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End Semester Examination April - 2013
BBA Finance & Accountancy
Code : BBF232

Max. Marks : 100

Duration : 3Hrs


Answer all questions. Each right answer will fetch 1 mark. Wrong answer will carry 0.25
negative marks.
The term marketing refers to


15 X 1 = 15

a)New product concepts and improvements b)Advertising and promotion activities c)A philosophy that
stresses consumer value and satisfaction d)Planning sales campaign
---------are retail stores owned by a group of consumers themselves
a)Super Bazar b)Shopping mall c)Consumer co-operative store d)None of these
is the process of evaluating each market segment's attarctiveness and selecting one or more
segments to enter
a)mass marketing b)market segmentation c)market targeting d)market positioning
All of the following would be ways to segment within the category of psychographic segmentation except

a)social class b)occupation c)lifestyle d)personality

Consumer goods with unique characteristics or brand identification often requiring special purchase effort
are called

a)custom products b)speciallty products c)convenience products d)shopping products

The new product development process involves a number of stages.The best estimate of the new product's
likely profitability is likely to be made at which of these stages?

a)Idea generation b)Idea evaluation c)Market testing d)Brainstorming

Microsoft offers spreadsheet software, word processing software and graphics software as part of its
Microsoft Office suite of products.Thos is an example of



a)target pricing b)captive product pricing c)psychological pricing d)price bundling

In which stage of the product life cycle should product strategy focus on process modification?
a)Introduction b)Growth c)Maturity d)Decline
The markets in which goods are bought and sold in bulk quantities.
a)Wholesale market b)Retail market c)World market d)None of these
-------- are those who obtain title to goods with a view to selling them at profit
a)Merchant middlemen b)Agent middle men c)Facilitators d)All of these
A ________ customer is a person, household, or company that over time yields a revenue stream that
exceeds by an acceptable amount the companys cost stream of attracting, selling, and servicing that
customer. a)profitable b)semi-profitable c)unprofitable d)niche e)target
The_______ is a person within a reference group who, because of special skills,knowledge, personality, or
other characteristics, exerts influence on others


a)facilitator b)referent actor c)opinion leader d)social role player

is the step in the selling process in which the sales person learns as much as possible
about a prospective customer before making a sales call


a)prospecting b)pre-approach c)approach d)handling objections

In evaluating messages for advertising, telling how the product is better than the competing brand aims at
making the advertisement

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a)meaningful b)distinctive c)believable d)remembered

is the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant
to a specific marketing situation facing the company.
a)marketing intelligence b)MIS c)marketing research d)demographics e)marketing management

Answer any FOUR questions.


4 X 5 = 20

Bring out the difference between value and satisfaction.

What is mass marketing? What are its advantages?
Mention the essentials of a good package.
What is meant by culture? How does cultural factors affect consumer behaviour?
Mention the advantages of advertising.

Answer any THREE questions


3 X 15 = 45

What is marketing environment? Describe about macro and micro environmental factors.
What is product positioning? What are the various differentiation startegies?
Define a new product. Explain the different types of new products. Explain the procedures of new product
development process.
What are the various factors which must be considered while making channel selection?
Advertising and sales promotion are complementary to personal selling as tools of promotion.

Compulsory question

1 X 20 = 20

Kellogg's launched its products in India in September 1994, and offered corn flakes, wheat flakes and
Basmati rice flakes. Despite offering good quality products and being supported by the technical,
managerial and financial resources of its parent company, Kellogg's products failed miserably. Even a high
profile launch backed by hectic media activity failed to make an impact in the market place.
most of the average mid income and lower income groups in India skip their breakfast and those that do
take their breakfast, prefer milk, tea, biscuits, bread and butter or local preparations over flakes. Kellogg's
banked heavily on the quality of its crispy flakes. But Indians habitually boil the milk before using it, unlike
the west, and pouring hot milk over the flakes made them soggy. Indians also like to add sugar to their
milk, which made the prodcut too sweet.
In April 1995 Kellogg's India Ltd. reported a gradual decline in sales in Mumbai and a 25% decline in
countrywide sales. Consumers were just not ready to accept a radical change in their eating habits. The
rice and wheat version did not do well. In fact, some consumers even referred to rice flakes as 'rice corn
Kellogs's sources were however quick to assert that the company was not trying to change the eating
habits; the idea was only to launch its products on the health platform and make consumers see the benefit
of this healthier alternative. Disappointed with the poor performance, Kellogg's decided to launch two of
its highly successful brands - Chocos (September 1996) and Frosties (April 1997) in India. The company
hoped to repeat the global success of these brands in the Indian market And the success of these variants
took even Kellogg's by surprise and sales picked up significantly. The success of Chocos and Frosties also
led to Kellogg's focus on totally Indianising its flavours.
1. Whom did Kellogg's target?

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2. Why was Kellogg's a failure in India? What was wrong with their startegy?
3.How did Kellogg's overcome the resistance put up by Indians? Relate it to concepts that you have
4.How important is consumer needs in marketing a product?

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