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When O Met Rene

The young man smiled at the chaotic scene before him. He
had never been to a fashion show before and he was
fascinated by the props, lighting, and many other functions
that made the show come together. His eyes focused on the
models most of all. It was hard to believe that the material
he had seen in boxes only a short time before were now
about to be displayed as elegantly as the clothes they had
Rene, you made it! Rene turned to see his friend
Alphonse coming toward him.
As usual he was carrying a clipboard in one hand and a
pager in the other. In another life, Alphonse joked, he had
probably been a juggler in a kings court.
Yes, thank you for the invitation. It is fascinating, said
They talked for a short while until Alphonse apologized
and said.
I really have to run Rene so please excuse me for
deserting you. I have a million things to do before the show
Thats quite alright, joked Rene. Ill just enjoy the

OK, as long as you remember that the scenery has to

work. laughed Alphonse.
Alphonse left with a wave of his hand and Rene once more
scanned the room before him. As he looked from here to
there, he noticed a young woman who did not seem to be
one of the models. In the midst of the frenzied preparation
she seemed to be the only one, other than him, who was not
busy with some task.
He watched her look at the models. She held up her hands
and peered through a small device.
Whats that about, thought Rene?
He decided to go over and see her and investigate this
strange behavior. Rene looked on as the woman began to
set up photographic equipment. Her behavior made sense
now. She had been planning the shots she was to take. All
of a sudden her camera was pointed at him.
Smile, she said with an impish grin.
Rene acceded to her request quite happily. The young
woman giggled as she took more photos of him, stopping
every couple of shots to make adjustments to the settings
on her camera. Eventually she was satisfied with the results
and put the camera back in its case.
My name is O she said, as she offered her hand.

Rene, Im very pleased to meet you. What does the O

stand for? asked Rene.
Odile, she replied. When I was a girl my best friend
was also named Odile, so I was O and she was Odile. It
kept things from getting confusing, O explained.
I hope you dont mind that I took those photos of you. I
can let you have them if you wish. I usually have to
bother poor Alphonse, said O.
Alphonse is the one who invited me here exclaimed
Rene, He is one of my best friends.
I have known him many years, said O, He has spoken of
a friend of his in import- export. Is that you?
Yes, thats what I do, replied Rene.
They sat talking for some time while the show took place
and O snapped picture after picture.
By the way, I dont want those photographs back but how
about I charge a modeling fee? Will you have dinner with
me, asked Rene?
Oh, I cant tonight. Alphonse is having his party Why
dont you come? Said O.
Alphonse appeared at that moment and was genuinely
delighted to see the two of them talking to one another.

Alphonse, I asked Rene to your party. Is that

alright,asked O, as she hugged his arm.
As if I could refuse you anything, laughed Alphonse,
Actually you just beat me to the punch. I was coming over
to ask him
Rene laughed, In that case I would be delighted. Ill let
the both of you get back to work. Ill pick you up at 9
Oclock O.
Great, let me give you my number, said O
At 9pm. Rene knocked on Os door and smiled as he saw
the transformation she had made from her work clothes into
a stunning party dress. Rene held the door open for O as
she entered the taxi. When she settled in her seat, Rene
took her in his arms and kissed her. O, out of breath, but
deliriously happy at this turn of events felt herself
responding to his kisses. Rene looked at her and slowly ran
his hand along the outline of her dress. He smiled when he
saw the outline of her nipples pressing against the fabric of
her dress.
Rene smiled and said We had better behave ourselves or
we will never make it to the party.
At the party, the two of them were in their own world.
They barely acknowledged other people and only danced
with each other. The party was in full swing when Rene

decided to make polite goodbyes on their behalf. Alphonse

smiled as the two of them left; he was surprised they had
stayed this long they were so obvious.
When O opened the door to her apartment she waited for
Rene to take her in his arms. Rene, however, went and sat
leisurely on the couch and looked at her. He sat there a long
while studying her, without saying a word. O was
dumbfounded by this behavior on his part and waited for
him to say or do something. She found this examination
very disconcerting.
Rene smiled and patted the seat beside him on the couch. O
sat and Rene lifted her chin and kissed her on the lips. It
was a soft kiss at first until it became more insistent and O
was dizzy when Rene released her from the embrace. He
slowly stroked her neck and shoulders and unbuttoned her
blouse. O felt like her heart would beat its way out of her
chest and her large intakes of breath pushed her breasts up
and out even more. Rene smiled when he saw the condition
she was in and proceeded to remove the rest of Os
clothing. When she was naked, Rene ran his fingers along
her lips and told O to lick them. As she did so, he pushed
them further into her mouth. It was almost as if he was
testing or evaluating her skill with her mouth. He took
these same fingers and circled Os nipples making them
harden more than she thought possible. The slowness of his
caresses was sending O to the point of madness. She
wanted to feel him inside her, but Rene ignored her
entreaties. He lightly tapped the inside of her thighs and
watched as she obediently spread her legs for him. He

