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Under the Guidance of

Mr. Shujauddin Niyazi
Department of Management

Bhumija Gupta
Roll No.: 13122700
MBA IIIrd Sem.






I take immense pleasure in completing this project and submitting the

final project report. This project work is combined effort of many hearts,
hands & brain. The last one and half months with AIRCEL have been full
of learning and sense of contribution towards the organization. I would
like to thank AIRCEL for giving me this opportunity for learning and
contributing. I take this opportunity to thank all those people who made
this experience a memorable one.
I would also like to thank and express my gratitude towards

Mr. Shujauddin Niyazi for his kind assistance and guidance.

In the end ,last but not the least, I extend my personal thanks to my
parents and friends who have stood by my side in all my endeavours.
(Bhumija Gupta)


A nations prosperity can be judged by the progress it has made in the
business sector. This industrial sector is run by management and
workers, thus there is need to have better scientific selection of the
management and workers to enable efficient running of the business
Human resource is a most valuable asset in the Organization.
Profitability of the Organization depends on its utilization At AIRCEL
Employee Engagement is of considerable importance which provides
employees an environment of care, comfort and learning and utilizes
the potential and skills of the employees to the maximum.
Employee Engagement is a core practice of HR Which lowers turnover





My topic is Employee Engagement at Aircel, to study its
effectiveness, analysis of different activities, studying the ways of
employee retention, lowering turnover risk and its impact in an
Organisation as a whole.















Company Profile


Research Methodology


Data Analysis
















Employee engagement is a psychological commitment to take ownership for
ones work and to go the extra mile.
Engaged employees learn more, grow faster, and show more initiative than
employees who are not. They are committed to finding solutions, solve problems,
and improve business processes.
Therefore, employee engagement is strongly linked to business performance



called worker

engagement,is a business management concept. An "engaged employee" is one

who is fully involved in, and enthusiastic about their work, and thus will act in a
way that furthers their organization's interests. According to Scarlett Surveys,
"Employee Engagement is a measurable degree of an employee's positive or
negative emotional attachment to their job, colleagues and organization which
profoundly influences their willingness to learn and perform at work"
Employee Engagement is the extent to which employee commitment, both
emotional and intellectual, exists relative to accomplishing the work, mission, and
vision of the organisation. Engagement can be seen as a heightened level of
ownership where each employee wants to do whatever they can for the benefit of
their internal and external customers, and for the success of the organization as a
Employee engagement describes employees emotional and intellectual
commitment to their organisation and its success. Engaged employees experience a
compelling purpose and meaning in their work and give of their discrete effort to
advance the organisations objectives. Employee engagement describes the system
through which an worker develops positive social and emotional ties to an
employer. Employee engagement programs operate under the assumption that
engaged employees will be more productive and will therefore generate more
profit for the business. If the worker works for a non-profit, by the same
assumption, engaged employees will be more committed to furthering the goals of
the non-profit.


Increased productivity - employees return refreshed and inspired. Line
managers report greater productivity in returning employees.

Improved employee compentency - the experience can build 'soft skills'

that simply cannot be taught in a training room environment. Participants
report an increase in confidence across all aspects of their lives, making
them more effective at their jobs. Improvements are common in areas such
as team building, communication, analytical thinking, leadership,
diplomacy, flexibility, conflict resolution, change-readiness, problem
solving, and listening.

Recruitment - research indicates that if faced with a decision between two

equal companies, highly qualified staff will opt for the one with the better
environmental performance/stance. The programme forms part of value
proposition to graduate recruits (CPI Shell Research 2005).

Retention - Demonstrating commitment to corporate citizenship is likely to

be a string factor in retaining staff. Aligning individual's personal values
with those of the company is a powerful motivator.

Enhanced corporate pride - through demonstrating a commitment to

sustainable development, partners engender a feeling of corporate pride
amongst their employees. Investing in the programme also sends a clear
message that staff development is high on the organisation's agenda.

Integrate fellowship into HR practice - when programmes are embedded

in the partner's HR strategy, they can become an important part of
professional development plans.

Motivational driver - placements can be used as a reward for employees

in a way that pay does not.

Employee Engagement
Employee engagement is the extent to which employees think, feel, and act in
ways that represent high levels of commitment to their organization.


are motivated






skills, and abilities to help their organization succeed. They care deeply about
their company, want to contribute to its success, and regularly have peak expe
riences at work
Engagement represents the motivational capital that exists within an individual, a u
nit, or an organization. It is a valuable resource that can boost company performan
ce. Our research shows that engagement is linked to a number of important busines
s outcomes.
For example, we have found the following:
Engaged employees offer significantly higher levels of service to customers
Engaged managers are more likely to create a work environment that
collaborative, creative, and stimulating
Engaged work teams tend to have fewer accidents and injuries

Factors fostering Employee Engagement









achieve something important and meaningful at work. They want to grow

and develop their skills and capabilities and they want to be rewarded and r
ecognized for their efforts.

Camaraderie: We are social beings. Employees enjoy working productivel

y with others while developing healthy interpersonal relationships.

How managers interact with their teams is especially important in motivatin

g employees to go above and beyond.

Equity: Employees want to be treated fairly when it comes to pay and bene
fits, daytoday treatment, and psychological and physical safety.

This represents our Three Factor Theory of Human Motivation in the Workplace.
these needs are met, employees are highly engagedeven enthusiasticat work.
Employee engagement can be defined as an employee putting forth extra
discretionary effort, as well as the likelihood of the employee being loyal and
remaining with the organization over the long haul. Research shows that engaged
employees: perform better, put in extra efforts to help get the job done, show a
strong level of commitment to the organization, and are more motivated and
optimistic about their work goals. Employers with engaged employees tend to
experience low employee turnover and more impressive business outcomes.
Employee engagement is more than just the current HR 'buzzword'; it is essential.
In order for organizations to meet and surpass organizational objectives, employees
must be engaged. Research has proven that wholly engaged employees exhibit,

Higher self-motivation.
Confidence to express new ideas.
Higher productivity.
Higher levels of customer approval and service quality.
Organizational loyalty; less employee turnover.
Lower absenteeism.

Employee engagement is the level of commitment and involvement an employee

has towards their organization and its values. An engaged employee is aware of
business context, and works with colleagues to improve performance within the
job for the benefit of the organization. It is a positive attitude held by the
employees towards the organization and its values.
The organization must work to develop and nurture engagement, which requires a
two-way relationship between employer and employee. Thus Employee
engagement is a barometer that determines the association of a person with the
Aspects of Employee Engagement

Three basic aspects of employee engagement according to the global studies are:

The employees and their own unique psychological make up and

The employers and their ability to create the conditions that promote

employee engagement
Interaction between employees at all levels.

Thus it is largely the organizations responsibility to create an environment and

culture conducive to this partnership, and a win-win equation.

Employee engagement is seen as the outcome of 4 dimensions:Basic needs: Clarity work, materials and equipment

Management Support: Encouragement, caring, supervision,


Teamwork: Best friend, co-workers, commitment to quality, clarity


organizational purpose, value for ones opinion.

Growth: Opportunity to learn, tangible progress

Strategic HR

Operational HR

and Benefits
Developing HR

Legislation and

How it relates to employee engagement

People are the main resource that organizations have for

delivering services
Strategic HR planning links HR management directly to
an organization's strategic plan and that means that staff
will have meaningful roles tied to the strategic direction
of the organization
Strategically planning how your organization will meet
its current and future HR needs and how people will be
supported and nurtured within your organization is
critical for success
At an operational level, organizations put in place HR
management practices to support management and staff
in achieving their day-to-day goals Whether it's
determining how many employees are needed to deliver
services over the next year or how performance will be
monitored, the HR management practices and activities
need to be planned to answer the question: "Where is
our organization going and how will it get there?"
An operational plan ensures that employees are properly
Though usually not ranked the most important,
compensation is an important factor in job satisfaction.
An employee who feels adequately compensated
monetarily is more likely to stay with your organization
Policies and procedures both communicate the values of
your organization and provide everyone with a consistent
process to follow Policies and procedures provide your
employees with a process to follow and that knowledge can
help them confidently approach situations - particularly
difficult situations
Provincial/territorial and federal governments outline the
minimum requirements to ensure a safe and equitable work

environment for employees

Job Descriptions


Training and

Job descriptions are basic HR management tools that can

help to increase individual and organizational effectiveness
A well-written job description sets an employee up for
success by outlining their responsibilities and the
parameters of their position Job descriptions also show how
an employee's position contributes to the mission, goals and
objectives of the organization
Performance management is an ongoing process where
the manager/supervisor and employee work together to
plan, monitor and review an employee's work objectives
or goals and overall contribution to the organization.
Motivates employees to do their best Establishes clear
communication between the manager and the employee
about what s/he is expected to accomplish Provides ongoing, constructive feedback on performance.
Establishes plans for improving performance, as
Identifies the skills and abilities of each employee so
that work assignments build on and reflect an
employee's strengths.
Identifies individual employees for more challenging
Assists and supports staff in achieving their work and
career goals by identifying training needs and
development opportunities.
Contributes to succession management plan so that
employee skills are developed and employers develop
the skills they need to fill an potential HR gap in the
Investing in training programs helps employees develop
personally and professionally


