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1971 Patton Fire Protection Research, inc.

A Fire Protection Publication

Consulting Surveys Resexch

No. 19

The evolution of fire technology was, of course, a great need for consistency in the burn rate. The entire
follow-up to the more general industrial and technologi- insurance system is predicated on the predictability of
cal revolution. losses. When losses can be predicted with accuracy the
insurance rate and the proper cash flow can be deter-
During the era from the mid 1800's thru the early mined. But when unplanned for losses of a catastrophic
1900's the basic concepts of fire technology as we nature occur the entire system can be overwhelmed.
know them today emerged. Sudden losses of major proportions upset the actuarial
tables, drain the reserves, and often result in insurance
There were two main economic factors in the evolu- business failures. Thus, although consistent and predict-
tion of fire technology. One was the urban conflagra- able loss is the life blood of the industry, CONFLA-
tion. The growth of large urban areas predominantly of GRATIONS AND MAJOR INDUSTRIAL LOSSES
wood exterior construction produced massive fire areas. WHICH CANNOT BE ACCURATELY PREDICTED
The burning of virtually entire cities created demands OR FUNDED FOR ARE ABHORRENT TO THE
for fire protection improvements. INDUSTRY.

The second factor was the evolution of the large fac- Under the impetus of economic need various insurance
tory. As industrial plants increased in size and value, companies banded together to form alliances to estab-
and also in complexity and severity of the fire hazards, lish uniform rating schemes and commonly supported
both the probability of loss, and the size of the potential solutions to the unacceptable catastrophic fire problems
loss increased. of the day.
The main impetus for technological change in fire safety Out of these alliances and efforts emerged the sprinkler
came from the insurance industry. system with insurance rate credits for standard design,
the fireproof building and stronger building codes, the
The insurance industry suffered an extremely severe NFPA, the insurance testing laboratories, standard fire
economic blow when an urban conflagration occurred. tests and approvals of equipment, and a body of fire
The large factory fire represented a similar if somewhat regulations and fire standards. Fire technology, as we
more modest, problem to the insurer. know it today evolved.

It is important to fully appreciate why these fires, the These are the characteristics of our present fire tech-
urban conflagration and the large industrial or commer- nology.
cial loss were so devastating to the insurance industry. 1. It consists almost entirely of promulgated stand-
It is necessary to understand the financial ramifications ards and codes that have been developed by committee
of these losses on a business that is based on loss, in actions. By and large the committees that have develop-
order to understand the purposes of and the limitations ed our fire protection standards and regulations have
of our present fire technology. worked without benefit of intimate contact with or
knowledge of the problems of the industry concerned,
Ideally, from an insurance viewpoint, fire losses should and without benefit of studies that would relate pro-
be frequent enough to maintain a keen interest in in- tection costs to anticipated savings.
surance. A "brisk" burn rate not only maintains interest 2. There has been emphasis on property protection
in insurance, and a ready market for insurance, it also with a general disregard to life safety considerations.
results in high insurance rates and a large cash flow thru 3. There has been extremely strong economic motiva-
the system. IN THE FINAL ANALYSIS LOSS IS THE tion to produce solutions that prevent CATASTRO-
LIFE BLOOD OF INSURANCE. PHIC loss, but there has been little motivation to pro-
duce technical solutions to fire to the extent that in-
But, although a substantial bum rate is of vital impor- surance rates would be dramatically reduced.
tance to the fire insurance industry, there is also a very
4. Technology has been held to the level where it can represent a 100% loss to the small business contained--
be defined in the pages of a rule book so as to be readily within that fire compartment. Also, the fireproof struc-
understood by the insurance inspector and insurance ture is not a satisfactory solution to those who are with-
underwriter who may have little or no teclmical training. in the structure. The occupants of the fireproof struc-
ture stand to lose their lives because of exposure to the
THE FIRE SOLUTIONS THAT HAVE EVOLVED internal fire and fire gases. But small business losses and
TODAY ARE, OF COURSE, A REFLECTION OF a random loss of lives by fire are really not serious in-
THE PAST AND PRESENT NEEDS OF THE INSUR- surance problems. Therefore, they have not received
ANCE INDUSTRY. adequate study from the insurance oriented fraternity of
fire safety.

