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High Voltage Distribution Systems For Better Voltage Profile




1, 2, 3

B.E, 3rd year, Department of Electrical Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India

AbstractThe main objective of presenting this paper is to enlighten the importance of a High Voltage Distribution System
(HVDS) which has a better voltage profile and high quality of supply. In India, the average transmission and distribution
losses have been officially indicated as 23% of the electricity generated, because of the fact of usage of existing distribution
transformers (DTR). Energy is transformed into many intermediate stages before it reaches the consumer. The analysis of
present condition of electric supply and laying down the general outlines of the economical distribution system in order to
distribute the power safely without affecting the performance of a system is important. Hence to overcome all these
problems, implementation of high voltage distribution system is considered as the best move to enhance the performance of
distribution system.
Keywords Distribution transformer, High Voltage Distribution System, voltage profile.


transmissions and distribution networks etc.

Commercial losses or the non-technical losses are
power theft, insufficient metering and billing add
heavily to the aggregate losses.
Experience in many parts of the world
demonstrates, that it is possible to reduce the losses in
a reasonably short period of time and that such
investments have a high internal rate of return. A
clear understanding on the magnitude of technical
and commercial losses by energy auditing shall
greatly enhance the ability to curb the losses. The
low voltage distribution network is
unsuitable to cater Indian conditions, as voltage
profile is poor, losses are high and on tapes are also
high.To improve the quality of supply, one of the
recommendations is the implementation of single
phase HT distribution system with small capacity
single phase distribution transformers. Under this
system HT line i.e.,11 kV line is extended up to or
near to the load as possible and erect small capacity
distribution transformer, say 5, 10 , 15 kVA extend
supply to the consumer through a short length of LT
line preferably insulated over head cable popularly
known as Aerial Bunched Cable (ABC). The idea is
to have a LT less system or atleast Less LT system
to begin with.


Power is a critical infrastructure for the growth of

Indian economy. Acceleration in the economic
growth will depend upon a financial and
commercially viable power sector that is able to
attract fresh investments. Capacity additions in the
generation sector heavily depend on the credibility of
the off taker, the transmission and distribution
In general, electric power is generated at the
power stations which are located at the places quite
away from the consumers. It is then delivered to the
consumers through a large network of transmission
and distribution. The present day electrical power
system is Alternating Current (AC) in its nature. This
distribution system begins as the primary circuit
which leaves the sub-station and ends as the
secondary service which enters the consumers meter.
Electric power at 220 kV is transmitted by threephase, three-wire overhead system to the outskirts of
the city and this power is then received by the
primary sub-station which reduces the voltage level
further to 66 kV. This voltage is further stepped down
to 11 kV at secondary sub-station located at some
strategic points in the city. In rural areas, loads are
widely dispersed and low tension lines run for long
distances to feed a small load. Two or three low
tension spans are to be laid to fetch a load of one
pump set of 4HP and such 10 to 20 pump sets are
connected on each distribution transformer of 63
kVA or 100 kVA.
The losses in a system are due to energy
dissipated in the conductors and equipment used for
transmision, transformation, sub-transmission and
distribution of power. But the main reasons behind
the high degree of technical losses are due to
inadequate planning, unduly long LT lines against HT
(11 kV) resulting in adverse HT/LT ratios, nonoptimum location of sub-stations with total disregard
to the load centers and haphazard growth of the




The existing distribution system in India employs

large three-phase 11 kV main distribution feeders with
three-phase spur lines and three-phase distribution
transformers transforming 11 kV into 400V.
Distribution system with low voltage employs four
core cables and long low tension lines and multiple
loads fed from a bulk power transformer resulting in
the increase in system losses affecting voltage profile
and performance of distribution system [1]. Low
voltage distribution is done either by combination of
three-phase four-wire, three phase five-wire, single

Proceedings of International Academic Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, 8th Sept. 2013, Chennai, India
ISBN: 978-93-82702-28-3

High Voltage Distribution Systems For Better Voltage Profile

phase three-wire and single phase two-wire low

tension lines. This distribution system involves nearly
2:1 ratio of low and high voltage line lengths.
Generally, in the process of supplying electricity to
the consumers, energy losses occur due to technical
and commercial losses. The technical losses are
mainly caused by the energy dissipated in the
conductors and equipment used for transformation,
transmission and distribution of power. The
commercial losses are caused by errors in the meter
reading of defective meters and in the estimation of
unmetered energy supply.




