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1619 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. 20036

March 1, 1971

TO: Building Officials

SUBJECT: "It's The Contents That Count"

The term "fireproof" as applied to buildings is much

abused. The wood products industry has sought for many years
to dispel the myth that wood structures are less "fireproof"
than structures primarily built of "noncombustible" materials.
"Fireproof" suggests that a material or structure is safe from
fire -- which has led to many false impressions about the use of
building materials and a false sense of security about "fire-
proof" buildings.
The great majority of fires originate in the contents of
a building -- in a mattress, wastebasket, stove, clothes closet,
drapes, etc., -- rarely in the structure of the building itself.
By the time fire does involve the building structure, smoke
and the products of the contents fire have already claimed
their toll.
Every year many lives are lost in "fireproof" building
fires where the fire originated in and was solely confined to
the contents of the building. Typical of such fires are those
where a smoldering sofa fire, spreading smoke throughout a
structure, asphyxiates the occupants -- frequently there is no
damage to either contents or the structure.
In a recent article, "It's the Contents That Count,"
Richard M. Patton, president of Patton Fire Protection and
Research, Inc., Freehold, N.J., presents an analysis of fire
safety problems and an approach to their solution. Because of
the unusual interest and educational benefits of Mr. Patton's
remarks, we secured his permission to reprint the article on
the following pages. We believe it worthwhile reading for all
public officials concerned with fire safety.
Additional copies of Mr. Patton's article are available
from the National Forest Products Association.

• R.B. Buchan, Director

Building Code Department

The fire hazard of a facility is often judged to be a function of A "Class A" fire resistive building is constructed so that the
its basic construction. For example, a fire resistive (often main structural elements will withstand a four hour fire
termed fireproof) hotel is considered a "safe" building. A producing temperatures in excess of 2000 degrees F. Since
combustible hotel (frame or ordinary construction) is fireproofing materials are costly there is a clear implication
frequently thought to be unsafe. If a combustible structure is that there is reason to expect that there may well be a four
more than twenty years old it is often termed a "firetrap." hour fire within the structural shell. A fireproof building is a
structure that is intentionally designed to survive an intense
It is time we take a careful look at these generalities. internal fire. It's basic design is similar to that of a furnace, to
Misconceptions concerning the role of the basic structure in be able to contain a fire without failure.
fire are, in my opinion, key deterrents to the solving of our
national fire problem. Occupants of a fireproof structure have no similar capabilities
of surviving the anticipated interior fire. While the resistance
The generalities that a "fireproof' structure is inherently of the structure is measured in hours the resistance of human
"firesafe," and that a combustible building is inherently unsafe flesh and lungs to high temperature is measured in minutes or
are most often applied where life -- not property -- is seconds. Structural elements are measured against a standard
concerned. Underwriters' Laboratories test fire that reaches 1000 degrees
F within five minutes. Long before 1000 degrees F is reached,
It is quite apparent that a fire resistive building that is humans die.
sheathed on the interior with a highly combustible ceiling tile
or wall paneling can be an unsafe building, and that a These facts, however, did not deter original designers of
combustible building sheathed thruout with gypsum wallboard fireproof buildings from considering them to be inherently
has the basic characteristics of a fire resistive building. So it is
a relatively easy matter to demonstrate technically that the
"safe" building can be made unsafe, and that the combustible
safe. The evidence of this is that the need for fire exits was
virtually ignored in early fireproof construction. For example,
in 1946, 119 died on an upper floor in a multi-story fireproof
building can be made fire resistive. hotel that contained a single open stairway. Adequate exits
were not considered needed because the building was
But it is not my intent here to attempt to demonstrate that FIREPROOF.
combustible construction can be made reasonably safe, or that
fireproof construction can be compromised. Rather, it is my Over the years there have been many additional fires in
intent to question the premise that basic construction is the fireproof buildings, and many more people have died. So there
single most important factor where life safety from fire is is a very clear historical evidence proving that a building is
concerned. The main thrust of this newsletter will be to NOT INHERENTLY SAFE SIMPLY BECAUSE THE STEEL
present the argument that preoccupation with structural fire IS PROTECTED.
protection is causing us to-fail to see more important factors.
However, each major fire has produced investigations. Each
Let us begin by looking at the fireproof (fire resistive) time there are determinations of causes. And each time new
building. structural regulations are developed. So today we have more
than a so called fireproof structure, we have a structure built
The original "fireproof' building was considered an inherently to a building code that covers many things in addition to the
safe building. "If the building can't burn the occupants are insulation for the steel. For example, a building code limits the
safe," it was reasoned. combustibility of the interior sheathing, requires that
stairways be enclosed, specifies travel distance to exits, etc. IT
Such reasoning is patently false. If the fireproof structure is IS THIS CODE SPECIFIED STRUCTURE THAT IS NOW
inherently anything, it is inherently nonfiresafe. The basic CONSIDERED INHERENTLY SAFE.
criteria of a fireproof building is that the structural steel be
protected so as to be able to resist a fire. In some manner But I think that it is now appropriate to question the inherent
(there are several ways), the steel is insulated with heat safety of even the most modern of the Code designed
resisting materials so it will remain cool and strong during a structures. As the Fire Chief of New York City said recently,
fire. following a major fire in a skyscraper not yet completed,

