Banorob Progress Report

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(ref.: 2011/1381)

BosnianNorwegian research based innovation for

development of new, environmental friendly, competitive
robot technology for selected target groups
Progress Report 2012 and
A ctivity Report for Q1 2013

2013. A pril 26.

Narvik University College


General summary!1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!.!
Progress Report!1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!2!
List of publications:!1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!,*!
Project indicator summary:!11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!,*!
Activity Report for Q1 2013!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!,3!

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G eneral summary
The report is based on the BANOROB project activities for 2012, carefully executed by the
BANOROB project consortium:

Narvik University College (NUC), Lead Partner

University of Banja Luka (UBL), Project partner
Innovation Centre Banja Luka (ICBL), Project Partner
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Project Partner
PPM AS, Project Partner

After one year of operation it can be stated that the BANOROB project is good condition and
the year is closed within budget and with excellent results. Throughout this report it will be
visible, what achievements we have reached and what challenges we have encountered during
the first year of the project. A few project highlights are:

Approximately 100 students have already participated in newly established educational

4 M.Sc students have been exchanged from UBL to NUC and PPM
As a direct result of cooperation within the BANOROB project, a Memorandum of
understanding on long-term cooperation has been signed between Narvik University
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meeting held in Narvik in September 2012.
5 scientific publications
3 companies from Banja Luka identified for collaboration
Established a project infrastructure and procedures that serves as a foundation for the
careful implementation of the project, including the establishment of common document
handling server

.4(%&)234 8%!27%(!6%&/#53%$/.!22!.').' ;&!#%4/ &!#%<-eetings in order to familiarize

and get detailed knowledge of the project consortium members. Available infrastructure,
laboratories and %15)0-%.4=3 have been examined. Such strategy has been highly successful and
has contributed towards a simplified execution of the project activities. A list of our physical
meetings is shown in the following table:

Trondheim, Norway
Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Narvik, Norway
Narvik, Norway

T ype
Project Kickoff meeting
Project Kickoff meeting
Technical meeting
Technical meeting
Steering Committee meeting

Some of the key- statements/discussions from the first year of operation:

BANORAB c//0%2!4)/.)3!;5##%3334/28<: changes the mindset : break the barriers

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Enhanced curricula and quality of service for students and teaching staff
Connecting research in Norway - empowers research in Bosnia and Herzegovina
International Networking & industrial application : chance for new development chapter
at UBL
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light of Bosnia and Herzegovina EU aspirations and Norwegian development model and
know-how in many areas

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Progress Report
This section serves as overview of activities that were carried out in 2012.
Wor k-Package 1: Development of new cur riculum in advanced I C T based production
engineering. W P leader Prof. T er je K ristoffer L ien, N T N U
The activity in 2012 has been concentrated establishing a basis for comparison of the syllabus
offered at UBL, NTNU and NUC, and from there determine the specific content of new courses
that will be focused on ICT in robotics and manufacturing automation. These courses should be
available for students both in the Manufacturing and the Mechatronics programs at UBL.
UBL expressed special interest in obtaining permission to use the teaching material from three
NTNU courses to improve similar courses at UBL. This refers to the following three NTNU

TPK4120 Safety and Reliability Analysis. Course coordinator Prof. Marvin Rausand
TPK 4135 Logistics and Production Management, Course coordinator Prof. Jan Ola
TPK4155 Applied Computational Intelligence in Intelligent Manufacturing, Course
coordinator Prof. Kesheng Wang

NTNU agreed to share course material with the teachers at UBL and support them in
establishing or upgrading existing UBL courses in these fields.
Additional courses have been organized for UBL Students at the Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, which shall assist students in gaining adequate knowledge in following fields:

AUTOCAD (20 students attended)

Visual Basic (20 students)
C++ (18 students)
CATIA (38 students attended)

In this way existing gap between the Norwegian practice and Bosnia and Herzegovina curricula
has been effectively bridged. At the same time, new course materials developed are made
available for future use.

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Wor k-Package 2: Establishment of student/staff exchange program with special focus on

emerging I C T technologies in manufacturing. W P leader Prof. T ihomir L atinovich, U B L
First exchange of students was performed in period October-December, when four students
were sent to Norway.
Students have been selected through public invitation made by UBL, published in newspapers
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in TEMPUS projects and students were obliged to sign a contract stipulating their obligations
and responsibilities with regards to funds provided under the project. Scholarship Award
Committee, appointed by the Rectorate of the Banja Luka University has made decision on
selection of candidates 10 July 2012.
Two students stayed for three months, and other two stayed for two months.
It has been planned that the same students attend courses for extra two months in spring 2013.
In this way, students shall obtain further skills and knowledge. This could be considered as an
added value for the project, as these students shall become valuable resource for UBL in further
implementation of activities related to VALIP throughout the rest of project implementation.

