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solution” of choice across Europe, in agreement with the

The Collapse of Monetarism and wishes of British financiers and most Wall Street networks.
the Re-Discovery of Public Credit (3)
His mode of attack featured the greatest social safety
by Matthew Ehret-Kump net ever seen in the form of the Social Security Act of 1935,
carrying with it old age insurance, aid to dependent children,
An election now looms over the horizon in Canada. This is no and unemployment insurance. Revolutionary, yes, but alone it
ordinary election however, as it is occurring during a historic moment was less than useless. In fact, the social security reforms were
where the world economy has entered the eve of the greatest financial but one of 4 pillars which all supported equally the great
meltdown in history. Unemployment across Canada and North America structure built upon them. The other three were:
has sky rocketed to Great Depression levels (1), and over 25 trillion
hyperinflationary dollars have been hysterically printed by the U.S 1- Massive job creation through hard and soft
government over the past 12 months to keep the dying banking system infrastructure development financed through public credit.
from melting down. As a population watches its vital services cut or This credit was issued from the Reconstruction Finance
privatized to pay for these obscene bailouts, one can’t help but note that Corporation (RFC).
the smell of revolution is in the air. 2- Banking Reform, and a return to Hamiltonian state
It is in this atmosphere that the stage has been set for credit for public works, and other internal development
Canadians to show their true backbone (or find it for the first time), as 3- A war against Wall Street Predators resulting in
the question becomes; are we to engage in collective stupidity, in the greatest wave of government regulation ever seen and
watching another repeat of the media directed reality TV show known achieved through the Pecora Commission which exposed Wall
as Federal Election Circus, or are we going to use our minds and say Street’s Ponzi schemes (4), thus resulting in the creation SEC
“NO MORE”? The election sham has begun and neither side has said a (5) and Glass Steagal Act of 1933 (6) (to name a few)
thing bearing on reality at this stage, and unless the population wakes Should any one pillar be removed, the structure of
up very quickly and shakes off a serious case of mass amnesia to the New Deal would collapse. Should any one pillar be built
demand that reality is addressed, reality will not be addressed without the other three, the support would never hold. Thus,
rationally, and we will find ourselves, and our children doomed to a they could not be effected linearly, one after another, but
new type of global feudalism on a scale never seen before. rather all together as one single dynamic thrust.
Michael Ignatieff the leader of the Liberal Party has made Through this genius, millions of productive jobs were
Unemployment Insurance (E.I) his baby which he hopes to use as a created bringing unemployment down from 12.9% in 1933 to
battering ram to topple the current Conservative Harper government. 7% in 1937 (7). It is now estimated that for every productive
Ignatieff has campaigned on the dysfunctional EI system (2) as a part job created in infrastructure, a multiplier effect of 3-4 jobs
of his larger platform based upon the similar rhetoric used by the hope were generated in indirect employment and services. Thus
and change president Obama of the U.S.A. Both have promised new public funds were used to commission private enterprises to
eras of prosperity for either nation by returning to the highest ideals of construct great projects, the control and use of which was
mankind embodied in the great political reforms of Franklin Delano ultimately in the hands of the government and for use by the
Roosevelt’s New Deal. On closer inspection, these promises are as people… who were thus NOT to be taxed, tolled or extorted
truthful as the broken system they are a part. The only reason that either otherwise for projects they paid for. Thus, while Roosevelt
one of these blatant liars has made it as far as they have, is for naught used public funds to commission private enterprise to build
but the simple lack of understanding on the part of the population as to public works, his was not the PPP model now extolled so
what Franklin Delano Roosevelt truly did in his terms in office from highly by today’s elite… though Mussolini’s corporatist
1933 to his untimely death on April 12, 1945. model certainly was. (8)
In this scheme, not only was power to direct long
This report will focus on introducing the reader to certain term development back in the hands of the people and their
common popular mythologies in history, politics and especially elected government, but the very ideas of value and economy
economics with the intent to see through the dense fog now lingering were re-defined from the superficial world of market price,
annoyingly around the modern political process. It is highly advisable towards the more truthful field of the human creative
that the reader not simply take the opinions contained here within by potential. The dogmatic belief that economic progress was
the author as true, but to follow up on the footnotes and related material driven by consumer spending gave way to the higher
contained on and understanding that consumption was driven by improvements
in technological and social progress. Or better understood by
FDR’s current representative and American physical
Roosevelt’s Fight economist Lyndon LaRouche; The increase of the productive
powers of labour per capita and per sq km were the fruits of
“"They (who) seek to establish systems of government based on the
the unlocking of the creative powers of the human mind in
regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individual rulers
changing the biosphere.
call this a new order. It is not new and it is not order." - FDR 1941
This is what Roosevelt understood to be the proper
study of statecraft and American System Political Economy.
When Franklin Roosevelt came to power in 1933, he had
And this process reverberated strongly during and after the
entered a world not too dissimilar from our own. He met a world in
war through Canada, Europe and beyond, the effects of which
shambles after an unregulated market system came crashing down
can be observed in Germany’s Kreditenstaldt Fur
under parasitical speculative bubbles, an insolvent unregulated banking
Wiederaufbau and the Marshall Plan’s reconstruction of
system, while universal fascism was being adopted as the “economic
Europe, or use of the National Bank of Canada in constructing many of Footnotes:
our greatest projects such as the St Laurence Seaway.