Work Teams
and Group


Creating an environment where people feel welcome

and safe from harassment and discrimination motives
staff to perform Absenteeism and performance problems
decrease while productivity, morale and employee
retention increases
When you develop and support effective teams, you
enhance the power and feeling of satisfaction of
individuals working on the team. When a team works
well, it means that staff trusts one another and that leads
to better sharing of knowledge and understanding.
In a healthy workplace, there will be conflict. Having a
conflict resolution policy and a process will mean that
conflict is constructive and not destructive



A healthy workplace means more than just warding off

colds and the flu.
It is more holistic and takes into consideration the
physical, spiritual, environmental, intellectual,
emotional, occupational and mental health of
employees. Wellness promotion doesn't just benefit the
employee because an organization filled with healthy,
balanced and fulfilled employees, is a productive
workplace that retains its employees
Giving employees a sense of shared values and purpose
by creating a relationship with them is important
When you thank employees you value them and that, in
turn, is motivating

An engaged employee is a person who is fully involved in,& enthusiastic

about his/her work.
Engaged employee care about the future of the company & are willing to
invest the discretionary effort-exceeding dutys call-to see that the
organization succeeds.
Engaged employees are







Engaged employees believe that they can make a difference in the

organization they work for.
Many employees go through their grind mechanically but do not bring
passion into their work.
These people embody what jack Welch said several years ago: Never
mistake activity-for accomplishment.
Employee Engagement has relatively little to do with macro-economic
Instead, it is the unique elements of the work experience that are most

likely to influence engagement..









1. Fully Engaged employees

2. Passively engaged employees

3. Disengaged employees

4. Actively Disengaged





Do your very

Do as you are

Often feel

Bored and frustrated at


learning &

Do Strictly
whats required

Spend time at work

taking care of
personal needs

Negative or sarcastic
attitude about work

Feel stretched
comfort zone

Stick to what
you know and
take few risks.

Pay is a big reason

why stay

Critical of leaders or

Take personal
satisfaction in
the quality of

See many
barriers to
better results
outside of

Do just enough to
get by and not get in

Look for ways to find


Work can be
stressful but
also rewarding
and fun.

stretched by

Speak Poorly about

the company


Work-life balance - Whether the
organization is helping to maintain
work-life balance

Leadership - Leaders are objective,

impartial &systematic in their dealings
besides empowering subordinates &
providing timely feedback

Career opportunity - Opportunities

for individual growth

Learning & development - Adequate

facilities for training & overall

Learning organization - Organization

Communication - Open &
transparent communication channels, pursues goal of continuous improvement
of its products, processes & people.
horizontal as well as vertical
Co-workers - Adequate mutual trust
& understanding among fellow

Pay - Perceived attractiveness of pay &

allowances. Not the absolute quantum, but
in relative value.

Decision making - Empowerment & Recognition - Practice of recognition &

appreciation of employees who come up
support down the line to take
with creative ideas
HR alignment - HR function is
aligned with corporate plans

Stakeholders - The extent to which

organization is discharging its
responsibilities to its stakeholders

Job content - Employees find job

content intrinsically satisfying.

Benefits - Monetary or non-monetary

benefits over & above pay.



From the above diagram we understand that Employee Engagement can be

classified into 2 types SERIOUS & DELIGHT.
This type of engagement activity deals with those policies and ways which are very
much mandatory for any organization to keep their employees engaged/committed.
Without these activities the process of engagement cannot be carried out and even
if carried out can never be successful. These are the key factors which are
responsible to keep the employees engaged and committed towards their work.
Some of the examples of serious engagements are

On Board activities

KPI & Performance Ratings

Training and Development

Town hall

One and one

Clear & Concise communication:

a) Open Hose
b) Skip level
c) Coffee with CBH


This type of engagement activity deals with the atmosphere at the work place
HR management experts believe that the work atmosphere is mainly chiefly
important for the employee engagement extent in an organization.
A good work force does not mean that the work place should be clean and
good to work at. It means that the work place should also be a fun place apart
from being clean, neat and hygienic. The fun initiative is the key driver of
engagement these days. Today the industry works from 9:00AM to NO PM. At
such working timings and conditions the employees need to have fun at work
place also. In the lack of this fun initiative the employee loses his interest in
work as there is no activity to act as refreshment in his day to day works.
For e.g. follow a delight engagement practice named FUN CALENDAR. This is a
monthly calendar characterized by events which are followed every day. Each day
is given a name and that day is celebrated. One day is always fixed with
BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS day when the birthdays and
anniversaries which occurred during the month are celebrated. There are also other
days like Perspective sharing day.
This is the time of performance evaluation of an employee. At this point of time
the performance of all the employees are evaluated on certain parametes
throughout his life cycle.
The performance calculation is based on the Key Performance Indicators set by the
employees. The KPI includes all the targets which an employee is supposed to
meet at a particular given time. An employee is rated Very good, Good, Averaeg,
poor & very poor based on th KPI set by him and the target completed at the end of
the time period.
The engagement activities carried out at PMS level includes the finalization of KPI
within 15 days for new joinees which is duly agreed upon by the senior manager
and then uploaded online and followed by the individuals. Apart from the KPI
setting the task of performance discussion with the supervisor is also carried out.


Once the target time duration is completed the discussion, regarding the
performance shown as per KPIs, is carried out with the supervisor.
The level of engagement at this level is measured by the online uploaded KPI &
the progress reviews taken by the HR department. The frequency of the above
mentioned employee engagement is annual where the online uploading is
concerned & when the reviews are concerned the frequency is half-yearly.

Performance Review Ratings at Aircel:

Aircel have a 5 point rating system:
5 - Substantially Exceeding Expectations
4 - Exceeding Expectation
3 - Meeting Expectation.
2 - Partially Meeting Expectation
1 - Not Meeting Expectations

The new KPI system at Aircel aims at:

Defining a single and robust performance driven culture across the Country.
Bringing about a feeling of transparency, inclusiveness and involvement in

defining performance objectives and standards.

Increase in the objectivity and accuracy of measurement of performance.
Increase in the alignment between individual, Team, functional and

organizational goals.
Linking directly to the PLI program of the organization.

KPI Cycle at Aircel:

We follow the Calendar year for Appraisal. Assessment Period shall be
January to December every year. Assessments shall be conducted in the
month of January.

1) Self Development Plan15

Self Development Plans, as the name suggests, is a guideline for the self
development. This is a key framework for personality development. This
plays a very important role in employee engagement framework. A person
feels that the origanization is also concerned about him as person and not
only as an employee. This self development plan is not only useful for the
are its brand ambassadors outside. If they have good personality, they will
represent a good image of the organization.
The action for the SDP assessment includes a formal discussion with the
senior manager and facilitating participation in training. The measurement
of the success of the SDP program is done by counting the signed SDP
documents available with the HR and the percentage of attendance in the
training programs. The frequency of SDP is annual for the discussion
process and on going for training. The timeline for the discussion process
starts from the 15th day of joining and for participation in training is
monthly. The HR Supervisor is responisible for this level employee
engagement. The target people covered under this engegement activity are
no. of people that joined during 1st-15th of the month (upto grade) or the no
of planned participants in the training.
2) Reward & RecognitionReward & Recognition is an emloyee engagement activity which
recognises and rewards people for their good performances on the job. It
acts as a very good motivational factor. When a person is recognised and
rewarded for a particular task/tasks he is motivated to do it even better. If
not recognised for their work the employees will not feel involved in their
work. The actions involved in this engagement activity is to recognize a
certain population and rate them according to their performance and then
announce the winners through various means such as mails, ceremonies etc.
It is measured by number of R&R in a period of time and Functional Head
to ensure sufficient penetration of R&R in their function. The frequency in
monthly and on going and timeline is On going. The timeline decided is
ongoing for both the functions. The area of responsibility for this
engagement activity is under the HR supervisor for the no. of R&Rs and
HR head and Circle heads for ensuring the sufficient penetration of R&R in

their function. The target employees covered under this engagement

practise are only 20% of the entire work force.
3) Structured Communication-

This engagement activity includes communication with various

departments in the organization. This is carried out at 4 levels:
a. Skip Level Meeting- this is a structured communication wherein
every person gets to interact with a person who is 2 levels over him.
He can communicate his problems to the boss of his boss i.e he can
skip a level. This is measured through min 5 meetings per month for
CBH & minimum 2 meetings per reviewer per month. Its frequency
is by rotation and this is an ongoing process and the person
responsible for this engagement activity is the reviewer/HR. The
target employees covered under this engagement activity are all the
grade 5 & 6 employees above the reviewer.
b. Open House/Town hall- this is an occasion when the circle HR
head goes to various zones know the problems and grievances of the
employees. It is measured by the quarterly sessions planned vs.
actual sessions. Its frequency is quarterly and this is an ongoing
process. The person responsible for this engagement activity is the
functional head, business head or HR. The target persons covered
under this engagement activity are 100% employees.
c. One to One- this is the activity where in the communication is face
to face with the HR head. Its is measured by min 5 meetings per
month for HR & min 2 meetings per reviewer per month.Its
frequency is monthly and is an ongoing process. The person
responsible for this activity is the HR head and target employees are
the no. of people participated in open house.
d. People Interactions at Zones-this action is measured by Zonal
visits by CBH/HR and the frequency is Bi-monthly this is an
ongoing process and the person responsible for this engagement
activity are the CBH and HR