THE FIREPROOF BUILDING AND THE SPRINKLER A similar condition exists within industrial properties.
SYSTEM The standard sprinkler system has been geared toward
protecting the very large industrial property, the loss of
The fireproof building developed as a solution to the which is disruptive to the actuarial tables. A substantial
URBAN CONFLAGRATION PROBLEM. Fire resistive but predictable burn rate of small properties is desirable,
exterior walls served as barriers to fire spread. Subdivi- however, because the total cash flow and retention are
sion of the fireproof building with horizontal and verti- greater when the burn rates are relatively high. As a con-
cal fire cut offs served to limit the extent of any one loss. sequence, the sprinkler rules as presently written tend to
Note that subdivision thru fire resistive construction in deter the application of the automatic fire suppression
no way prevents fire loss, it merely limits the size of the concept to small properties.
For example, the present rules of sprinkler design as de-
Fireproof construction also was applied as a solution to fined by NFPA Standard 13 and the water supply re-
the factory fire problem. But it was a less satisfactory quirements as defined by virtually all of the fire in-
solution. The machinery and contents within the fire- surance rating organizations, rule out ECONOMICAL
proof structure could still suffer major fire damage. Ex- sprinkler protection for small properties such as restau-
pensive business interruption could result. With factories rants, nursing homes, etc.
it was soon realized that the building value could be
small in comparison to the total dollar loss that could
result from an internal burn out. AN INTERNAL FIRST PLATEAU PROTECTION
ITY COULD BE A CATASTROPHIC LOSS. The sprink- So, under the impetus of an insurance industry drive
ler system, designed to detect the fire when small and for improved fire protection we have achieved a fire
extinguish it, became the prime fire solution for the fac- technology level which I refer to as FIRST PLATEAU
primarily aimed at preventing major conflagrations and
So, we have seen two major weapons against fire evolve. major industrial and commercial property losses. FIRST
One, the fireproof building, became the standard for the PLATEAU PROTECTION is based on standardized fire
multistoried urban structure. The sprinkler system be- solutions applied to broad classes of properties with fire
came the primary means of protecting large industrial rating adjustments compensating for any lack of pre-
plants. Both of these developments grew within the cision in the writing of the applicable codes.
framework of a fire protection community that was and
is insurance oriented; where a bum rate of considerable But now let us look at our fire problems of today. How
magnitude is not only acceptable, but desirable. have they changed? Are the old solutions now satisfac-
BIG PROPERTY LOSSES In cities, where the fireproof building solution is pre-
dominately applied, the conflagration problem has long
Although a CONFLAGRATION is a completely un- since ceased to be the main concern. We are now in a
acceptable condition to the insurance industry, the position to look past the exterior citywide fire and con-
fireproof building is a completely satisfactory solution cern ourselves with the interior content fire and its re-
to this problem (from the insurance viewpoint). The lation to the human occupants. When human life within
fireproof building is a barrier to urban fire spread and it the structure is considered, the fireproof building can
is a means of limiting fire loss to a known and relatively never be more than an excellent furnace.
modest amount. Now, note that the fireproof structure
is NOT a completely satisfactory solution to the fire On the industrial side, the standard sprinkler system and
problem of a small businessman. The burn out of one the standard sprinkler head have fallen behind our needs
fire compartment within the subdiirided structure can in two ways. First, we can no longer permit the sprinkler
system to be maintained as a tool only for large industrial veloped an efficiency of 0.001%. Conversely, the system
properties. We can no longer permit the small business- has an INEFFICIENCY RATE OF 99.999%.
man to be thrown to the insurance dragon. It is claimed
that about 50% of all small businesses that sustain a DWELLING FIRE SAFETY IGNORED
major fire loss go out of business. We need a valid fire
protection concept for these businessmen, not just a re- Another fire need which we have today and which is not
cycling of money. being answered by FIRST PLATEAU PROTECTION is
Secondly, because of standarditis, sprinkler system the need for fire safety in the home. More than 50% of
design has not kept pace with needs of the large indus- all fire deaths today occur in home fires. But the home
trial plant. The old sprinkler system is no longer capable has been virtually ignored by the fire protection frater-
of controlling the modern large industrial plant fire. As nity. Why? Because it is a small and homogeneous unit
a consequence, the large loss fire is increasing in fre- that fits well within the insuring system as is. Homes
quency. The artificial regulation of fire suppression burn on a random basis and the home fire insurance
system design has not only denied satisfactory protec- business is almost as solid and steady as life insurance.
tion to the small businessman, the large industrial com- About the only feature about the home that receives
plex is now also being denied satisfactory protection, be- much attention is the roof because there is a wood
cause the industrial plant has evolved into forms that are shingle roof conflagration potential in parts of Califor-
well beyond the non changing standardized form of nia. Note that home burnings receive great attention
sprinkler protection. only when they burn in bunches, rather than singly, be-
cause conflagrations disrupt the actuarial predictions.
I will give you an example. The present high rack stor-
age and high pallet storage warehouse configurations are So, we have a FIRST PLATEAU FIRE TECHNO-
