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The Constitution of the Holy Empire

of Sorea


We the people of the Moiraean Empire, in order to form a more perfect global
society, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common
defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Holy
Empire of Sorea.

Article I-Statuti Serviani

The Statuti Serviani shall be the supreme executors of the law in the Holy Empire.
The Statuti Serviani shall be composed of 10,000 Imperial Guards to be selected by
the High Courts every 10 years. They will be tasked with ensuring that all branches
of government adhere to this constitution and may be authorized by the High
Courts to take control the Holy Empire during times of crisis for periods of one year
at a time.

Article II-Executive Branch

The government of the Empire will be an Elective Federal Constitutional Monarchy.

Head of State will be manifested in the Supreme Emperor and Supreme Empress,
who will have equal sovereignty. Along with the Monarchs will the Prime Minister,
who will serve as Head of Government. The second tier of the executive branch will
be the three Triumvirs. The Monarchs will be the highest authority in the Empire and
be the heads of state, with the power to declare war or martial law, create
executive orders, mediate treaties between provinces, levy military and police
forces, and appoint or remove federal officials.

The Monarchs have the power to veto any legislation created in the Grand
Congress. The Monarchs also has the power to nationalize the land of any province
with approval from the Prime Minister and the Triumvirs, if the governor of that land
has committed acts against this Constitution. The Emperor and Empress shall serve
for life.

The Monarchs shall be elected by direct popular election upon the death of previous
Monarchs. Any blood heirs to the preceding Monarchs shall be on the ballot, as well
as those who the ruling faction appoints to run for the position. The Prime Minister,
Triumvirs, and all necessary offices of the government shall be appointed by the

Monarchs shall from time to time give to the Praesidium information of the state of
the union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge
necessary and expedient; they may, on extraordinary occasions, convene the
houses of the Praesidium, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect
to the time of adjournment, they may adjourn them to such time as they shall think
proper; they shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall
commission all the officers of the Holy Empire.

The Prime Minister will be the head of government and manage the day-to-day
affairs of the Empire. The Prime Minister will preside over the inter-regional
diplomacy as well as serve as President of the Praesidium. The Prime Minister shall
receive ambassadors and other public ministers. The Prime Minister will serve for
duration of the term of the Monarch that appointed them.

The Triumvirs will act as assistant heads of government. One will preside over the
Council, one the Senate, and one will preside over the House. The Triumvirs will
serve for the duration of the term of the Monarch that appointed them.

All of the secretaries also fall with the executive branch. Any officials appointed by
the Monarchs for special tasks will also be members of the Executive. All secretaries
serve for the duration of the term of the Monarch that appointed them.

Article III-Judicial Branch

Let it be known that the Holy Empire shall follow a system of statutory law using the
inquisitorial system of justice.

The Judiciary shall be composed of three High Courts; the Supreme Court, the
Constitutional Court, and the High Council of Orders . Each court shall be composed
of 10 members. A Chief Justice shall preside over all three courts.

The Supreme Court shall be the highest criminal court in the Holy Empire. All cases
not settled by local and regional courts shall be brought before the Supreme Court.
Justices on the Supreme Court shall be appointed by the Monarchs and approved by
the Praesidium. Justices shall serve for life.

The Constitutional Court shall be the highest court of statutory authority in the Holy
Empire. Any cases concerning statutory law not settled by local or regional shall be
brought before the Constitutional Court. Justices on the Constitutional Court shall be
appointed by the Monarchs and approved by the Praesidium. Justices shall serve for

The Grand Council of orders shall be the highest court of theological authority in the
Holy Empire. Each of the Great Orders; the Jedi, the Paladini, the Orogoni, the Vedri,
and the Sodan shall appoint two grand masters to sit on the Grand Council. Grand
Councilors shall serve for life.

Let it be known that treason against the Empire shall consist only in levying war
against it, in adhering to its enemies, plotting against the Imperial government, or
planned secession from the Empire. No person shall be convicted of treason unless
on the testimony of three witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open
court. Let it be known that the punishment for all forms of treason is death and only

Also let it be known that the following crimes are federal offenses, and will be
punishable by death according to this Constitution. The crimes enumerated as
federal offenses include: Murder, rape, assault, kidnapping, tax evasion,
counterfeiting, arson, and racial crimes. By the powers of this Constitution, the
maximum punishment for these crimes is death.