SeparationThis is the time of full n final settllement with the organization. This the point
when the employee leaves the organization and goes. The action taken at this time
is the handover and ensuring of appraisals of all reportees of seperating people. It
is a signed document recd. With hr for all bills with minimum one months tenure.
It is an ongoing process. The person responsible for this is the receiving &
relieving supe target is said to be completed after the closureof appraisal of the
direct reportees of Elements of Fun

Personal enjoyment: Everyone wishes their jobs to be something they enjoy

and fun adds an element that creates that feeling of enjoyment. If the
workplace is fun, you will ultimately like your work more and put more
effort into it and be happier with the job. A good job helps make a person
happy and can add a lot of fulfillment and personal enjoyment to a persons
Sparks creativity and imagination : Fun in the workplace can come in many
forms and many of those, such as humors, games, jokes, competitions,
interesting challenges or systems with prizes require new ways of thinking,
wit or cleverness, teamwork or challenge and other activities that trigger
new ideas, thinking and creative work. Many people simply consider

anything creative to be fun (Im one of those people) so tasks that involve
these elements are often close associated or even sparking new creativity,
innovation and imagination among those involved.
Can be a strong change proponent:fun will trigger people to think about
have more fun, often improving systems and processes or tasks along the
way to make them both effective and fun in the process. This creativity is a
wonderful partner to fun when it triggers ideas and rallys support for
change. Change is scary to many people and so making change part of
something that is enjoyable takes the fear out of it and it helps to support
the change instead of add fear to it. The ideas that come from fun programs
then often encourage or reinforce even more change and it can continue to
feed on itself if the systems are dynamic enough to let fun steer some of the
work tasks and processes.
Engages teams and cross functional teams more easily: Most things that are
fun in the workplace will only be successful if they are done with multiple
people and when people have a chance to work together or compete with
one another doing it. Many of the systems and programs Ive seen that are
fun are when multiple departments or teams come together. This can be
anything from team building exercises or job sharing to competitions or
social events. Activities that bring people together from multiple areas that
do not generally work together are more social, and even if the activities
are entirely work focused, the new social aspect is fun, and engages people
more than without these activities in place. And its this engagement
between teams then that really starts to benefit the organization as the
company works more and more integrated among its people instead of in
silos or separate areas.
Builds personal relationships faster for more effective teamwork:The
engagement between teams just above obviously happens within teams as
well and the advantage of this is that personal relationships are build faster
among teams when they are having more fun in their work. People interact
more and communicate much more frequently during fun activities and
ultimately, when they know each other better. People with closer

relationships understand one another well and can be much more effective
as a team than people who do not know each other well. This is the case in
all areas of life and it works well in the workplace as well. Fun in the
workplace is simply an element that can encourage this to happy and
provides the environment needed to allow effective teamwork.
Increases employee loyalty and lengthens employee service time: People
who are happy doing something tend to do more of it or to do it longer and
so this is certainly true when it comes to work. If you like your job and
work because you have a lot of fun doing it, you are more likely to stay.
People who are more likely to stay, will provide more value to an
organization through gained expertise, strong relationships and teamwork
with colleagues and by reducing overall training time and learn curve ratios
compared to their delivered results.
Research tells us that fun and laughter
1. Make you feel good
2. Promote optimism
3. Reduce stress
4. Ease boredom
5. Help us cope with problems
6. Build relationships
7. Break down barriers
8. Lighten up serious or tense situations
9. Promote creativity and problem solving
10. Create joy among people

Examples of Fun in the Workplace

Encouraging and allowing people to personalize their workspace with

personal items, signs, posters, favourite team jerseys, flags, objects, gadgets
or any other simply items.


Diverse personality types is advantageous for many reasons, but especially

for adding fun, since you get more variety in the type of people working
together when you have a mix of personality or behaviour types.

Jokes and humorous stories should be regularly available by postings,

newsletters, and in scheduled meetings.

Create and support an active social club to organize events, games and
sports for all to participate in outside of work.

Encourage simple, harmless practical jokes around the office

Use team names and nick names for people based on their work or areas of

Rotate job functions within teams to experience varying styles and

personalities in repetitive tasks

Risks with Fun in the Workplace:

There are of course some risks with adding more fun in the workplace and while
they should not be ignored, they can easily be mitigated and controlled. The most
easily occurring risk could be that jokes and practical jokes get out of hand or
unprofessional. It is very important to know that any humour must be clean and
clean from any prejudice, racism or sexism. If this is monitored and correctly


quickly when it is visible at any level, the humour can be kept professional and fun
without the risk of hurting feelings or attacking anyones character.


The approach to building higher levels of engagement is based on a number of
fundamental beliefs, many of which were formed by our more than three decades
of research and experience.
1. Engagement is the primary enabler of successful execution of any business
strategy. An engaged workforce is your only true competitive advantage. It is
almost impossible to copy and, without it, execution of most corporate initiatives
becomes difficult, if not impossible.
2. Engagement is not a short-term initiative. Because engagement is simple in
concept but difficult in execution, it is never achieved or finishedonly improved.
It might take years of steady progress to build high levels of employee
engagement, and without the proper care and feeding, these gains can wither and
fall away surprisingly quickly.
3. Engagement must be driven from the top. Engagement is a business
imperative, not an HR initiative, though HR should be a key player in driving
higher levels of engagement. Support from the top also means senior leaders must
be highly engaged themselves. Believe it or not, only one in four senior leaders
and only one in six frontline leadersis highly engaged. Its hard to imagine
highly engaged employees without highly engaged leaders.
4. One of the best ways to have highly engaged employees is to hire them! Certain
people have a set of characteristics or attributes that increase their propensity for
engagement(for example, some employees are more likely to have higher levels of
engagement than others, regardless of the jobs they choose or assignmentsthey
receive). Companies should pay close attention to these characteristics in their
hiring process.

5. Engagement is all about fit.People are more likely to be engaged if their jobs
and the culture of the organization match both their abilities and skills, and their
motivation and values. Most organizations hire or promote only for the ability and
skill match, ignoring the motivation and value match.
6. No one impacts the state of engagement more than an employees immediate
leader. While this might be a slight exaggeration, we believe most people do not
leave their jobs; they leave their bosses. Show us a highly engaged team, and
theres a strong likelihood we can show you a leader who is coaching for success,
setting clear goals, empowering others, providing open and honest feedback, and
making the winners feel valued.
7. Measuring engagement and demonstrating its business impact is crucial, but
its only a small part of winning the battle. Far too many organizations pour
hundreds of thousands of dollars into measuring and measuring engagement,
leaving little energy or budget for actually improving engagement levels. Keep
your engagement measures simple and cost-effective. Instead, spend your
resources and energy moving the needle in the right direction!
8. Engagement means reaching the heart. Highly engaged employees give that
extra effortbecause inside they care. And, they care becausethey feel someone is
caring for them. A vice president for customer service at Progress Energy, for
example, insists that his managers really get to know the individuals on their teams
as people, not just employees. He wants toknow about their aspirations, interests,
and families. The recognition of the whole person sends a powerful message to
employees that the organization understands and appreciates that they have a life
outside work.


Some of the factors which definitely are cause of


RETENTION of employees are embodied below:

Brand Name:
Many of the employees consider the brand name of the organization for taking up
assignments. Employees feel prestige of the institution as their personal to run with
the organization. Working in a famous company or organization, generally makes
people to adore with commitment. Dignity of the institution is one of the major

factors for attachment of the employees all along without any fear for future. It
gives maximum satisfaction to the employees and diversification of their ideas
towards the Institutional Development. Employees naturally inclined to generate
their future plans and prospects with the existing organization and tend towards
their sustainability and regularity in their firm. This will lead to the Employees
retention more. Employees may not think to leave the organization because of its
brand name and familiarity in the pubic eye and wanted to stay with the
Organization for ever not only for the sake of the Company but also for their future
Wage Policy:
The wage policy of the any organization definitely attracts the employees a lot.
Many employees look forward for monetary benefits and Social security measures
adopted by the organization or firm. Adoption of a regular time scale of pay with
proper Efficiency Bars including adoption of Grade Pay System, for various
categories of posts existed in an organization from top to bottom is much more
importance for the retention of employees. Employees naturally observe the salary
structure of each category of post and fringe benefits extended by the organization
or company. A systematic wage policy, revision of pay scales in the convenience
intervals, provisions for additional allowances, rewards for extra-ordinary work of
the employees from time to time, will definitely catch the employees and more
retention is possible.
Career Advancement Schemes:
Career Advancement Scheme is one of its kinds to introduce for the regular
promotions, professional growth and development of an employee in any firm.
Every employee expects advancement in his career by way of promotions, grades,
and relocation to next higher category or grade for furtherance of his interests. A
lucrative policy on Career Advancements of employees is much more than enough
for retention of employees in a firm. Automatic Advancement of the Career is also
to be thought of by the firms for the benefit of its employees. For every 5/10/15
years of service of an employee, automatically, the employee should be placed in
the next higher category or scale of pay or Grade with monetary benefits so that the
Employees would be in a greater satisfactory mood to work for the promotion of

the Institution/Firm/Concern. If such a systematic policy on promotions and career

growth is implemented, employees retention will be reduced and experienced
persons will be continued in a firm for its growth.

