Astronomy - Chapter 11 Test

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars







1.We are about 8000 parsecs from the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, and the smallest
parallax angle we can measure from orbiting observatories is about 0.001 arcseconds.
How far toward the galactic center can we see with this technique (ignoring galactic dust
and other obstacles)?
All the way to the center
About half way to the center
About one-eighth of the way to the center
Only 0.008 = 1/125 of the way to the center
Ans: C
Section: 11-1
2.How far away is the nearest star beyond the Sun?
About 1/4 ly away
C) About 4 ly away
About 1/10 ly away
D) Between 1 and 2 ly away
Ans: C
Section: 11-1
3.How far away is the nearest star beyond the Sun, in parsecs?
Between 1 and 2 pc away
C) About 4 pc away
About 12 pc away
D) Between 1/2 and 1 pc away
Ans: A
Section: 11-1 and Toolbox 11-1
4.What is parallax?
The distance to an object, measured in parsecs
The angle taken up by the size (e.g., diameter) of an object, as seen by an observer
The shift in angular position of an object as it moves in space
The apparent shift in position of an object as the observer moves
Ans: D
Section: 11-1
5.In what fundamental way do we (and many other animals) utilize parallax for the
measurement of distance?
Our eyes focus back and forth continuously, and the brain interprets this focusing in
terms of distance to the object viewed.
The eye can measure the time taken for light to travel from an object, and the brain
interprets this in terms of distance to the object viewed.
We are always moving our heads slightly from side to side, and the brain compares
look angles from each of these positions to obtain the distance to the object viewed.
Our eyes are mounted horizontally about 10 cm apart in our heads, and the brain
interprets the relative look angles of these eyes in terms of distance to the object
Ans: D
Section: 11-1
6.Stellar parallax is
the inferred change in the distance to a star as its light is dimmed by passing
through an interstellar cloud.
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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars


the apparent shift seen in the position of a nearby star against more distant stars as
we orbit the Sun.
the difference between the apparent and absolute magnitudes of a star.
the circular or elliptical motion of a star in a binary system as the two stars orbit
each other.
Ans: B
Section: 11-1
7.As you drive along a road, trees in the middle distance seem to shift in position relative to
far-away hills. What name is given to this phenomenon?
A) Parallax B) Perspective C) The Doppler effect D) The inverse-square law
Ans: A
Section: 11-1


8.The motion that is used to change the position of the observer in the most common
parallax measurements of distances to relatively nearby stars is
the motion of the Sun around the galactic center.
the change in latitude of the observation point on the Earth.
the motion of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun.
the rotation of the Earth on its axis.
Ans: C
Section: 11-1
9.How many stars (other than the Sun) have an angle of parallax greater than one second of
A) About 100 B) Millions C) None D) Only one
Ans: C
Section: 11-1


10.How is stellar parallax of a star defined?

It is the angle taken up by the diameter of a star as seen from the Earth.
It is the angle subtended by the radius of the Earth's orbit as seen from the star.
It is the angle subtended by the diameter of the Earth's orbit as seen from the star.
It is the angle through which a star moves in our sky over the course of 1 year due
to the motion of both the star and the Earth.
Ans: B
Section: 11-1

11.Parallax of a nearby star is used to estimate its

surface temperature.
distance from the Earth.
Ans: B
Section: 11-1

apparent magnitude.
physical size or diameter.

12.Which of the following properties of a nearby star is determined by a measurement of

stellar parallax?

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars



Its spectral type and surface temperature

Its rotation period
Its apparent magnitude
Its distance from the Earth
Ans: D
Section: 11-1
13.The most straightforward way to determine the distance to a nearby star involves the
measurement of
its spectrum.
the ratio of apparent and absolute magnitudes.
the Zeeman effect of spectral lines in its spectrum.
its stellar parallax.
Ans: D
Section: 11-1

14.How can we tell that some stars are relatively close to us in the sky?
Because they appear to move periodically back and forth against the background
stars because of the Earth's movement around the Sun
Because they appear to be extremely bright and must therefore be very close to us
Because they are occasionally occulted or eclipsed by our Moon, hence they must
be close
Because the light from these stars shows only a very small redshift caused by the
universal expansion of the universe, so they must be close
Ans: A
Section: 11-1



15.Stellar parallax appears because

the Earth rotates about its own axis.
stars move in space.
stars have finite size (i.e., they are not really just points of light).
the Earth moves in space.
Ans: D
Section: 11-1
16.Who was the first person to measure the parallax of a star successfully?
Sir George Airy in England
Henry Norris Russell in the United States
Tycho Brahe in Denmark
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel in Germany
Ans: D
Section: 11-1

17.The most accurate stellar parallax measurements for distances to the majority of stars in
our neighborhood of the universe have been made by
the Hubble Space Telescope.

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars


Bessel, in 1838, since no measurements since then have matched his precision.
the Hipparchos satellite.
the Very Long Baseline Array of radio telescopes.
Ans: C
Section: 11-1
18.What is the relationship between stellar parallax (p) measured in seconds of arc and
distance (d) measured in parsecs?
A) d = 1/p2 B) d = 1/p C) d = p D) d = p2
Ans: B
Section: 11-1 and Toolbox 11-1
19.A particular star has an angle of parallax of 0.2 arcsecond. What is the distance to this
A) 50 pc B) 2 pc C) 5 pc D) 0.2 pc
Ans: C
Section: 11-1 and Toolbox 11-1

20.A star is 80 pc from the Sun. Its apparent motion against the background sky as a result
of the Earth's motion through 1 AU, that is, its stellar parallax, is
0.0125 arcsecond.
C) 0.0125 radian, or 0.72.
0.0125 arcminute.
D) 80 arcseconds.
Ans: A
Section: 11-1 and Toolbox 11-1
21.A particular star has an angle of parallax of 0.1 arcsec. What is the distance to this star?
A) About 10 ly B) About 33 ly C) About 0.1 ly D) About 3.3 ly
Ans: B
Section: 11-1 and Toolbox 11-1
22.A particular star is 20 pc away from the Earth. What is the stellar parallax for this star?
A) 6 arcsec B) 20 arcsec C) 0.02 arcsec D) 0.05 arcsec
Ans: D
Section: 11-1 and Toolbox 11-1
23.If stellar parallax as small as 0.01 arcsec can be measured using telescopes on the Earth
to observe stars, to what distance does this correspond in space?
A) 500 pc B) 200 pc C) 0.01 pc D) 100 pc
Ans: D
Section: 11-1 and Toolbox 11-1
24.If a nearby star shows a parallax of 0.5 arcsec (when the Earth moves through 1 AU, by
definition) at what is its distance from the Earth, in light-years?
A) 2 ly B) 1.83 ly C) 6.52 ly D) 3.26 ly
Ans: C
Section: 11-1 and Toolbox 11-1

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars

25.The triple star system Centauri has a parallax (the largest known) of 0.75 arcsec. How
far is this star system from the Sun in light-years? (Careful with units!)
A) 4.35 ly B) 0.41 ly C) 1.33 ly D) 0.75 ly
Ans: A
Section: 11-1 and Toolbox 11-1
26.If the Hipparchos satellite measures the parallax motion of a star against the background
stars and concludes that the star has a parallax of 0.004 arcsec, how far is that star from
25pc or 81.5 ly
C) 400pc or 1300 ly
250 pc or 815 ly
D) 0.004 pc or 0.013 ly
Ans: B
Section: 11-1 and Toolbox 11-1
27.How far out into space can we determine stellar distances using telescopes on the Earth if
we can only measure stellar parallax values as small as 0.01 arcsec?
A) 10 pc B) 100 pc C) 500 pc D) 2000 pc
Ans: B
Section: 11-1 and Toolbox 11-1
28.The semimajor axis of Pluto's orbit is almost 40 AU. The smallest parallax angle we can
measure from orbiting observatories is about 0.001 arcsec. Suppose we use this
technique to measure parallax from Pluto's orbit (over the course of half a Pluto year).
What is the maximum distance we could measure?
A) 40 pc B) 1000 pc C) 40,000 pc D) 80,000 pc
Ans: C
Section: 11-1


29.How much can we learn about a star from a measurement of its apparent magnitude?
The intrinsic brightness of a star (the total light actually emitted by the star)
The brightness the star would appear to have if it were exactly 10 pc from the Earth
The brightness of a star as it appears in our sky
The total output of electromagnetic energy emitted at all wavelengths from the star
Ans: C
Section: 11-2
30.Apparent magnitude is a measure of
the intrinsic brightness (actual light output) of a star.
the size (diameter) of a star.
the temperature of a star.
the brightness of a star, as seen from the Earth.
Ans: D
Section: 11-2
31.The relative brightness of stars as we see them in our sky is represented by their

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars


absolute magnitudes.
apparent magnitudes.
Ans: B
Section: 11-2


surface temperatures.