totally different today in fire protection needs than the LOGY today. This is a fire technology that solves the
old factory building. But the basic sprinkler concept and problems of one industry, the insurance industry, but
layout has changed little over the years except for in- fails to come to grips with the real needs of business,
creased water supply requirements and a closer spacing and more important it fails to find a good solution to
of sprinkler heads. Water is still applied so as to fall verti- the human life problem.
cally from ceiling to floor. This, of course, gives the con-
ventional sprinkler layout close to a zero capability of Now where do we go from here? Well, there are two
wetting storage racks that are naturally obstructed from possibilities. First, there is the Federal Government. I
above, or the vertical sides of a high storage pile. do not believe I have to tell you that there has been
some shifting of responsibility and power in fire pro-
If we were to measure the efficiency of a sprinkler tection matters from the insurance industry and from
system by dividing the amount of water that is made NFPA to the Federal Government. There is one good
available in the distribution system in the yard (where aspect to this shift. The Federal Government and its
the fire is not located) into the amount of water that agencies generally have shown far greater interest in the
will actually reach the fire surface; then I think that the human life problems as opposed to pure property pro-
following efficiency calculation would be in order. A tection.
high piled stock warehouse usually will have at least
5000 gallons per minute available in the yard under- But having conceded this, I now hasten to add that over
ground system. Let us assume that we have a fire in a all I am very concerned about government regulation in
high piled stock warehouse that has involved the side of the name of fire safety.
one storage pile and let us further assume that the fire
flame front is 5' wide and 20' high on the face of this One thing that bothers me is that although the govern-
carton storage pile. Most of the water that is discharged ment has been largely concerned with life safety, where-
above will, of course, travel from roof to floor in a line as the insurance industry has been concerned with pro-
parallel to the burning face of the carton pile. Some wa- perty protection, the Federal Government has been
ter will wet the burning face, but very little. The amount following in the foot steps of the insurance industry.
of water that is actually contacting the burning surface
may be only .05 GPM. When the insurance industry invented a technology that
concerned itself with property protection and ignored
Now if we take the amount of water which is available life safety, they may have been wrong, but at least they
where the fire is not located, which is 5000 GPM, and we knew what they were doing. When A PROPERTY
divide this into the amount of water that is available at ORIENTED TECHNOLOGY is adopted as a basis for
the fire, which is five one hundredths of a gallon per HUMAN LIFE SAFETY, two results will be inevitable.
minute, and multiply the product by 100 to produce First, the needs of human safety WILL NOT BE MET.
percentage efficiency, we will find that the system de- Secondly, GOVERNMENT REGULATION IN THE
inevitably follow dip first. Why? Because if the solu-
tion is improper for the purpose intended it will fail, and
Now there is only one possible way to prevent a com-
plete take over of fire safety by the Federal Govern-
ment. The only way to do this is for industry - Ameri-
if it fails more lives will be lost, and if more lives are lost can Industry - to come up with REAL SOLUTIONS -
more regulations will be promulgated. Failure can be not phony solutions but VALID solutions - to the fire
self-sustaining in the fire regulation field. problem. Nature abhors a vacuum. Where a vacuum
exists someone will move in to fill the void. This is what
Indeed, there is a very grave danger today that the Fed- is happening today.
eral Government will take over FIRST PLATEAU PRO-
TECTION, a form of protection that is narrowly orient- There is a void in our fire technology. The insurance in-
ed and largely obsolete, and make it official protection dustry and the National Fire Protection Association pre-
policy for the entire nation. If so, this may prevent the sently are too deeply locked in to existing fire protec-
advances in fire technology which are so sorely needed tion philosophy to see and fully understand this void.
today. The void will not be filled dm sudden reversal of posi-
tion of the present fire protection fraternity. The impe-
FEDERAL CONTROLS CAN PRODUCE REGULA- tus for change must come from a NEW source. The void
TIONS IN LIEU OF TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS that presently exists in fire protection can only be filled
by either the Federal Government, or by a new force in
Now, let us go back again for the moment to the prob- the field of fire safety, a powerful new force which is not
lem of the single family dwelling. So far it has been wedded to the mistakes of the past.
largely ignored by the fire protection fraternity. But,
nearly half of the lives lost to fire are lost in dwellings, So we have a choice. We can pool the talents of Ameri-
and of those who die in fires in the home, more than can Industry and develop valid solutions to fire, or we
half are children. can stand back and permit the Federal Government to
claim ownership of a non valid fire technology and im-
This is an obvious and a natural area of concern for the pose it on us all.
Federal Government. But what, do you suppose, is
going to be the consequence of righteous government If American Industry wants to move into the present
concern for the dwelling fire problem, if a technology void, and fill it with substance rather than with regula-
that is not only non pertinent, but obsolete, is applied to tions, it will first be necessary to create something new,
the problem? something valid, something that makes sense.

