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United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste

Issue No 103
16 Nov 2009

Timor-Leste says no to violence against women

President Jose Ramos The postcards will be circulated throughout
Horta, Prime Minister Timor-Leste so Timorese people have
Xanana Gusmao, President the opportunity to express their feelings,
of the Parliament opposition, and hopes for change on the
Fernando Lasama de
issue of domestic violence. The campaign
Araujo and the Minister
for Social Solidarity, Maria will raise awareness that domestic violence
Domingas Alves, among is a crime, featuring for the first time in the
other notables, launched penal code. It also promotes the approval
a joint campaign to com- of the Law against Domestic Violence,
bat domestic violence. which has been passed by the Council of
» UN Photo/Antoninho Bernardino Each signed and wrote Ministers but yet to be debated in National
Launch of the postcard campaign tackling violence against women. individual messages on
postcards proclaiming

inging, dancing, flower petals casca- “Domestic Violence is now a public crime.
Despite the inspiring stories of many
ding into the warm sea and an Anyone can report it. You could go to jail.”
unveiled painting ensured that Timor- women woven into Timorese history,
Leste’s National Women’s Day, November The postcard campaign tackling domestic violence is prevalent. Many
3rd 2009, was marked with creativity, violence against women is part of the women reportedly live with, or with the
color and flair. Approximately 300 people United Nation’s efforts to achieve the threat of, physical abuse. A 2003 study by
attended the celebrations, honoring Millennium Development Goals in Timor- the International Rescue Committee found
Timorese women’s role in the history of Leste. Spearheaded by UNIFEM, the that 51% of women consulted felt unsafe
joint campaign is a combined effort of
the country, from their involvement in the in their relationship with their husband.
struggle to independence to their work the Spanish MDG Achievement Fund.
rebuilding the nation. The Secretariat for the Promotion of The postcards are part of a larger public
Equality (SEPI), the National Police of education strategy concerning the legal
In the midst of the celebrations, the current Timor-Leste (PNTL) and a variety of
status of domestic violence, with a media
challenges women face were not forgotten. Timorese NGOs led by FOKUPERS are also
Vows to end violence against women were instrumental in ensuring the campaign’s publicity campaign to be launched in
made by dignitaries and attendees alike. success. Oecussi on November 24th.

WFP nutrition
Youth Congress in Fohorem, training in Baucau
he World Food Programme (WFP)
and the Ministry of Health (MoH)

ver four hundred (400) young conducted training on basic nutri-
people attended recently a Youth tion for mother and child health, on 28 and
Congress in Fohorem, Covalima, 29 October in Baucau. Attendees included
to discuss culture, peace and human staff from Baucau district nutrition
rights issues. The ‘Consuelo Pastoral’, a programme, Ministry of Health
Church organization, together with the representatives as well as WFP food aid
community Priest Justino Galvao, chief monitors. The topics discussed included
of the congress committee, organized types and causes of malnutrition, as
the event. He said: “the objectives of the well as the objective of Supplementary
congress are to consider the future of Feeding Program, aimed at preventing
» UN Photo/Domingos da Costa
our young generations and to promote Youth congress in Fohorem, Covalima.
and reducing malnutrition.
a culture of peace and human rights. Our
youths are the bone of our churh, our Angela da Costa Gusmao, a participant
family and our nation”. with others and find solutions to solve in the training, said: “during two days we
problems instead of fighting”. He added have received lots of new information. I
Herculano Oliveira Amaral, a secondary that both young men and women have did not have any knowledge of nutrition,
school student in Fohorem, said: “the the same responsibility to build peace in now I can improve my capability to work
congress taught me to be patient Timor-Leste. in the field”. Not official document – for information only.

More capacity in place to
tackle malaria in Timor-Leste
he fight against malaria, a disease how malaria was transmitted, how to
without borders, has recently carry out proper diagnosis and treatment
received a boost in Timor-Leste. as well as the effective management of » UN Photo/Martine Perret
Protect your life by using mosquito net.
Today, with an additional 62 personnel mosquitoes.
recruited to work in the country’s malaria
control programme, districts and sub- In addition, 80 existing analysts with the “Malaria is a preventable disease and
districts will have more resources to tackle malaria control programme attended a sleeping under a long-lasting insecticidal
this disease. two-week refresher training session on net is one way of avoiding it. It is also
malaria microscopy to further improve curable, but those on medication must
“The control programme was not as their diagnostic capabilities. complete the entire course in order to
effective until now due to a lack of human recover completely,” said Dr Paramita
resources but today we are more confident This is just the first of many crucial Sudharto, the World Health Organization’s
that with these regional malaria officers interventions taken by the Ministry of
representative in Timor-Leste.
and the assistants on board, we will have Health, with the financial assistance of The
the basic tools to carry out an effective Global Fund and technical expertise of
Malaria thrives in coastal landscapes
control programme in the districts,” said the World Health Organization, to address
Dr Nelson Martin, Minister of Health. the country’s Malaria situation. There are and forested areas. It particularly affects
annually over 100,000 reported cases of pregnant women, children, remote
These individuals received an intensive Malaria, mostly affecting children under groups, urban poor, mobile populations,
month long training where they learned five. young adults and border communities.

UN seeks global attention for

over the longer-term. This is compounded
by the problems associated with rapid
population growth.
Timor-Leste’s food security needs Following the outbreak of the Global Crisis
in 2008, Timor-Leste was seen as one of

ncreasing food productivity through elements of the government have to work the countries facing significant challenges
the application of better seeds and together to resolve the underlying issues,” in terms of food security. It is one of 15
fertilizers coupled with diversification of he said, describing as “fundamental” the vulnerable countries worldwide visited by
agricultural systems and adoption of new development of the agro-livestock and the HLTF and the recommendations of the
nutrition and farming methods provide the fisheries area as the country moves to expert are important because they will put
key to meeting Timor-Leste’s food security diversify its economy. While the country Timor-Leste on the map of food security,
needs and improving the welfare of the has a niche market in its coffee, other creating a better global understanding of
country’s poor, a UN expert has said. products like cocoa, cloves and copra also the situation in the country.
have great potential in the country.
Concluding a seven-day mission to Established in April 2008, the HLTF is
Timor-Leste on 14 November 2009, Mr. Praising the work of the United Nations under the leadership of the UN Secretary-
Stephen Jarrett, Principal Adviser of the Country Team (UNCT) in Timor-Leste, the General. It brings together the Heads of
Coordination Team of the UN High Level Adviser described the United Nations the UN specialized agencies, funds and
Task Force (HLTF) on the Global Food Development Assistance Framework programmes, as well as relevant parts
Security Crisis said, however that in the 2009-2013 as a “compact and smart of the UN Secretariat, the World Bank,
short-term, there’s need to search for what strategy” which “hits the nail on the head” the International Monetary Fund, the
he termed as “quick wins” in ensuring by addressing the core issues facing the Organization for Economic Cooperation
food security such as installing a solo for country. “UN has had an important role and Development and the World Trade
every household to store food, rain water- and will continue to have an important Organization. The primary aim of the Task
harvesting as well as providing extension role in the future of Timor-Leste.” Force is to promote a comprehensive
workers with the skills, tools and resources and unified response to the challenge of
to do their work effectively. As a post-conflict country, Timor-Leste achieving global food security, including
remains a low-income, low-capacity by facilitating the creation of a prioritized
Food security in the country, he said, entails country and therefore the international plan of action and coordinating its
“a complex set of aspects where different community has to support the country implementation Not official document – for information only.

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