1970 Patton Fire Protection & Research, Inc., 647 Colts Neck Road, Freehold, New Jersey, October 1970.
"These new buildings may be fireproof, but they are not that We are now at a stage in the development of fire protection
safe." technology where a decision should be made. We can continue
with a structural solution to fire, ignore the contents, and
In my opinion, the reason why the modern code defined accept a determinable level of fire deaths. Or, we can realize
fireproof structures are not as safe as they are supposed to be that we have achieved about the best level of fire safety that
is that it is not possible to solve the internal fire problem by can be achieved by structural regulation, and redirect our
defining structural features. It is the contents that really efforts toward the contents.
count, and codes generally do not cover the contents.
The second course of action is preferred for three reasons.
Combustible contents are inherent in most occupancies. First, there is no indication that the public and the lawmakers
Where people live, sleep, or work under nonfactory conditions are prepared to accept a concept of fire safety based on a
(dwellings, apartments, hotels, offices, stores) or are cared for predetermined minimum acceptable burn rate. Each large loss
(nursing homes, institutions, hospitals) the natural human of life fire will result in new demands for more rigid building
desire for pleasant surroundings will result in a demand for controls. (In other words, if we don't find a better solution,
combustible furnishings and contents. As a general rule, places the structure will be subjected to ever more restrictive
where people are most likely to be are most likely to contain regulations.)
combustibles. I will very loosely define such places as
habitable occupancies. The second reason why we should turn our attention to the
contents is that the structure is ALREADY regulated beyond
The contents are the major fire problem. Even when the the point of diminishing returns. That is, there are many
structural shell is combustible, the contents are most easily dollars being spent on some facets of structural fire safety that
ignited and burn most rapidly. By the time the basic structure are poorly spent and accomplish little. A reorientation of fire
is significantly involved it is probable that the damage has protection expenditures can produce more safety at a reduced
already been done to the occupants. net cost.

Smoke and toxic gases, not flames,kill most people in building Finally, and most important, we should look to the content
fires. Human lungs are also very susceptible to high fire problem because we can save lives. People are dying
temperatures. A very small fire, as building fires go, can needlessly. We have a technology in this country that could
rapidly produce adequate smoke, toxic gases, and heat to kill. virtually eliminate fire as a problem. We need only apply what
A fire in one room can involve all combustibles in that room in we know more directly to the basic problem.
a matter of minutes, and this one room size fire can produce
sufficient heat and smoke to kill well beyond the confines of What IS the solution to the content fire problem?
the room.
The solution does not lie with additional structural regulations
It is very unusual habitable occupancy that does not have a because regulating the shell does not eliminate the content fire
level of combustibles that is capable of producing a very problem.
deadly fire very quickly. Anyone who has ever started a fire in
a fireplace while forgetting to open the damper will realize It does not lie with greater compartmentation and elaborate
how rapidly a little fire can become a big problem. plans to trap the fire. These schemes have already been
promoted beyond their worth.
Fire doors aid fire partitions can stop flames. But controlling
the movement of smoke is more difficult. When fire Changes Regulating the combustibility (or toxicity of combustion
solids to gases the increased volume produces increased products) of the interior finish material is not a complete
pressure to drive the smoke thru all available openings. Smoke solution because these materials represent but a portion of the
has been known to travel extensively, even in multi-story total contents. Inspections, training of employees, and exit
compartmented fire resistive buildings. If a fire is allowed to drills are all desirable, but human failures are not infrequent,
become large, control of smoke becomes most difficult. especially when it comes to fire.