Switching over to three phase High Voltage

Distribution System maintains better voltage profiles
to agricultural pump sets and reliability of supply to
the consumers in agricultural sector [3]. In HVDS,
power is distributed mainly through high voltage lines
(11 kV). This system employs the combination of 11
kV three-phase and single phase configuration of
small capacity distribution transformers (5 kVA, 10
kVA, 15 kVA) extending supply to 8 to 10 consumers
with least low tension lines, preferably insulated
overhead cable system thereby, reducing losses,
overloading, distribution transformer failure and
improving the efficiency of the system. This system
selects 10 kVA copper wound transformers with noload loss in order to provide mechanical stability to

The drawbacks of Low Voltage Distribution Systems
are as follows: (i) Higher losses, poor tail end
voltages, more fluctuations in voltage, frequent cuts,
fuse blowouts and motor burns which occur almost
twice in each cropping period of 100 days. (ii) Due to
frequent failures in distribution transformer, its
maintenance and repair requires high expenditure.
Due to delay in replacement or repair of failed
distribution transformers, there is a great loss in
standing crops. (iii) To monitor unauthorized hooking
or tapping the bare conductors of low tension (433 V)
feeder or tampered service lines is really very
difficult. (iv) In case of any failure in three-phase
large capacity distribution transformer, entire unit is to
be replaced or repaired which consumes more time.


In the following procedure Low Voltage Distribution
System is converted into High Voltage Distribution
System: HVDS is constructed by converting the
existing low tension lines to single phase, two-wire
high tension lines and replacing low tension threephase cross arm by 11 kV V-shape cross arm [4]. It
must be provided with three insulators on which the
wires are re-laid.
Replacing bare conductors by
Aerial Bunched Cable in theft prone areas can help to
eliminate power theft. New insulators and hardware
supports are erected wherever clearances are required.
Extended hardware supports that are clamped on to
the poles are provided on single pole structure. Low
tension line is cleaned and refitted using the same
poles and conductors. Each pole is earthed to provide
safety to the human being and animals. This
conversion does not involve the acquisition of any
additional land and there will not be any depletion of
cultivable or forest land as the conversion is being
done on the existing poles. Therefore, there is no
requirement of any R.O.W (Right of Way) for the
erection of lines.


The following are the reasons for technical and
commercial losses: [2] (i) Improper load management
resulting in overloading of conductors and
transformers. Also, the pumping load in rural areas
and industrial loads in urban areas result in low power
factor which in turn, increases the losses. (ii)
Inadequate investment in transmission and distribution
system in India is resulting in the overloading of the
distribution system. (iii) Undesired location of
distribution transformers increases the overall length
of distribution network causing low voltage at the
consumers point. (iv) Employment of poor
workmanship and use of inferior quality equipment in
agricultural pumping in rural areas and in industrial
loads in urban areas are some factors greatly affecting
the process of distribution network. (v) Old
equipments are not maintained, repaired and upgraded
properly. Capacitors for power factor correction are
not installed. (vi) Improper testing and calibration of
meters, changing sequence of terminal wiring and
current transformer ratio reduces the recording. After
analyzing the merits and demerits of low voltage
distribution system, it is clear that there is a great need
to curb the losses in the existing low voltage
distribution network.

The advantages of H.T. distribution compared to
conventional L.T. distribution system are as follows:
(i) The registered customers feel ownership by not
allowing others to meddle with low tension network.
Thus, the chances of running illegal motors and
unauthorized hooking of loads will be prevented. (ii)
Due to reduction in KVA capacity, voltage drop on
low voltage lines is negligible thereby, improving
voltage profile by minimizing the voltage fluctuations.
(iii) The single phase motors have built in capacitors
and their power factor is more than 0.95 causing low
energy losses. (iv) Smaller size conductors of
aluminum or high conductivity steel wire can be

Proceedings of International Academic Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, 8th Sept. 2013, Chennai, India
ISBN: 978-93-82702-28-3