Social Security Measures:

Social Security measures are very much obligatory on the part of any concern to
adopt for the welfare of their employees. Employees Welfare Schemes, Health
Schemes, Group Insurance Policies, Payments of Bonus, Ex-gratia, Incentives,
Awards, will render much security to its employees in the Society, and the
employees will not leave any institution if it implemented such social security
measures to its employees. Retention is possible greatly if any organization/firm
adopts suitable Social Security Measures.
Transparent Recruitment Policy:
The Recruitment policy of an organization or Institution must be transparent. It
should not be biased on any means. A plain recruitment procedure keeps the
Institution at top level among other co-institutions. Talented peoples will be aspired
to take placements in such an organization and wanted to retain in the same
organization for years together. The prestige of the Institution or organization
reflects on account of the transparent recruitment policy. Specific guidelines should
be framed to meet the various parameters in the recruitment section. Service Rules
inclusive of the regulation of the employees, the method of selection, written tests,
Interviews etc., should be broadly defined in the rules.
Judicious Disciplinary Rules:
Disciplinary rules should framed in such a way that they should not be in any way
contrary to the Law. Every employee must be treated with equal treatment in a
justified manner for which a set of rules called Disciplinary Rules should be
framed and adopted. There should be a classification of category of posts, grades,
Controlling authorities duly specified in a clear terms, quantum of punishments
right from Censure to Removal from service should be specified, and
provision for making appeals to the Appellate authorities be included. A detailed
procedure for conducting Inquiries against the employees committed
irregularities, frauds; misappropriations etc. should be categorically prescribed.

This will strengthen the employees calibre and dedicated employees will be
formed in any institution without fear and favour leading to much retention in the
Conduct Rules :
It is also necessary to frame certain Conduct Rules for the interest of the
Institution. The conduct rules must specify the attitude, behaviour and conduct of
each and every employee while discharging their duties. Employees tend to
discharge their duties utmost care and devotion. Violation of conduct rules attracts
the provisions of the Disciplinary rules. Hence Employees regularity and sincerity
will be developed and sustained. This can be termed as one of the causes for
retention of employees.
Organizational Culture:
There is emphatically need to formulate organizational culture in every
organization. The organization must resort to plan where it wants to go before
trying to make any changes in the organization culture. The organization must
choose for Mission, Vision, and Values to provide a frame work for the assessment
and evaluation of the current organizational culture. Organizational culture grows
over time. People are comfortable with the current organizational culture. They
need strategic changes to suit to the present day needs. People in every work place
talk about organizational culture. They need to expect some sort of convenient
organizational culture. Culture is the environment that surrounds us at work all of
the time. Culture is a powerful element that shapes our work, enjoyment,
relationships and work processes. A congenial Organizational Culture makes
people happy and retain for ever. It leads to definitely Employees retention.
Terminal benefits:
Providing terminal benefits at the end of the service of an employee will be a
added advantage now a days for future secure. Each and every employee must
expect some quantum of money at the end of his service to lead a peaceful life
after retirement. However there are statutory obligations on the part of the
organizations to provide EPF, Gratuity, etc. Apart from that, Organizations must
plan for creation of further monetary benefits as a retirement plans for the welfare
of its employees. This will give much relief to its employees to retain in any

organization till the end of his service. This may also cause for retention of

There are 3 categories of employees:

A: Who will leave their current employer in 3 years of their employment.
B: Who have a probability of leaving their current employer in next 3 years.
C: Who will stay with their current employer in the next 3 years.

Category A: These are the employees who lack communication with their
Category B: These employees can be converted into category C if
precautions are taken.
Category C: These are the employees who have proper, well structured
communication with their employers

What is the Alternative to Employee Engagement?

Conditions that prevent employee engagement seldom alleviate themselves. They
should be assessed and addressed as soon as possible. Left to multiply, negative
employee satisfaction issues can result in:

Higher employee turnover - Employees leave, taking their reservoir of

knowledge and experience to another workplace

Diminished performance - Competency of the workforce is reduced, at

least short term, until new employees are trained

Lost training dollars - Time and money invested in training and

development programs for departing workers is wasted

Lower morale - Remaining employees can be overburdened with new duties, in

addition the unresolved issues that already prevent their full engagement.




Company Profile:

The Aircel Group, formed in 1994, offers affordable and outstanding mobile
services to a vast subscriber base in India. Aircel has a vision of delighting its
customers by giving them the respect they deserve. Our goal is to provide our
customers with exemplary service and persistently look for new ways to surpass
their expectations.
Aircel commenced operations in 1999. In our first decade of operations, we
concentrated on building our foundations in the southern part of the country, and
soon emerged as the regional market leaders. We worked hard and achieved that
success by remaining focused on growth opportunities. Soon after our company
began with its expansion in 2005 and has now set its sight on becoming a pan India
operator. Our project pipeline is robust, allowing for sustainable long-term growth.
In addition to our leadership position in Tamil Nadu, Aircel met with extraordinary
success in the Eastern frontier circles. We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction
and managed to emerge as the market leaders in Assam and North Eastern states
within 18 months of operations. During this period, our company gained a strong

foothold in 10 circles, to provide better access to our customers. Today, Aircel

operates in 18 telecommunication circles and the company is ready to embark on a
dynamic expansion plan, swiftly rolling out in new circles in the near future.
Aircel recognizes the tremendous growth in its customer base. We have also got an
authorization from the Department of Telecommunications for ILD and NLD
telephony services and are now on track to realize our dream of becoming a
nationwide player by the year 2010.

Aircel offers its customers, services and products that are easy to understand and
use. All offerings are stimulating and at the same time extremely unique as
Aircelcontinues to re-invent itself constantly to deliver the best and most up-todate services. The brand instils a felling of pride, confidence and reliance among
all stakeholders by anticipating their desires and fulfilling the same efficiently.
With our foundations deeply set on our brand vales of simplicity, creativity, trust
and excitement, we will continue to deliver superior services to our customers and
will do our best to live up to their high expectations.
Vision India Staffing Pvt. Ltd. is a privately owned and operated HR service
provider, servicing world class companies and partnering them in their manpower
expansion plans. Vision India play a third party role in Aircel. And it provides
expert and innovative staffing solutions to recruit the best talent available across
industry sectors through its network of offices in major cities across India.
ABOUT US:Vision India Staffing Pvt. Ltd started the journey of Staffing Solutions in 2008 and
has been offering innovative workforce management solutions to the Indias most
respected and growing organizations as well as many multinationals operating in
India. Their services enable us to exceed the expectations of our esteemed clients.
Our unique strengths and experience will benefit your business wherever it
operates around the nation. Vision India Staffing Ltd. with you with a difference
make a difference because of our

Strong HR support

Strong Financial Stability

Presence in multiple industry segments that give us the domain knowledge.

Guidance of experts on legal and compliance issues.

Robust Technology and Infrastructure.

Web based portal

Company origin:

The Aircel Group is a joint venture between Maxis Communications Berhad of


and Apollo








Communications holding a majority stake of 74% & Apollo Hospital holding a

stake of 26%. Aircel commenced operations in 1999 and became the leading
mobile operator in Tamil Nadu within 18 months. In December 2003, it launched
commercially in Chennai and quickly established itself as a market leader a
position it has held since. Aircel began its outward expansion in 2005 and met with
unprecedented success in the Eastern frontier circles. It emerged a market leader in
Assam and in the North Eastern provinces within 18 months of operations.
Aircel is a mobile phone service provider in India. It offers both prepaid and post
paid GSM cellular phone coverage throughout India. Aircel Business Solutions
(ABS), part of Aircel, is an ISO 9000 certified company. ABS is a registered
member of WiMax forum both in the Indian and International Chapters. ABS
product range includes enterprise solutions such as Multi protocol Label Switching
Virtual Private Networks (MPLS VPNs), Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and
Managed Video Services on wireless platform including WiMax.
Aircel is one of the sponsors of the Indian Premier League Cricket Team Chennai
Super Kings, which is captained by Mahendra Singh Dhoni. It is also the major
sponsors for Chennai Open (the only ATP tennis tournament in India), and
Professional Golf Tour of India.