cupped her sex with his hand and massaged her labia and
pushing his fingers inside her. O felt a massive wave of
pleasure overtake her as she succumbed to an orgasm.
Once again Rene kissed her and told her how beautiful she
was. He took a blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders
and then he rose and said goodnight and left.
O was shocked at his sudden departure. Why hadnt he
taken her? When would she see him again? All these, and
many other, questions filled her head as she tossed and
turned in a futile attempt at sleep.
The next day O fidgeted with equipment to keep her mind
occupied, but her heart skipped a beat every time the phone
would ring. However; none of the calls were from Rene. In
the late afternoon a bouquet of roses was delivered with a
note that read as follows.
My dearest O:
I find it impossible to put into words the pleasure that I
experienced with you last evening. I would like very much
to see you again on Friday. Here is my number. I will pick
you up at eight pm.
O breathed in the scent of the roses and felt elated at the
prospect of seeing Rene. She felt like a child waiting for a
promised outing. Even though she was excited, she was
also nervous. This was because, no one had ever undressed
and used her as Rene had on the previous evening and even

though he had given her pleasure, like she had never

experienced, she knew that this was only the beginning.
Rene, after seeing her reaction to his caresses, would want
more from her. O wasnt sure she could surrender as she
thought he would demand.
When Friday evening came O picked out the most risqu
lingerie that she had. She hoped that Rene appreciated her
efforts to please him. At precisely eight pm. Rene knocked
on the door.
At the restaurant, they sat at a booth that afforded them
some privacy. After their meal, Rene changed the
conversations subject to their previous evening together.
O, the other evening when I took you home, how did you
feel about the way I caressed you?
Physically, I enjoyed it enormously, but it made me
nervous because no one has ever made love to me like that
and I was surprised myself by my reaction to your
caresses. replied O
I believe that you are a person who receives pleasure
sexually from acceding to the demands of others. Correct
me if I am wrong, but you prefer the man to tell you what
he wants. stated Rene
O blushed and said Thats true

If I ask you to do things to please me would you obey?

Asked Rene
Perhaps, but Im scared whispered O
Youre scared but the fear excites you as well. Give in to
the excitement O, surrender yourself despite the fear,
exclaimed Rene
O stared into Renes eyes and quietly said I will agree to
what you ask
Rene then told her to get up from the table: go to the ladies
room, remove her bra and panties, and bring them back to
him. O got up and went to do as he requested. After she had
removed them, she stared at her reflection in the washroom
mirror and saw the deep blush in her cheeks as she returned
to Rene. She felt her breasts sway as she moved toward the
table and was sure everyone in the restaurant knew she was
naked under her dress. At the table, Rene demanded the
garments she had removed.
Give them to me O
O tried to give them to him secretly, but he took them from
her and laid them out on the table in front of him as she
stood there.
Their very pretty O look how wet your panties are. He
said with a smile.

You may sit down O, but I want you to lift your dress and
sit directly on the seat. Ordered Rene
O looked furtively around the room and quickly obeyed.
Rene reached down and slid one hand up under her dress
and pulled her legs apart.
Stay like that, he demanded.
He then took her panties and bra and put them in her
pocket and ordered them another drink. O wanted Rene to
take her home. She was shocked at how excited all this had
made her and could feel the wetness build up between her
thighs and her nipples hardening beneath the thin material
of the dress. Rene however; was in no hurry and nursed his
drink. He was perfectly aware of course at the affect this
was having on O. All of sudden, Rene nonchalantly
reached under her dress and plunged several fingers inside
her. He held them up to her, wet and glistening, and told her
to lick them clean. She did as he requested and kept her
eyes lowered so that she would not notice if any glances
came from the other restaurant patrons. Finally, Rene said
they should leave, but as they left the table, Rene reached
into his pocket and left Os undergarments. O was shocked
and made a move to pick them up, but Rene stopped her
and led her out. O knew that their waiter would know she
was naked under her dress and probably regale many others
with the story.
As soon as they entered Os apartment, Rene lifted her up
and removed her dress. He then spread her out on the

