Patton Report 45

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C 45


C) 1976 Patton, Inc.

We are now well into the evolution in fire safety tech- When the protected core is arranged so that it is pressurized
nology, which I have been promoting these very many years. when fire occurs, then there are two positive results. One is
One thing is certain, the transition is in process and is that the protected core on the fire floor is held smoke-free and
irreversible. The 21st Century building will be dramatically therefore a person is safe (for a period of time) as soon as he
different from the 20th Century building and it will be the enters the core. The second advantage is that by keeping
control of fire that will produce the greatest liberating effect. smoke out of the core, smoke is also kept out of the elevator
In this report I suggest early revisions that are practical and and stairway shafts'. The supply and escape routes are main-
that should be useful during the transition in fire safety as we tained clear and elevator and stair shafts do not carry the
phase out some of the old ways and substitute new and better smoke to the above floors.
ways. We are slowly phasing out the total reliance on compart- Many codes are now beginning to require such safety cores
ments and the "get out of the building to be safe" methods. (or else require each floor to be subdivided into two fire zones
Greater emphasis is being placed on the new concepts of with a stairway in each zone, which is equally costly but not as
detecting and terminating fire in its incipient stage (so that advantageous). These new requirements are resulting in fire
people remain safely where they are and not be forced to rated shafts being enclosed within a larger fire rated shaft
flee). (central core). As an alternate to the above I propose the
The "Safety Core Building" as described below will be a "Safety Core" Building.
structure that is both more economical and more safe than
present high rises.
The normal high rise contains a considerable number of fire TVPIC AL FLOOR PLAN
rated shafts. (PRESENT IIESI6N)
These include elevator, stairway and various mechanical and
electrical shafts. Each is separately enclosed and fire rated. \IIMONIMINNIM11111■111•1111\11■1■101■11r