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Wor k-Package 3: Joint research in human friendly, sustainable, flexible and efficient I C T
technologies in SM E production industries. W P leader Prof. T rygve T homessen, PP M AS
WP3 seeks to involve the local industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina to the BANOROB project.
The WP started by arranging a meeting with selected companies in Banja Luka in order to
introduce the BANOROB project, and to investigate potential fields of collaboration.
There has been figured out application within basically palletizing which will be investigated
further in 2013 as a part of student projects.

Factory visit at Celex

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Wor k-Package 4: Develop V irtual Joint L aboratory for A dvanced I C T in Production

(V A L IP). W P leader Prof. T rygve T homessen, PP M
The intention of this WP is to develop a virtual system for integrating the laboratories to the
partners in the BANOROB project.
The main activity has been to establish a software platform for initial demonstration of the
potential functionality of the virtual system, VALIP. Thus, the main activities in 2012 have
been performed by PPM with assistance from UBL and NUC.
The basic functionality has been implemented, 3D models of two of the laboratories in PPM
have been made, and the initial modeling of the laboratory in UBL has started.
In addition, two students have been at PPM for three months, to go through initial training in
robotics, and get introduction to the initial version of VALIP.
It has also been a main activity to integrate =3!.$ =34%!-
Similarly, two students from UBL have been at NUC to get initial training as a part of the
integration process.
Due to some delay of purchasing equipment at UBL, the UBL activities in WP3 have mainly
been moved to =3 laboratory to keep the progress in the BANOROB project. In 2013, UBL
will get the laboratory up !.$25..).'!.$ =3!#4)6)4)%3).
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to plan.

Picture taken in VALIP virtual environment showing the laboratory setup at PPM AS

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Wor k-Package 5: Development of entrepreneurship program. W P leader, V ladimir

Corda, I C B L
According to the directions, the support program for entrepreneurship consists of two main

A training program
A pre-incubation program

The training program is defined as 5 day training program which includes:

Business planning : 3 day training

How to write a summary of a business plan : 1 day
How to improve my communication/presentation/sales capabilities

Aim of the training program is to teach participants of the entrepreneurship support program
how to write business plan based on their idea and how to prepare themselves to present their
business idea in short.
The pre-incubation program consists of the following services:

Consulting services
Grants for product development
Investor search services

Based on the above mentioned directions, support program for entrepreneurship is developed in
details including all necessary materials needed for successful implementation of the program.
Training program
In order to maximize project results, to provide participant with quality training program, and to
create base for realization of the entrepreneurship development program after BANOROB
project ends, ICBL realized train the trainers program. Seven selected assistants from the UBL
passed the train the trainers program and they are qualified to conduct trainings stated in
All participants of the train the trainings program are provided with set of tools (presentations,
case studies, exercises, etc) needed for successful implementation of the trainings.
Pre-incubation program
Based on previous experience in supporting development of small and medium enterprises
ICBL developed pre-incubation program which is consisted, in short, from the following:


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Mentor is assigned to each team which participates in entrepreneurship support program and
role of the mentors is to help participants with his experience and knowledge of business
Consulting services
Consulting services will be provided by ICBL staff with aim to help participant to easily
develop their business plans, marketing etc.

Grants for product development


Collaborative act with industry where it is planned to utilize project funds and to connect
participants of the support program for entrepreneurship with companies in Norway.

Investor search services

Access to investors through ICBL Business Angels Network, VC funds.

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Wor k-Package 6: Project M anagement and administration. W P leader, Dean B jrn

Solvang, N U C
This WP is mainly dedicated to project management and administration.
Already from the beginning templates for reporting, meeting minutes, internal documents and
presentations were published for all partners.
To have a common communication interface we have introduced a very efficient tool, a
document server. This way we have highly reduced the overhead with e-mail communications,
made changes visible and track able. The document server also serves as communication
platform between project partners, can assign tasks to each other and set up milestones; in other
words it is a project management portal. It is available from anywhere in the world and have a
total overview of the project status.
Organization of the meetings was also the task for this WP.

Signing of Memorandum between UBL and NUC 10/9/2012

To keep track of all happenings in the project life, we have hold weekly SKYPE meetings.
Minutes from these meetings are also published on the document sever.