dining room table, lifted her legs and plunged into her. He
was large and O screamed in shock and pleasure as he took
her. Rene held her hands above her head as he drove into
her. O had an orgasm almost immediately and then felt
another as Rene finally exploded inside her. Rene gently
lifted O and carried her to the bedroom. He cradled her in
his arms until they both slept. They woke several times
through the night and made love again.
In the morning O was awakened by the smell of freshly
brewed coffee and bacon and eggs cooking. She wrapped a
house coat around herself and went out into the kitchen to
find Rene happily cooking breakfast while he hummed to
Oh my this is a pleasant surprise, said O cheerfully
Well good morning sleepy head, laughed Rene.
Breakfast is just about ready.
It smells delicious. said O as she sat down somewhat
They sat over breakfast and discussed where they should go
later in the day. Neither of them brought up the events in
the restaurant, but O couldnt help thinking about it. Rene
rose to do the dishes over Os protests.
Im going to give you a bath O. I want you to go into the
bedroom, take of your housecoat and lie on the bed with

your legs and arms spread until I am ready for you he

O laid down on the bed and spread her limbs out as Rene
had ordered. The very fact that he had given her an order
caused her to become aroused again. He took his time with
the dishes and running the bath. He stopped to look at her
several times during his preparations, she felt herself go
crimson as she saw him looking at her wide open sex and
heaving breasts. Rene led her into the bath and ordered her
to kneel in the tub with her arms behind her back grasping
each elbow. He proceeded to gently massage the soapy
wash cloth into every pore of her body. His strong hands
easing the tension that built up in her. He dried her and
used her hairdryer to comb not only the hair on her head
but her pubic hair as well. He did not allow her an orgasm
while all these ministrations took place and O gasped in
frustration. When he was finished he brought O out into the
living room and sat in chair.
Kneel in front of me O he said quietly
Do you want me O?
Oh yes gasped O
I want you to take my cock out and suck it until I tell you
to stop. Rene ordered
O lovingly unzipped Rene and brought his cock up to her
lips. She swirled her tongue around the head before taking

him as deep as she was able. She moved her mouth slowly
up and down the shaft as she gently massaged his balls. O
listened for Renes moans of pleasure. She took him as
deep as she was able and was rewarded by a thick flood of
his come gushing into her throat. O did her best to swallow
it all and continued to suck him until he was hard once
again. Rene lifted her up and plunged into her. O cried out
with pleasure as she rode his cock in and out of her. Rene
gasped and pushed himself deeper in to O as he felt himself
come once again. O felt him explode in side her and cried
out in pleasure.
The days turned to weeks and the weeks to months, they
could be seen everywhere together. Although Rene
maintained his own apartment, it was more convenient to
stay at Os; she lived in a central location. Rene took O
with him, when he could, on his business trips and he
introduced her to many exciting sites. O loved taking
pictures on these trips and Rene told her she might consider
being a travel photographer as well as working in the
fashion industry. At home in Paris, they became known for
hosting dinner parties among their friends.
Rene continued to assert himself over O in ever increasing
ways. On more than one or two occasions he had laid O
over his lap and given her a spanking. He liked to hold her
hands immobile over her head when he took her and of
course he enjoyed using her mouth. One thing that O found
curios was that even though Rene enjoyed caressing her
rear he had never used her that way. She would have
complied of course. Once Rene had brought home a riding

crop and left it on Os dresser. He told her that someday he

would use it on her. It sat on her dresser like an ominous
One night Rene invited a couple that O had not met before.
Rene told O that Jacque and Giselle had a special
relationship and he wanted O to observe how Giselle
interacted with Jacque. When they arrived and had been
introduced Rene whispered to O,
Watch how she sits.
Giselle waited until Jacque was comfortably seated before
taking a seat on the couch beside him. However; before she
sat down completely she moved her dress out from
underneath her and sat directly on the couch. Jacque
glanced at her and Giselle parted her knees a little more.
As they were relaxing after a very pleasant dinner, O asked
Giselle about the unusual ring she had, but it was Jacque
who answered her.
Giselle belongs to me. The ring she wears indicates that
she has been trained to give me pleasure and anyone else
that knows the meaning of it.
She is free to leave me anytime she wishes, but as long as
we are together I demand her total submission.
Did you see how Giselle sat?