These shafts are supply lines for people, electricity, water,

air and supplies. They are vertical routes in a structure that is
fire compartmented on a floor-by-floor basis. Therefore, each
shaft must also be fire enclosed or else it would represent a
"hole" in the fire rated floor.
In recent years there has been a tendency to group all these
shafts in the "central core" and to enclose the central core
with partitions. Sometimes the enclosing partitions are not fire
rated but are considred "smoke stop partitions." Sometimes
the enclosing partitions are slab-to-slab fire partitions. Either
way the central core is cut off from the rest of the floor. The
occupant in the protected zone thus has a fire or smoke barrier
between him and the rest of the floor, and therefore has a
more reasonable time to escape. Even if the core wall is not
specifically fire rated, chances are the early fire will not be
directly exposing the wall. Thus, early fire penetration of the
core wall is unlikely to occur regardless of whether the wall is E. ELEvA-roR
specifically rated or not. ES. ELEcTRIcAL SHAF1
The Seattle Federal Building is an example of a central core M.S MscHANicAL SHAFT
building (See illustration No. 1). Note how the entire central M. ME' S. REsTe0o11
u)o mE) 3'S eEST,E00
core is enclosed. This core is essentially free of combustibles, T. TRASH- ROOM
hence a serious fire within the core itself is extremely improb-
able, especially when the core itself is also sprinklered). Illustration 1
The basic idea of the proposed "Safety Core Building" is to Core wall shall be rated one-half hour. Shaft wall shall be rated
gain the advantage of the isolated core — but eliminate one-half hour. Entire building shall be sprinklered. Safety Core
redundancies so the total cost of construction is reduced. shall be automatically pressurized in event of fire. Floor-to-
floor (direct) fire rating shall remain at two hours.
FIRE SAFETY MUST BE Note that the actual fire rating from the use area (tenant
ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE area) to the shaft interior will exceed one hour as twr
separated one-half hour walls represents more than a one-how
It is my belief that the cost of fire safety in the high rise is
rating. But, the construction costs of the shaft walls will be
already excessive and that the practice that has emerged in
very significantly reduced. The fire loading (amount of com-
recent years of simply writing more and more fire regulations
bustibles) in a high rise office build usually is only one hour,
each year, year in and year out, is producing a situation where
new construction is being curtailed. Therefore, I propose that
as we develop more advanced concepts of fire safety, we try, The safety core wall itself is an increase in cost (but it is
already in some codes) but the reduction in fire rating of the
in a practical manner, to keep total fire safety costs at a
reasonable level. Also, as we crank in new fire safety methods shaft walls is a very significant economy. Yet, the total
building is tremendously more safe.
we must review the existing requirements to eliminate redun-
dancies. In this spirit we propose here a revised concept of a The direct floor-to-floor rating will be two hours. The
protected core which I will call a "Safety Core" building. floor-to-floor rating via the shafts will be at least two hours.
Instead of one forty-five minute door between the fire and the
THE SAFETY CORE BUILDING stairs, there will be two barriers, with a smoke-free zone
The "Safety Core" building will begin with the basic idea of
the central core building That is, all the vertical transpor- TOWARD A COMMON SENSE EXIT
tation and equipment shafts will be concentrated in one area.
Let's face it! The old high rise stairway concept is not an
This core area will be enclosed by a slab-to-slab fire rated wall.
ideal solution. Say, the building is fifty stories high. The
The core area will also be pressurized under fire conditions so
second floor might be completely open. A fire on the second
that there will be a fire and smoke-free zone surrounding the
floor could immediately and directly expose the stairway
door. Fire pressures combined with the stack affect could
Also, the entire building will be protected with a Life
i mmediately push smoke into the stairway. If that's not
Safety Fire Sprinkler System. This new building will be
enough, the "walk-down" time could exceed the "burn thru"
somewhere between 100 and 1000 times more safe from fire
ti me of the door. In much less time than it takes an old lady to
as the older fire resistive buildings (see Patton Report 42 for
walk down forty floors, the stair shaft at the fire floor coulr'
probability analysis). Since the old high rise has been a
become completely untenable.
remarkably fire safe building, the Safety Core Building will
The sad fact is that with or without a fire — a stairway is
have extremely close to a zero probability of a multiple loss of
not a viable exit in a very tall building. Even if it is not
life fire.
blocked by fire or smoke, a stairway is a "coronary" exit.
Now, having added in close to ultimate fire safety, the next
There is only one practical exit for the high rise. It is the
question is what can be done in order to:
elevator. But, the elevator has been emotionally labeled
1. Make the Safety Core Building more economical
"dangerous" and codes were written to take it out of use when
to construct than the older high rise?
fire occurs.
2. What can be done to give the Safety Core Building
In the Safety Core Building it will be possible to reverse
a better "pay-out" on invested capital?
this. The elevators will be doubly protected and will be
The Safety Core Building is intended to be a safer pressurized (smoke free) as well.
building, a less costly building and a building that will provide,
So, instead of having two exposed stair shafts, the Safety
on the average, a better capital return per building size.
Core Building will have one well protected stairway and a
protected bank of elevators.
Most existing high rise buildings have a two hour floor-to- THE ATRIUM CORE (AN OPTION)
floor fire resistance rating. This is a direct "thru-the-floor" The Safety Core will be fire isolated from the rentable
rating. The thru-the-shaft fire ratings, however, have been areas. The fire potential (fire loading) will be concentrated in
inconsistent. the rentable areas. The Safety Core itself will have a very low
Presently accepted fire safety theory holds that the shaft order of combustibles and will be sprinklered as well. Thus,
rating need only be one-half the floor-to-floor rating. Why? the Safety Core will have essentially a zero fire potential.
Because for fire to progress from the fifth floor to the sixth There must be some combustibles within utility shafts. But, it
floor via a shaft it must first defeat the shaft wall on the fifth, so, the interior fire rating of the shaft shall be in excess of the
then go up the shaft to the sixth and then defeat the sixth internal fire load. This will isolate the hazard from the Safety
floor shaft wall to spread out onto the sixth. Core. Thus, the Safety Core will be a fire free and a fire safe
Based on this reasoning, stairway doors were often roughly zone.
rated only 45 minutes (solid core) or actually rated one hour Within the Safety Core some relaxation in floor penetrh—
(labeled), or sometimes one and one-half hours. The shaft wall tions will be allowable and aften desirable. A three floor open
was rated two hours, which was a wall overdesign of at least zone within the core will not be objectionable. This would
one and one-quarter hours if the door was solid core wood. allow a 30 ft. high atrium to serve three adjoining 10 ft. high
In the Safety Core Building we recommend the following: floors. The elevators could stop at the mid-floor with short
open stairways to the levels above and below. Two central
wash rooms could serve three floors.