Maxis, Aircel's majority stake holder at that time, raised RM11.2 billion (USD 3.36
billions) for its shareholders (UTSB), making it the largest IPO in Malaysia and
Southeast Asia.
3G & BWA
On 19 May 2010, the 3G spectrum auction in India ended. Aircel paid 6499.46
crores for spectrum in 13 circles - the least cost per circle compared to other
operators. The circles it will provide 3G in are Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar,
Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Kolkata, Madhya Pradesh&Chhattisgarh,
North East, OrissaPunjab, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh (East) &Uttarakhand and
West Bengal.
On 11 June 2010, the broadband wireless access (BWA) spectrum auction in India
ended. Aircel paid 3438.01 crores for spectrum in 8 circles, the second highest
wins overall - after Reliance Communications. The circles it has won spectrum are
Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Jammu & Kashmir, North East, Orissa, Tamil
Nadu and West Bengal.

Aircel Business Solutions

Aircel Business Solutions (ABS), part of Aircel, is an ISO 9000 certified company.
ABS is a registered member of WiMAX forum both in the Indian and
International Chapters. ABS product range includes enterprise solutions such as
Multiprotocol Label SwitchingVirtual Private Networks (MPLS VPNs), Voice over
Internet Protocol (VoIP) and Managed Video Services on wireless platform
including WiMAX.
Aircel is one of the sponsors of the Indian Premier LeagueCricket Team Chennai
Super Kings. It is also the major sponsors for Chennai Open (the only ATP tennis
tournament in India), and Professional Golf Tour of India.


Share holders
Maxis, Aircel's majority stake holder at that time, raised 11.2 billions (USD 3.36
billions) for its shareholders (UTSB), making it the largest IPO in Malaysia and
Southeast Asia, Tamil Nadu.
Social Presence
Aircel placed an actual dinghy lifeboat to a downtown billboard. A rope with a sign
reading, In case of emergency, cut rope, held up the branded raft. July 15, 2009
the monsoon arrived with flooded streets and so did Aircel customer service. The
dinghy was cut down and pedestrians were safely transported. What Aircel calls
Corporate Social Responsibility A Solution. The company was able to generate
positive publicity and show consumers that they care.
Beautification of Anna Flyover has been taken up Aircel for a period of three
years, the contract has been awarded by TNRIDC and executed by Chennai based
outdoor advertising agency Abra Media Networks. This project boasts of first of its
kind lighting solution for the entire stretch of the bridge and many other landscapes
to enhance the look of the whole bridge. As far as the utility is concerned, they are
building a dedicated toilet for the police guarding the Anna Flyover and the US
Embassy. Once this flyover is beautified, Aircel plans to maintain it for 3 years.
Aircel tied up with Tamil Nadu Public Works Department for beautification and
maintaining of Gandhi Mandpam, Guindy in opposite of Anna University.
Market position
The one-time regional operator is today operational in 20 of the 22 telecom circles,
occupying 6.4 per cent of the mobile market, compared to the 2.88 per cent it held
in March 2006. The latest addition to the company's footprint is the Haryana circle,
where it is the tenth operator to launch services.


Apart from the Tamil Nadu and Chennai circles, it enjoys market leadership in the
Northeast and Assam circles. In Bihar and Orissa too, it is among the top four
Overall, Aircel's growth has been commendable. From a subscriber base of 16
million in 2008, it reached 31 million in 2009, registering a 92 per cent growth.
From January 2010 to June 2010, its subscriber base grew by 26 per cent to 41.69
million. In terms of revenue, the company contributed 4.1 per cent to the group's
revenue in 2009, up from 2.1 per cent in 2008.
Strategy so far
With India being a significant market for the Maxis Group, accounting for more
than half of its total subscriber base, Aircel continues to play a major part in the
group's business strategy.
In order to ensure quality and quick rollout of services in the new circles, Aircel
has opted for the outsourcing route and has tied up with specialists like Ericsson
(for network), Wipro (for IT services) and Oracle Communications (for software).
In order to raise funds for the 3G and BWA spectrum and to focus on its core
services, in early 2010, Aircel sold off its tower assets to GTL Infrastructure for Rs
85 billion. Since GTL Infrastructure has a sizeable tower portfolio across circles, it
can also cater to Aircel's 3G and BWA requirements in an effective manner. As part
of the deal, Aircel transferred 17,500 towers to GTL and committed an additional
21,000 tenancies on GTL's towers in the future.
Compared to several other operators, Aircel has shown considerable speed in
tapping the opportunities arising from emerging technologies like Wi-Max and 3G.
Following the rapid launch of Wi-Max services in Chennai in October 2006, Aircel
has expanded its network to cover over 50 cities, servicing thousands of corporate
and other customers. The company believes the initiative will increase its revenue
and check churn among existing customers owing to better quality services. The
company has also successfully tested the complete range of 3G services in


The road ahead

Aircel's biggest asset is its strong financial backing. It has earmarked a total of $10
billion for investments till 2011 as its countrywide capex. The company is likely to
complete its nationwide rollout soon, with the lucrative Gujarat circle being next in
However, the fight for market share in these new circles will be tougher for Aircel.
This is especially true for circles like Delhi and Mumbai. As Dr Mahesh Uppal,
director, ComFirst, notes, The creamy layer has already been taken away. The
company will now need to market its products very aggressively as it is very
difficult to churn customers, especially in India."
To an extent, Aircel has managed to differentiate itself, as is reflected in its
aggressive marketing strategies and subscriber numbers. In the Delhi circle alone,
it has managed to add 1.21 million subscribers within a year of its service launch.
The operator plans to use the 3G spectrum largely to differentiate itself on the basis
of value-added services (VAS). In fact, its entire marketing campaign, called "A
World of Possibilities", projects Aircel as the first to spread the use of VAS and
data. We believe that by 2012, VAS will contribute 25 per cent of the revenue,"
says Singh. Moreover, while most other companies will need to arbitrage their 3G
spectrum for voice services, Aircel has adequate spectrum to focus largely on data
Apart from speeding up its pan-Indian growth, Aircel also plans to strengthen its
foray into the enterprise business segment.
The company has a strong appetite for growth, as is evident from the aggressive
targets it has set for itself and the punishing pace it maintained last year. Launching
services in eight circles in a record 90 days within the first half of 2009, covering
all the metros and key corridors is indeed an accomplishment.
It aims to increase its market share to 11 per cent in the next three years and
take its subscriber base to 100 million. Given Aircel's past record and the size of
its current monthly additions, this does not seem unlikely.

Awards & Recognition

Aircel has won many awards for its services. Aircel was honored at the World
Brand Congress 2009 with three awards, Brand Leadership in Telecom, Marketing
Campaign & Marketing Professional of the Year. Aircel was honoured by CMAI
INFOCOM National Telecom Award 2009 for, Excellence in Marketing of New
Telecom Service. Aircel had been selected as the best regional operator in 2008 by Aircel was rated as the top mid-size utility company in Business Worlds
List of Best Mid-Size Companies in 2007. Aircel got the highest rating for overall
customer satisfaction and network quality in 2006 by Voice and Data.
Apple iPhone 4 Launch
Aircel launched the Apple iPhone 4 apart from BhartiAirtel on 27th May, 2011,
which is one of the most popular Smartphone in the contemporary world.
Aircel is famous for innovative Pocket Internet cards for Free GPRS service for
1day/3days/7days/30days. Aircel become first to introduce Online service to
subscribe and manage Dialer tunes. It is first in country to introduce SMS
bank/Phone Book/Reminder/Talking SMS.
Network Codes

40417 -West Bengal

40425 -Bihar

40428 -Orissa

40429 -Assam

40433 -North East

40435 -Himachal Pradesh

40437 -Jammu & Kashmir

40442 -Tamil Nadu

40441 -Chennai

40491 -Kolkata

Aircel is the fifth largest carrier in India. Its competitors are (in order of
customer totals):

Bharti Airtel

Reliance Communications

Vodafone Essar

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited

Tata Teleservices

Idea Cellular


MTS India

Aircel was founded by NRI businessman C.Sivasankaran.

Till today, the company gained a foothold in 20 circles including Chennai,
Tamil Nadu, Assam, North East, Orissa, Bihar, Jammu & Kashmir,
Himachal Pradesh, West Bengal, Kolkata, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh,
Karnataka, Delhi, UP (West), UP (East), Mumbai, Madhya Pradesh, and
Today Aircel holds 5th position in global market in telecom sector.
The country head of Aircel is Mr. Gurdeep Singh.
The Circle head of UP east is Mr. Arvind Singh Shekhawat.
Aircel has its centre or head quarter at Tamil nadu from where all its
functions are handled.

It has a market share of 6.3% among the GSM operators in the country.
Aircel rolled out its GSM Mobile service in Uttar Pradesh East and West
both telecom circles as its 15th and 16th circle on the Companys Pan India
Aircel launched specially tailored tariff plan for Uttar Pradesh with lowest
local call charges as of 40 paisa. The Aircel lifetime Prepaid Plan for mobile
customers are expected to set off a new tariff war, as the plan boasts of call
rates as low as 40 paisa a minute.
Aircel has teamed up with the worlds largest handset maker Nokia the
two have entered into a commercial partnership to provide prepaid bundled
offers to customers across the Mumbai Telecom Circle.


