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HUL 810, July 28, 2014

Lecture 2: Researching

We have all written personal essays and presented our emotions in various forms, but research
is a scientific means of exploration. In research, we question, probe an issue, solve a research
problem, or make an argument, apropos what someone else has already said. Research
Methodology is a way to systematically solve a research problem.
Research can be divided in two kinds. Primary research and secondary research. Primary
research would mean study and research through first hand investigation. It would include
primary (or first hand) research and analysis.
Secondary research would imply study and analysis of what other researchers have already
studied or analysed on that area or topic. It would include analysis and interpretation (or reinterpretation) of an already existing research, study or analysis.
Any good research work is typically a fine amalgamation of both these techniques (primary
and secondary research). Your research should definitely have something new to say, to find,
to search or to analyse (primary research). And yet, your research should also locate preexisting research on that area or topic (secondary research). This gives your area of study or
topic some historicity, which is essential for researching.
As mentioned before the essence of a good research is a perfect combination of primary and
secondary research. It is very important to combine research and original ideas. Research
is essential as it empowers and increases ones understanding of a subject. Research confirms
your ideas and at the same time it shapes them (ideas are fluid and newer ideas germinate).
Research helps expand your horizon of knowledge to newer and better thought processes. At
times, research tells you that your ideas are pre-existing and someone has already worked on
The act of researching is a challenging process. It can be seen as an exploration, which leads
to discovery. It is a mechanical activity as well as a very rewarding intellectual exercise
(creative). While there can be ways and means to increase efficiency of a research project,
eventually it is on the researcher, as to how he/she goes about his research. If one learns the art
of researching, the knowledge is carried forward to all fields of work in future.
Research is a form of written communication and like in any form communication, there must
be clarity and effectiveness in interaction. The writing should be intelligent and yet clear.
In writing, both the content and form is very important. While the topic of discourse should
be intelligent, the structure should also be evident. Form gives meaning as much as content
does and are equally important. In this course, we will learn how to create structure and form
better, to give meaning to our content.
One of the first and major pit-stops for research is the library. Library is a massive repository
of information which often goes unnoticed. Modern day libraries are supported by the newest
technological advancements which makes the job of a researcher much easier. We can now
skim through virtual catalogues and e-databases with a click of a mouse. Unlike earlier, when
one had to tirelessly go through copious amount of handwritten catalogues to search for books,

journals, papers, publications and archives. Librarians are great resource people too. They can
help you find your text with ease and effectiveness as they are trained for it.
There are always new journals and publications which one can read in the library (also ejournals and publications). It is always a good exercise to save publication information such as
ISBN, name, publisher, year etc. Not to mention, there are always films, sound bites, archival
information and internet, where one can research. But one must be careful of what information
to trust.
If you find a good text, it is a helpful exercise to check the bibliography, references or citations
for that text, to build more sources. To save valuable time, one should first read the abstract
before one starts reading an entire text. One must use various kind of search options to find
newer materials on a topic Title search, author search, subject search, expanded search,
Boolean search etc. Not to mention, there is always a reference section in the library where one
can go and read more. If you dont find a particular text in the library, there is always the option
of inter-library loans.
However, as mentioned before, not all sources are reliable and a good researcher should be
able to access the quality of any research work before using or citing it. It is a fallacy to think
that something is true or good just because it is on print or on the internet. Once we start
researching we will realises the biases and frivolousness of some authors, journals, publications
etc. In any text, we should look for the three key point Accuracy, Authority and Currency.
If you have any doubt regarding the accuracy, authority or currency of a text, ask your
supervisor or librarian. Other means to judge is to read peer reviews, see if experts are advising
the Editorial Board etc. Good publications clearly identify contributors and their credentials.
Moreover, good publications clearly state their editorial policy.
Once you identify your sources and start reading (researching), it is very important to take
down notes. There are various ways in which different researchers take notes and perhaps no
two way are similar. But always write the publication details, which will make your working
bibliography. Three important ways to take notes are to Summarise, Paraphrase and

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