New Features

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New features in EmStudio V2.

This document completes EmStudio help with the new features since V1.60. A
detailed compilation over all changes is included in the release notes.

EmStudio explorer
a) Draw/Punch design templates
In the EmStudio explorer designs can be defined as design templates for drawing
and punching.
Tools > Use Design as template
Draw Template 1
The current set template paths are visible under menu options.
Extras > Options -> Tab Templates.
b) Draw/Punch: Meta files
By the menu View->Create Bitmap , you can directly create draw/punch graphic
meta files from all selected object designs. The respective show program will be
started and a snapshot will be made. After that, the meta files are converted into
bitmaps and viewed. Now there are good quality pictures available in the design info
c) Yarn consumption calculation
The thread consumption program for punch designs can directly be called from context menu
Yarn Calculation .

EmStudio editor
The existing optimizers for SHC were revised and some new optimizers were added.
a) Optimizer for Pentamat and PentaCut
It s now possible to put in different fixation variations into designs. At optimizing there
will be inserted some user chosen or user made lock-in/out stitch variants.
Furthermore it is possible to replace existing fixations. Once inserted a thread fixation,
it will be recognized and can arbitrarily be exchanged by different variants. Saved
variants can be changed in an own editor for lock-in and out stitches.


Editing, creating and storing under a different name can all be done in here. From the
stitches list in the design part a stitch sequence can be selected and stored as new
lock-in/out stitch and used.
The optimizer inserts some last stitches (machine specific) after the lock-out stitch.
This can also be handled with recognition and optional overwriting.
Thread cut can or cannot be considered during optimization. The insertion of lockin/out stitches can be switched on or off independently. For the lock-in/out stitch you
can choose a template from Saurer in the concerning list controls. For the lock-in
stitch there can be chosen exactly those four variants from EmStudio help with same
numbering Saurer1 to Saurer4. For the lock-out stitch there exists the variant from
help as well.
The relative insertion size can be adjusted in the optimizer dialog. A value of 1.0
means, that the thread fixation will be inserted identical to the template in Saurer
units (1/10 mm). Otherwise an according scaling is being carried out.
With Stitches to be replaced , you can set, how many existing stitches should be
recognized as old fixation (only for first-time optimization). If an existing fixation is
composed of 6 stitches, there should be typed 6 to replace just those stitches. This is
independent of the count of stitches in the new variant. If you want to optimize a
design which has no fixations so far, you can set that value to 0. You can see the
stitch count of the present selected lock-in/out stitch above the variant s name.
A further click on apply replaces already inserted fixations by new variants where
the replace number has no influence.
In the expert dialog (Extras->Options->Tab Expert Parameters ) under section
fixations you can check Insert at moves only , to insert fixations only at moves.
Otherwise there will be inserted fixations at each design start/end (as up to now)
without care of moves at these places.

If there are thread cut pragmas (90, 91, 92), there won t be fixations inserted at the
concerning places. This means precisely that between pragma 91 and 90 as well as
after pragma 92 till the next move there won t occur any insertion.


Fixation editors (for lock-in/out stitches)

The fixation proposals made in EmStudio help are selectable in the optimizer window.
To change them or create own variants there is an editor built in for both lock-in and
out stitches. They can be opened by menu command Lock-in stitch
editor respectively Lock-out stitch editor .
These two editors optically just differ by their names and the ending of their
respective used files (Lock-in stitch: *.lis, Lock-out stitch: *.los), that s why only the
lock-in stitch editor is shown here.
The lock-in/out stitch size with scaling 1.0 on the right side is one pixel for a Saurer
unit. Changes in that field have only impact on view size. The running direction of the
fixation is from green to red.

A selected fixation variant from the control can be edited easily:

Beside the graphic window there s the stitches list with horizontal (x) and vertical (y)
coordinates. They can be edited by mouse, where a positive x-coordinate in the
graphic window means to the right and a positive y-coordinate means to bottom
direction. To remove a stitch, it must be selected in the list and there must be clicked
on Delete Stitch . By button Insert Stitch you can analogously insert a new (0,0)
stitch after the selected one. Without selection, it will be inserted topmost.
Below scaling there s the stitch counter.
The chosen fixation variant will be selected in the optimizer next time you call it. The
fixation can be used immediately.
To save a lock-in/out stitch you can click at Save . Altered Saurer lock-in/out stitches
however can only be saved under a different name in order to preserve the original
ones. If you deliberately want to save under a different name you can use Save
to call the concerning dialog.
An existing fixation can be removed by Delete . After confirmation the next variant is
chosen in the editor.