Since the very beginnings the fire insurance industry has American Industry will never head off the take over of
attempted to solve the fire problem of an occupancy by fire regulations by the Federal Government by embrac-
regulating the construction of the enclosure. ing the rules and regulations drawn up by the insurance
It is apparent that the Federal Government is following
in the insurance footprints. Fire safety for the interior But if American Industry creates a VALID lire techno-
is considered a function of the regulation of basic con- logy, then government regulation can be avoided. There
struction in most if not all federal agencies. THIS BASIC are two reasons why I say this. First, when valid solu-
CONCEPT, WHICH IS FAULTY, OPENS THE DOOR tions are created, they will be recognized. No matter
TO REGULATION OF ALL CONSTRUCTION ME- how strongly one believed, at the turn of the century,
THODS AND ALL BUILDING MATERIALS IN THE that air flight was an impossibility, skepticism died when
NAME OF SAFETY. But this is a dead end fire solution the Whirring machine passed over head. The doubting
because it does not come to grips with the true fire prob- Thomases of space travel were silenced when man set
lem, the combustible interior contents or, in the case of foot on the moon. When something is created THAT
the industrial plant, the hazards of the operations. WORKS and it is set on the table for all to see, it be-
comes very difficult for the non believers to deny its
A CHOICE existence. The second reason why a new technology can
head off Federal regulations is that technology works
Note that each time there is a failure to prevent fire and laws don't. You can't put out fires with laws. You
thru structural regulations additional structural regula- can't legislate safety. In the final analysis fire safety is a
tions invariably follow. If the Federal Government con- technological problem that must be solved by science,
tinues to follow this path in its search for human fire not law makers.
safety there will be NO END TO STRUCTURAL RE-
GULATION. As soon as the present preoccupation with Now I do not propose that we will ever see the com-
carpeting wears itself out the authorities will be right plete elimination of laws, regulations and codes dealing
back in force to combat the use of wood and wood pro- with fire safety. Even after valid fire protection solu-
ducts and other combustibles in construction. tions are created, there are many who would ignore them
in selfish pursuit of profits. What I do say, though, is I am a very strong believer that the future of fire pro-
that if we start with valid and economically feasible fire tection lies in the development of new systems of detect-
protection solutions we can minimize arbitrary and man- ing and suppressing fire. We cannot permit fire regula-
datory fire regulations. We must have a sound techno- tions to become overpowering as a determinant in build-
logy behind the regulations. WE NEED MORE LOGIC ing design, plant layout, selection of furnishings, and
AND LESS LAWS. operational matters. We must solve the fire problem with
independent fire detection and control systems of very
A NEW BEGINNING, A NEW DIRECTION high reliability. When we do this we can then permit the
architect, the plant manager, the hospital administrator,
So we need a new technology of fire safety and we need and the home owner to concern themselves with matters
it fast. We need a technology oriented, not toward the more pertinent to their own basic objectives. We can
needs of the insurance industry, not toward the needs of solve the fire problems or industry, and let industry
a Washington bureaucracy, but oriented toward the needs pursue business problems.
