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There are few subjects upon which all fire protec- from a given fuel will vary depending on the level
tion engineers can agree today. Perhaps one is that of oxygen and temperatures involved.
it is smoke, not fire itself, that is responsible for
most fire deaths in buildings. But having agreed to But this is only the beginning of the complexity.
this, most fire protection engineers then im- Man himself is a variable. Sume are much more
mediately disagree on what measures are necessary tolerant to smoke than others.
to solve the smoke problem.
Now let's talk about synergistic effects. Two gases
Here I will discuss five solutions to the problem in combination can be more deadly than either
that have been proposed by various authorities over singly. Put a half a dozen deadly gases together and
recent years. what do you have? A problem, for sure. Now add
heat, which in itself can be deadly. And now add
THE "MORE RESEARCH" SOLUTION panic which all by itself can tremendously affect
There are those who argue that it is first necessary human reactions. And let us not forget that smoke
to increase our knowledge of combustion products can blind and disorient a person. Consider all these
and their effect on humans before we can intelli- factors and it's plain to see that smoke represents
gently cope with the problem. These gentlemen one fantastically complex problem.
certainly have some persuasive arguments on their
side. Let's listen to a few of them. Some of our researchers are very quick to point
out there has been remarkably little research into
Smoke is a complex mixture of combustion pro- combustion products and their accumulative affect
ducts. Aside from carbon monoxide, which we all on man. "How can we even begin to find solutions
know is a killer, smoke can contain a variety of to fire", they ask, "until we first find out more
other deadly gases including hydrogen chloride, about smoke, and man's tolerance to smoke and
ammonia, carbon dioxide, hydrogen cyanide, heat?". So the first road to smoke control is to
phosgene, chlorine, hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen spend more money and time researching combus-
sulfide, and various oxides of nitrogen, just to tion products and their effects on man.
name a few. Many are unusually deadly, HCN,
for example can be rapidly fatal in concentrations But my reaction to this proposed solution is —
as low as 0.01 percent (100 ppm). Further, such HOGWASH.
deadly gases can be produced by many common
materials such as paint, leather, wool, silk, rubber, Smoke, and man's tolerance to smoke, are such
and even sawdust. complex matters that I am sure we could take
50 million dollars and 500 researchers, and give
The composition of the combustion gas mixturewill them all of the analyzers and computers they can
vary depending upon the materials burning. Since handle, and all the things they want to burn, and at
the variety of materials that can be involved in a the end of five years of fire testing they would have
fire are infinite, there is no limit to the combina- five warehouses full of computer tapes and they
tion of gases that can kill. But what complicates would be further from a solution to the fire problem
things even more is that the combustion products than when they started out.
Few researchers are oriented to produce solutions. What worries me the most about this simplistic
Most are oriented to produce reasons for further plan to solve the smoke problem by regulating the
research. character of the interior furnishings is that it is so
si milar to that other plan to eliminate fire by
I do believe that additional knowledge of the com- regulating the structural shell. Those who think
bustion process will eventually prove beneficial, they can build a fireproof building are also inclined
but we cannot sit on this fire problem pending to believe they can produce a nonbumable interior.
further revelations from the ivory tower boys. For
the moment we know all we really need to know The lure of the nontoxic smoke and the non-
about smoke — it kills. Let's move on. hazardous combustible could lead us on another
wild goose chase.
Perhaps the most simplistic solution to the smoke
problem being proposed today is the suggestion Traditionally buildings have been compartmented
that we prohibit from public buildings those into fire resistive sections in order to trap and
materials that produce unusually toxic gases. contain a fire in one section.

On the surface this is such a nice clean solution that As pointed out in Patton Report No. 24, these
it is attractive to many people. All we have to do is supposedly fire tight compartments really are not
eliminate certain plastics and other nasty combus- smoketight.
tibles and everything will be O.K., they reason.
But it's not that easy. For example, when a major fire burned on the
fifth floor of a modern New York City high rise
The truth of the matter is that there are three smoke spread throughout all of the upper floors in
components of cumbustion gases that are uni- the 47-story structure.
versally present, and which together represent
probably 95% to 98% of the problem. They are: There are many schemes at present to improve the
a) Carbon Monoxide, which dulls the senses and smoke containment capabilities of the fire compart-
kills. ments aridtoT evacuate-the-Make-.
b) Heat
c) Suspended particulate matter (both solids and Some of the plans are:
condensed vapors) that reduces vision, irritates 1. Pressurize stairways and elevator shafts to keep
the eyes, damages respiratory passages, and them smoke free.
causes panic. 2. Use stairways and elevator shafts as smoke
exhaust channels (a highly questionable solu-
You don't have a fire without producing these tion).
problems. And with these problems, you really 3. Use air handling systems as smoke removal
don't need the exotic combustion gases to cause systems.
death. The elimination of certain plastics and other 4. Have special knockout windows in high rise
special combustibles will have only a modest affect 5. Program air handling systems to surround a fire
on the overall smoke problem. with high pressure zones to contain the smoke.
6. Install smoke partitions and close doors with
Now I am not saying that there aren't some
materials that are so unusually dangerous that they smoke detectors.
should be prohibited. But I am saying that this is I believe some of these plans do have some useful
only a small piece of the problem. application in buildings. To some degree smoke can
be controlled, or automatically exhausted from a
Perhaps the most underrated dangerous component
building. But I also believe these solutions are very
of combustion gases is heat. One lungful of super-
li mited in application, and they also have some
heated gas can be fatal almost instantly, and fires
potential to increase the fire size.
can rapidly produce temperatures in the 1000°F
range or greater. A great many "carbon monoxide" Injecting fresh air into a fire area can supply the
deaths probably are cases of seared lungs. fire with the oxygen it may need for further rapid
Usually the first untenable condition that develops
is obscuration. When visability is reduced to zero In addition, once fire achieves major size all
panic and death are close at hand. attempts at smoke control will break down. There