Saving from stitches list

If you want to use an arbitrary stitches sequence from a design as a lock-in/out stitch
you can select it and (list must be activated) save it afterwards.

Thereto you can choose after the selection under menu Optimize-> Save As Lock-in
stitch respectively Save As Lock-out stitch . A Save as... dialog appears, in which
a name for the generated lock-in/out stitch can be specified.
When optimizing for the next time, this variant will be activated at beginning.
Minimum stitch count
The minimum count of stitches in between two MOV s or SUSP s to insert fixations
can be altered now.

Fixations are only added if the minimum stitch count at the concerning place exceeds
the number given in lock-in/out stitch fields. These values can be adjusted in the
expert parameters. You can reach that by menu Extras -> Options ->Tab Expert
Parameters .
Last stitches
Present Saurer embroidery machines require that before cutting, the thread lies
horizontal from left to the right. The last stitches before cutting the thread must
therefore run approximately in that direction. At optimization time, there will be
inserted such last stitches. Again existing such stitches can be recognized. The
condition for that is a stitch direction which at the most differs 30 degrees from the
horizontal to the right direction and which s length is maximally 2mm. In the expert
settings you can choose among 2 or 3 last stitches. This impinges directly on the
recognition. If, for example, there are activated three last stitches and two valid last
stitches are available in the design, one stitch with given value will be added. The

horizontal length (to the right) of the stitches inserted can be set in the same dialog in
Saurer units. If none of the existing stitches are accepted, the optimizer will insert
none, 2 respectively 3 stitches with given length.

With checked Force values , accepted existing values will be overwritten by the
given values.
After existing lock-out stitches, the whole part between lock-out stitch end pragma
and the following MOV respectively design part end will be removed. The optimizer
will insert last stitches afterwards with given lengths. If that button is switched off, all
stitches after the lock-out stitch will be left as they are.
If there are used some scalings, settlings, rotations in the arrangement, the inserted
lock-in/out stitches are also harmed by these transformations. But these mustn t be
changed for correct function of embroidery machines. As inserted lock-in/out stitches
are recognized thanks to the pragmas, they can be viewed unaltered.

In the expert parameters, the invariant arrangement view can be checked. Is the
dialog left by OK, lock-in and last stitches will appear in original shape in the
(this behaviour is not supported in the machine s software yet)
b) Suspension optimizer

As the machine organizes the suspension stitches on its own, stitches that are
intended to be used for suspension will be summarized at optimization to be one
SUSP and transferred to the machine.


Therewith for few stitches a thread turn around instead of a suspension can take
place, the minimum as SUSP recognized stitch count can be incremented:

Additive the maximum number of recognized stitches, for which a conversion to a

SUSP happens, is adjustable.
c) Optimizer for Geflecht

The Geflecht optimizer was divided in its components and is applicable separately
now. The short stitch optimizer summarizes all stitches, which are shorter than the
given value. The optimizer distinguishes between step and return stitches, for which
limits can be chosen. It s considered that short stitches which come from the lockin/out stitch optimizer and last stitches are not eliminated and summarized.
The MOV optimizer as well can be executed separately and works in to variations:
Pentacut summarizes all MOV s, SUSP s are eliminated.
Pentamat/ Standard: Like before there are left big directional changes.
If the thread cut is switched off in Pentacut optimization at a particular place, there
will be executed Pentamat optimization.
d) Optimizer for stitch types
These optimizer parameters are stored and reloaded now too. They are the same
ones which are used in the optimization when converting to SHC.
Optimizer in SHC-Conversion


e) TH optimizer
The goal is to reach a defined thread tension before each thread cut and to get
thereby a better thread cut process.

