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Rape counts as disgusting or depraved roleplay and is not allowed on this server

. This also applies to cannibalism, Necrophilia,

Pedophilia, Bestiality and Sexual harassment. These activites are, however, allo
wed if OOC permission is given by ALL parties involved. The
roleplay must happen where it can not be interrupted by others and is not visibl
e to others. Both parties may stop the activity at any time, even
during the act. Breaking the rules regarding rape and disgusting or depraved rol
eplay will result in a permanent ban. At any time, permission
for this roleplay may also be revoked.
On this server, Robbery is allowed. However, there are some conditions. Both pla
yers must be level 3 or higher and you can only take a maximum of $500.
You may rob an unlimited amount of weapons, drugs or packages. You are allowed t
o rob those goods (the actual goods, not just the value in cash)
back IF they have been stolen from you.
It is also possible to do a bank robbery. These will always require admin consen
t and admin supervision during the act. You need to inform the admin
how and what you will be doing for the bank robbery. There also needs to be 30 P
D and/or SD online and on duty.
Scamming is also allowed. Again, with conditions.
Unless admin permission is granted beforehand, you may take a maximum of $50,00
0. Both players must be level 10 or higher.
Weapon and drug scams are allowed. House, business and vehicle scams are NOT all
owed. This includes raffles. If you have been scammed, you are allowed to
rob the money back, even if it's more than $500.
Scamming and robbing are only allowed IC, not OOC.
Breaking the rules of robbing and scamming will result in admin jail and a retur
n of all stolen/scammed goods, or a temporary ban for severe cases.
You also have the option of loaning goods and money. However, this is done at yo
ur own risk. If you loan money/goods to other people and if they run off
with it or don't return it, admins can not help you.
There are also certain areas where you may not commit any crimes/robberies. Thes
e are areas with mostly newer people. The areas are the
City Hall/Police Department in Pershing Square, the Sheriff Department in Dillim
ore, Airports, Banks (Unless performing a bank robbery is approved by an admin),
Vehicle Dealerships, Malls (only inside the gate area), All Hospitals, Fishing P
iers, PD/SD precincts across San Andreas, SACF Lobby and the Impound Lot.
Committing crimes in these areas will result in admin jail. If the criminal role
play leads to the area then you are allowed to continue.
These areas aren't meant to be OOC safezones for people that are involved in the
se types of roleplay.

I have a lot of SA-MP experience, but no SA-MP RP experience. I have, however, p
layed RP servers on other games, including Garry's Mod.

David Coleman, born and raised in the busy Liberty City was never an interesting
or unique person. He would probably be the most normal person you'd ever meet.
Nothing about him was in any way unordinary. None of his interests or life decis
ions were unpredictable. He eventually got married.
Suddenly, his wife left him. David is not used to this sudden change in his life
. For the first time in his life, he doesn't know what to do and is completely
clueless. This is taking a toll on his sanity and after countless visits to psyc
hiatrists, he decides to leave Liberty City, because it reminds him too much
of everything he used to love, of his wife, of his old life.
He arrives in Los Santos to start a new life. The moment he arrives, he starts f
orgetting his old life. 'Welcome to Los Santos', David says to himself.

Metagaming is the act of using OOC (Out-of-character) information IC (In-charact

er). This is against the rules and will be enforced with anything
from an admin jail to a ban (depending on the severity and what you have done by
metagaming). This also applies to inciting someone to metagame.
Example: Dave_Johnson PMs David_Coleman OOCly he's carrying more than $500 and D
avid_Coleman uses this information to rob him.
Powergaming is doing things in the game that aren't realistic or humanly possibl
e in the real world,
forcing roleplay to someone else and/or making up situations which
only benefits your character without roleplaying the negative effects, e.g. Bunn
y hopping, DM'ing, ninja jacking, ...
Also, it's doing things like "/me kicks Dave_Johnson on the floor and he can't m
ove anymore."
You outplay the other player in an unfair way which is not realistic and non-RP.
Example: David_Coleman keeps running from the cops without eventually be fatigue

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