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In March this year, the Directors commissioned a further feasibility

study to report on the options of remaining at the ancestral home of

Goodison Park, engaging Architects Ward McHugh Associates and
Accountants Deloitte & Touche, to investigate the architectural issues
and commercial viability of the project. Remaining at Goodison Park
realistically centres around two options.
THE EXTENDED GOODISON FOOTPRINT OPTION be restricted to bui lding a 45,000 capacity There are still issues to be addressed before
The opportunity to redevelop a new 55 ,000 stadium. This alternative scheme could only our vision could become a reality.
capacity stadium would necessitate us be achieved by a phased redevelopment over a .For instance we must receive guarantees that
extending t he existing footpr int from 8 to 3/4 year period, wit h our capacity being an integrated transport and infrastructure plan
15 acres. If achievable this would also give reduced to around 30,000 for anyone period is delivered to cope with the additional
the Club the opportunity to create a mix of during redevelopment and would be greater pressures such a development would create.
commercial and retail development which for a major part of anyone season. That in
in theory should have supported t he project itself would have put a stra in on being able The Board must give detai led considerat ion
financ ially. This extended footprint would to sat isfy t he demands from our supporters to the finan cial consequences of any such
however have necessitated the permanent as our average attendance in recent years has proposal. This must not put an undue
closure of Bullens Road, compulsory reached 35,000 . burden on our financial resources. Too often
purchase of 91 residential properties and the in the past we have seen clubs create a new
relocation of the Gwladys Street School. To Infight ofall these considerations the Board had facil ity or stadium only to have to sell their
some degree a number of these issues could feltthey had no alternative but to investigate best players to f inance t he project. The
have been overcome by offering to re-house alternative sites within the City boundaries. Board is clearly of the view that any stadium
the school and approximately half the must be capable of increasing our revenue
residentia l properties on the former Eileen THE KINGS DOCK WATERFRONT OPPORTUNITY streams, to assist with f urther strengthen ing
Craven School site (Walton Lane). Deloitte Thi s summer the Board decided to explore of the squad rather than weakening it. The
& Touche advised us however, that their research an interest in t he Kings Dock site currently early indicators are that the Kings Dock
had indicated that the revenue created from owned by The English Partnership . The site scheme may ultimately cost the Club
any ancillary development was unlikely to is described as being one of the most exciting considerably less than either of the two
be substant ial and as such a new stadium waterfront development opportu nities in Goodison options .
was likely to have a net cost to the Club of Europe and simply cannot be ignored. Our
approaching £50m, all of which would have ult imate vision would be to create a unique
had to be financed by the Club itself. ' 55,000 super stadium, retaining many of
Goodison's traditional features.
.We shared our plans with Mr D Henshaw,
Liverpool City Council 's Chief Execut ive. Hist orically the name of Everton has been
Senior City Council officers responded by synonymous with being at the foref ront of
suggesting that the problems associated stadium design. The Kings Dock site offers
with such a proposal would have been us a once in a lifet ime chance to investigate
enormous and would meet with substant ial in detai l a proposal to build a new home for
objections from not only local residents , but the benefit of future generations of Evertonians.
also the City Planners, as the scheme fell
outside the Liverpool Unitary Development The new stadium would be owned and
Plan. The Club could certainly still , and controlled by the Club and with the
may still have to , pursue this avenue but introducti on of a retractable roof and pit ch
our advice is that it would take years for an the stadium could be transformed into a
eventual outcome to be made known and futuristic indoor arena capable of staging
with little likelihood of success. major Exhibitions and Conferences. Simply
imagi ne World Championship Boxing or The
THE EXISTING GOODISON FOOTPRINT OPTION Soccer Ex event comi ng to Liverpool, not to
To totally redevelop Goodison Park on the mention the opportunity created by joining
existing 8-acre site in a phased manner. In forces with entertainment giants SFX to
these circumstances planning issues would bring the top names in music to our city. All
not be such a major obstacle . However these additiona l features would not only
given the constraints of the site we would benefit the Club but would attract much
needed inward investment to our city and
place the Everton Brand on the world stage.

• The Kings Dock is • The Club has the • A site that would
the largest available ability to secure have substantial
site in Liverpool City ownership as the site urban regeneration
Centre. is owned by English benefits.
• The location has • A site that would
good access to • A site that seeks to have substantial
Liverpool City Centre. provide a facility in economic benefit to
accordance with the City of Liverpool.
• Very visual, highly Government I
prominent waterfront Regional Guidance. • A site that is within
site. an area that has
• Unlike Goodison, a access to public
site that should have funding, through ERDF.
Local Authority support.


Fully investigate the opportunity at the Kings Dock. Everton to join a Consortium,
together with a first class Development Partner, and co-ordinate with English Partnerships,
Liverpool Vision, Liverpool City Council and North West Development Agency.

Wapp m9
OPTION TWO • The redevelopment would need to
be phased, and could take
between 3 to 4 years to complete,
• Developing the larger site would
aIlow for safer spectator
• This Option provides for movement around the Ground,
redevelopment of the whole area but the Club would continue to and provide a more appropriate
bounded by Goodison Road, play all their home matches at setting. It would also allow
Gwladys Street and Walton Lane, Goodison Park. The capacity for additional commercial
and allows for a new Ground to be should not fall below 30,000 at development to help the Club fund
developed on a bigger footprint to anyone time, and would be the redevelopment proposals.
that of Option One. greater than this for the major
part of anyone season. • The existing Gwladys Street
• In th is case the newly rebu iIt Infants School could be relocated
Ground would provide a total in a brand new school building on
capacity of 55,000, with a stadium the old Eileen Craven School site,
which would retain many of the which would also have room for a
features associated with Goodison significant number of new houses
Park, as described in Option One. to be bu iIt as replacements.

• There would be excellent views of

the pitch from all parts of the new
stadium, with safe, comfortable
and convenient facilities for all
spectators, including those
supporters with d isabi Iities.

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