The optimizer looks for a MOV instruction and inserts a given TH and PS value a
certain number of stitch steps before. In the optimization range all stitches are
overwritten by a given stitch type. In the optimization clearance range all TH and PS
values will be deleted.
Directly in front of the MOV instruction the old TH and PS values are re-established.
Example: SHC File
(TH value: 120, stitch step count = 5, stitch type: QSTI, PS value = 80)
TH = 0.70
PS= 100

TH = 70
PS= 100


TH= 120
PS = 80
TH 70
PS 100

Old TH value
Old PS value
TH, PS value are deleted
in the optimization
clearance range

Inserted pragma value

Inserted TH value
Inserted PS value
1 overwritten stitch
2 overwritten stitches
3 overwritten stitches
4 overwritten stitches
5 overwritten stitches
Old TH value
Old PS value
MOV instruction

Optimization conditions
In the optimization clearance range there are no MOV, SUSP, SSTI and DSTI.
Until MOV after PRGM 92 there won t take place any optimization.
After PRGM 91 (Thread cut off) there will be no optimization until PRGM90.


Optimization execution
In the optimization clearance range (0-A) all existing TH and PS values are
In the range 0-B: stitches are overwritten with a given stitch type.
At point B there will be introduced PRAGMA 97, TH, PS value.
In front of the MOV instruction the old TH and PS value are set again.

TH = 70
PS= 100

TH = 70
PS= 100


TH= 120
PS = 80
TH 70
PS 100

Old TH value
Old PS value
TH, PS value will be
deleted in the optimization
clearance range

Inserted Pragma value

Inserted TH value
Inserted PS value
1 overwritten stitch
2 overwritten stitches
3 overwritten stitches
4 overwritten stitches
5 overwritten stitches
Old TH value
Old PS value
MOV instruction

Optimization range
In the optimization range, stitches are overwritten with the given stitch type.
TH value
With the TH value you can determine which value is inserted at optimization.
If the TH value is deactivated, no TH value is inserted at optimization.
PS value
With the PS value you can determine which value is inserted at optimization.
If the PS value is deactivated, no PS value is inserted at optimization.
Stitch type
With the stitch type you can determine with which stitch type stitches in the
optimization range are overwritten.
If the stitch type is deactivated, the stitches are not overwritten.


Option: optimization clearance range

In the optimization clearance range there mustn t be any MOV, SUSP, SSTI, DSTI,
otherwise no optimization will take place.
See expert parameter tab under Extras->Options.

Option: pragma
If Insert Pragma is activated, a PRAGMA 97 will be inserted in front of the
f) View mode for Pentacut
In the view mode for Pentacut all stitches that are in the context of thread cut are
highlighted in colour.
Lock-in stitches: turquoise, white squares mark start and end pragma.
Lock-out stitches: violet, white squares mark start and end pragma.
Last stitches (after lock-out stitches): green
Switched off thread cut: Thread cut (pragma 91 to 90, after pragma 92): blue
In this figure a typical cut sequence is shown with the colours mentioned.

For the 3D view the same colours are used in this view mode.
g) View mode for stitch progress
The new view mode for stitch progress shows all stitches until the marked one in
colour and the following ones greyed. This view mode can be switched on for all
views. In 3D view the not stitched parts are drawn narrow not to hide the stitched
In the graphics window as well as in the stitches list of a part desingn the progress is
viewed per stitch. In the arrange list, the progress is viewed per design part.


Transparency in the optimizer dialog
With the embedding of the new optimizers the associated dialog has grown.
Above all for low screen resolutions this can lead to a big part of the graphics being
obscured by the dialog. To check the effect of an optimization the dialog has to be
moved aside. With a new control the dialog s transparency can be adjusted arbitrarily.

Consequently, changes are already visible after optimiziation, while the dialog is



i) Optimizer in the SHC conversion
The thread cut optimizer was removed, it must be executed from the SHC editor that
the result can be visualized. It s too dangerous to call it blindly.
The embedded optimizer uses the same settings and parameters as given in the
optimizer of the SHC editor.
Optimizer for Suspension, Optimizer for Geflecht, Optimizer for stitch types



j) Interlocking

Stitch [98]

New Filling Interlocking Stitch


Menu [98].

