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I often think how sad it is, However, for those who will look but a short distance

That the world turns once each day. beyond today there are innumerable developments that
Like a clock that ticks off seconds, are ready and willing to be born. Here then, is a short
Each tick a time that's passed away. term outline for change that could be followed by far
greater innovations, presently unforeseeable.
The spinning days take their toll,
In weathered face and graying hair. 1 — A SHIFT FROM REGULATORY TECHNIQUES TO
And tomorrow brings a vacuum, OWNER INTERESTS
In place of one held dear.
Fire protection to date has been a regulatory matter.
No man's immune, Time is King! Regulations and standards, usually developed by
You cannot stop that ticking. committees, have been applied across the spectrum of
You have a moment, then your gone, properties with little innovation or fitting of the cure to
The world, like speeding train, goes right on clicking. the illness. It has been not unlike the Patent medicine
of old that supposedly cured all diseases of man,
But there's a way to win the game, regardless of the origin of the ills or die symptoms.
To live without a fear,
To pass thru life with no regrets. Such an approach is satisfactory (if it ever IS satisfactory)
To stand up straight when death is near. only to a regulatory agency that can average its losses.

Find a reason for your being, The new technology of fire protection will BEGIN when
Find a task that must be done. industry equates loss control equal to, or greater than,
Devote your life to something useful. financial recovery for loss (insurance).
Then come what May, you'll have won.
So long as industry accepts a regulatory concept of loss
control, as an adjunct to insurance, loss control will be
based on regulations. When industry demands loss
In Patton Report No. 8 I described conditions that cause prevention specifically fitted to its own unique needs
an industrial conflagration. An industrial conflagration is a (every plant has its own specific characteristics) then the
major industrial fire. Since World War H buildings have technique of custom design of fire protection will
become so large, values at risk so great, and processes so develop.
complex, that one fire in one building can equal the
devastation caused by most of the major urban Standardized solutions, based on tradition and loss
conflagrations of the 19th. century. statistics and intended for universal application,
Further, I explained that the changes in industry which PROGRESS. Custom design, on the other hand, will bring
increase the potential for loss have not been matched with the freedom and initiative necessary to develop new
new techniques in fire protection. In effect, we are solutions to loss as needed by modern industry.
currently protecting greatly advanced industries with
obsolete fire protection. 2 — A SHIFT FROM COMMITTEES TO TECHNOLOGY

What, then, are the solutions? What new techniques of Traditional solutions and cornmittee promulgated
protection are needed to cope with the situation? regulations are increasingly inadequate. A fire technology
adequate to cope with modern industrial problems must
Of course it is impossible to visualize all of the technical be developed if the rising fire losses are to be brought
developments in protection that have been thwarted in under control.
past years. Only when the field of fire protection becomes
receptive to change and new ideas begin to emerge will we Each industry has its own problems, whether it be
see the full scope of fire science based on modern flammables in metal drums, whiskey in barrels, rolled
technology. paper storage, vinyl chloride reactors, manufacture of
explosives, or a thousand others. These problems must be 5 — PROCESS CONTROLS AND PROCEDURES
broken down into measurable components, such as BTU
release per sq. ft. per minute, water density in GPM per There are many processes where the result of error can be
sq. ft. needed for control, safe operating temperatures and chemical detonation or a sudden potentially catastrophic
pressures, safe storage configurations, chemical reaction release of flammable vapor or gas. In such instances the
potentials, and other basic data from which economical sprinkler piping or other conventional mechanical
and reliable solutions can be developed. protection system may be little more than a portion of
the projectiles that are scattered over a wide area.
Note that all of this boils down to industry wide interest, Realistic protection, in such instances, means
co-operation, and research for control of losses. Industry PREVENTION OF THE UNDESIRABLE CONDITION
must INITIATE the shift toward technology, and MUST FROM DEVELOPING. Fire protection must move
NOT be diverted from innovations by the traditionalists. beyond fire doors and fire pumps and include safe
methods of industrial process design.