is no practical way to prevent the generation of or people. If the fire is intercepted before it becomes
spread of smoke when the fire becomes major, a major smoke generator, then the smoke problem
except in the case of a one-story building where is essentially solved.
smoke can be vented directly through roof vents
(and even here the results may be irrelevant if the Note how much cleaner this solution is than trying
fire is not controlled). to contain smoke after it is generated. It's easier to
put the fire out than it is to push the smoke into a
I consider a scheme to control smoke by mechanical corner and contain it. It's a lot cheaper too.
or manual means to be relatively useless unless there
is also a plan to prevent a fire from achieving major So smoke control must begin with fire control.
size. But many who are most energetically pro- Because it takes less time for a fire to grow to a
moting the smoke control schemes today seem to deadly level than it takes a fire department to
be considering smoke control a solution to fire in respond and hook up hose lines, the only way to
itself. It isn't! If the fire is not controlled, the smoke guarantee a very high level of fire safety is to
will not be controlled! Smoke control must begin install an automatic fire suppression system.
with fire control.
While there is no other fire protection system that
THE "SMOKE DETECTOR" SOLUTION even begins to approach the automatic suppression
system as a guardian of human life from fire, this is
A smoke detector is a useful tool. It has some
not to say that there is no application for supple-
excellent applications. But it is also the most
mental systems. For example, the automatic con-
oversold commodity in fire protection today.
verting of the air handling system to a smoke
removal system can help control the smoke. Closing
The rationale that lies behind the overselling of
smoke stop doors automatically can also be helpful.
the smoke detector goes something like this. Smoke
Some regulation of combustibles that are very
— not the fire itself — is the prime killer. Therefore,
excessive smoke producers also makes sense. But
the fire problem is not really a fire problem — it is
note that all of these things will be ultimately
a smoke problem. Since it is smoke that we are
beneficial — only if the fire is controlled. When the
really concerned with, the solution is to detect
fire isn't controlled all other systems fail.
smoke as rapidly as possible. (Seldom does anyone
bother to explain just what we are supposed to do
When it comes to smoke control, automatic fire
after we detect the smoke.)
suppression logically has to be the base. With-
out automatic suppression there is no guarantee of
This business of considering fire to be a smoke
safety regardless of other systems imposed. When
problem rather than a fire problem is another
an automatic suppression system is installed, the
example of the type of fuzzy thinking that has
need and extent of other controls are drastically
been in vogue in fire safety for decades now.
reduced. So those who plan smoke control systems
It's pure nonsense. The basic problem is the fire.
without first considering a fire suppression system
The fire is the generator of the smoke. It is also
have got to end up with inaccurate conclusions.
a generator of heat. Fire is a self propagating and
Why? Because without automatic suppression their
rapidly expanding phenomenon. If you don't
plans will fail. On the other hand, ancillary controls,
control the fire, you can't control the smoke.
such as the regulation of the flammability of
Detecting smoke is like finding out you have materials, when predicated on no sprinklers being
cancer. Now you know you have a problem! But installed will become excessively restrictive in
the solution to the problem is quite another thing. sprinklered buildings.


It seems to me that the very best solution to smoke In summary, it is by feeling that much of the
is to put the fire out. I realize that this is a debate over smoke that presently rages within
revolutionary concept, and that when I talk this the fire protection community has an aura of
way I make a lot of people unhappy. But I really the unreal about it. I read articles on smoke
don't understand how we can hope to cope with control and have the same reaction that I would
smoke unless we stop the smoke generator. get from an article- telling me how to trap a
dinosaur. The dinosaur is dead. It is extinct. If de
It takes a big fire to generate the very large must trap, let's trap bears, or tigers, or lions, or
quantities of toxic gases that kill large numbers of some other species that still exists.

This is how I feel about articles that discuss him, become somewhat out of phase with the
smoke controls within the framework of non- reality of a controlled fire.
sprinklered "FIREPROOF" buildings. Surely,
The problem with smoke, in short, is that it has
everyone in America (with the possible exception of
gotten in eyes of the fire experts.
some of our foremost fire experts) must know by
now that the "fireproof building" — as a guarantor
of human safety, is as dead as the dinosaur (and
the dodo bird as well).

So, if the "fireproof building" as a guarantor of

fire safety is dead, what do we have. We have, of
course, fire suppression as the only valid solution
to fire. But if we guarantee fire safety then the
pursuit of nonburnable combustibles and non-
toxic smoke, and all those plans to trap and en-
close the smoke, or counterplans to trap and
enclose the occupant so that smoke cannot reach

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