To be the most respected PanIndian Telecom operator,

backed by excellent service credentials.



Research Objectives

To study the effectiveness of Employee Engagement activities at AIRCEL.

To decrease turn over risk and the reasons for retention of employee.
Analysis of employee retention.
Impact of employee engagement on the employees and Organisation.
To suggest new employee engagement activities.


Methodology of the report:

The project work has been carried out in three stages,
A structured questionnaire with objectives and questions which were
communicated were tested and finalize.
The questionnaire was administered to the workmen at Eveready
India Ltd. by contacting them.
The work related to data entry compilation, data analysis and report
writing constituted in the third stage. Interview index was also used
at some place to get information on the project subject.
DATA COLLECTION:DATA SOURCE:The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined
and research design/ plan chalked out. While deciding about the method of
data collection to be used for study, the researchers should keep in mind two
types of data via .primary and secondary.
Primary data:
Primary data are obtained by a study specifically designed to fulfill the data
of the problem at hand .primary data is collected during the course of doing
experiment by using various method of data collection such as interview
method questionnaires method .Various methods of collections of primary
1) Observation Method
2) Interview method
3) Questionnaire Method
4) Collection of Data through Schedules.


Researcher has used questionnaires method as collection of primary data.

Another type of data collected is secondary data.
Secondary data:
Secondary data means information that is already available. Secondary data Means
which are not originally collected but rather obtained from published
Data are available in:
a) Various publication of Central, State and Local Government.

b) Technical and Trade journal.

c) Books and Magazines.


Secondary data is collected by researchers with the help of:Company Document.

Publish Informatiom.
Web pages.


The problem formulation is the first step to a successful Research Process. Project
undertaken the problem of analyzing the Employee Engagement Satisfaction level
of the employees in aircel telecom and to find what kind of Opinion they gave and
also to know the employees state of mind.

SAMPLING TECHNIQUE:In statistics and survey methodology, sampling is concerned with the Selection of
a subset of individuals from within a statistical item to estimate characteristics of
the whole item. The three main advantages of sampling are that the cost is lower,
data collection is faster, and since the data set is smaller it is possible to ensure
homogeneity and to improve the accuracy and quality of the data.
TYPES OF SAMPLING TECHNIQUES:Sampling methods are classified as either Probability or Non-Probability

Probability Sampling:Simple random Sampling.

Cluster Sampling.
Systematic Sampling.
Stratified Sampling.

Non probability sampling:44

Quota sampling
Judgment sampling
Convenience sampling
Deliberate sampling

Researcher has used convenience sampling

SAMPLE SIZE:Part of the universe which is selected for survey is called SAMPLE SIZE.
Researcher must prepare a sample design for his study i.e., he must plan how a
sample should be selected and of what size such a sample would be.

Sample size of research is:25 in case of employees survey

UNIVERSE:In research universe refers to total no. of particular items in a defined area on
a particular time.


Use and
Importance of
the study


Use And Importance Of The Study

This project has been prepared with an intention to make one realize and
understand the significance of employee engagement.
It is not about managing engagement, it is about managing people. If an
organization manages people well, employee engagement will take care of itself.
People want to work for an organization which provides:

Appreciation for the work done.

Ample opportunities.

A friendly and cooperative environment.

A feeling that the organization is second home to employee.

Employee engagement has become the major goal of the organization. Initially
recruitment was only talked about, but now in todays world, recruitment has
become just a part of HRM. Major importance is attached to employee
This project not only aims to present the theoretical aspects, but the practical
aspects as well. A survey has been done to understand the strategies followed by
various organizations to ensure employee engagement.

1. Engagement is the primary enabler of successful execution of any business

strategy. An engaged workforce is your only true competitive advantage. It is
almost impossible to copy and, without it, execution of most corporate initiatives
becomes difficult, if not impossible.

2. Engagement is not a short-term initiative. Because engagement is simple in

concept but difficult in execution, it is never achieved or finishedonly improved.
It might take years of steady progress to build high levels of employee
engagement, and without the proper care and feeding, these gains can wither and
fall away surprisingly quickly.


3. Engagement must be driven from the top. Engagement is a business

imperative, not an HR initiative, though HR should be a key player in driving
higher levels of engagement. Support from the top also means senior leaders must
be highly engaged themselves. Believe it or not, only one in four senior leaders
and only one in six frontline leadersis highly engaged. Its hard to imagine
highly engaged employees without highly engaged leaders.

4. One of the best ways to have highly engaged employees is to hire them! Certain
people have a set of characteristics or attributes that increase their propensity for
engagement(for example, some employees are more likely to have higher levels of
engagement than others, regardless of the jobs they choose or assignmentsthey
receive). Companies should pay close attention to these characteristics in their
hiring process.

5. Engagement is all about fit.People are more likely to be engaged if their jobs
and the culture of the organization match both their abilities and skills, and their
motivation and values. Most organizations hire or promote only for the ability and
skill match, ignoring the motivation and value match.

6. No one impacts the state of engagement more than an employees immediate

leader. While this might be a slight exaggeration, we believe most people do not
leave their jobs; they leave their bosses. Show us a highly engaged team, and
theres a strong likelihood we can show you a leader who is coaching for success,
setting clear goals, empowering others, providing open and honest feedback, and
making the winners feel valued.

7. Measuring engagement and demonstrating its business impact is crucial, but

its only a small part of winning the battle. Far too many organizations pour
hundreds of thousands of dollars into measuring and measuring engagement,
leaving little energy or budget for actually improving engagement levels. Keep


your engagement measures simple and cost-effective. Instead, spend your

resources and energy moving the needle in the right direction!

8. Engagement means reaching the heart. Highly engaged employees give that
extra effortbecause inside they care. And, they care becausethey feel someone is
caring for them. A vice president for customer service at Progress Energy, for
example, insists that his managers really get to know the individuals on their teams
as people, not just employees. He wants to know about their aspirations, interests,
and families. The recognition of the whole person sends a powerful message to
employees that the organization understands and appreciates that they have a life
outside work.



mail me 4 data analysis





Employees are quiet happy and satisfied with AIRCEL and they think that
the Organization is caring and a comfortable place to work .

Employees are happy with R&R.48% of employees say that R&R is

PERFECT in Aircel.

Employees are clear about their responsibilities and work.

100% employees says that get immediate help &support of their supervisor
as & when required, in case of any problem or shortcoming.

Most of the employees are in favourof Job rotation.

They know well what is expected out of their work

They have the opportunities to do their work best as per their plans.

They receive feedback from their Bosses.

They are been recognized for their outstanding performances regularly.

Training sessions and other development programmes are provided to them

to improve ones at professional as well as personal edges.

They are very much committed for doing Quality work.

The company recognizes their worth & importance &is been constantly
encouraged to serve something bigger than just the bottom line results

They have a sense of belongingness with the organisation.

The employees are encouraged to develop themselves.


They find a two way communication within the organization.

There is an open door transparency for sharing views.

The employees are highly inspired to go extra mile to help the organization

Employees should be supported in their difficult times both financially and


Job rotation and multi skilling should be there to avoid boredom.

Showing concern with employees health and well being.





Awareness should be created more among the employees to know the
importance of Employee Engagement.
All the employees even the field force should be involved in the activities
carried out at Aircel.
More fun activities that can be held at Aircel
Birthday and Anniversary Celebration.
you can also decorate the birthday persons cabin with flowers and
cards signed by all associates or from particular department staff.
While celebrating the birthday you can keep some same games
also. Game which are more on team develpoment
Other than this you can keep small games like pulling of rope,
basket ball, passing the parcel, ballon bust etc.
At birthday celebrations instead of presenting greeting cards, you
can purchase a white or any light colour T-shirts, ask all the
staffs / team members to sign in the t-shirt & gift it to the b'day
person after cake cutting & b'day bums .Also ask him to wear it &
take group photos. This idea will definitely be touching & it will
be a gift & celebration which will be at his/her mind forever..

IDEAS to gift something on an employee on his Birthday / Wedding :

Give half of his/her basic pay as gift.
Paid leave for a week for wedding and paid leave for 1day on
Painting pic of the couple. Get it framed - They will love it.

Give them a gift voucher - They will enjoy shopping. You can do
the same for Birthday.
Decorate his/her work place and welcome him/her with sweets and
flowers. Arrange for a surprise party and its up to you to decide on
how to conduct the party.
Arrange for a small Cake cutting party for the couple at your
cafeteria. Pick the best picture and gift it to them in a large beautiful
photoframe. Don't forget to get everyone's autograph on backside of
the frame..
Movie Tickets
You can invite people to write short stories, jokes, poems & share
their interesting experiences. Publish it on the notice boards /
promote it online (internal). Best articles can be awarded, you will
find a lot of differences & bring in togetherness.
Even business notes, achievements, best performances, innovative
ideas of process improvements & other things that needs to be
highlighted can be a part of this newsletter, this will give high
energy/motivation for the employees to see their names getting
published through some medium.
One thing change day-wherein employees are asked to do one
noticable change in them,it could be there dress,style etc.