Article IV-Legislative Branch

The legislative branch will be composed of the tri-cameral Praesidium. The Council
of Governors will consist of the governors of each province. Governors will be
elected every 10 years by each province.
The Intergalactic Senate will be composed of two representatives from each
province. The House of Systems will be composed of representatives based on the
population of each province. Senators and Representatives will be elected every 10
years by the provinces. In the event of a vacancy in any Praesidium position, the
provinces shall conduct elections to fill the vacancy.

No person shall be a Senator or Representative who shall not have attained to the
age of 25 years, and been 10 years a citizen of the Holy Empire and who shall not,
when elected, be an inhabitant of that province for which they shall be chosen.

The powers enumerated to the Grand Congress shall be to levy taxes, regulate
international and interprovincial commerce, coin money, make rules for government
regulation of the military and economy, regulate the Imperial treasury, and create
uniform laws for the Empire. The Praesidium also has the power to veto any
executive order or to remove a justice from the Courts.
Every bill which shall have passed the House of Systems and the Senate, shall,
before it become a law, be presented to the Monarchs and Courts of the Holy
Empire; if the Monarch approves they shall sign it, if the Courts approve it they shall
ratify it, but if not they shall return it, with any objections to that house in which it
shall have originated, who shall proceed to reconsider it. If after such
reconsideration two thirds of that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent,
together with the objections, to the other houses, by which it shall likewise be
reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of those houses as well as the Monarchs
and Courts, it shall become a law. But in all such cases the votes of both Houses
shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and
against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each house respectively.

Every order, resolution, or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House
of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of adjournment) shall
be presented to the President of the United States; and before the same shall take
effect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, shall be re-passed
by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the rules
and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill.

This Constitution recognizes the United Sors Imperium Alliance (USIA) as the only
political faction in the Holy Empire.

Article V-Basic Rights and Freedoms

All of these rights are guaranteed by this Constitution and may not be denied to
anyone without the approval of the Courts, whose job it is to interpret this
document. If deemed necessary by the Courts the Monarchs have the power to
suspend certain rights for a period of time as defined by the Supreme Court.

1. Freedom of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

2. Freedom of Speech
3. Freedom of Press
4. Freedom of and from Religion
5. Freedom of Assembly
6. Freedom of Market
7. Freedom from Fear
8. Freedom from Oppression
9. Freedom from Slavery
10. Freedom from Discrimination
11. Freedom from Unlawful Conviction
12. Freedom from Quartering of Troops
13. Right to Equal Representation
14. Right to Bear Arms
15. Right to a Due Process Fair Trial

Article VI-General Provisions

The Empire will be a devolved monarchy with decentralized provincial governments.

The organization of this Empire will be an elective federal constitutional monarchy.
The Monarchs will be the supreme rulers of all federated provinces. Each region is
guaranteed a republican form of government. This constitution guarantees the basic
human rights of all citizens living within it, in each and every province. No province
shall have any law or ordinance conflicting what is written in this Constitution. No
province shall enter into a private contract with another province or sovereign state.
No province shall maintain its own militia. No province shall be granted the legal
right to secede from this Empire, it was their choice to join, it is not their choice to
leave. If a province wishes to bring up grievances, it may do so freely in the

This Constitution, and the laws of the Holy Empire which shall be made in pursuance
thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the
Holy Empire, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state
shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the
contrary notwithstanding.

All debts and contracts entered into by the Moiraean Empire shall be valid against
the Sorean Empire under this Constitution.

Article VII-Amendments

Amendments may be proposed by anyone in the federal government. Any

amendments for this constitution must be approved by a 75% majority in the
Praesidium and approved by the executive branch and judicial branch before
becoming law.

Article VIII-Ratification

This constitution shall come into effect by its ratification in a two-thirds majority of
the provinces of the Holy Empire. Once ratified this Constitution will take effect
immediately and may not be repealed.

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