l N
The Safety Core Atrium would allow dramatic architectural FETY Goe. E)
variations that could transfer our present drab and mono-
tonous high rise buildings into more exciting structures.
At both the roof and floor of a three story Safety Core

Atrium, there would be a two hour fire separation to the next C-7 • H.g'.
atrium, whether above or below. With this arrangement, the (17
E s.
stairway would be open within the three floor atrium, but
other shafts, including elevator and utility shafts, would
remain enclosed with at least a twenty-minute fire rating. The
core wall around the atrium would have to have a rating of at
least one hour.


The amount of rentable area that is achieved in design is 5
critically important. If investors cannot make profits from M.
their investments, they do not invest, and buildings do not get
Stairways are generally useless in a high rise. The myth that E. E LE VATop
stairways make good exitways in a high rise is slow to die, but ES. EL.ccTRIcAt- St4AFT
the facts are otherwise. Because elevators will be within the MS. MEGp-IANicAL SHAFT
Safety Core they will operate safely. It is essential that
elevators be recognized as the only practical and safe exit for a T. TRASH Rootl
high rise.
In illustration No. 2 we maintain one stairway within the Illustration 2
core and in this instance we show it at an enclosed stairway.
We eliminate one stairway and unnecessary corridors in order
to improve the rentable area.
4. Eliminate the new and dangerous elevator con-
Except for the safety core wall and shaft walls, all fire
trols. Eliminate the smoke detectors. Eliminate the
ssistance ratings pertaining to "public corridors" and other
fire alarm system except for the sprinkler super-
--dartitioning regulations should be removed from the codes.
visory system. Recognize the fact that people use
This will allow an "open" plan without restriction in buildings
protected with Life Safety Sprinkler Systems. Also, very telephones — not alarm pull stations — to report
restrictive "dead end corridor" restrictions can be further fire. Eliminate the extinguishers but include small
liberalized in fully sprinklered buildings. This is another way hose (5/8") off the sprinkler system.
to eliminate "dead" (non-rentable) space in the high rise. 5. Eliminate code requirements for "public cor-
ridors" and liberalize the "dead end" corridor
The basic intent is to improve safety and also i mprove the 6. Include a very si mple and inexpensive (core only)
cost picture. Further, the intent is to reverse the tide of PA system.
"nuisance" or "garbage" type code provisions that are "nickel 7. Reverse the tide of nuisance type but costly fire
and diming" the builder to death. These include hose and regulations.
standpipe as well as estinguishers, oversized sprinkler systems 8. Eliminate fire ratings in excess of two hours in the
and uneconomical sprinkler coverage, secondary water sup- high rise (much savings).
plies, too large pumps, smoke detectors ad infinitum, elevator 9. Greatly liberalize the height and area tables for
controls, bells, gongs, public address systems, emergency sprinkler protected combustible construction.
power, elevator controls, materials controls, controls on fur- 10. Declare null and void all fire codes and standards
nishings, controls on wiring, special electrical boxes for floor that are produced by committees with more than
penetrations, restrictions on cable runs, redundancies in fire- 20% voting representation by those who have a
proofing, and every other thing that a special interest group direct financial interest in the produced code.
can conceive of and work into the codes to sell its products. (Some presently have well above 50% representa-
Here we propose a simple but effective plan which includes tion by the profit makers)
all of the following: If we do the above, I anticipate at least a $2.00 to $5.00
1. The safety core principle. The cost of the core per sq. ft. reduction in construction costs, and a high rise that
wall is offset by reductions in cost of the shaft is more than one hundred times more safe than the already
walls (including doors and in elevator doors). extremely safe high rise. In the Seatle Federal Building the
2. A complete low cost sprinkler system thruout, Safety Core design would have reduced the core wall length by
with frills and redundancies removed. 16,000 ft., shaft wall construction would have been more
3. Eliminate one stairway with great savings, and an economical, 279 doors would have had a reduced fire rating,
i mproved rentable area. Recognize the elevator as and the gain in rentable area would have been 27,000 square
the primary exit. feet.

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