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Sitting in my oce after an 8 hour discussion on the topic of fighting poverty I realized the problem is not the millions

of people who go in need everyday, Its the billions of people who watch it happen and
do nothing about it.

We are the problem! I yelled to my friend Aaron. Its us! Not them. How can we fix us? - Co-Founder, Dale Partridge, 2010

In January 2011, two young entrepreneurs left their six figure ventures to chase a calling they believed could change the world. Dale Partridge, a 25 year old serial entrepreneur known for innovative branding, and Aaron Chavez, age 19, known as one of the top social
media gurus in the country, got together to develop a model, they hoped, would re-teach a generation that people matter. We were tired of people not caring about the hungry, sick, enslaved, and forgotten said, Aaron.

With this, the two entrepreneurs broke down the worlds greatest problems into seven causes. Hunger, Water, Slavery, Aid, Disaster, Medical, and Poverty. Their focus was to create a simple model that allowed everyone to give. We figured, if we can help people give,
we could get them to care said, Dale.

and thus sevenly was born. The model works like this:

Every seven days they partner with a new charity aecting one of the seven causes

They release a new, limited edition awareness tee, specifically for that cause

Over those seven days, for every product sold, they would give $7 to that weeks charity.










The whole process starts more than two months before the week of launch. they talk with a particular charity that they feel is a good fit with their community and discuss the impact that
they make with the $7 donations. From there a story is created, a tangible idea that breathes life into what that impact means and how we want to communicate it to our community of
world changers.

The next step is to create an art brief, sketches and ideas for the weeks campaigns designs.

then the shirt designs get sent out to get samples in all the dierent cuts we plan on having go live with the campaign which we then use for a photo shoot.

From there, our marketing team jumps into action, working with creative to develop content for the weeks upcoming content for social media, email, and web.

At this point we are usually about a week out and start building the campaign with the products, finalizing what vendor products will go live along with the limited edition campaign tees.

Then the site is updated and ready to launch the upcomingMonday at 10am.

So whats it like to be a part of the sevenly creative team? atypical day consists of receiving an art brief, looking for inspiration, creating concept sketches, and then finalizing a graphic.
Through out this whole process, they communicate with the Creative Director to have a clear vision of the direction of the work.In a week, they usually do 2-3 campaign related pieces
and when theyre not working on these, theyre creating work through their own vision for Sevenly Line pieces.

senior artist Nathan Yoder shared a bit about his journey to sevenly: Ive drawn my whole life but after high school I decided to go to school for graphic design. I thought Id be doing branding and layout my whole life but after two
years at an advertising agency once graduating college with an associates in graphic design, I found myself looking for reasons to draw again. Ive always done freelance design work on the side but the past year or two, I started
doing more illustrated freelance projects which built my name as an illustrator in the design community. And thats how I got to Sevenly!

then theres artist Zachary Smith: I do not have a formal education in art/design. I have spent the past 6 years studying on my own, through books, online research, and personal experience. I was working full time as a Mural Artists last year under neath my father. I
worked for him for about two years doing large scale murals scaling from a kids bedroom to buildings that were 400 ft long by 12 ft high. This past year I have been personally studying Hand Lettering/Typography. I have only been doing lettering for 14 months. My
first freelance job was done 7 months ago.

and to close it o some advice from Strategic Relationships Coordinator, Austin Roberts: Live for purpose and meaning, not success, money or fame. Dont settle for a job that will pay you a ton, but wont bring you or any other
person outside the walls of your company any value or purpose. Work hard. Be persistent. Be brave and dont give up. Career life is hard, but it can be extremely rewarding as well. Lastly, you can change your world and the world
around you RIGHT NOW. Dont wait until after graduation. Start doing what you love for free but ONLY for meaning, purpose and value. Youll see immediate payo, I promise.

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