32.A star of apparent magnitude +1 appears

either brighter or fainter than a star of apparent magnitude +2, depending on the
distance to the stars.
farther away than a star of apparent magnitude +2.
brighter than a star of apparent magnitude +2.
fainter than a star of apparent magnitude +2.
Ans: C
Section: 11-2


33.A star of apparent magnitude +5 appears

fainter than a star of apparent magnitude +3.
farther away than a star of apparent magnitude +3.
brighter than a star of apparent magnitude +3.
either brighter or fainter than a star of apparent magnitude +3, depending on the
distance to the stars.
Ans: A
Section: 11-2

34.A star of apparent magnitude +4.7 appears

brighter than a star of apparent magnitude +4.8.
either brighter or fainter than a star of apparent magnitude +4.8, depending on the
distance to the stars.
farther away than a star of apparent magnitude +4.8.
fainter than a star of apparent magnitude +4.8.
Ans: A
Section: 11-2

35.A star of apparent magnitude +3.5 appears

farther away than a star of apparent magnitude +3.3.
fainter than a star of apparent magnitude +3.3.
either brighter or fainter than a star of apparent magnitude +3.3, depending on the
distance to the stars.
brighter than a star of apparent magnitude +3.3.
Ans: B
Section: 11-2


36.A star of apparent magnitude 2 appears

fainter than a star of apparent magnitude 3.
brighter than a star of apparent magnitude 3.
farther away than a star of apparent magnitude 3.
either brighter or fainter than a star of apparent magnitude 3, depending on the

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars

distance to the stars.

Ans: A
Section: 11-2




37.A star of apparent magnitude 1.5 appears

farther away than a star of apparent magnitude +2.0.
fainter than a star of apparent magnitude +2.0.
brighter than a star of apparent magnitude +2.0.
either brighter or fainter than a star of apparent magnitude +2.0, depending on the
distance to the stars.
Ans: C
Section: 11-2
38.A star of apparent magnitude +2.1 appears
farther away than a star of apparent magnitude 1.2.
fainter than a star of apparent magnitude 1.2.
brighter than a star of apparent magnitude 1.2.
either brighter or fainter than a star of apparent magnitude 1.2, depending on the
distance to the stars.
Ans: B
Section: 11-2
39.The ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus introduced the magnitude scale on which he
called the brightest stars first magnitude. Today, the brightest star in the night sky is
Sirius, with a magnitude of 1.4. This is considerably brighter than first magnitude.
Why the discrepancy?
Sirius was formed since the era in which Hipparchus lived.
Sirius existed during Hipparchus' lifetime, but it has obviously brightened
considerably since then.
Hipparchus had poor eyesight and made many classification errors.
After using modern scientific instruments to measure the actual energy output of
stars, astronomers modified the magnitude scale of Hipparchus.
Ans: D
Section: 11-2
40.The statement that the apparent magnitude of a variable star has increased indicates that
its brightness has increased.
its surface temperature has decreased.
its brightness has decreased.
its surface temperature has increased.
Ans: C
Section: 11-2
41.By approximately how many magnitudes is the star Sirius fainter than the full Moon in
our sky? (See Fig. 11-2, Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed.)
A) 15 B) 2 C) 11 D) 5

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars

Ans: C
Section: 11-2


42.A star that has an apparent magnitude of 0 (see Fig. 11-2, Comins and Kaufmann,
Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed.)
would be fainter than Spica (alpha Virginis), which has an apparent magnitude of
would be brighter than Deneb (alpha Cygni), which has an apparent magnitude of
would have infinite brightness, since 1/0 = infinity.
would not be emitting any light, and therefore could not be seen from the Earth.
Ans: B
Section: 11-2


43.The star Alphard has an apparent magnitude of 2.0, and the star Megrez has an apparent
magnitude of 3.3. The only thing that can be said with certainty about Alphard is that
it is brighter than Megrez, as seen in our sky.
it has a greater luminosity than Megrez.
it is fainter than Megrez, as seen in our sky.
it is closer than Megrez.
Ans: A
Section: 11-2


44.A star's absolute magnitude and its apparent magnitude have the same numerical value.
How far is this star from the Earth?
It is not possible for a star to have the same absolute and apparent magnitudes.
It would have to be an infinite distance away.
10 ly
10 pc
Ans: D
Section: 11-3
45.What is the ratio of the brightnesses of two stars if their apparent magnitudes differ by
A) About 2.5 B) 100 C) 2, by definition D) 10
Ans: A
Section: 11-3 and Toolbox 11-2
46.Two stars whose apparent magnitudes differ from each other by five magnitudes have a
ratio of brightnesses of
A) 25. B) 10. C) 100. D) 2.5.
Ans: C
Section: 11-3 and Toolbox 11-2

47.How many times brighter than a magnitude +4.0 star is a magnitude +3.0 star?
100 times brighter

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars



Twice as bright
A factor of 4/3, or 1.333 times, brighter
2.512 times brighter
Ans: D
Section: 11-3 and Toolbox 11-2
48.How many times brighter is a star with an apparent magnitude of +1.0 than a star with an
apparent magnitude of +6.0?
100 times brighter
5 times brighter
The question is incorrectly worded; the magnitude +6 star will be 100 times
brighter than the magnitude +1 star.
2.512 times brighter.
Ans: A
Section: 11-3 and Toolbox 11-2
49.The Sun's luminosity is 3.83 1026 watts. By the time this energy reaches the Earth, it
has spread out so that it provides only 1370 Watts to each square meter. The orbit of
Mars has a mean radius of 1.53 AU. How many watts of the Sun's luminosity are
provided to each square meter of the surface of Mars?
A) 34 B) 153 C) 585 D) 1578
Ans: C
Section: 11-3
50.How many 2nd-magnitude stars would be needed in a close cluster to match the light
intensity of a 1st-magnitude star?
A) About 2.5 B) 2 C) About 10 D) About 0.4, or 1/2.5
Ans: A
Section: 11-3 and Toolbox 11-2
51.How many stars of 6th magnitude in a small cluster would it take for the cluster to appear
as bright as a single 1st-magnitude star?
A) 105 B) 5 C) 6 D) 100
Ans: D
Section: 11-3 and Toolbox 11-2
52.If a distant cluster were to be composed only of stars with apparent magnitude of +3, how
many of these stars would there be in this cluster if its apparent magnitude matched that
of a star with apparent magnitude of +1?
A) 2 B) 102, or 100 C) About 2.5 D) Between 6 and 7
Ans: D
Section: 11-3 and Toolbox 11-2
53.Sirius, visually the brightest star in our sky, has an apparent magnitude of about 1.5
while the Andromeda Galaxy has an apparent magnitude of about +3.5. What is the ratio
of their brightnesses, as seen by Earth-bound observers?

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars



The Andromeda Galaxy is 100 times brighter than Sirius.