High Voltage Distribution Systems For Better Voltage Profile

employed and accidents due to touching of snapped

conductors reduced as the breaker trips at substation.
(v) The faults on L.T. lines are eliminated, as L.T.
lines are with ABC. This in turn reduces the failure of
distribution transformers. (vi) In the event of failure of
distribution transformer it will effect only a small
number of ( 2 to 3) power consumers or 10 to 15
domestic consumers, whereas failure of large size
distribution transformer will effect a group of 40 to 50
power consumers or 150 to 200 domestic consumers.
Hence using HVDS, the reliability of the system can
be improved. [5]
The salient design features of the system are indicated
below: The scheme envisages running 3 phase 4 wire
11 kV line (i.e. 3 phases and one neutral) from a 33/
11 kV sub-station. 11 kV single phase 2 wire branches
are extended and one 230-0-230 V or 6.35 kV/240V
distribution transformer is erected to feed single-phase
loads [6]. Since single- phase motor capacity is
limited to 15 HP, motive power loads of above 15 HP
are given by extending main line.

Fig.1 Existing LT Distribution

The converted HVDS from LVDS is indicated in



A case study was made by considering a single feeder

of an existing Low Voltage Distribution Transformer.
The benefits that occur on account of switching on to
HVDS and the results are indicated as follows:
Following is the distribution transformer whose Low
Tension line (433V) is converted to High Tension (11
kV) i.e. the line which used to distribute power at
433V earlier (between phases) where the consumers
were tapping power, will now be supplied at 11 kV
voltage level. Near the cluster of consumers, a small
capacity transformer is erected and fed to 2 to 3
Details of cropping pattern of LVDS prior to
conversion of HVDS are shown in Table I. Particulars
of proposed HVDS system are shown in Table II.


Proposed HT Distribution

Particulars of proposed HVDS
Length of HT

1.47 kM
Length of LT
1.47 kM

6.3 kVA 2
No. of
63 kVA - 1
10 kVA 3

Particulars of the LVDS
Nature of load on
under loaded
Crop pattern
Sugarcane 90%
Length of the LT
1.47 kM
Number of pump
Connected loads
37.5 HP
Number of days
40 days
during season

For the conversion of above showed low voltage
distribution system into high voltage distribution
system, the power factor is taken as 0.78 (as
prescribed for agricultural pump sets in India). All the

The existing Low Voltage Distribution System is

shown in Fig.1.

Proceedings of International Academic Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, 8th Sept. 2013, Chennai, India
ISBN: 978-93-82702-28-3

High Voltage Distribution Systems For Better Voltage Profile

poles are equidistant from each other. The low tension

lines run for 1.47 kM with 5 number of agricultural
pump sets at different points and weasel conductors
which can resist a current of 150A and whose
resistance is 0.908 ohms/kM according to
International standards. There are 14 poles and the
distance between two consecutive poles is 0.105kM.
The study carries on for 40 days with 6 hours per day.
Determination of voltage profile for the existing
The voltage profile is determined by backward and
forward sweep method [7]. Initially the voltage at
every node is assumed to be 433V.
Step1-Backward sweep: For every iteration,
branch currents are determined from tail end loads to
origin using:
I =

The following are the benefits achieved after the

implementation of HVDS for the above considered
network: (i) Failure will be minimal because of no
over loading and no meddling of LT line. (ii) In the
event of equipment failure only 2 or 3 customers will
get affected instead of 20 to 35 customers in original
system. (iii) Accidents due to touching of snapped
conductors reduced due to the fact the breaker trips at
substation since the line is at 11 kV potential. (iv)
Less burnout of motors because of good voltage and
less fluctuations. (v)No additional generation capacity
is needed for giving new loads due to reduction in
power drawls. (v)The registered customer will feel
ownership and take responsibility and not allow others
to meddle with the LT network as the distribution
transformers may fail if it is loaded beyond its

