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Interview with Executive Director Sammy Balinhawang

Imugan is sitiated in the Caraballo Mountain near Cordillera.

Ikalahan is adapted by UP Institute of
Map details:
o Dark blue areas conservation areas initiated by the community
o Light gren pine forests, vegetative, and pasture area
o Pink agricultural areas
o Orange a&d areas
o Yellow settlement areas
o Blue forest area and watershed sanctuaries
o Dark green watershed sanctuaries
They have been awarded new ancestral domain area; they already applied to convert their CADT
into CADC.
2004 ASDPP started. 700 families under 6 barangays were under KEF
2007 it was formally adapted by the community
They established KEF so the young ones can study. They noted that most Kalahans are being
bullied in the lowlands.
KEF started in the struggle against claiming of lands/rights. They applied for title (titulo ng lupa)
but the government would not permit them. The mayor and local DENR were against it because
they were able to tax them before. But since they had settlement rights, the government were
unable to control them.
MID 60s, upper part of the Ikalahan was supposed to be declared as Marcos City (the vegetation
side of the area) but they fought agains it by filing appeal to the Court. They are supposed to ask
for claiming the land (16,000 ha) but they were given more than they requested for.
1974 they patterned their MOA #1 after ISF. Before it expired, they were given CADC. Then it
was transformed into CADT.
Before 1980s, Ikalahan site was a grassland.
They also extremely cut the forests because they were against the BFD. Then they started KEF as
a means to organize communities by highlighting the environment aspect more than the
livelihood. But, the thrusts of KEF is livelihood, education (high school), and forestation.
Mangyans and other IPs (even from Mindoro) also study in their high school.
DepEd has no control over the KEF since it understood the need of the community for IP
education. Before, DepEd strictly watch over them; thus they insert IP education alongside the
subjects they teach.
Rights in the Watershed: the land and its resources belong to the Ikalahan community. Kaingin is
not prohibited.
Responsibility: protect the watershed
Challenge: Maintain the forests while doing livelihood activity. They are limited to conduct
livelihood activity because their agricultural areas were limited.
They also regulate culling the forests and cutting the trees under their resource use and
utilization plan. They are also allowed to cut timber and use it either for household use or selling

in the market. The size of timber they are allowed to get depends on the dimension of their
houses. But before that, they had to submit files and requirements to their foundation.

They employ Forestry Improvement Technology initiated by Pastor Rice.

In 1994, they started explored carbon sequestration opportunities through REDD even before
REDD+ became mainstream in 2006(?). They are doing it every three years but they lacked funds
so it became unsustainable. 2011 was their last carbon sequestration measurement. Mr. Sam
also noted that CS stopped when Pastor Rice died since it is only the latter who knew how to
compute CS.
They also use basic analysis of biodiversity resources every year so they can present scientific
data to visitors.
They also maintain plant nurseries and conduct reforestation and forest enrichment activities.
They also plant alnus for possible timber harvesting activities.
They also teach the youth their culture (specifically, dancing) to strengthen the community and
maintain its solidarity. They also teach them the research publications of Pastor Rice for
continuity management.
They have to secure PES so they can
o Escape from poverty
o Afford to protect the forests
o Expand their forests
o Restore wildlife
o Provide health services
o Provide appropriate education
Mitsubishi Company and an Australian Companu offered them package of technology but they
did not accept it
They had merit system where they award barangays with minimal or non-at-all forest fire. They
also award barangays with diverse food supply (has vegetable, fish, etc in their backyards) for
self-sufficiency. They did this to maintain ecological attitude of the people. It stopped for some
time but they are also planning to do it again.
They also continually produce IEC and advocacy.
They harvest wild fruits such as guava, dagwey, and gumamela and make it jams sold for PhP40.
They market it in Rustans and SM. They also plant citrus in barren areas. They plant orchids in
the backyard forests and they were not allowed to take orchids in directly sell it in the market.
Instead, they have to propagate it; then they will be allowed to sell it. Another is growing shitake
mushroom for PhP200/kilo. Shitake mushroom was introduced to them by the Japanese who
also provided them opportunity to study in Japan.
Pastor Rice also developed technology in making jams and other food products from passion
fruit, guava, damsey, and bignay.
Since sayote is their major food crop, they massively produce it. However, they noted that some
parts of the forests (especially with the mossy forests) were full of sayote and it becomes risk for
landslide since the lands where sayote is planted absorbs water.


They also work with DTI for technology innovation. DTI made a proposal for them regarding
improving their jam-making but they cannot afford it due to lack of funds.
They are planning to work with DOST as soon as they finish their strategic plan.
They also worked with the Philippine ICCA Conservation
They also work with KASAPI (Katutubong Samahan sa Pilipinas)
They also work with ICC Development Foundation to network with other colleges. They choose
courses for the students that cannot enable them to study abroad so they can serve KEF.
They had problems before with NCIP but upon resolving the issue, the former supported their


They are planning to measure underground delineation of the sanctuary.

They also consider DPWHs road construction as a major problem since it might open up their
community from the outsiders.
Encounter financial instability and resource mobilization. The initial step they made to counter
the problem is signing their small grant with UNDP-SGP
They are also currently making proposals with the help of PAFID for further project initiatives
aimed at improving their forests.
Agenda (there were already initiatives for this but was not updated):
o Document wildlife and resource identification
o Economic valuation of forest resources
o Social enterprise

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