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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology Lesson Plan Template

Health, Nutrition and Fitness

By Vivian C Rogers
Pre-School( 3-5age)

Common Core Standards:

Domain: Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
Strand: Motor Development
Topic: Large Muscle, Balance and Coordination
Standard Statement: Demonstrate locomotor skills with control, coordination and balance during active
play. Demonstrate coordination in using objects during active play.
Strand: Physical Well-Being
Topic: Physical Activity
Standard Statement: Participate in structured and unstructured active physical play exhibiting strength and
stamina. Demonstrate basic understanding that physical activity helps the body grow and be healthy
Topic: Nutrition
Standard Statement: Demonstrate basic understanding that eating a variety of foods helps the body grow
and be healthy
Topic: Self-Help
Standard Statement: Independently complete personal care tasks. Follow basic health practices.
Lesson Summary:
This Lesson is design to make Health, Nutrition, and Fitness fun for child. With the help of a Leap band by
Leap Frog to fitness fun for children in it all so help track their movements. It also helps with healthy habits
with a customizable pet. Student will be about to pick the own band and table track the Health, Nutrition, and
Fitness habit they start. Their best habits will be placed where everyone can see it. We will have a (K, W, and
L) chart so we can see what they know, what they want to know, and what they learn.

Estimated Duration:
This Leeson will in split into 4 day and 50 minutes or more per day.

To start the Lesson talks to the children about Health, Nutrition, and Fitness. Talk the activity that they will be
doing this week. Tell them why you feel that learning about Health, Nutrition, and Fitness is so impotent. Ask
them what they think will make learning about Health, Nutrition, and Fitness fun to them. Show them the tool
they will use on this Lesson. It will be challenging to keep 4 to5 years old in to the lesson but I think having
their own leap band and table will help.

Instructional Procedures:
Day 1:
First 10 minutes: the teacher will read the book Marshmallow Toes by Melissa Clemens .This will open on for
the teacher to talk about the first activity.
The next 20 minutes: We will talk taking a bath and how to do it right. Then you will sing this song
( can

you wash)

Can you wash your hair

I can wash my hair
(my hair, my feet, my face, my knees)
This is the way we take a bath. [Wash your whole body!]
Can you wash your shoulders
I can wash my
(my shoulders, my toes, my hands, my nose)
This is the way we take a bath.
The last 20 minutes: Show them a picture file about the healthy things they do on a daily bases.

Day 2:
First 10 minutes: the teacher will read the book Good Enough to Eat by Lizzy Rockwell. This will open on for
the teacher to talk about the first activity of the day.
The next 20 minutes: the teacher will talk at the non- nutrition to the nutrition food then the teacher will tell the
children why nutrition is important for their bodies.
The last 20 minutes: the teacher and the student will work on make a nutrition food snacks for the last 3 days
of the week. The teacher will take notes on their table.

Day 3:
50 minutes: the teacher will read the book My Amazing Body by Pat Thomas. This will open up for the teacher
to talk about what they are doings to today. The teacher will talk about the leap band and what we will use it
for .We will also set up the leap band and pick a pet to be on the team. Then we will set up their table to hold
and organize the date.

Day 4:
50 minutes: the children will do the activity that the leap band said to do then they will up loaded it to the

The teacher will use a (KWL chart) to see what they know and what they want to know. You as the teacher
can add to it what they know. So they can get the most out of this lesson.
Scoring Guidelines:
The (KWL chart) will give you something to work off of. It will tell what the children know about
Health, Nutrition, and Fitness.
The teacher will still be use the (KWL chart) but he / she will be doing the L part of the chart. They will be
finding out what tell learn about the lesson.
Scoring Guidelines:
With the KWL chart finish the teacher will be a bow to see what the children known to what they

Differentiated Instructional Support

Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the needs of gifted or
accelerated students:
If the teacher has a gifted student in the class have them to peer-tutor students who are struggling. Let them
work together. Let them chance each other.
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the
If the teacher has a student that is struggling with the material the can make a step by step work a long video

This link / website will help you make up more challenges.
This will give you more activity, kit name, and so much more. It will tell you what you will need for the
activity. They will tell you how to do the activity you picked.

Homework Options and Home Connections

The homework is for the parent. The parent shall make two challenges on the leap bead for their children that
help with the Health, Nutrition, and Fitness and that go with the Standards we are using.

Interdisciplinary Connections
The lesson can go in math and language.
The math comes in with numbers and time.
The language comes from all the songs, books, and the recipes.

Materials and Resources:

For teachers

Books: Marshmallow Toes by Melissa Clemens, My Amazing Body by Pat Thomas,

Good Enough to Eat by Lizzy Rockwell
picture files of things that kids do on a daily bases
KWL chart, Table, song

For students

Leap band and Table

Key Vocabulary
Health, Nutrition, Fitness, challenges, KWL, up loaded, team

Additional Notes
This lesson plan was hard for me to do, but I did my very best to give you what you wanted in this lesson. I
hope you love as much as my children did.

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