Scroll A Listview Control

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Scroll a Listview Control - sybase.powerbuilder.objects

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Scroll a Listview Control

Is there any way to scroll a listview control to a selected item?

I use:
li_index = lv_list.FindItem(0,ls_name,FALSE,FALSE)
If li_index > 0 Then
lv_list.GetItem(li_index, l_lvitem)
l_lvitem.HasFocus = TRUE
l_lvitem.Selected = TRUE
End If
And the item is selected, but I have to scroll manually to find the row.


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Scroll a Listview Control - sybase.powerbuilder.objects

constant int LVM_FIRST = 4096
Send(Handle(lv_list),LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE ,li_index,0)
this code works fine for me.
H. Rivera <> wrote in message
> Is there any way to scroll a listview control to a selected item?
> I use:
> li_index = lv_list.FindItem(0,ls_name,FALSE,FALSE)
> If li_index > 0 Then
lv_list.GetItem(li_index, l_lvitem)
l_lvitem.HasFocus = TRUE
l_lvitem.Selected = TRUE
> End If
> And the item is selected, but I have to scroll manually to find the row.
> Thanks.






Scroll a Listview Control - sybase.powerbuilder.objects

constant int LVM_FIRST = 4096
Send(Handle(lv_list),LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE ,li_index,0)
this code works fine for me.
H. Rivera <> wrote in message
> Is there any way to scroll a listview control to a selected item?
> I use:
> li_index = lv_list.FindItem(0,ls_name,FALSE,FALSE)
> If li_index > 0 Then
lv_list.GetItem(li_index, l_lvitem)
l_lvitem.HasFocus = TRUE
l_lvitem.Selected = TRUE
> End If
> And the item is selected, but I have to scroll manually to find the row.
> Thanks.






Scroll a Listview Control - sybase.powerbuilder.objects

It' works!!!
Thanks a lot.
(There sould be something for ListViews like the SetTop() function for a



Hi Amit,
I added the code you mentioned and it didn't seem to work for me. I have
the same code that H. Rivera had tried and added your code to the bottom of
Before I could just press the up/down arrow and get the item above or below
the one selected. With your code in there I don't get anything close to the
Any suggestions?
Scott<"Amit" <> wrote in message
> Try:
> constant int LVM_FIRST = 4096
> constant int LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE = LVM_FIRST + 19
> Send(Handle(lv_list),LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE ,li_index,0)
> this code works fine for me.
> Amit
> H. Rivera <> wrote in message
> news:gXu##zf2$
> > Is there any way to scroll a listview control to a selected item?
> > I use:





Scroll a Listview Control - sybase.powerbuilder.objects

li_index = lv_list.FindItem(0,ls_name,FALSE,FALSE)
If li_index > 0 Then
lv_list.GetItem(li_index, l_lvitem)
l_lvitem.HasFocus = TRUE
l_lvitem.Selected = TRUE
End If
And the item is selected, but I have to scroll manually to find the row.




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Scroll a Listview Control - sybase.powerbuilder.objects

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Thanks in advance! --Brian I don't have an answer to your question but please post only once. Thanks... -- Larry
Cermak [Team Sybase] Branick Consulting, Inc. EAServer & PowerBuilder Consulting &
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Scroll a Listview Control - sybase.powerbuilder.objects

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Osama Diab ...



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