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Getting Started with ZMotif Card Printer Development ZMotif


Overview................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Target Audience .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Feedback ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Installing the ZMotif SDK+ ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Creating an Application using the ZMotif SDK+ ................................................................................................................ 5
Launch Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. ........................................................................................................................... 5
Create a C# Windows Form project. ............................................................................................................................. 5
Design the Form Layout .............................................................................................................................................. 10
Add the Code ............................................................................................................................................................... 19
Running the Application ............................................................................................................................................... 22
Deploying the Application ............................................................................................................................................ 24

This document describes the end to end process of designing, packaging, deploying and running a C# application using
the Zebra ZMotif SDK+.
The sample code used in this guide is from the Getting started with ZMotif Card Printer Development supporting sample
code (SA249) available here on the Zebra Support Portal.

Target Audience
The information delivered in this document assumes the reader has reasonable technical competence covering
Microsoft Visual Studio, core programming concepts and rationales.

We value all feedback. Please add your comments/suggestions to the article in the Zebra Support Portal.

The following items are required to create the ZMotif SDK+ application:
ZMotif SDK+
The following components are required and included in the ZMotif SDK+ package: ZMotif Printer SDK, ZMotif
Graphics SDK, and ZGT (Zebra General Tool). To download ZMotif SDK+, navigate to the following site: Click the Click here for the EULA link located at the top right section of
the page. The Installing the ZMotif SDK+ section of this document contains instructions on how to install the SDKs.
ZXP Series 8 Printer
In order to run the ZMotif SDK+ application created in this document, a Zebra ZXP Series 8 retransfer printer must
be accessible from the computer.

Installing the ZMotif SDK+

The ZMotif SDK+ must be installed to your system before the sample application can be developed. The following
steps explain how to install the ZMotif SDK+.
1. Install the ZMotifPrinterSDK.
a. Navigate to the ZMotifPrinterSDKs directory (ZMotifPrinterSDK_<version>) within the ZMotif SDK+s
installation package.
b. Launch setup.exe located in the ZMotifPrinterSDKs directory.

c. Complete the ZMotifPrinterSDK installation by advancing through the installation wizard using the
installers defaults.

2. Install the ZMotifGrahpicsSDK.

a. Navigate to the ZMotifGraphicsSDKs directory (ZMotifGraphicsSDK_<version>) within the ZMotif
SDK+s installation package.
b. Launch setup.exe located in the ZMotifGraphicsSDKs directory.

c. Complete the ZMotifGraphicsSDK installation by advancing through the installation wizard using the
installers defaults.

Creating an Application using the ZMotif SDK+

The following steps will guide you through the creation of an application that will utilize the ZMotif SDK+. The
application will feed in a PVC card from the Input Hopper, print text and graphics to the card, than send the card to the
Output Hopper.
1. Launch Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.
Go to Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 -> Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.
2. Create a C# Windows Form project.
a. Click on File -> New -> Project.

b. You will be prompted with a New Project window. In Project types pane, expand Visual C# and select
Windows Forms Application.
c. Enter ZMotifGettingStarted in the Name text field and chose a location for your project. Click OK.

d. Your project will automatically open in the IDE. The Form Designer is opened by default.

e. The ZMotif SDK+ only works with 32-bit applications. If you are running on a 64-bit system you must
change the projects built type to x86.
i. Right-click the ZMotifGettingStarted project in the Solution Explorer and select Properties.

ii. The ZMotifGettingStarted projects properties window will be displayed. Select Build on the left.
iii. Set the Platform target to x86 and Save. Close the properties window to return to the Form

3. Design the Form Layout

a. Rename the form in the Solution Explorer by right-clicking Form1.cs and selecting Rename.
i. Enter frmMain.cs and hit Enter.
ii. Click Yes when prompted to rename all references of Form1.

b. Right-click anywhere on the form in the Form Designer and select Properties. This will bring up the
Properties table in the bottom right panel.

c. Replace Form1 with ZMotif Application for the value of the Text property. This changes the text on the
title bar of the form.

d. For the value of the Size property, replace 300, 300 with 350, 300.

e. In the Properties window, select the lightning bolt icon to show the Forms events. Set the Load event to


We will use a combo box for selecting a printer.

i. Expand the Toolbox on the left.
ii. Expand Common Controls and drag a ComboBox into the top left portion of the form.

iii. Right-click the combo box and select Properties.

iv. Set the value of the (Name) property to cboPrinterSelection.

g. We will use a text box to enter text that will appear on the card.
i. Drag a TextBox from the Toolbox and place it directly under the combo box on the form.

ii. Right-click the TextBox and select Properties. Set the value of its (Name) property to

h. Now we will add Labels to the ComboBox and TextBox.

i. Drag a Label from the Toolbox and place it to the right of the ComboBox.
ii. Right-click the label and select Properties. Set the value of the Text property to Printer:.
iii. Drag another Label from the Toolbox and place it to the right of the TextBox.
iv. Right-click the label and select Properties. Set the value of the Text property to Card Text:.