of the American business community and the American
public. Good solutions to the fire problem are not that diffi-
cult to find. The only reason they evade us is because
It is my hope to play a part in creating such a techno- we have been chasing ourselves up too iflatly blind alleys.
logy. It is my intent to help develop the basic concepts Once we look at the problems in proper perspective the
and the basic tools of a new technology, I hope to build solutions will be there to be seen.
an organization that can serve industry and find fire
solutions for industry. I hope to serve as a catalyst to I further believe that once the basic concepts of a new
unite industry in this endeavor that is so important to technology are defined, once the doors to new systems
industry. of fire safety are opened, once the process of creating
a new technology is undertaken, there will be support
This may sound extremely ambitious. Perhaps you will from many quarters. I would expect the insurance in-
think me overly optimistic because American Industry dustry would join in the overall effort once it is firmly
so far has shown no great zeal in pursuing the fire chal- established, because; if the insurance industry is given
lenge. But I have a theory on this. I believe industry the choice of WORKING WITH industry, or being SUB-
has so far been lethargic because much of the fire pro- JECT TO federal regulation, they will choose the for-
tection they have seen has been very expensive, frequent- mer. The National Fire Protection Association could al-
ly redundant, and often illogical. I THINK FIRE PRO- so play a very significant role in the creation of a new
TECTION PEOPLE HAVE BEEN TURNING BUSINESS technology. But American Industry must first make it
LEADERS OFF. American Industry has been buying in- clear that it will no longer buy the old, stale solutions.
surance, and swallowing a mediocre brand of fire pro-
tection as part of the price of the insurance contract. I am hopeful that the Forest Products Industry will
lend its support to the beginning of what I hope will
But I think that American Industry can and will be- eventually prove to be the development of a third force
come interested in fire protection when it is put to- in thc field of fire safety. We have had the Insurance
gether in a form that makes sense. Industry is very skep- Industry, and soon we will have the Federal Govern-
tical today because for too many years they have been ment as powerful forces in fire protection. American In-
subjected to an inferior brand of fire safety. But fire pro- dustry should be a third powerful force. But American
tection CAN make sense, and when it does I think in- Industry must have some valid fire safety concepts to
dustry will welcome it. rally round.

It is my belief that every industry not only has its own I hope to be able to prove that we do have new con-
fire hazards, but also has the untapped knowledge of how cepts, new ideas, new systems and new reasons for opti-
to deal with them. It is wrong to have committees sit- mism, which can serve as a starting off point. We don't
ing in ivory towers promulgating regulations for indus- have all the answers, but we have enough for a beginn-
tries of which they have little or no knowledge. Rather, ing.
the fire specialists should go out into industry, tap the
technical knowledge within industry, work in partner- I hope that we can all work together to create SECOND
ship with industry, and put together jointly developed PLATEAU PROTECTION.
fire protection solutions that really work.
Talk Presented To
FIRE PROTECTION SHOULD NOT BE A BY-PRO- National Forest Products Association Meeting
COVER, NOTHING MORE. Patton Fire Protection & Research, inc.

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