That is because she is naked under dress and it is a

constant reminder to her that she must be available to
whoever knows her true condition.
Giselle stand up! Take off your clothes and kneel
Giselle got to her feet and facing O took off her dress. O
was surprised to see her wearing a corset. It lifted Giselles
breasts and emphasized her rear and sex. Giselles nipples
had been rouged and her pubic hair had been removed. O
next noticed the welts that were on the front of thighs and
on her backside. All this time Giselle kneeled straight up in
the middle of the carpet with her arms holding her elbows
behind her back, her legs parted and her eyes lowered
O looked over at Rene to gage his reaction and found him
staring at her rather than Giselle. The excitement in his
eyes told her that he wished it was her being displayed
rather than Giselle. The thought of what it would mean to
submit like Giselle both, excited and frightened her.
Suddenly, Jacque broke the silence in the room.
Giselle I am very proud of you. Stand up and come over to
me. I want to show our hosts how much this excites you.
Giselle slowly got to her feet and stood in front of Jacque.
Turn around and face Rene and O Jacque demanded

Jacque ran his hands slowly over Giselles breasts and

backside. He began to slowly finger her sex and made her
gasp with pleasure.
Keep your eyes open Giselle and ask permission before
you come Jacque insisted
Giselle was moaning and begging Jacque Please may I
Not yet my sweet, hold off a little while longer.
Oh Jacque! Oh Please Master! Please may I come I cant
hold it any longer gasped Giselle
Look at O and Rene come for them.
Giselle let out a scream and would have collapsed if it had
not been for Jacques hand inside her sex holding her up.
Eventually her orgasm faded and Jacque let her crumble to
the floor.
Open your rear Jacque said.
Jacque spread the cheeks of her rear apart and plunged
inside Giselle. She rested her head on the floor and reached
behind herself to hold open her rear for her lover. After he
had finished with her Jacque told her quietly to rise and get

I want you to tell O about your training Giselle, but dont

disclose the location or any details about the members.
Rene and I will leave you to have your discussion.
Giselle sat beside O on the couch and took her hand to
reassure her that tonight would only be talk.
Jacque is both my lover and my Master began Giselle, I
submit to him completely in every way. Sexually he can
use me any way that gives him pleasure: my mouth, pussy
and my rear. I wear the corset to keep my waist tiny and
emphasize my breasts. I am not allowed to touch myself in
any manner, my body is for Jacques use and any one else
he chooses to give me too. As Jacque explained earlier, the
ring is a signal to the members of the chateau that I have
been trained and am available for their use. I was taken
there several months ago by Jacque he turned me over to be
whipped, chained and opened sexually by whoever wished
to use me. This was all done with my consent. Since that
time Jacque has expanded my training. He doesnt call me
names but, I am his whore, his slave and what ever else he
wishes me to be. Nothing has made me happier than my
complete surrender to Jacque Giselle declared with
O sat in stunned silence as she considered the implications
of what Giselle had said. It was obvious why Giselle was
talking to her. Rene wanted her to consent to being trained
the same as Giselle had been. She thought about Giselles
statement that nothing had made her happier than
surrendering completely to Jacque. O realized that she had

never experienced pleasure as intense as when Rene used

her and made her obey him. This new information was a
natural progression of their relationship. It both excited and
terrified her, but she decided that she would surrender to
Renes desires as she had from the beginning. She
remembered him saying to her to feel the excitement from
the fear.
I will do whatever Rene desires. Said O with resolve
Rene and Jacque returned to the room shortly afterwards
and Giselle told them what O had said
O stand up, ordered Rene; tell us what you are agreeing
O blushed and said I agree to go to be trained in this place
that Giselle told me about and to submit to you and
whoever you choose in any manner you see fit. I am
surrendering myself to you totally. Stated O
Remain where you are, said Rene, I am going to show
our guests out.
Rene returned a short time later to where O was standing.
He lifted her chin and gently brushed her hair from her
forehead. He kissed her and led her to the bedroom. He
undressed her while kissing and caressing her softly. He
entered her and heard O gasp in pleasure.

Youre mine O completely. You have made me so happy

gasped Rene as he came inside her.
A week later Rene took O for a walk in The Monceau Park.
The Lovers of Roissy

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