Interlocking Stitch

define Variant
3. Give Stitch Lines
4. Give Special Lines
Splitlines define where and how the parts of the Filling
interlock. The splitlines are given as in Special
Geflecht. Split-Length [163]
mm. Use random [191]

defines overlap in
to produce ragged

There are 4 Variants:

1: The filling is computed as a single figure and remains Interlocking Stitch
2: The filling is split into several figures with Variable Filling
3: The filling is split into several figures with Manual geometry
4: The filling is split into several figures with Open Straight Line


a) Fillings created in Draw with variant 2 can be used in Punch with Transfer
Stitch Lines: Click start stitch line on drawing mask and terminate with Exit
Transfer Interlocking Stitch ; the wheel is calculated automatically.
b) Fillings created in Draw with variant 3 can be used in Punch with Line Copy
as Manual or Steppstitch Figures.

k) Transfer Parameters [148]

Menu Transfer Parameters [148]
selected figure.

allows direct transfer of figure properties from a

Transfer Parameters
2. Select Figure
3. Give stitch lines and terminate
After clicking this menu, select one figure. The Geometry and/or Filling-Parameters of
this figure are now set for new input. For fillings without outline the fill-mode is
activated automatically.
Works for Stiel, Stepp, Zugstaffel and all Fillings, including Pattern-Stitch of
Fixgeflecht variant 2 and Chainstitch variant 1.
For Parameter-Transfer of Zugstaffel the order of input is important:


1. Select Zugstaffel, 2. Input of line, 3. Teminate with ENTER.

Transfer Parameters with Complex Filling: Where normally filling type is given use
menu Transfer Parameters and continue as usual.
Transfer Parameters for fillings with outline:
For a filling with outline give in succession the outline-properties and filling properties.
In the first place input of the outline is expected. If no outline is desired give directly
again menu Transfer Parameters: The filling is activated. Or give the outline points
and terminate with menu Transfer Parameters: The outline is terminated and the
filling is activated.
Transfer Parameters
2. Select figure with outline
3. Give outline without ENTER
Transfer Parameters
5. Give filling and terminate

l) Template Designs
Three different Template Designs can be displayed using function keys. The
parameters of automatics like Stiel, Stepp, Zugstaffel, Chainstitch or Fillings can be
transferred to a new figure in the design.

Template Design 1
Template Design 2
Template Design 3
1. F7 display Template Design
2. Select Figure
3. Enter new Figure

The Template Design can also be used with Complex Filling.

Designs can be defined as Templates in the Emstudio-Explorer. See Draw/Punch
design templates

m) Visual Macroselection
Function key F6 activates a macro display window for macro selection. A macro can
be executed directly by double clicking the macro symbol in this window.
Single clicking a macro symbol enlarges to maximum size. Command buttons for
navigating through the macro pages and setting the number of macros on a page.
n) ToolButtons
New freely definable Toolbuttons A


Z for Toolbars.

These Toolbuttons are programmable (up to 15 Menus) with

Menu Options
Toolbutton Definition
The dialog has an additional field Description for the Tooltip-Text; if this field is
empty the Tooltip-Text shows the programmed menu sequence.

o) Simplified Steppstitch [133]

, [134]

The new Menu [133]

(ON/OFF) activates/deactivates Steppstitch, like as before

activates/deactivates the Stiel.

Menu [134]

defines as before the Stepp Number.

In the Status column new parameter row Stepp ON/OFF .

This row can also be clicked to activate/disactivate the
Steppstitch. Clicking the parameter Stepp
Length now
always acts on the Steppstitch length, whether Steppstitch is
On or OFF (contrast this with Menu Length [149]
acts on wheel or Steppstitch length).