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L ist of publications:
1. )(/-)2!4)./6)?28'6%(/-%3%%.;    : E
Materials", issue 12/2012, Sofia, Bulgaria
2. Tihomir !4)./6)?28'6%(/-%3%%.;6%26)%7/&).4%,,)'%.4#/.42/,!.).$5342)!,
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3. )(/-)2!4)./6)?/2).%!#/.5),/3!6A52@%6)?;%6%,/0)245!,/).4
!"/2!4/28&/2/"/4)#3).2/$5#4)/.< - CONF 2011, Subotica, Serbia
4. Azin Aryania, Balazs Daniel, Trygve Thomessen, Gabor Sziebig, New trends in
industrial robot controller user interfaces., In: 3rd IEEE International Conference on
Cognitive Infocommunications, CogInfoCom 2012. Kosice, Szlovkia, 2012.12.022012.12.05. pp. 365-369. Paper 55.
5. Sziebig Gabor, ritsland Trond Are, Navigating in 3D Immersive Environments: A
VirCa Usability Study., In: Syroco 2012. Dubrovnik, Horvtorszg, 2012.09.052012.09.07. Dubrovnik: pp. 380-384. Paper 141.

Project indicator summary:

Indicator name

Indicator description

Completeness / actions to be taken


Approx. 300 students will participate in the

educational program
6 M.Sc. students will be part of exchange
program between Banja Luka and Norw.
1 Ph.D student partly financed his studies as a
worker in the project.
10 students will have opportunity for
internships within industry.

Approx. 100 students have already

participated in the educational
4 M.Sc. students have been in
exchange program
1 PhD candidate is already
identified for exchange


Establishment of institution coordinating Virtual

Joint Laboratory for Advanced Information
Technology in Production, VALIP.

This is under implementation, will be in

use as soon as equipment is in place at


Researchers from NTNU, NUC, UBL and PPM
will publish the result from the BANOROB
project. Submitted joint projects with CEEPUS
partners from Serbia, Romania, Slovakia, Poland
and Bulgaria and other European project in area
! Highly flexible industrial robot systems for
small and medium sized companies
! Remote support and knowledge transfer to
small and medium sized companies using
industrial robots

We have already started disse minating

results. Results were published in
scientific conferences.
Articles along with its presentations are
collected on BANOROB document
Projects are under preparation phase.


40% of women in the project.

We will create a project participant list

with all necessary information to
complete this indicator.


Develop technology for Virtual Joint Laboratory

for Advanced Information Technology in
Production, VALIP. Increased attractiveness of
robotics studies at UBL. Increased capacity of
research groups at UBL.

Statistics from previous year and

current year will be basis to compare
the increase and development of
research activities at UBL.

New teaching
subjects / contents

Other indicators:

Advanced production systems and automation

Advanced industrial robotics
Product- and production strategies for highly
flexible manufacturing in small and medium
sized companies
Highly flexible industrial robotics for small
and mediums sized companies
Advanced cognitive man machine
communication for small and medium sized


2-3 Related R&D projects

1 scientific conferences
10 scientific publications

For the first step 4 courses will be

changed in the education plan of the
Mechatronic B.Sc. students.

Approx. 5 scientific publications

D EMI 2013 is planned for hosting
BANOROB activities (demonstrations,

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A ctivity Report for Q1 2013

So far in year 2013 we had the following physical meetings:

Trondheim, Norway
Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

T ype
Developer meeting (WP 3-4)
Technical meeting

Summary from meeting with the E ntrepreneurship program participants (16/04/2013)

NUC, PPM AS and NTNU was invited to participate on the Entrepreneurship program opening event at
ICBL. Approximately 15 participants showed up. ICBL already received two candidates for
entrepreneurship support program:

TRIDEA, beyond 3D ideas


ICBL provides for selected candidates business coaching and support for their travels to appointed
Norwegian partners. ICBL report on this event:
Summary from the meeting with M inistry of Science and T echnology (16/04/2013)
The BANOROB project was invited to meet with the Ministry of Science and Technology. On the
meeting the project goals were presented to the ),*!.! /*6/$)? (Assistant Minister for Technology)
and we got confirmed that the goals in project are matching the goals of the Ministry of Science and
Technology. We are looking forward inviting the Ministry of Science and Technology to events of the
BANOROB project (e.g. DEMI 2013 conference,

Biljana /*6/$)?Assistant Minister for Technology) and BANOROB partners (Terje K. Lien, Bjrn

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Summary from meeting with companies (16/04/2013)

A workshop for invited companies from Bosnia and Herzegovina took place at ICBL on 16/04/2013. 6-7
companies have attended and were introduced to the goals of BANOROB project and also the companies
got possibility to introduce their problems and expectations from the BANOROB project.
As a direct result the BANOROB project made a field visit (18/04/2013) to the company called Kaldera.

Highly qualified operator makes adjustment to the

welding program of the robot

10 axis welding robot in operation


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