The Andromeda Galaxy is 2 times fainter than Sirius.
The Andromeda Galaxy is 5 times brighter than Sirius.
The Andromeda Galaxy is 100 times fainter than Sirius.
Ans: D
Section: 11-3 and Toolbox 11-2
54.What is the fundamental difference between absolute and apparent magnitude of a star?
+5, since absolute and apparent magnitude differ by this value, by definition
Apparent magnitude depends on the star's temperature, whereas absolute magnitude
is independent of temperature.
Apparent magnitude depends on the size of the star, whereas absolute magnitude is
independent of this parameter.
Absolute magnitude is an intrinsic property of the star, whereas apparent magnitude
depends on its distance from the Earth.
Ans: D
Section: 11-3 and Toolbox 11-2
55.Light leaving a point source spreads out so that the apparent brightness I of light per unit
area varies with distance d according to which of the following laws ( means
proportional to)?
A) I = constant B) I 1/d2 C) I d2 D) I 1/d
Ans: B
Section: 11-3

56.Suppose that, at night, the distance between an observer and a light bulb is doubled. How
will its final brightness compare to its initial brightness?
It will appear 1/16 as bright.
C) It will appear 1/2 as bright.
It will appear 4 times brighter.
D) It will appear 1/4 as bright.
Ans: D
Section: 11-3


57.Suppose that two identical stars (having the same total light output) are located such that
star A is at a distance of 5 pc and star B is at a distance of 25 pc. How will star B appear,
compared to star A?
Star B will be 1/5 as bright as star A.
Star B will be 1/25 as bright as star A.
Star B will be 1/2.2 as bright as star A.
Star B will be 1/20 as bright as star A.
Ans: B
Section: 11-3
58.Two stars, P and Q, can be seen in the same region of our sky with the same apparent
magnitude, but star Q is twice as far away as star P. What is the ratio of the intrinsic
brightnesses (luminosities) of these stars (star P/star Q)?
A) 4 B) 2 C) 1/4 D) 1/2

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars

Ans: C
Section: 11-3
59.The intensity of sunlight per square meter reaching Jupiter is approximately what fraction
of that at the Earth's orbital distance? (For orbital radii see Appendix, Table A-1, Comins
and Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed.)
A) 25 times B) About the same C) 1/5 D) 1/25
Ans: D
Section: 11-3


60.What is the intensity of sunlight per square meter reaching Venus compared with this
intensity at the Earth's orbital distance? (For orbital radii see Appendix, Table A-1,
Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed.)
About the same, since this intensity remains constant, following a law of nature
About 1.4
About 1.9
About 0.5
Ans: C
Section: 11-3
61.How much more light falls on a unit area of Mercury's surface than on an equivalent area
of the Moon if Mercury is at 0.4 AU and the Earth's Moon is at 1.0 AU from the Sun?
A) 0.4 B) 6.25 C) 2.5 D) 0.16
Ans: B
Section: 11-3

62.The star Centauri C and the star Groombridge 34 B have the same apparent magnitude,
but Centauri C is 1.3 pc away from the Earth and Groombridge 34 B is 3.5 pc away.
What is the luminosity of Groombridge 34 B, compared to Centauri C? (See Fig. 11-3,
Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed.)
2.7 times brighter
C) 2.7 times fainter
7.2 times fainter
D) 7.2 times brighter
Ans: D
Section: 11-3

63.Absolute magnitude is defined as the apparent magnitude that a star would have if
all of the energy from the star were concentrated in the visual region.
it were located at exactly 10 ly from the Earth.
it were located at exactly 10 pc from the Earth.
it were located at exactly 10 AU from the Earth.
Ans: C
Section: 11-3
64.The absolute magnitude of a star is the brightness the star would appear to have if it were
placed at what distance from the Earth?
A) 32.6 ly B) The distance to the galactic center C) 10 ly D) 1 AU

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars

Ans: A
Section: 11-3


65.If we restrict our measurements to a specific band of color or wavelength using an optical
filter, what observations are necessary in order to determine the absolute magnitude of a
star at this color?
Its distance and its temperature
Its apparent magnitude and its temperature
Just a measurement of its apparent magnitude, since its absolute magnitude is
simply apparent magnitude + 5
Its apparent magnitude and its distance
Ans: D
Section: 11-3 and Toolbox 11-3
66.The Sun has an absolute magnitude of +4.8. How far away would we have to go in order
for the Sun to be just barely visible to the naked eye (6th magnitude)?
A) 1.2 pc B) 6 pc C) 17.4 pc D) 22.4 pc
Ans: C
Section: 11-3 and textbox 11-3



67.A particular star is at a distance of 20 pc from the Earth. For this star, the apparent
magnitude will have
a larger value than its absolute magnitude.
a smaller value than its absolute magnitude.
the same value as its absolute magnitude, since magnitude is independent of
a larger or a smaller value than the absolute magnitude, depending on the
temperature and diameter of the star.
Ans: A
Section: 11-3
68.A particular star is at a distance of 5 pc from the Earth. For this star, the apparent
magnitude will have
the same value as its absolute magnitude, since magnitude is independent of
a smaller value than its absolute magnitude.
a larger or smaller value than its absolute magnitude, depending on the temperature
and diameter of the star.
a larger value than its absolute magnitude.
Ans: B
Section: 11-3

69.The star Alderamin has an apparent magnitude of 2.4 and an absolute magnitude of 1.4.
From this information (assuming that the starlight has not been dimmed by interstellar
clouds) we can say for sure that
Alderamin is less than 10 pc away.
C) Alderamin is more than 10 ly away.

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars


Alderamin is less than 10 ly away.

Ans: D
Section: 11-3


Alderamin is more than 10 pc away.

70.The star Fomalhaut has an apparent magnitude of 1.15 and an absolute magnitude of 2.0.
From this information (assuming that the starlight has not been dimmed by interstellar
clouds) we can say for sure that Fomalhaut is
more than 10 ly away.
C) less than 10 ly away.
less than 10 pc away.
D) more than 10 pc away.
Ans: B
Section: 11-3



71.The star Alderamin has an apparent magnitude of 2.4 and an absolute magnitude of 1.4.
The star Merak has an apparent magnitude of 2.4 and absolute magnitude of 0.5.
Assuming that neither star has been dimmed by interstellar clouds, we can say for sure
Merak and Alderamin are the same distance from us.
Merak is farther away from us than Alderamin.
Merak is an intrinsically fainter star than Alderamin.
Merak is closer to us than Alderamin.
Ans: B
Section: 11-3
72.The star Phoenicis has an apparent magnitude of +3.4 and an absolute magnitude of
4.6. The North Star (Polaris) has an apparent magnitude of +2.0 and an absolute
magnitude of 4.6. Assuming that no light has been absorbed or scattered by interstellar
dust, we can say for sure that
both stars are the same distance away from us.
Polaris is closer to us than Phoenicis.
Polaris is farther away from us than Phoenicis.
Polaris appears fainter in our sky than Phoenicis.
Ans: B
Section: 11-3
73.A particular star has an apparent magnitude of +12 and an absolute magnitude of +5.
According to the equation in Astronomer's Toolbox 11-3, Comins and Kaufmann,
Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed., what is the distance to this star?
A) 125 pc B) 250 pc C) 125 ly D) 250 ly
Ans: B
Section: 11-3 and Toolbox 11-3
74.A star whose absolute magnitude M is +2.2 is seen to have an apparent magnitude when
viewed from the Earth of +5.2. According to the equation in Astronomer's Toolbox 11-3,
Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed., how far away is the star?
A) 40 pc B) 12.3 pc C) 130 pc D) 3/5, or 0.6 pc
Ans: A