, which

p) Simplified Line Copy [25]

Give one point on line + ENTER for copy to rest of figure.
Open Lines: from point to end or start of line, whichever is
Closed Lines: The whole figure is copied as a closed line with
start=end at the given point.
q) Improved Zugstaffel Input [127]
, [128]
Width is now adjustable in the Filling Parameters dialog with parameter field Split
Draw Zugstaffel now correctly takes parameters (wheel, width, ) from last given
automatic; the parameters (including type) from Zugstaffel Variable are now used for
next Zugstaffel Single.

r) Improved Macro execute [71]

, [72]
The elastic band from the last punch stitch is now visible after Macro execute.
One execution point + ENTER makes a horizontal macro without size adjust. This
makes it possible to program macro execution on a key with, for example, Number 0
(for last point) + ENTER.



s) New dialog for % parameters:

In a new dialog for % parameters, which can be called under Parameters ->
Parameters -> % Parameters the specific values can be entered/chosen in a more
intuitive way:

t) New dialog for Min/Max parameters:

In a new dialog for minimum and maximum parameters, which can be called under
Parameters-> Minima/Maxima -> Minima/Maxima... the specific values can be
entered/chosen in a more intuitive way:

u) New dialog for automatic underlay:

In a new dialog for automatic underlay, which can be called under Parameters->
Automatic Underlay -> Automatic Underlay... the specific values can be entered/
chosen in a more intuitive way. The selected underlay type is viewed in a small
graphic below the input boxes:



v) Convenient colour activation dialog:

In a new dialog for colour activation, which can be called under View->
Representation Design -> Activate Colors... the drawing colours can be enabled and
disabled separately. Additional, there are two buttons to activate and deactivate them
all together. To return to the last configuration, you can press the button Last colors :



Improved handling of scan drafts

For coloured drafts and above all for imperfectly filled areas, the import is much
easier. Better drawing templates arise. From the scanner no additional processing
steps are needed any more. This applies also for arbitrary different images. Apart
from bitmap files there can be read a collection of different picture formats. See
expanded open dialog:

After import has completed, a specific image processing can be carried out. In the
menu title the name of the draft, as well as the design name occur for memorization.



Out of a list with pictures that represent some picture manipulation filter
configurations there can be chosen one. If their names do not help you, the pictures
give a first impression which drafts the concerning filter is useful for.
Below, there will appear the filter configuration s version as well as a more detailed
description and some application proposals. These should help you to learn, what
that particular filter collection can do and for which kind of draft it is suited.
By clicking the button Show original the draft can be viewed. The Transform
button will apply the selected formula on the opened draft. The result is subsequently
imported into the design.
To see how the filter affects the image, there s a check box Preview . This will cause
the program to stop with the result picture in a window and a question after filtering. If
the result is suitable you can reply with yes. This will make the program proceed as
before. By clicking no it will return to the filter dialog. For certain drafts there can be
necessary some experiments to find out which configuration suits best. Filters with
completely unsuitable names can possibly fit very well. After pressing the button
Show original , there can appear following message:

The reason for that is, that windows is not configured to open the concerning image
Under Start button->Settings->Control panel->Folder Options->Tab File Types, you
can look for the ending of the specific image. To the right of that list the
corresponding file type is viewed. Pressing on Advanced shows a dialog where you
can click on New to enter open in the field action. Then you can enter the name of
the program with which you want to open the images of the chosen type. For .bmp
images for instance you can enter mspaint.exe at this place.


w) Thread cut counter

In the dialog which appears after a menu click on Extras->Stitch Count, newly the
thread cut count is viewed too. Depending on whether you are working in a design
part or in the arrangement, the respective value will be determined and showed. If
something is selected in the design, no cut count will be displayed (makes no sense).

x) Automatic bitmap generation

To generate bitmaps in design books that i.e. come from EmNetPlus or which do not
include meta graphic files, there is a new possibility available now: Menu key View->
Create bitmap will open a draw/punch design in the according show program, take a
picture and save it as an .emf file. After that, depending of the settings made in
Extras -> Customize -> Bitmap, the meta file will be converted to a bitmap and
viewed immediately. In a design book, all designs that need a bitmap can be selected
and the action described generates the bitmaps for them all.

y) ComerioF1 converter
The ComerioF1 converter completes our existing converters: Melco, Lsser, Hiraoka.
SLC46 (Plauen) code can be converted to ComerioF1 and vice versa.
The ComerioF1 converter can be integrated as a tool. This can be done in the same
way as with existing converters.
Further information in the EmStudio help under: Integrating converters, foreign
z) TH optimizer
The TH optimizer can also be integrated as a tool. With this optimizer you have the
same opportunities as in the integrated Th optimizer.



Further information about embedding the TH optimizer can be found in the EmStudio
help under: Integrating converters.



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