cola Company, The Dow Chemical Company, Streisand, Muhammad Yunus, and Robert nomic empowerment, education, global ucation.
vated to do good for their fellow human be- Duke Energy Corporation, ExxonMobil, Flori- Zoellick. health, and energy and climate change. On the final day of the Annual Summit, Pres- - 2 million girls will be reached through
ings including; More than 60 Current and da Power and Light, Freeport-McMoran Cop- Additionally on the opening day, Bill Clinton ident Clinton was joined by his wife, former school enrollment efforts.
Former Heads of State, U.S. Secretary of per & Gold Inc, General Electric, The Gold- The opening plenary session featured a panel President Clinton announced the first two First Lady and current Secretary of State, - 30 million metric tons of CO2 emissions
State Hillary Rodham Clinton, U.S. Secretary man Sachs Group, Inc., Hess Corporation, JP of heads of state and world leaders framing commitments of this year’s meeting and Hilary Clinton to report on the successes of will be cut
of Commerce Gary Locke, U.S. Secretary of Morgan Chase & Co., Nissan Motor, PepsiCo, the discussion for the four-day meeting gave a progress report on an ongoing com- the Summit. It was announced that by the - 7 million people will be reached with
Labor Hilda Solis, Larry Summers, Valerie Jar- Standard Chartered PLC, Wal-Mart Stores, around pressing global challenges, including mitment; end of the Summit CGI members in 2009 clean energy.
rett, former United Nations Secretary Gen- Inc., Wellpoint, Inc., Western Union, Visa, energy & climate change, economic empow- have made 284 new commitments valued at - 1.5 million people will be engaged in ef-

irstly the efforts of Water.org, which is more than $9.4 billion dollars. In total, these forts to promote climate change solu-
commited to bringing safe drinking wa- tions.
ter and sanitation to at least 50,000 - 83 million people will have increased ac-
people in Haiti over the next three years. The cess to health services.
effort aims to enhance awareness of good - 17 million people will have increased ac-
hygiene practices among local communities, cess to maternal-child health and survival
and focus on integrating sustainable water programs.
resources management into community prac- - 4.7 million children will benefit from mal-
tices. Water.org co-founders Actor Matt Da- nutrition interventions.
mon and Gary White joined President Clinton - 40 million people will receive treatment
on-stage to announce this commitment. for neglected tropical diseases.
- $50 million will be raised to fund research
Global Give Back (supported by the Coca and development of new vaccines, medi-
Cola corporation) Circle’s founder, Linda cines, and diagnostics.
Lockhart, appeared on stage with three - 18 million people will have increased ac-
young Kenyan women who have benefited cess to safe drinking water.
Form er US President B ill Clinton Curren t and for mer Presi dent Barack Obama ac to r mat t da mo n s i nger us h er
and Bill C lin to n

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