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars

Section: 11-3 and Toolbox 11-3

75.A star whose distance from the Earth is 100 pc has an apparent magnitude of m +2.5.
According to the equation in Astronomer's Toolbox 11-3, Comins and Kaufmann,
Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed., what is its absolute magnitude?
A) 7.5 B) +7.5 C) 2.5 D) 47.5
Ans: C
Section: 11-3 and Toolbox 11-3
76.The star Arietis has an apparent magnitude of +2.7 and a distance of 52 ly. According to
the equation in Astronomer's Toolbox 11-3, Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering the
Universe, 7th Ed., what is its absolute magnitude?
A) +1.7 B) 0.9 C) +6.2 D) +3.7
Ans: A
Section: 11-3 and Toolbox 11-3
77.What is a star's luminosity?
The amount of energy received per second on one square meter of a planet's
surface, exactly 1 AU from the star
The total energy emitted by the star into all space per second, measured in watts
The apparent magnitude the star would have if it were located exactly 10 ly from
the Earth
The apparent magnitude the star would have if it were located exactly 10 pc from
the Earth
Ans: B
Section: 11-3


78.The luminosity of a star is

its brightness as seen by people on the Earth.
its brightness if it were to be at a distance of 10 pc (32.6 ly) from the Earth.
its total energy output into all space.
another name for its color or surface temperature.
Ans: C
Section: 11-3

79.The luminosity of a star is a unique measure of its

total energy output.
C) temperature.
velocity of recession away from us. D) physical size.
Ans: A
Section: 11-3
80.The Sun's absolute magnitude is about +5. The brightest stars in our sky have absolute
magnitudes of about 10. What is the luminosity of these stars compared to that of the
Sun, assuming that they have similar spectral light distributions?
1 million times less
C) 1 million times greater
5 times less
D) 15 times greater

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars

Ans: C
Section: 11-3


81.Two stars in our sky have the same apparent brightness. If neither of them is hidden
behind gas or dust clouds, then we know that
they must be at the same distance from us.
they may be at different distances, in which case the nearer one must have the
greater luminosity.
they may be at different distances, in which case the farther one must have the
greater luminosity.
they must have the same temperature.
Ans: C
Section: 11-3
82.How bright (in absolute magnitude) are the intrinsically brightest stars in the universe?
A) +17 B) +1 C) 0 D) 10
Ans: D
Section: 11-3
83.How bright (in absolute magnitude) are the intrinsically faintest stars in the universe?
A) +1 B) +17 C) 10 D) 0
Ans: B
Section: 11-3



84.If the intrinsically brightest stars in our sky have absolute magnitudes of 10, how bright
(in terms of total energy output per second) are these stars compared to that of our Sun,
whose absolute magnitude is + 4.8?
About 14.8 times brighter
About 800,000 times brighter
About 8000 times brighter
About 1015, or 1,000,000,000,000,000, times brighter
Ans: B
Section: 11-3
85.If the intrinsically faintest stars in our sky have absolute magnitudes of +17, how does
their total energy output compare to that of the Sun, whose absolute magnitude is +4.8?
About 12.2 times lower
About 1012, or 1,000,000,000,000, times lower
About 7600 times lower
About 76,000 times lower
Ans: D
Section: 11-3

86.Which two fundamental parameters are most often used to place a particular star on a
path of stellar evolution for comparison with theoretical models?
Apparent magnitude and distance

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars


Apparent magnitude and temperature

Luminosity, or total energy output, and distance
Luminosity, or total energy output, and temperature
Ans: D
Section: 11-4

87.The technique called photometry in stellar astronomy is the measurement of

the arrival times of photons from variable and pulsating stars, in order to determine
accurately the pulsation or rotation periods of these stars.
the intensity of light from stars through several limited-bandpass filters from which
surface temperature, variability, luminosity, etc., of stars can be determined.
the relative absorption of light by different atoms and molecules in high-resolution
spectra of starlight, from which stellar temperatures can be estimated.
the precise positions and relative motions of stars in the Galaxy, from which
galactic structure and overall rotation can be determined.
Ans: B
Section: 11-4

88.An astronomer is measuring the brightness of a particular star through a telescope, using
different filters in the visual (yellow-green), violet, and ultraviolet regions. What is the
name of the technique being used by this astronomer?
A) Spectroscopy B) Geometry C) Interferometry D) Photometry
Ans: D
Section: 11-4



89.A red filter passes light at the long wavelength end of the visible spectrum as shown, for
example, in Fig. 11-4, Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Edition.
Star 1 and Star 2 are viewed through identical red filters, and Star 1 appears brighter
through the filter than Star 2. What can be determined from this information?
Star 1 is hotter than Star 2.
Star 2 is hotter than Star 1.
Star 1 is more luminous than Star 2.
Nothing can be concluded from this fact alone.
Ans: D
Section: 11-4
90.When observed through a set of photometric filters, the brightness of a distant star is seen
to be brightest through the ultraviolet filter, less bright through the blue filter, and faintest
through the yellow filter. What conclusion can be drawn from this information, assuming
no absorption of light between the star and the Earth?
There is insufficient information to draw a conclusion about a star's surface
The star has an intermediate temperature close to that of the Sun.
The star has a very high surface temperature.
The star has a very low surface temperature.
Ans: C

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars

Section: 11-4
91.Optical glass filters are used to select certain portions of a star's light for photometry.
Which of the following filters would most closely match the sensitivity of our eyes,
which have a peak sensitivity at about 550 nm wavelength? (See Fig. 3-1 of Comins and
Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed.)
A) Ultraviolet B) Red C) Yellow D) Blue
Ans: C
Section: 11-4 and Figure 3-1
92.The difference in the brightness of a star as seen through two different colored filters, for
example, blue and yellow, is directly related to which stellar property?
A) Distance from the Earth B) Luminosity C) Surface temperature D) Radius
Ans: C
Section: 11-4
93.A particular star is brighter as seen through a blue filter than through a yellow filter.
Which of the following surface temperatures is possible for this star? (See Fig. 11-4,
Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed.)
A) 3000 K B) 12,000 K C) 4500 K D) 6000 K
Ans: B
Section: 11-4
94.A particular star is fainter as seen through a blue filter than through a yellow filter. Which
of the following surface temperatures is possible for this star? (See Fig. 11-4, Comins and
Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed.)
A) 12,500 K B) 38,000 K C) 8800 K D) 3800 K
Ans: D
Section: 11-4


95.A particular star is approximately equally bright when viewed through a blue filter and
through a yellow filter. What is the approximate surface temperature of this star? (See
Fig. 11-4, Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed.)
6000 K
12,000 K
3000 K
It is not possible for a star to be equally bright at two different wavelengths.
Ans: A
Section: 11-4

96.The star Rigel, in the constellation Orion, appears brighter through a blue filter than it
does through a yellow filter. Suppose that a second star is found that has the same
brightness as Rigel through the yellow filter, but is brighter than Rigel through the blue
filter. From this information, we can say conclusively that the second star has
the same temperature but a lower luminosity.
a higher temperature.

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars





a lower temperature.
the same temperature but a higher luminosity.
Ans: B
Section: 11-4
97.The star Regulus, in the constellation Leo, appears brighter through a blue filter than it
does through a yellow filter. Suppose that a second star is found that has the same
brightness as Regulus through the blue filter, but is brighter than Regulus through the
yellow filter. From this information, we can say conclusively that the second star has
a higher temperature.
the same temperature but a higher luminosity.
the same temperature but a lower luminosity.
a lower temperature.
Ans: D
Section: 11-4
98.The Henry Draper Catalog of stellar classifications was developed beginning in the late
nineteenth century. It originally classified stars according to the strengths of their
hydrogen lines. By the 1920s, however, the sequence had been reorganized so that the
stars were classified by surface temperature. What important scientific development
made possible this reinterpretation?
The discovery of nuclear physics and how stars generate their energy
The discovery of blackbody radiation and the blackbody curve
The development of atomic physics and how atoms emit light
The development of radio astronomy and the detection of molecules in space
Ans: C
Section: 11-5
99.In order for Balmer series lines to show up strongly in absorption in stellar spectra,
significant numbers of hydrogen atoms have to have electrons in the n = 2 energy level.
What then does the appearance of such lines in a stellar spectrum tell us about the
temperature of the star's surface?
It tells us very little about the temperature because hydrogen gas will show
significant Balmer absorption, whatever the surface temperature.
It must be high enough to ionize the hydrogen atoms by collision in order that they
can absorb from this level.
It must be reasonably low so that no atoms will have electrons excited beyond this
energy level (e.g., to n = 3).
It must be reasonably high to excite the electrons to this level by collisions, but not
high enough to ionize the atoms.
Ans: D
Section: 11-5