.Summarizing, building codes attempt to eliminate the fire The complete elimination of combustibles is not practical.
hazard by regulating the shell, but it is the nonregulated Combustible furnishings, materials and clothing, within reason,
interior contents that are most likely to be ignited, are most are a part of our lives.

likely to burn rapidly, and are most likely to produce large
quantities of toxic gases. While building codes can significantly There is only one meaningful solution to the content fire. The
reduce the fire hazard, there is no complete structural solution solution is to PUT IT OUT.
to fire.

The suppression concept is the great enigma of fire protection. completely control and extinguish a fire in a subdivided light
There is no fire solution that is a more direct and a more viable hazard property. The article "Minimum Water Requirements
solution. There is nothing that can provide greater safety than For Suppression of Room Fires" in the February 1970 issue of
a plan to suppress and extinguish the fire before it produces Fire Technology discusses research in connection with
extensive quantities of heat, or smoke. Yet the suppression extinguishing room size fires after flashover has occurred,
concept remains the most underdeveloped concept of our fire (total involvement of all combustibles in the room).
technology. Extinguishment was accomplished with a small hose line (one
inch) and spray nozzle. The article reports "For the single
The sprinkler system was developed about 1896 and its room fires, the total amount of water necessary for control
purpose was to protect the factory. Without a pipe schedule in and extinguishment averages 15 gallons when applied at the
his hands the average man cannot distinguish between the rate of 18 GPM."
1896 sprinkler system and the 1970 system. They are virtually
identical. During all these years there has been no significant Clearly, there is some point between 15 gallons and 60,000
effort made to transform the sprinkler system from a factory gallons, but closer to 15, where a modernized, fully
tool to a life safety tool. engineered, Life Safety Fire Suppression System can control
the room size fire.
But even the old sprinkler system appears to be more directly
related to life safety than the characteristics of the structural If we are going to move forward in the 1970's to improve life
shell. An editorial in the July 1970 NFPA Fire Journal points safety in buildings we must do three things:
out that there are only six known fatal fires in sprinklered
buildings during the years 1965 to 1969. Fatal fires in modern I) Recognize that there is no way to design
fireproof buildings are not so rare. an inherently firesafe structure.

If the all but obsolete sprinkler system designed for factories is 2) Develop a water base fire suppression
able to achieve such a fine life safety record, then imagine system specifically fitted to the life safety
what could be accomplished with a water base fire suppression needs of habitable occupancies and
system of modern design specifically oriented toward life designed to control the content fire.
Restructure our building codes with
Here's just one hint of the potential of a modern Life Safety greater emphasis on fire suppression,
Fire Suppression System. The existing U.S. sprinkler standard including a liberalization of structural
calls for a water supply of 500 to 750 GPM with a 60 minute requirements for properties containing a
duration for a light hazard occupancy. This is a minimum total built-in fire suppression system.
supply of 30,000 gallons to put out a fire with a sprinkler
system in a light hazard property such as a nursing home. At the direction of the Copper Development Association Inc.,
Adding insult to injury, it is also customary to demand an Patton Fire Protection and Research, Inc. is now developing a
additional quantity of water for fire department use to back Life Safety Fire Suppression System for institutional
up the sprinkler system. The usual minimum for hose streams buildings, multiple dwellings, motels, and similar properties.
is another 30,000 gallons. Under our present sprinkler system
approval procedures it is often impossible to obtain Incidently, fire tests of prototype design are scheduled for the
recognition for a sprinkler system unless these excessive water Spring of 1971 and we are looking for a vacant motel, medical
requirements (and also a great many other questionable care facility, apartment or school that is divided into rooms
requirements) are met. (The sprinkler standard does define a and would be available for field fire tests. Since these tests
pressure tank supply containing a much smaller quantity of may damage the structure we are thinking in terms of a
water but approval practices have all but ruled this solution condemned and isolated building that will not be demolished
out, and they are very rarely installed.) until at least late 1971. If you know of such a facility in the
East, please contact me.
Now contrast the water supply associated with an approved
sprinkler system with the actual amount of water needed to

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