Ask all employees or process/team wise to get one of their baby

pictures. Paste all these pics on a chart paper with out mentioning
the names of the

people. conduct a vote for the cutest baby. once

the voting is done, display the baby pic along with the adult pic.


You can also have a games break where employee bring their own
game and can play on Saturdays at some fixed time
Once in a while arrange for Team lunch
Gallery : Post employee pictures taken during tours, lunch, team
lunch, Festivals, birthdays etc.
Arrange for a polling session before you initiate any new process in
your company. Probably this will help you to understand the
mindset of your employees.
Give surprises. Everyone likes it

Frequency of the serious Engagement Activities need to be increased

Employee recognition : Spot Awards, Annual Achievement awards,

Outstanding performance award, Best Employee award etc. A
scanned copy of letter of appreciation along with their photos
should be displayed in the notice board. The letter should excel
their achievements, i.e how different are they from others? On what
grounds were they nominated? How could they serve as role model
for other employees....

Together WE - In-house magazine : Once in a quarter these

magazines gives a snapshot as to what is happening in their
company which includes sharing Company growth, Management
Objectives, Customer satisfaction, List of new customer sign-up,
Sales review, Customer delivery and feedback, Partnership details,
Up coming projects etc. The company also prints the contributions
given by the employees such as Motivation stories, Paintings,
Poetry, Riddles, Jokes, Technology related articles, Safety and
Health related ppt, Nature photographs taken by employees etc.


Reach US : Its a online forum that is available in intranet site of

that particular company where employees can post their issues
related to work, work environment, HR Policies, Training needs
etc. Once in a month HR head along with their executives will have
a open meeting with the employees (without mentioning the name
of the employee) to resolve it then and there.

Quality Session Meeting : Department wise team meet will be

conducted by HR where in which each employee comes up with
new ideas and concepts to improve the Quality of work, also how
to deliver the same on time, how to reach out for customer
satisfaction, technology growth, significance of team work,
knowledge on advanced technologies etc., At the end of the meet,
department head nominates a employee and gifts him a prize for his
innovative and creativeness

Chat : Internal chat will be provided for employees Easy way to


An Idea : Its an online forum in the intranet where employees can

share their ideas and views on celebrating Annual day function,
Kick off party, Festivals, Get-together day, Birthdays etc. For
every best and unique idea there will be a surprising gift.(Movie
tickets, team out, team lunch, chocolates, An official day off etc.)

Quote for the day : This is done department wise. Any one
employee from each department should write a quote on their white
board. HR should decide the best quote for the day. The department
that gets the highest points for the month would be offered a gift.
Gift is again based on the number of points that they accumulate
(Hats, Shirts, Coffee mugs etc. with Company logo) The HR Team
must focus over the employees under Satisfied Category. Constant
feedback must be given to them on their work performance and
must be recognized if doing well but not best so as to boost up and


motivate them to serve bigger part from their side. It will help them
to get engaged.

The system should be made more structured and flexible in terms

of creating a two-way communication among the seniors and

Regular counselling must be provided to the employees who are not

able to give their best.

Retention will not be a major concern if the organization stands

firm on its values and promises.

There must be a perfect balance between Rational and emotional

Engagement in order to keep employee engaged.

In order to keep the employees engaged the organization must keep

a balance between employees talent and the need of the

Employees needs to feel challenged not threatened.

To conduct some cultural programs on a eve then :

First divide your employees into 4teams. Name them seperately.

Choose a leader for each team. For every event one person per
team is allowed. The maximum number of awards won by a team
will be the best team

Rangoli - Give them a concept and their rangoli should reflect it.

Traditional dress contest - One male and one female from each
team should participate


Burst the ballons - the one who bursts maximum ballons in a

minute will be winner. Please note that they should fill the air and
then burst the ballons.

Facial - Take a plate. Fill that plate with glucose and grapes. The
one who picks the maximum number of grapes using their mouth is
the winner. Note : Tie their hands and at a time only one grape
piece to be picked up.

Dhum sharods - Its like a mime show. Let a member pick a paper
from the bowl that they have. One person from each team should
come forward and read the content in the paper. He/she should
make their team members understand what is there in the paper via
actions alone. If team members get what their team member was
trying to tell then that team wins a point..

Poetry corner - Best poetry will be awarded

Antakshari - Singing songs starting with the last letter of the song.

Hunt - Hide a piece of gift somewhere in the party hall. It belongs

to the one who finds it.

1minute - The one who eats as many biscuits in one minute will be
the winner.

My story - Let each member from every team describe their daily
activities right from they wake up till they sleep with actions alone.
The best one will get the prize.

Humour session - Best joke of the day.

An reflection - Choose 4employees in your company. Announce

their names. Each participant from every team should come and
imitate any one of the 4choosen names - More than one is also
allowed. Awards goes to the best imitator.

To change the look of your company then you can implement these

Placing a fish tank in the main hall such that its visible to all.

Beautiful flower vases here and there in the hall / Wall - Either
plastic flowers or original ones

Cute Coffee Mugs each to every employee - They can have tea in
their own cups instead of having it in paper cups.

To celebrate Independence day or Republic day :

Flag Hoisting
Give chocolates to everyone.
(OR) Small gifts to all.
(OR) Small flags
(OR) Pen to everyone.
(OR) Sweets
(OR) Conduct lucky draw - The one who wins will get a gift.
Traditional dress contest
Essay competition on Republic day / Independence day
Presentation on importance and significance of Republic day /
Independence day
Decorating their own desks
Debate on a particular topic
1minute game
Singing (OR) Dancing competition


Snacks distribution




1. Employee engagement starts on day one: Effective recruitment and orientation
programs are the first building blocks to be laid on the first day of the new
employee. Managers should be careful in pooling out the potential talent of the
new employee through effective recruitment. The manager has to ensure role-talent
fit when placing an employee in a certain position. Once hiring decision is made
the new employee should be given both general orientation which is related to the
company mission, vision, values, policies and procedures and job-specific
orientation such as his/her job duties, and responsibilities, goals and current
priorities of the department to which the employee belongs in order to enable
him/her to develop realistic job expectations and reduce role conflict that might
arise in the future. For high employee engagement to happen, leadership through
example is of a paramount importance.

2. Employee engagement starts from the top: Employee engagement requires

commitment from leadership through establishing clear mission, vision and values.
Unless the people at the top believe in it, own it, pass it down to managers and
employees, and enhance their leadership, employee engagement will never be
more than just a corporate fad or another HR thing. Employee engagement
does not need lip-service rather dedicated heart and action-oriented service from
top management.

3. Enhance employee engagement through communication: Managers should

promote two-way communication. Employees are not sets of pots to which you
pour out your ideas without giving them a chance to have a say on issues that
matter to their job and life. Clear and consistent communication of what is
expected of them paves the way for engaged workforce. Involve your people and
always show respect their input. Share power with your employees through


participative decision making so that they would feel sense of belongingness

thereby increasing their engagement in realizing it.
4. Give satisfactory opportunities for development and advancement:
Encourage independent thinking so that employees will have a chance to make
their own freedom of choosing their own best way of doing their job so long as
they are producing the expected result. Manage through results rather than trying to
manage all the processes by which that result is achieved.

5. Ensure that employees have every thing they need to do their jobs:
Managers are expected to make sure that employees have all the resources such as
physical or material, financial and information resources in order to effectively do
their job.
6. Give employees appropriate training: Help employees update themselves
increasing their knowledge and skills through giving appropriate trainings.
Generally it is understood that when employees get to know more about their job,
their confidence increases there by being able to work without much supervision
from their immediate managers which in turn builds their self-efficacy and

7. Have strong feedback system: Companies should develop a performance

management system which holds managers and employees accountable for the
level of engagement they have shown. Conducting regular survey of employee
engagement level helps make out factors that make employees engaged. After
finalizing the survey, it is advisable to determine all the factors that driving
engagement in the organization, then narrow down the list of factors to focus on
two or three areas. It is important that organizations begin with a concentration on
the factors that will make the most difference to the employees and put energy
around improving these areas as it may be difficult to address all factors at once.
Managers should be behind such survey results and develop action-oriented plans
that are specific, measurable, and accountable and time- bound.


8. Incentives have a part to play: Managers should work out both financial and
non-financial benefits for employees who show more engagement in their jobs.
Several management theories have indicated that when employees get more pay,
recognition and praise, they tend to exert more effort into their job. There should
be a clear link between performance and incentives given to the employees.

9. Build a distinctive corporate culture: Companies should promote a strong

work culture in which the goals and values of managers are aligned across all work
sections. Companies that build a culture of mutual respect by keeping success
stories alive will not only keep their existing employees engaged but also they
baptize the new incoming employees with this contagious spirit of work culture.