100.Why is there a limited range of stellar surface temperatures around 10,000 K at which
neutral hydrogen gas will absorb visible light in the Balmer series?
Because there must be electrons at the n = 3 energy level in order for Balmer

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars


absorption to occur. If the gas is too cold, electrons are only in the n = 1 and 2
levels, while if the gas is too hot, the gas is ionized and no electrons are left in the
hydrogen atoms.
Because electrons in hydrogen have to be at the n = 2 energy level in order to
produce absorption in this series. If the gas is too cold, most atoms are in the n = 1
state, and if it is too hot, most atoms are ionized.
Because electrons must be in the ground state n = 1 in order to undergo Balmer
absorption. If the gas is too cold, electrons cannot be excited from this level, while
if the gas is too hot, there are no electrons left in the n = 1 level.
Because there must be sufficient continuum radiation from the stellar surface in the
visible region to be absorbed by the hydrogen gas.
Ans: B
Section: 11-5

101.Why are Balmer absorption lines very weak in the spectra of stars with low surface
temperatures, significantly below 10,000 K, for example?
Because the hydrogen atoms have to be hot enough to be ionized in order to show
Balmer absorption
Because there is no emitted continuum radiation at Balmer-line wavelengths when
the gas is so cool, so absorption will not be seen
Because atoms need electrons that have been excited by high-temperature
collisions to the n = 2 level in order to undergo Balmer absorption
Because hydrogen atoms have no electrons in any energy levels at these
Ans: C
Section: 11-5
102.In order for absorption lines in the Paschen series of hydrogen to be seen in the IR
spectrum of a star (see Sec. 4-6 of Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th
Ed.), the temperature of its surface must be high enough to excite electrons by collision to
n = 2 energy level.
C) ionization level.
n = 4 energy level.
D) n = 3 energy level.
Ans: D
Section: 4-6 and 11-5
103.The spectrum of an ordinary main-sequence star is a
continuum of colors, crossed by brighter lines caused by emission from the hot
atoms and molecules on the star's surface.
smooth continuum of color, peaking at a specific wavelength whose position is
dependent upon the star's surface temperature.
series of emission lines, mostly from hydrogen, the major constituent of stellar
surfaces, that occasionally overlap to produce sections of continous color.
continuum of colors crossed by dark absorption lines caused by absorption by
cooler atoms and molecules at the star's surface.
Ans: D

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars

Section: 11-5
104.The chemical makeup of the Sun's surface can be determined
by taking a sample of the star's surface with a space probe.
by examining the chemicals present in a meteorite because it is part of the solar
by measuring the components of the solar wind with Earth-orbiting spacecraft.
by solar spectroscopy.
Ans: D
Section: 11-5
105.The reason why a doubly ionized helium gas, He III, will not produce absorption lines in
a stellar spectrum is
that a doubly ionized helium atom is simply a helium nucleus stripped of all its
electrons, so it cannot absorb visible photons.
that the gas temperature on any star is always so high that electrons are excited
beyond energy levels in these atoms from which visible photons can be absorbed.
that doubly ionized helium is meaningless because neutral helium only contains
one electron.
that the gas temperature on star surfaces can never be hot enough to excite
electrons in this atom to levels from which they will absorb visible photons.
Ans: A
Section: 11-5
106.Spectral classification of stars into the lettered categories, O, B, A, F, G, K, and M is
carried out by
finding the wavelength of peak emission in the continuum spectrum of the star.
determining the relative masses of the stars by the study of binary star motions, in
order to place them into their proper mass classification.
determining the total energy emitted at all wavelengths by stars, taking account of
the full spread of wavelengths and their distances, in order to place the star into its
luminosity class.
examining the relative depths of absorption lines from various neutral and ionized
atoms in a stellar spectrum.
Ans: D
Section: 11-6
107.The surface temperature of a nearby star can be determined most precisely by measuring
what parameters?
The star's position on the HR diagram
The Doppler shift of the star's spectral lines
The relative strengths of emission lines from different atoms and ions in the star's
The relative strengths of absorption lines from different atoms (e.g., H, Ca) and
molecules (e.g., TiO) in the star's spectrum
Ans: D

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars

Section: 11-6
108.Spectral types of stars (e.g., O, B, A, F, G, K, and M) define uniquely their
sizes or radii.
C) luminosities.
absolute magnitudes.
D) surface temperatures.
Ans: D
Section: 11-6
109.The surface temperature of a nearby star can best be determined from spectral
classification by examining
the pattern of spectral absorption lines from various atoms.
the relative intensities of light measured through different photometric filters.
the peak wavelength of the star's continuum blackbody spectrum.
the pattern of emission lines that are on the star's spectrum.
Ans: A
Section: 11-6
110.Which of the following sequences of stellar spectral classifications is in correct order of
increasing temperature?
K, M, G, F, A, B, O
C) M, K, G, F, A, B, O
A, B, F, G, K, M, O
D) O, B, A, F, G, K, M
Ans: C
Section: 11-6
111.The sequence of letters that is used to classify star surface temperatures, as determined by
relative spectral absorption line strengths, in order of decreasing temperature, is
A, B, F, G, K, M, O.
C) O, F, M, G, A, B, K.
M, O, F, K, G, A, B.
D) O, B, A, F, G, K, M.
Ans: D
Section: 11-6
112.The Sun's classification in terms of its surface temperature, as determined from
absorption lines in its spectrum, is
A) M9. B) G2. C) O1. D) B2.
Ans: B
Section: 11-6
113.Which of the following letters representing spectral classification signifies the hottest
stellar surface temperature?
A) G B) A C) K D) B
Ans: D
Section: 11-6
114.Which of the following four spectral classifications represents the coolest stellar surface
A) B B) K C) G D) A

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars

Ans: B
Section: 11-6
115.The spectral class of the star Enif is K2, while that of the Sun is G2. Which of the
following conclusions can be drawn about Enif from this information?
It is intrinsically fainter than the Sun. C) It is cooler than the Sun.
It is intrinsically brighter than the Sun.D) It is hotter than the Sun.
Ans: C
Section: 11-6
116.Absorption line strengths are used in the spectral classification of stars and the
determination of surface temperatures. Which of the following atomic or molecular
constituents will exhibit strong absorption lines in spectra from stars with very high
surface temperature?
A) H B) Ca II C) He II D) TiO
Ans: C
Section: 11-6 and Table 11-1
117.If the surface temperature of a star is very low, which of the following atomic or
molecular constituents will produce the most prominent absorption lines in its spectrum?
A) Fe II B) TiO C) Mg II D) He II
Ans: B
Section: 11-6 and Table 11-1
118.Which of the following molecules produces the strong absorption bands in the spectrum
of a cool M-type star, as can be seen in Fig. 11-5 of Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering
the Universe, 7th Ed.?
HCl, hydrogen chloride
C) H2O, water vapor
CaI, calcium iodide
D) TiO, titanium oxide
Ans: D
Section: 11-6 and Table 11-1

119.The symbol He II refers to a

helium atom that has lost two electrons.
neutral helium atom (atomic number = 2) that has lost no electrons.
helium molecule that contains two helium atoms.
helium atom that has lost one electron.
Ans: D
Section: 4-5 and 11-6

120.Fe XII is an ionized iron atom with

13 electrons removed.
1 electron removed.
Ans: C
Section: 4-5 and 11-6


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11 electrons removed.
12 electrons removed.

CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars

121.How many electrons are missing from the ionized silicon atom Si IV?
A) Three B) One C) Four D) Five
Ans: A
Section: 4-5 and 11-6
122.Which of the following atoms or ions will produce the strongest absorption lines in the
spectra of stars with the highest surface temperatures?
He II, ionized helium
C) Ca II, singly ionized calcium
Fe I, neutral iron
D) H I, neutral hydrogen
Ans: A
Section: 11-6 and Table 11-1
123.Which of the following atoms or ions will produce strong absorption lines in the spectra
of stars with the reatively cool surface temperatures?
TiO, molecules of titanium oxide
C) Ca II, ionized calcium
Mg II, ionized magnesium
D) He I, neutral helium
Ans: A
Section: 11-6 and Table 11-1
124.The spectrum of a star shows the following absorption line characteristics: Very strong
H, weaker Mg II and Si II, and no He I or Ca II lines. Classify the spectrum of this star,
using the absorption line strengths in the spectra of stars as shown in Fig. 11-5 and Table
11-1 of Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed.
A) B B) G C) K D) A
Ans: D
Section: 11-6 and Table 11-1
125.Use the absorption line strengths shown in Fig. 11-5 and Table 11-1 of Comins and
Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed., to determine the spectral class of a star
with the following absorption lines in its spectrum: H lines moderately strong; He I lines
present; no Ca II, Fe II, or He II lines.
A) M B) B C) F D) A
Ans: B
Section: 11-6 and Table 11-1
126.What will be the spectral class of a star whose spectrum shows the following absorption
lines: Very strong Ca II lines; weak Fe I and Ca I lines; no He I, He II, or TiO lines?
(Hint: Use the absorption line strengths shown in Fig. 11-5 and Table 11-1 of Comins and
Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed.)
A) F B) O C) A D) K
Ans: D
Section: 11-6 and Table 11-1
127.The spectrum of a very distant star shows spectral absorption lines of ionized helium, He
II, AND molecular absorption bands from titanium oxide, TiO. What would be your
conclusion about this star?

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars


It is probably the spectrum of a binary system, two stars close together, a hot star
and a cooler companion, unresolved as separate stars from our distance, but
contributing separate spectra.
There must be a very hot atmosphere containing helium gas overlaying a much
cooler stellar surface.
The star must have a thick, cool atmosphere overlaying a hot stellar atmosphere.
There must be cool, interstellar gas containing TiO between the star and the Earth.
Ans: A
Section: 11-6

128.From its position in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram in Fig. 11-7 of Comins and
Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed., what can you conclude about the star Mira
compared to the Sun?
Mira is cooler and redder but intrinsically brighter than the Sun.
Mira is cooler, redder, and intrinsically fainter than the Sun.
Mira is hotter than the Sun and intrinsically brighter.
Mira is hotter and bluer but intrinsically fainter than the Sun.
Ans: A
Section: 11-7
129.The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is a plot of
apparent brightness against intrinsic brightness of a group of stars.
apparent brightness against distance for stars near the Sun.
luminosity against mass of a group of stars.
absolute magnitude (or intrinsic brightness) against temperature of a group of stars.
Ans: D
Section: 11-7

130.If you compare two stars,

the one with the larger radius must have the greater luminosity.
the one with the higher surface temperature must have the greater luminosity.
the one with the smaller absolute magnitude must have the greater luminosity.
the one with the larger surface area has the greater energy flux from its surface.
Ans: C
Section: 11-7

131.What are the two physical parameters of stars that are plotted in the Hertzsprung-Russell
Mass and surface temperature
C) Radius and mass
Luminosity and mass
D) Luminosity and surface temperature
Ans: D
Section: 11-7
132.Which two physical parameters of stars are plotted on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
to show the systematics of a group of stars (e.g., a cluster)?
Mass and apparent magnitude
C) Luminosity and surface temperature

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars


Luminosity and radius

Ans: C
Section: 11-7


Surface temperature and mass

133.In the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram in Fig. 11-7 of Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering
the Universe, 7th Ed., which of the following is the correct sequence of stars in order of
increasing intrinsic brightness?
Deneb, the Sun, Sirius B, Procyon B C) The Sun, Procyon B, Deneb, Sirius B
Sirius B, Deneb, Procyon B, the Sun D) Procyon B, Sirius B, the Sun, Deneb
Ans: D
Section: 11-7
134.In the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram in Fig. 11-7 of Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering
the Universe, 7th Ed., which of the following is the correct sequence of stars in order of
increasing temperature?
Sirius B, Deneb, Procyon B, the Sun C) The Sun, Procyon B, Deneb, Sirius B
Deneb, the Sun, Sirius B, Procyon B D) Procyon B, Sirius B, the Sun, Deneb
Ans: C
Section: 11-7
135.Using Figs. 11-7 and 11-8, determine which of the following is the correct sequence of
stars in order of increasing size or stellar radius?
Sirius B, the Sun, Betelgeuse, Mira C) Betelgeuse, Mira, the Sun, Sirius B
Mira, Betelguese, the Sun, Sirius B D) Sirius B, the Sun, Mira, Betelgeuse
Ans: D
Section: 11-7
136.A star in the lower left part of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, compared to a star in the
middle of the diagram, is
A) larger. B) cooler. C) smaller. D) brighter.
Ans: C
Section: 11-7
137.Compared to a star in the middle of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, a star in the upper
right part of the diagram is
nonexistent because there are no stars that appear in the upper right part of the
Ans: C
Section: 11-7
138.Where on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram do most local stars in our universe
In the white dwarf area, the graveyard of stars

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars




In the supergiant area, where the most massive stars spend a significant time
In the giants area, where most stars spend the longest time of their lives
On the main sequence, where stars are generating energy by fusion reactions
Ans: D
Section: 11-7
139.What fraction of the stars surrounding the Sun are main-sequence stars?
Almost all of them, about 90%
There are no main-sequence stars close to the Sun
Roughly half of them, about 55%
Very few of them, about 20%
Ans: A
Section: 11-7
140.What is a dwarf star?
A main-sequence star
A large, planetary object, such as Jupiter
A star of about the same size (diameter) as the Earth
Any star that is significantly smaller than a giant or supergiant star
Ans: A
Section: 11-7

141.What is a white dwarf star?

A large, planetary object, such as Jupiter
A star of about the same size (diameter) as the Earth
Any star that is significantly smaller than a giant or supergiant star
A main-sequence star with a surface temperature near 12,000 K
Ans: B
Section: 11-7
142.If the surface temperatures of white dwarf stars are 4 times that of the Sun, and energy
output per unit area of a star depends on the 4th power of the temperature by the StefanBoltzmann relation, why then are white dwarfs intrinsically so faint?
Because they are very small
Because they have very thin atmospheres that do not emit continuum radiation but
only line emissions, like a low-density gas
Because they are shrouded in very thick atmospheres
Because they are moving rapidly away from the Sun and their spectra are
extremely redshifted, hence they appear faint at visible wavelengths
Ans: A
Section: 11-7
143.Measurements indicate that a certain star has a very high intrinsic brightness (100,000
times as bright as our Sun) and yet is relatively cool (3500 K). How can this be?
The star must be quite small.
The star must be very large.