This misconception is fatal not simply because it renders your
ability to think critically impotent, but it also destroys the vital (1) Exposed: Revealing Truths about Canada’s Recession, Armine
Yalnizyan, Apr 2009
knowledge of the difference between Public Private Partnerships, and
(2) In 1991, 81% of unemployed qualified for EI, while by 2009, the
Rooseveltian Public Works. Today, through years of tragic mis- average has dropped to less that 40%.
education, corruption and media lies, the distinction is absolutely -Uninsured, Why EI is failing working Ontarians, May 2009 Navjeet
blurred, while in the 1930s, this spelled the difference between Sidhu, Social Planning Ontario
democracy and fascism. (9) (3) For more on the British Empire, Wall Street backing of European
Today Michael Ignatieff promises to bring Canadians hope fascism, see, and
and change, and he expects you not to ask questions such as “how does George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, by Webster Tarplay and
he hope to do this?” Through the disastrous effects of globalization Anton Chaitkin
imposed upon the world by the 1971 destruction of FDR’s Bretton (4)
Woods System, nation states have been induced to systematically de-
(5) Security and Exchange (1934): set up to regulate and oversee the
construct their agricultural- industrial potential, all for immediate securities markets
speculative gains to the advantage of none but a small layer of financial (6) Glass-Steagal regulation forced an absolute separation between
elite. National sovereignty has been bought and sacrificed at the altar of commercial banking from investment banking. Its repeal by Obama
Mammon (10), and Ignatieff, like Harper, properly observed from this economic advisor Larry Summers, while Treasury Secretary in 1999
vantage point is but another ideological creature of this parasitical allowed for the creation of the real estate bubble by Greenspan et all,
system.(11) resulting in the current destruction of pensions, savings etc as seen in
Le Caisse de Depot’s $40 billion pension losses in early 2009. Losses
that never would have been possible under properly enforced Glass-
What is the Alternative? Steagal standards.
(7) Then and Now: Why Roosevelt’s Explosive 1933-45 Recovery
Worked, Richard Freeman, 2002. Published in Economics: The End
Lyndon LaRouche has uniquely called for certain emergency of a Delusion
measures by patriotic layers of all nations who see that this game has (8) Mussolini Corporatism see LpacTV’s “What is Corporatism” by
finally come to an end, to act now. The international political Ed Hammler on
movements that bear his ideas have organized for emergency (9) How Not to Build a Commuter Railroad, L. Wolfe
legislation across the board to be adopted to meet the vital needs of the Executive Intelligence Review, Feb 2008
world population now, or face a world wide collapse of 6.7 to 1-7 (10) Christian reference to the deification of Greed. “Lay not up for
billion within the coming 2 generations. According to the writing of yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt,
many an oligarch sympathizer, including Barak Obama’s very own and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves
treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and
science czar (12), this disgusting prospect is actually desirable.
where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure
In terms of concrete legislation, LaRouche’s Homeowners and is, there will your heart be also. No one can serve two masters, for
Bank Protection Act* must be passed now in the United States, to begin either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will be
a process of orderly bankruptcy re-organization. Similarly all nations devoted to one and despise the other. You can not serve both God and
must begin processes in line with FDR’s Pecora Commission to audit Mammon.”
all of the major unlawful banking practices which have resulted in the —Matthew 6:19-21,24
absolute insolvency of the international banking system. Following (11) Michael Ignatieff and the New Liberal Fascism by M.Ehret, Aug
such measure, an international New Bretton Woods Conference must be 2009,
convened in the immediate weeks ahead to set up a new just financial blank
(12) "Perhaps those agencies, combined with UNEP and the United
architecture as envisioned by Franklin Roosevelt before his death for
Nations population agencies, might eventually be developed into a
post war development (13). Planetary Regime, —sort of an international superagency for
This is the great mission which Canada can participate in. population, resources, and environment. Such a comprehensive
Although still a young nation, Canada can finally come of age as she Planetary Regime could control the development, administration,
breaks out of the monarchical womb and finally develops her conservation, and distribution of all natural resources, renewable or
sovereignty. Projects like the Bering Strait Land Bridge (proposed by nonrenewable, at least insofar as international implications exist.
Russia in 2007), the North American Water and Power Alliance (14), Thus, the Regime could have the power to control pollution not only
space exploration, Nuclear Power and Rail building await our change in the atmosphere and oceans, but also in such freshwater bodies as
of will. The spirit of an inspired people to accomplish the impossible rivers and lakes that cross international boundaries or that discharge
into the oceans. The Regime might also be a logical central agency
yearns continuously for its moment to burst forth from the domain of for regulating all international trade, perhaps including assistance
potential into living actuality. This is the untapped potential of a from DCs to LDCs, and including all food on the international
resource which never runs dry. And this is physical economics. market.”-John Holdrin, Ecoscience: Population, Resources,
Environment, 1977 p.942-943
(13) For more on FDR’s post war intention, see
And “As He Saw It” by Elliot Roosevelt 1946
(14) NAWAPA-PLHINO: Future of the Americas Lpac Feature

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