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So, I will start off where yusuf had left. So to recap, they now had
paid the loan for the land for the school. My portion is mainly
about how the actual school was built and how they managed to
procure the fund.
Ok, to get things more interesting, we will be playing a game. I
have written some fill in the blanks questions. We will divide the
class into two teams, boys and girls. These blanks are the
important things, people etc. included in this part of the chapter.
As I explain, these will also be explained or included. Your job is
quite simple. All you have to do listen to it carefully and fill in the
words. With that set let's start.
So, Booker T Washington had a tough time capturing the money
required for the building. The school was called Tuskegee School
and it still exists.
Tuskegee University is located in Tuskegee, Alabama, which
is 40 miles east of the Alabama State and 20 miles west of
the city of Auburn, Alabama.
(Write school located 20 miles west of auburn city.)
The academic programs are organized into five colleges and
two schools: (1) The College of Agriculture, Environment and
Nutrition Sciences; (2) The Andrew F. Brimmer College of
Business and Information Science; (3) The College of
Engineering; (4) The College of Arts and Sciences; (5) The
College of Veterinary Medicine, Nursing and Allied Health; (6)
The Robert R. Taylor School of Architecture and Construction
Science; and (7) The School of Education. The curricula for
these colleges and schools currently offer over 50 degrees.
(Write 50 degrees)
When a saw mill owner came to know about the discussion
about building a new large building, he approached
washington and said that he would gladly supply all the
lumber necessary with no guarantee of payment other than

Washington's word.
(Write No Guarantee of payment)
Booker told the saw miller that he didnt have a single dollar
to pay. But still the saw miller stuck to his offer. This shows
the amount of work the community was ready to put in to
educate the black and upraise them from their poverty.
Booker was a dignified person and didn't want anyone to do
anywork for free. So they waited until they had the money
to pay the saw miller and only then they let him to lay
(Ask:- Do you guys now anything about other than the
fact that it is wood. Lumber (American English) or
timber (British English) is a general term for wood
that has been processed into beams and planks.
Lumber may be supplied either rough-sawn, or
surfaced on one or more of its faces.)
Miss Davidson, who Washington later married continued to
collect fund for the building.
While a local meeting was held, an old man stood up and
said that he had raised two fine hogs and would lie to donate
one of them to the school. He also challenged the people to
follow his steps and donate something for the school
building. Over the next weeks many people helped towards
the construction as much as they could.
(Write:- Old man- 1 hog)
Miss Davinson decided to go north to see for additional funds
for the building. She found this task quite trying and at times
embarrasing as the people there didnt know about the
school. This shows that Miss Davinson was hardworking and
always wanted to help whenever or wherever possible.
(Write Davinson:- Hardworking)
The first gift arrived from a Northern Lady who was travelling
north along with Miss. Davinson. They fell into conversation
and the lady delighted to hear about the school. She
immeiately wrote down a cheque of 50 dollars.
(Write:- New York Lady - 50 dollars)

The Tuskegee school had helped a lot of people and was

selling their farm products in the market. So the white
people realised that upraising the negroes was not a bad
thing after all, since they helped economy.
(Write:- Mind of the white people changing )
The first building they built was called Porter Hall after AH
porter. He was the person who had donated a considerable
sum of money when there was a shortage of money. One day
when Washington had to pay a creditor 500 dollars, two
ladies from Boston supplied the money. Moreover, for 14
years they continued to donate a sum of 6000 us dollars
every year.
(Write:- Two Boston ladies helped a lot)
When the plans for the buildings were ready the student
began digging the ground for the foundation after the school
hours. Many students were not happy with the idea of them
doing all the work, as they felt they had come to learn and
not work. But soon they grew sentiments towards the
building and did the work happily.
(Write:- Students worked happily in the construction
of the building)
At last, the school and the accompanying buildings had been
completed. On the inaugration day, the keynote was
delivered by Hon. Waddy thompson. Before the construction
of the building had gotten over, Washington had gone
through some trying seasons trying to procure money as it
had become acute. Washington remembers the nights that
he used to toss around in the bed due to anxiety and stress.
(Write:- Washington was anxious about the money for
the construction)
Washington knew that he was experimenting if the negroes
could build and control a large educational institution and he
knew that he would injure a whole race if he failed. If the
white people was to establish people thought that they
would always succeed. But when black people try to set up

an educational instituion, they are me with contempt and

people generally get surprised if they succeed.
Booker T Washington always remembers Mr. Cambell, who
was a friend of General Amstrong, who said that,
"Washington always remember credit is the capital".
(Write:- Always remember credit is the capital.)
At one time when we there was a great distress for money,
Washington placed the situation frankly before General
Armstrong. Without hesitation the general gave Washington
his personal cheque of all the money which he had saved for
his own use. This was not the only time that General
Armstrong helped Tuskegee in this way.
(Write:- General Armstrong helped a lot)
During the summer of 1882, at the end of the first years
work of the school, Washington married to Miss Fannie N.
Smith, of Malden. His wife was also a graduate of the
Hampton Institute. After earnest and constant work in the
interests of the school, together with her housekeeping
duties, his wife passed away in May, 1884. One child, Portia
M. Washington, was born during our marriage.
So that concludes my part. I hope that you enoyed as well as
learnt something from this. Ok so for the game. Do we have
the answers. I will as one question from each team

T_ _k_ _ee S_h_ _

A_ _b_ _ _
A. _ P_r_ e_
W_ dd_ T_o_ _s_n
F_nn_ _ S_ _t_

B_ _t_n
D_v_ _s_ _
P_ _t_ _r H_ _l
Mr. C_ _b_ _l
P_ _t_ a W_ _ _i_ g_ o_
Gen. A_ _s_ _o_ _

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