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Global Vision

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 Singapore Sun Festival  Clinton Global Initiative

Annual Summit  Cavi Fashion  Cool Canada  private
Jet Charter  United Nations General Assmebly Opens 
Alaska by sea  GlobalVision Africa  Obama in Ghana 
British Election 2010 preview
GLOBAL p e rsp ec t ive s | UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL p ersp ec t i v e s | RA NG E ROV ER

G overnments of the worl d unite :

East Coast Adventures:
Opening of the 64th United Where did your Range Rover adventure take you in summer 2009?

Nations ­General Assembly

By Jeffrey Bradfo rd

Re po rting by Dr , J effrey B radfo rd

New York City in September plays host annually to the official opening of the existence of Uranium enrichment plants –
United Nations General Assembly. The event brings together many of the used exclusively for the manufacture of
weapons-grade nuclear materiel.
world’s heads of state in one city creating an array of diplomatic challenges The opening session sets the agenda for the
and security challenges – all amidst a city oblivious to the event and indeed coming year of United Nations diplomatic
more focused on their beloved New York Yankees baseball team’s chances in business. The agenda is organised into nine
areas (of which one is the not unimportant
the World Series.
discussion list of administrative related is-
sues) and contains some previous issues as
Prior to the opening event months of frenet- acting as President of the current General well as newer ones. Some of the more sub-
ic activity amongst the world’s diplomatic Assembly session. Col. al-Qadhafi expressed stantive and interesting issues on the agen-
Social Life Magazine events at the Social Life Estate. Return to the mothership at Southampton Land Rover.
corps craft and refine an agenda acceptable concern about the economic and food crisis da for the coming session include; One of the premier magazines for the summer season, Social Life chronicles the great and the
good at play. The estate hosts a series of exclusive parties to celebrate celebrities on the cover
Boasting a full range of the latest Land Rover vehicles, expert servicing, merchandise and
technical knowledge – Land Rover Southampton stands ready to keep you exploring. Land Rover
to, literally, the nations of the world. This and in particular the need for the continent such as racecar driver Tim George jr. and an annual arts event coverting the estate into a gallery. Southampton, 355 Hampton Road, NY11968 T: 631.287.4141

agenda is then adopted and considered for of Africa to possess a permanent presence • Maintenance of international peace and
the next several months by delegates, choic- at the United Nations Security Council. security
es weighed and decisions put forward to • Promotion of sustained economic growth
better the state of the planet and its people. The President of Iran was keen to address • Development of Africa
The opening of the sixty-fourth General As- efforts to remedy the economic crisis as be- • Promotion of Human Rights
sembly was marked by speeches from re- ing unreal, “It is no longer possible to inject • Coordination of humanitarian assistance
cently elected US President Barack Obama thousands of billions of dollars of unreal • Promotion of justice and international law
and attracting wide attention were speeches wealth into the world economy simply by • Disarmament (principally weapons of mass
from the Libyan and Iranian Premieres Col. printing worthless paper”. His discussion of destruction although also small arms)
Muammar Abu Minyar al-Qadhafi and Presi- Iran’s civil nuclear program was overshad- • Drug control, crime prevention
dent Mahmud Ahmadi-Nejad. owed by further revelations concerning the • Administrative matters
The new US President spoke at length about
the challenges faced by the world commu-
nity, and that the destiny of the United Na-
tions reflects in many ways what its mem-
bers choose to do, “Now it falls to us -- for
this institution will be what we make of it. 
The United Nations does extraordinary good
around the world -- feeding the hungry, car-
ing for the sick, mending places that have
been broken.  But it also struggles to enforce
its will, and to live up to the ideals of its
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Muammar Al-Qadhafi, Leader of the Barack Obama, President of the
the Islamic Republic of Iran, Socialist People’s Libyan Arab United States of America, addresses
addres­ses the general debate of the Jamahiriya, addresses the general the general debate of the
The Libyan leader attended the United Na- sixty-second session of the debate of the sixty-fourth session of sixty-fourth session of the General
General Assembly, at UN Head­ the General Assembly Assembly
tions opening session for the first time, in a quarters in New York
Rell Sun annual surf memorial benefit, Montauk. Mercedes Benz Polo Challenge at the Blue Star Jets Field in Bridgehampton.
period when his country holds a non-perma- Photo credits: United Nations
Party the night before at the Montauk Surf Lodge before hitting the waves. Compete in one or Spend six weeks watching top polo teams compete for the prestigious prize, including Nacho
more of eight divisions and contribute to a worthwhile cause on August 8th, 2009 Figueras with the Ralph Lauren sponsored Black Watch team.
nent seat on the UN Security Council and is The 2009 season runs from July 18th through August 22nd


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