Step2-Voltage drop in every branch is determined

from the corresponding branch current so obtained in
step1 using:
V = I *R
Step3-Forward sweep: The branch voltage near
origin is obtained from the corresponding branch
current obtained in step1 and by considering the total
load acting on the system. By considering the voltage
drops obtained in step2, the voltages in other branches
are also determined from origin to tail end loads.
Step4- The above steps are repeated until we get
constant branch voltages or with an at most difference
of 10 .
After 4th iteration the voltages obtained at the tail
ends are:
V = 395.05833V and V = 397.70472V
The drop in voltages from origin to tail ends at
section-1 and section-3 are 37.94169V and 35.2953V
Determination of voltage profile for proposed
Initially the voltage at every node is assumed to be
11kV. The voltage profile is determined by backward
and forward sweep method as explained above (step
1-4). The voltages obtained here are with respect to
primary (HV side). After 3rd iteration the voltages
obtained at the tail ends are:
V = 10998.54364V and V = 10998.63934V
A short LV line runs from the secondary of the DTR
to consumers load. Now the voltage available for the
consumers is V , where
V = KV ,
Now, V = 432.9426V and V = 432.9464V
The drop in voltages from origin to tail ends at
section-1 and section-3 are 0.0574V and 0.0536V




Based on the case study shown above, it is observed

by the implementation of HVDS, there is a
improvement of voltage profile, hence there is an

The feedback of the consumers after the conversion of

the existing LVDS into HVDS is as stated below: (i)
The motors are drawing less current and hence life
span of motor has increased. The rates of motor burns
are also reduced. (ii) The motors are running smoothly
without hissing noise. (iii) The transformer failures are
almost avoided. (v)Theft of energy is eliminated since
the consumers will not allow others to pilfer from
their Distribution Transformer. (vi) Interruptions have
been minimized and quality of supply is assured. (vii)
Due to reliability of supply two crops an year can be
raised and can increase the productivity.




HVDS has been implemented in North America where

high voltage line is extended to the load point and
supply is tapped off from three-phase high voltage
mains in the reach of the agricultural pump to serve
5HP to 7HP load provided through distribution
transformer of 10 kVA. In India, the development of
power system and voltage improvement has been
completed in Bhopal and Gwalior in 2011. Under this,
50 kM and 17 kM long low tension lines were
converted into high tension lines by installing 1500
and 800 new transformers respectively. Work of
implementing HVDS was undertaken in Moreno and
Ambah at a cost of Rs.18crore under which 1400
transformers were installed to convert low tension
lines into high tension lines. These were the measures
which were adopted to improve the viability and
efficiency of the distribution system.

Proceedings of International Academic Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, 8th Sept. 2013, Chennai, India
ISBN: 978-93-82702-28-3

High Voltage Distribution Systems For Better Voltage Profile

improvement in voltage indices too. Agricultural

pump sets are designed to operate at their maximum
efficiency at their rated voltages and rated currents. In
existing LVDS network, there has been a
considerable drop in voltages along the LT line,
thereby reducing the efficiency of the consumers
load. HVDS scheme has led to the formulation of
new strategy of energy conservation, minimization of
transmission and distribution losses by reducing the
power theft. The adoption of HVDS has been
indicated as the necessary factor in efficient energy
distribution thereby, it tackles the problems faced by
the farmers. However, the capital cost will be
marginally higher due to increase in the number of
transformers and increase the total capacity. If the
overall cost of the system is taken into account, the
HT distribution system may be economical compared
to LT distribution system. It is observed that the use
of distribution transformer of small rating for two or
three consumers has reduced the outages and power
losses. The restructuring of existing LVDS as HVDS
in agricultural field presents one of the best
technically feasible and financially viable method for
providing reliable and quality supply to consumers. It
can be safely concluded that new generation of single
phase motor pump sets which are likely to come into
the market will have better power factor, better
efficiency and equal price if not cheaper than existing
3 phase motors. Adoption of this innovative measure
has been stated to have improved the commercial and
technical performance in the particular state. The
implementation of this HVDS project opens the
avenues for the work in many other related areas.

- Current in
- Transformation ratio of transformer
- Power in
- Resistance of
- Voltage in
- Voltage drop in
- Voltage of primary w.r.t secondary
- Alternating Current
- Low Tension
- High Tension
- Distribution transformer
LVDS - Low Voltage Distribution System
HVDS - High Voltage Distribution system






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Proceedings of International Academic Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, 8th Sept. 2013, Chennai, India
ISBN: 978-93-82702-28-3

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