We will use another label to output the status messages.

i. Drag another Label from the Toolbox and place it directly under the Card Text Label.
ii. Right-click the label and select Properties. Clear the value of the Text property so that is blank.
iii. Set the value of the (Name) property to lblPrintStatus.


The last control we need is a Button to print the card.

i. Drag a Button from the Toolbox and place it in the bottom right portion of the form.
ii. Right-click the Button and select Properties.
iii. Change the value of the Text property to Print.
iv. Change the value of the (Name) property to btnPrint.
v. Click the lightning bolt icon to show the Buttons events.
vi. Set the Buttons click event to btnPrint_Click.

4. Add the Code

a. Before we write any code, we need to include References to the ZMotif SDK+s assemblies.
i. First, we will add a reference to ZMotifGraphics.dll. In the Solution Explorer, right-click
References and select Add Reference.

ii. Select the Browse tab and navigate to the location where the ZMotifGraphicsSDK was installed.
(The default is C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\ZMotifGraphicsSDK\bin)
iii. In the bin directory, select ZMotifGrahpics.dll and click OK.

iv. Now we will add a reference to ZMotifPrinter.dll. Once again, right-click References and select
Add Reference.
v. Select the Browse tab and navigate to the location where the ZMotifPrinterSDK was installed.
(The default is C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\ZMotifPrinterSDK\<version>\bin)
vi. In the <version>\bin directory, select ZMotifPrinter.dll and click OK.
vii. Lastly, we will add a reference to Neodynamic.SDK.Barcode.dll. This DLL is required by the
ZMotif SDK+s assemblies.
viii. In the Solution Explorer, right-click References and select Add Reference.
ix. Select the Browse tab and navigate to the location where the ZGT (Zebra General Tool) was
installed. (The default is C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\ZGT)
x. Select Neodynamic.SDK.Barcode.dll and click OK.
xi. There should now be three new assemblies (ZMotifGraphics, ZMOTIFPRINTERLib,
Neodynamic.SDK.Barcode) under References in the Solution Explorer.

b. Now we will begin adding the code. Right-click anywhere in the Form Designer and select View Code.
This will open frmMain.cs.

c. Replace the existing code in frmMain.cs with the frmMain.cs from the Getting Started with ZMotif
Printer Development supporting sample code. This code has a few main functions:
Note: The source code in this whitepaper is extracted from the "Getting started with ZMotif Card Printer
Development support sample code" SA249 which is available for download to all registered members of
the Zebra ISV Program here. For information on joining the ISV Program, contact a Program Manager in
your area. Details here.

i. Populates the printer selection combo box with available printers.

ii. Connects to the printer before printing and disconnects from the printer after printing.
iii. Draws shapes and text to the graphics buffer and begins printing when the Print button is clicked.

5. Running the Application

a. Start the application by pressing F5.
b. Select your ZMotif device from the printer selection combo box.

c. Enter Hello World! into the Card Text text field.

d. Click the Print button. When the print begins, you will see the message Printing Card.

e. The resulting card should have shapes and text printed on the front and back, as shown below.


6. Deploying the Application

a. Set the projects build mode to Release by choosing Release from the dropdown near the top.

b. If you are running on a 64-bit system, you must once again change the build type to x86, as this set
separately for Debug and Release build modes.
i. You may refer back to section 2 step e if you do not remember how to do this.
ii. Be sure your build mode is set to Release before changing the build type.
c. Select Build -> Build Solution from the top menu.

d. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to your ZMotifGettingStarted Visual Studio project. Your
application is located at ~\ZMotifGettingStarted \bin\Release\ZMotifGettingStarted.exe.
e. If a custom ZMotif device application will be run on machines that do not have the ZMotif SDK+
installed, it needs access to any ZMotif assemblies that it uses in its code. The ZMotifGettingStarted
uses ZMotifGraphics.dll (ZMotifGraphicsSDK) and Interop.ZMOTIFPRINTERLib.dll

Document Control
Version Date


Initial Release

All links and information correct at time of writing

Created for the Zebra Global ISV Program by Zebra Development Services

*Specifications subject to change without notice.

2009 ZIH Corp. EPL, APL, ZBI 2.0, ZBI-Developer, Element Energy Equalizer, E 3, ZebraLink, EPL2, ZebraNet, and all product names and numbers are Zebra trademarks, and Zebra, the Zebra head graphic
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GSA#: GS-35F-0268N
13919L-001 Rev. 9 (11/08)

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