There are two broad facets of protection; mechanical INNOVATIONS
protection which is the province of regulatory
organizations; and the human element which is neglected The developments and innovations listed below could
today. come to fruition within the next five to ten years,
provided industry desires and supports such change.
The standards and the inspectors deal with construction,
sprinklers, water supplies and similar physical a) A shift of emphasis from fire resistance in construction
characteristics of a plant. There has been relatively little (designing the building to withstand an extensive long
effort to evaluate, influence, and perfect human controls duration internal fire) to more reliable and more
to complement the mechanical. Yet, an ineffectual economical systems of fire suppression.
corporate loss control program can adversely effect all
areas of fire protection including fire prevention, safe b) Development of a wide variety of spray and fog
operating procedures, sprinklers, water supplies, fire doors nozzles that will replace the conventional (sprinkler)
and other mechanical protection, and fire fighting head.
c) Development of low cost fire suppression systems for
Regulatory protection also concentrates on the internal high rise buildings, hospitals, nursing homes,
(private) protection with inadequate attention to the educational facilities and similar properties. These
public fire department's role in the industrial plant. systems will use small piping and water supplies in the
100 to 300 GPM range.
The concept of composite protection requires that ALL
facets of protection, human and mechanical, private and d) Development of three dimensional suppression systems
public, be blended into one sensible practical approach for (rather than "layouts" below the roof) for high rack
control of losses. storage and similar properties.

e) Development of roof level automatically operated and

directed monitor nozzles (fog) in lieu of sprinklers for
protecting the high roof multi acre production
Regulations and standards do not evaluate production
efficiency or the relative value of a facility to a f) Development of below floor level protection systems
corporation. Standard inspection techniques often direct for aircraft hangers (roof systems are obstructed by
the bulk of the fire protection expenditures toward the aircraft wings).
older, less efficient plant, that does not have a major role
in the company's futureandustry oriented fire protection
must direct PRIMARY attention toward the most g) Developments of systems that sense fire and other
important facilities and toward the greatest potential loss hazardous conditions BEFORE they reach the
to the corporation. dangerous stage.
h) Shift from telegraphic central station operations to b) The problem areas uncovered in the survey should be
radio transmission of coded alarm signals. This will researched to find economical solutions.
greatly expand the service area of a central station and
reduce the cost. c) Develop industry wide fire protection techniques,
programs and safeguards so that there will be a
i) Shift from "fire alarm" and or "security alarm" reduced movement toward the inactment of legal
systems to complete industrial process supervision restrictions. (Associations usually keep abreast of
INCLUDING, AMONG MANY OTHER ITEMS, developments within the Federal and State
security and fire detection. Governments in order to alert members of potential
laws or regulations that can effect them. However, fire
Use of water filled steel partitions with improved protection regulations are being developed at the
structural stability and impact resistance in lieu of national level by regulatory agencies and often these
masonry fire walls. developments are undetected by the associations. An
interest should be taken in these matters.)
k) Greater use of water spray to protect openings in fire
walls where fire doors are not practical. d) Work toward the replacement of many existing rigid,
and often unnecessarily costly, legal fire requirements,
I) Development of small fire trucks for inside the with technical and practical solutions for loss.
building use, with self contained oxygen supply.
e) Promote insurance programs that will be cognizant of
m) A shift from an emphasis on fire extinguishers to an the industry's loss prevention efforts, and which will
emphasis on small hose (1" and 1-1/2") and small well offer adequate insurance to ALL members at a fair
trained fire brigade. price.

n) Development of extremely large industrial parks f) Offer individual loss prevention assistance and advice
equipped with highly skilled, technically trained to the members on a fee basis.
emergency departments. These emergency
departments will be knowledgeable in preventing as g) Develop mutual assistance agreements whereby all
well as controlling all types of emergencies including members will help a fire damaged company meet sales
radio active contamination, theft, fire, etc. committments and find replacement equipment for a
speedy resumption of production.


There are many associations through which all members PERSONAL INTEREST IN THEM.
of a specific industry work for the common good. These
associations take on assignments pertinent to their
membership, but few come to grips with their industry's
fire problems, or related insurance needs. Certainly, none
Richard M. Patton, Loss Control Consultant, 647 Colts
has yet developed fire control programs of the scope and
Neck Road, Freehold, New Jersey 07728 - Telephone No.
in the manner recommended here.
(201) 431-2752.
There is an urgent, almost critical, need for industry to
concern itself with the fire problem, and one of the best
ways to undertake this task would be through the various
interested associations. I recommend such programs

a) Complete research of industry fire experience to

determine causes of previous losses and areas where
research of solutions is needed. Also, this study should
determine if insurance premiums for members are
consistent with the loss ratios.

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