10. Focus on top-performing employees: A study conducted by Watson Wyatt

Worldwide in 2013/14 on HR practices of 50 large USA firms shows that highperforming organizations are focusing on engaging their top-performing
employees. According to the finding of the same research, what high-performing
firms are doing is what top-performing employees are asking for and this reduces
the turnover of high-performing employees and as a result leads to top business

Employee retention continues to remain a top priority at many organizations and

one that companies increasingly view as a driver of business strategy. Businesscritical knowledge can walk out the door when an employee leaves the company.
While employee retention figures have long been used by companies as a measure
of their performance in developing an effective organization, this view of
employee retention is not only outdated, but these figures may not be
comprehensive enough to truly determine the organization's effectiveness.
The concept of employee retention is more complex than simply evaluating
employee turnover from one year to the next. These figures of employee retention

can be somewhat misleading it isn't necessarily the number of employees an

organization loses, it's the number of top-performing employees that leave the
company that should be of concern. For example, management is one of the key
reasons employees decide to stay or leave an organization. If there is high turnover
among the management ranks, employees may also feel unstable in this everchanging environment. Yet, on the other hand, it may not be the best business









The business strategy of employee retention actually lies with employee

engagement; retention is an outcome of engagement. What most organizations fail
to realize is that employee engagement is the biggest retention factor they have
control over. Engaged employees not only stay longer with the organization, they
are more productive, more conscientious, make fewer errors, and take better care
of customers. The business strategy of employee retention must incorporate
methods that achieve a high level of employee engagement among the
organization's top performers, not necessarily the entire workforce.




oThe sample size was confined to 25 employees so this study cannot be
regarded as full proof one.
oSome respondents hesitated to give to give actual responses ; they feared that
it wont be kept confidential & management may take any action against
oFew employees were not taking interest in filling the questionnaires.
oAs seen few of them do not take part in engagement activities.
oThe findings and conclusions are based on knowledge and experience of the
respondents sometime may subject to bias.

Access -- if your study depends on having access to people, organizations,

or documents and, for whatever reason, access is denied or otherwise limited, the
reasons for this need to be described.

Longitudinal effects -- unlike your professor, who can literally devote

years [even a lifetime] to studying a single research problem, the time available to
investigate a research problem and to measure change or stability within a sample
is constrained by the due date of your assignment. Be sure to choose a topic that
does not require an excessive amount of time to complete the literature review,
apply the methodology, and gather and interpret the results. If you're unsure, talk to
your professor.

Cultural and other type of bias -- we all have biases, whether we are

conscience of them or not. Bias is when a person, place, or thing is viewed or

shown in a consistently inaccurate way. It is usually negative, though one can have
a positive bias as well. When proof-reading your paper, be especially critical in

reviewing how you have stated a problem, selected the data to be studied, what
may have been omitted, the manner in which you have ordered events, people, or
places and how you have chosen to represent a person, place, or thing, to name a
phenomenon, or to use possible words with a positive or negative connotation.
Note that if you detect bias in prior research, it must be acknowledged and you
should explain what measures were taken to avoid perpetuating bias.

Fluency in a language -- if your research focuses on measuring the

perceived value of after-school tutoring among Mexican-American ESL [English

as a Second Language] students, for example, and you are not fluent in Spanish,
you are limited in being able to read and interpret Spanish language research
studies on the topic. This deficiency should be acknowledged.

Sample size -- the number of the units of analysis you use in your study is

dictated by the type of research problem you are investigating. Note that, if your
sample size is too small, it will be difficult to find significant relationships from the
data, as statistical tests normally require a larger sample size to ensure a
representative distribution of the population and to be considered representative of
groups of people to whom results will be generalized or transferred.

Lack of available and/or reliable data -- a lack of data or of reliable data

will likely require you to limit the scope of your analysis, the size of your sample,
or it can be a significant obstacle in finding a trend and a meaningful relationship.
You need to not only describe these limitations but to offer reasons why you
believe data is missing or is unreliable. However, dont just throw up your hands in
frustration; use this as an opportunity to describe the need for future research.


Lack of prior research studies on the topic -- citing prior research studies

forms the basis of your literature review and helps lay a foundation for
understanding the research problem you are investigating. Depending on the
currency or scope of your research topic, there may be little, if any, prior research
on your topic. Before assuming this to be true, consult with a librarian! In cases
when a librarian has confirmed that there is a lack of prior research, you may be
required to develop an entirely new research typology [for example, using an
exploratory rather than an explanatory research design]. Note that this limitation
can serve as an important opportunity to describe the need for further research.

Measure used to collect the data -- sometimes it is the case that, after

completing your interpretation of the findings, you discover that the way in which
you gathered data inhibited your ability to conduct a thorough analysis of the
results. For example, you regret not including a specific question in a survey that,
in retrospect, could have helped address a particular issue that emerged later in the
study. Acknowledge the deficiency by stating a need in future research to revise the
specific method for gathering data.

Self-reported data -- whether you are relying on pre-existing self-reported

data or you are conducting a qualitative research study and gathering the data
yourself, self-reported data is limited by the fact that it rarely can be independently
verified. In other words, you have to take what people say, whether in interviews,
focus groups, or on questionnaires, at face value.





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Dear Respondent,
As part of the partial fulfillment of the requirement for awarding the
Degree of Post graduation in MBA, a study is been carried out on the topic
Employee engagement at AIRCEL. So, in that concern, I need your kind cooperation and support with your valuable views on the topic to accomplish the
work. I assure you that all the information given by you will be kept secret and will
be used only for research purpose and not for any other matter. I shall be highly
obliged if you do the needful in this regard.
Educational qualification:-________________________

Sex: a) Male

Work experience:_____________________

Note Please tick the appropriate option

1.How do you rate AIRTEL as an Organisation?
Comfortable workplace
Learning place


b) Female

2.How do u find fun and serious engagement activities equilibrium at AIRTEL?

3.How long you are with AIRTEL?


4. How do you feel is R & R at AIRTEL?

Any suggestion


5.Are you clear about your roles and responsibilities?


6.How do you rate Engagement activities at AIRTEL out of 10?

7.what should be the frequency of evaluation of your performance ?

3 months
6 months
9 months
1 year
8. Have your boss ever appreciated you,if yes what is the frequency?if no why?

9.If you have any shortcoming or problem,how many times your immediate
supervisor helped you?

10.What are the most popular engagement activities at AIRTEL?

Skip-level meeting
One and one
Coffee with CBH
Coffee with HRM
11. Career path and developing plan has ever been discussed?


12. Which is your favourite fun activity in AIRTEL.Why?

Anniversary & Birthday celebration
Outdoor Sports Day
Yoga health secrets
Fun Friday

13. Do you think job rotation helps an employee to learn about different
department and help gain confidence and skills in the Company?
14.How often do you think Job rotation is reasonable as an employee?

15.Have you ever undergone Job enrichment process?If yes do you think that job
enrichment has a good effect on skill improvement of employee?
Yes, majorly
Yes,quite a bit
Not really
Not at all

16.What all techniques of Job enrichment is most suitable and result

oriented according to you?
Change in nature of work
Change in department of work
More work with less manpower
17.What is your overall feedback about AIRTEL,at the end of the day?
18.Does Fun at work happen regularly?

A. Strongly Disagree
B. Disagree
C. Slightly Disagree
D. Agree
E. Strongly Agree
F. No Opinion

19.Do I get Feedback regularly from my supervisor for improving my


A. Strongly Disagree
B. Disagree
C. Slightly Disagree
D. Agree
E. Strongly Agree
F. No Opinion

20.Do I feel like coming to office regularly?

A. Strongly Disagree
B. Disagree
C. Slightly Disagree
D. Agree
E. Strongly Agree
F. No Opinion

21.Do I get sufficient opportunities to improve my skills?

A. Strongly Disagree
B. Disagree
C. Slightly Disagree
D. Agree
E. Strongly Agree
F. No Opinion

22.Do I receive any recognition for my contributions in last 3 months?

A. Strongly Disagree
B. Disagree
C. Slightly Disagree
D. Agree
E. Strongly Agree
F. No Opinion

23.Are my thoughts and feelings given due respect at work place?


A. Strongly Disagree
B. Disagree
C. Slightly Disagree
D. Agree
E. Strongly Agree
F. No Opinion

24.Does my manager demonstrate a personal commitment to my continuous

learning and development?

A. Strongly Disagree
B. Disagree
C. Slightly Disagree
D. Agree
E. Strongly Agree
F. No Opinion

25.Do I get encouraged to learn from my mistakes?

A. Strongly Disagree
B. Disagree
C. Slightly Disagree
D. Agree
E. Strongly Agree
F. No Opinion


26.Do I enjoy my work?

A. Strongly Disagree
B. Disagree
C. Slightly Disagree
D. Agree
E. Strongly Agree
F. No Opinion

27.Am I aware of the career opportunities that are available to me at my


A. Strongly Disagree
B. Disagree
C. Slightly Disagree
D. Agree
E. Strongly Agree
F. No Opinion


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