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars


There must be an error in observation because no star can have these properties.
The star must be in the upper part of the main sequence.
Ans: B
Section: 11-7

144.The following are parameters of stars that astronomers obtained from their
measurements. Which of these conclusions is obviously erroneous, based on the positions
of these alleged stars on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram in Fig. 11-8 of Comins and
Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed.? (Ls and Rs are the luminosity and radius of
the Sun, respectively.)
Luminosity = Ls, Radius = Rs, Temperature = 6000 K; conclusion: main-sequence
Luminosity = 104 Ls, Radius = 100 Rs, Temperature = 5000 K; conclusion: a red
giant star
Luminosity = Ls, Radius = 1/10 Rs, Temperature = 20,000 K; conclusion: a white
dwarf star
Luminosity =1/100 Ls, Radius =1/100 Rs, Temperature =20,000 K; conclusion: a
white dwarf star
Ans: C
Section: 11-7
145.Using the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (Fig. 11-7 of Comins and Kaufmann,
Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed.), determine which type of star has the following
characteristics: Surface temperature of 40,000 K and luminosity 100,000 times that of
the Sun.
Cool, red, main-sequence star
C) White dwarf
Hot, blue, main-sequence star
D) Red giant
Ans: B
Section: 11-7
146.Using the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (Fig. 11-7 of Comins and Kaufmann,
Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed.), determine which type of star has the following
characteristics: A star with surface temperature 10,000 K and luminosity 1/100 times
that of the Sun.
A) Red supergiant B) Main sequence C) White dwarf D) Red giant
Ans: C
Section: 11-7
147.A red supergiant star is found to have a surface temperature of 2500 K and a luminosity
100,000 times that of the Sun. Use the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram in Fig. 11-8 of
Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed., to determine its approximate
radius, compared to that of the Sun.
About 10 times larger
C) About 1000 times larger
About 100 times larger
D) Almost the same
Ans: C
Section: 11-7

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars

148.What will be the intrinsic brightness or luminosity of a white dwarf star with the same
temperature as the Sun? (See Fig. 11-7, Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering the
Universe, 7th Ed.)
4 time the Sun's luminosity
Because it has the same surface temperature, it will have the same brightness
102 of the Sun's luminosity
104 of the Sun's luminosity
Ans: D
Section: 11-7
149.A white dwarf star whose temperature is the same as that of the Sun will have a radius
that is (see Fig. 11-8, Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed.)
10 times smaller than that of the Sun.
the same size as the Sun because the white dwarf has the same temperature.
2 times smaller than that of the Sun.
100 times smaller than that of the Sun.
Ans: D
Section: 11-7
150.By what standard technique do astronomers find the luminosity class (I, II, III, IV, or V)
of a star?
By combining the apparent magnitude with the measured distance to the star
By observing the diameter of the star on a photographic plate or CCD image
By timing how long it takes for the star to be eclipsed by a companion in an
eclipsing binary star system
By studying the absorption lines in the star's spectrum
Ans: D
Section: 11-8
151.What is the physical reason why astronomers can find the luminosity class (I, II, III, IV,
or V) of a star using the star's spectrum?
The wavelength of maximum emission (given by Wien's law) is affected by the size
of the star.
The relative amounts of hydrogen, helium, and other elements are different for stars
of different luminosity classes.
The absorption lines in the spectrum are affected by the density and pressure of the
star's atmosphere.
The absorption lines in the spectrum are affected by the star's surface temperature.
Ans: C
Section: 11-8
152.The luminosity class of a star (I, II, III, IV, or V) is most closely related to which physical
characteristic of the star?
Surface temperature

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars


Radial velocity
Chemical composition (amount of hydrogen, helium, etc.)
Ans: B
Section: 11-8
153.A star with a surface temperature of 5000 K and a luminosity of greater than 104 times
that of the Sun is a member of which luminosity class? (See Fig. 11-9, Comins and
Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed.)
A) II, bright giant B) V, main sequence C) III, giant D) I, supergiant
Ans: D
Section: 11-8 and Figure 11-9

154.All of the following statements comparing the Sun to the giant stars are true except one.
Which one is not true? (Refer to Figure 11-9, Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering the
Universe, 7th Edition.)
The giant stars are more luminous than the Sun.
The giant stars are larger than the Sun.
The giant stars are hotter than the Sun.
The giant stars have smaller absolute magnitudes than the Sun.
Ans: A
Section: 11-8
155.White dwarfs are not included in the luminosity classification because
they have not yet begun nuclear reactions and are not yet active stars.
they are no longer producing energy by nuclear reactions.
they are no longer radiating energy away.
they are too small.
Ans: B
Section: 11-8
156.A star with a surface temperature of 4000 K and a luminosity of about 102 times that of
the Sun is a member of which luminosity class? (See Fig. 11-9, Comins and Kaufmann,
Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed.)
A) III, giant B) I, supergiant C) II, bright giant D) V, main-sequence
Ans: D
Section: 11-8


157.The star Hadar is classified as B1 II, which means that it is

a cool supergiant.
C) a cool giant.
a hot, bright giant.
D) a hot supergiant.
Ans: B
Section: 11-7 and 11-8
158.The star Arcturus is classified as K2 III, which means that it is
a hot giant.
C) a cool giant.
a cool supergiant.
D) a cool main-sequence star.

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars

Ans: C
Section: 11-7 and 11-8

159.The star Spica is classified as B1 V, which means that it is

a hot main-sequence star.
C) a hot supergiant.
a cool giant.
D) a cool main-sequence star.
Ans: A
Section: 11-7 and 11-8

160.Barnard's star, one of our near neighbors, is classified as M5 V. This means that it is
a cool main-sequence star, a red dwarf.
a hot main-sequence star.
a cool giant.
a cool supergiant, a huge star.
Ans: A
Section: 11-7 and 11-8
161.Which of the following spectral-luminosity classes corresponds to a red supergiant?
A) M2 I B) B7 I C) M3 V D) G2 III
Ans: A
Section: 11-7 and 11-8
162.Two stars have the same luminosity (or absolute magnitude). One star is spectral class F
and the other is spectral class K. From this information, we know that
the K-type star is larger than the B-type star.
the B-type star is larger than the K-type star.
the B-type star is hotter but can be larger, smaller, or the same size as the K-type
the K-type star is hotter but can be larger, smaller, or the same size as the B-type
Ans: A
Section: 11-7 and 11-8
163.The star Elnath is classified as B7 III while the star Al Na'ir is classified as B7 IV.
Compared to Al Na'ir, Elnath has
about the same surface temperature but is intrinsically much fainter.
about the same intrinsic brightness but is considerably cooler.
about the same surface temperature but is intrinsically much brighter.
about the same intrinsic brightness but is considerably hotter.
Ans: C
Section: 11-7 and 11-8
164.The spectral-luminosity class of the star Arae is B2 V, and that of Herculi is K3 II.
Using ONLY this information, and without referring to tables or diagrams, we can tell
that Arae is hotter but intrinsically fainter than Herculi.
only that Arae is hotter than Herculi.

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars


that Arae is cooler and intrinsically fainter than Herculi.

only that Arae is cooler than Herculi.
Ans: B
Section: 11-7 and 11-8

165.The spectral-luminosity class of the star Spica is B1 V, and that of the star Ceti is G8 V.
From this, we know that
Ceti is cooler but has the same luminosity as Spica.
Ceti is cooler and has a lower luminosity than Spica.
Ceti is hotter but has the same luminosity as Spica.
Ceti is hotter and has a lower luminosity than Spica.
Ans: B
Section: 11-7 and 11-8
166.The star Canis Majoris has an absolute magnitude of 2.4 and a spectral class of B2.
Using Figures 11-7 and 11-8 of Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th
Ed., how would Canis Majoris be classified?
A) B-type white dwarf B) B2 III C) B2 V D) B2 I
Ans: C
Section: 11-7 and 11-8
167.A particular star has an absolute magnitude of 0 and a spectral class similar to that of the
Sun. Using Figure 11-9 of Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed.,
how would this star be classified?
A) G2 V B) G-type white dwarf C) G2 I D) G2 III
Ans: D
Section: 11-7 and 11-8
168.A particular star has an absolute magnitude of +12 and a spectral class of A5. Using
Figures 11-7 and 11-9 of Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed., how
would this star be classified?
A) A5 I B) A-type white dwarf C) A5 V D) A5 III
Ans: B
Section: 11-7 and 11-8
169.The star Canis Majoris has an absolute magnitude of 2.4 and a spectral-luminosity
class of B2 V. The star Crucis has a spectral class of M4 and the same absolute
magnitude as Canis Majoris. Using Figure 11-9 of Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering
the Universe, 7th Ed., the spectral-luminosity class of Crucis is probably
A) M-type white dwarf. B) M4 II. C) M4 Ia. D) M4 V.
Ans: B
Section: 11-7 and 11-8
170.What is spectroscopic parallax?
The apparent change in position of the absorption lines in a star's spectrum due to
the Doppler shift caused by the Earth's motion around the Sun
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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars


The apparent change in position of a nearby star compared to distant background

stars due to the motion of the Earth around the Sun
The change in position of the absorption lines in a star's spectrum due to the
Doppler shift caused by the star's motion around the center of mass in a binary star
The distance to a star measured using the spectral-luminosity class of the star and
the inverse square law
Ans: D
Section: 11-9

171.Which of the following possible factors most seriously limits the accuracy of
spectroscopic parallax?
Stars of the same spectral-luminosity class can have a range of temperatures.
It is difficult to measure angular displacement accurately for distant stars.
Stars of the same spectral-luminosity class can have a range of absolute
It is not possible to classify the spectral-luminosity class of even a nearby star
Ans: C
Section: 11-9
172.Two stars, one classified A4 V and the other A4 III, have the same apparent magnitude.
There is no significant amount of absorption of starlight by interstellar material. From
this information we know that
the A4 V star is cooler than the A4 III star.
the A4 V star is closer to the Sun than the A4 III star.
the A4 V star is farther from the Sun than the A4 III star.
the A4 V star is hotter than the A4 III star.
Ans: B
Section: 11-9
173.Two stars, one classified A4 V and the other F8 V, have the same apparent magnitude.
There is no significant amount of absorption of starlight by interstellar material. From
this information we know that
the A4 V star is farther from the Sun than the F8 V star.
both stars are at the same distance from the Sun.
the A4 V star is smaller than the F8 V star.
the A4 V star is closer to the Sun than the F8 V star.
Ans: A
Section: 11-9
174.When two stars of unequal mass orbit each other under their mutual gravitational
attraction, where is the center of mass of the system located?
At a point halfway between the centers of the stars
At a point between the stars, closer to the less massive star
At the center of the more massive star

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars


At a point between the two stars, closer to the more massive star
Ans: D
Section: 11-9 and Figure 11-11

175.What proportion of visible stars in our nighttime sky are members of multiple-star
systems, such as binary stars?
Less than 1%
C) Only about , or 25%
2/3, or almost 70%
D) Close to 100%
Ans: B
Section: 11-10
176.Which one of the following statements is correct for an isolated star (i.e., a star that is not
in a binary star system)?
There are several ways to measure its mass accurately.
Its mass can be measured accurately only if its luminosity and temperature can be
Its mass can be measured accurately only if its distance can be found.
It is not possible to measure the star's mass accurately.
Ans: D
Section: 11-10
177.What is the only way to measure the mass of a star accurately?
Measure its distance using trigonometric parallax and its brightness using
It is not possible to measure the mass of a star.
Measure its spectral type and luminosity class, then use the H-R diagram
Measure its gravitational effect on another object
Ans: D
Section: 11-10


178.How do astronomers measure the masses of stars?

By observing the star's brightness at different wavelengths (colors)
By observing the motion of two stars in a binary star system
By measuring the star's brightness, temperature, and distance
By measuring the star's brightness, and obtaining its radius using the H-R diagram
Ans: B
Section: 11-10

179.Which important stellar parameter can be derived from the study of binary stars mutually
bound to each other by gravitational forces?
Stellar masses
The distance of the stars from the Earth
The age of the stars
Surface temperatures of the stars
Ans: A
Section: 11-10

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars

180.Which important property of stars can be best determined by observations of binary stars
Stellar mass
C) Distance from the Earth
Surface temperature
D) Pulsation period
Ans: A
Section: 11-10
181.One important aspect of the study of binary star systems, as distinct from single stars, is
that it provides
a measurement of the masses of stars.
a measurement of the surface temperatures of stars.
a verification of the Doppler equation for wavelength shift of light from moving
a measurement of the composition (abundances of elements) inside stars.
Ans: A
Section: 11-10
182.How do two unequal-mass stars move around each other, in general, in a binary star
In a single circular orbit around the same center, and always on opposite sides from
each other
In straight lines, back and forth past each other
The low-mass star moves in a circular orbit around the high-mass star, which
remains stationary
In elliptical orbits, about a common center of mass
Ans: D
Section: 11-10
183.To determine the sum of the masses of a visual binary star system, we need to measure
the temperatures and periods of the stars.
the distance from us and the semimajor axis of the orbit of one star relative to the
the period and the semi-major axis.
the temperatures and the distance from us.
Ans: C
Section: 11-10
184.What is the difference between an optical double star and a visual binary star?
An optical double is an illusionthe stars are at vast distances from each other and
are not actually orbiting each otherwhereas in a visual binary, the stars are
actually orbiting each other.
There is no differencethey are two names for the same thing.
The stars in an optical double star are actually orbiting each other, whereas a visual
binary is an illusionthe stars are at vast distances from each other and are not
actually orbiting each other.

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars


Optical double stars can be seen as separate stars only through a telescope, whereas
visual binaries can be seen with the unaided eye (e.g., the star Mizar in the Big
Dipper's handle).
Ans: A
Section: 11-10

185.In order for a pair of stars to be classified as an optical double, which one of the
following conditions must be true?
The stars must lie in almost the same direction from the Earth but must not be
orbiting around each other.
The stars must be orbiting around each other, and one must periodically cross in
front of the other (i.e., it must eclipse the other) as seen from the Earth.
The stars must be orbiting around each other, and absorption or emission lines from
both stars must be visible in the spectrum.
The stars must be orbiting around each other, and both stars must be visible through
telescopes from the Earth.
Ans: A
Section: 11-10
186.In order for a pair of stars to be classified as a visual binary, which one of the following
conditions must be true?
The stars must be orbiting around each other, and both stars must be visible through
telescopes from the Earth.
The stars must be orbiting around each other, and absorption or emission lines from
both stars must be visible in the spectrum.
The stars must be orbiting around each other, and one must periodically cross in
front of the other (i.e., it must eclipse the other) as seen from the Earth.
The stars must lie in almost the same direction from the Earth but must not be
orbiting around each other.
Ans: A
Section: 11-10
187.In a particular binary star system, only one star is visible because the other star is too
faint to see at that distance. An astronomer measures the size (semimajor axis) and period
of the orbit of the visible star. From this information, the astronomer
cannot calculate anything about the massboth stars have to be visible to do so.
can calculate the mass of each star.
can calculate the sum of the masses of the two stars but not the mass of each star
can calculate the mass of the visible star but not that of the unseen star.
Ans: C
Section: 11-10
188.A particular star in a binary star system orbits the other in an elliptical orbit with a
semimajor axis of 3 AU and a period of 5 years. What is the sum of the masses of the two
stars in the system?

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars

A) 0.9 M. B) 1.1 M. C) 13.9 M. D) 0.07 M.

Ans: B
Section: 11-10 and Toolbox 11-4
189.If instead of being orbited by Jupiter, the Sun were orbited by a star of 1.8 solar masses at
Jupiter's distance of 5.2 AU (or, more precisely, the Sun and the other star were orbiting
each other 5.2 AU apart), what would be the orbital period of the system? (You might
want to compare your answer to the actual orbital period of Jupiter, 11.9 years.)
A) 7.1 years B) 9.4 years C) 50.2 years D) 11.3 years
Ans: A
Section: 11-10 and Toolbox 11-4

190.Two stars in a binary system orbit around a common point that is

always exactly midway between the two stars.
closer to the less massive star.
closer to the more massive star.
always inside one of the stars.
Ans: C
Section: 11-10 and Figure 11-11

191.The relationship between mass and luminosity of stars on the main sequence is that
the luminosity of stars increases with mass up to a peak around one solar mass,
then decreases as the mass continues to increase.
luminosity is independent of the stellar mass.
the larger the stellar mass, the larger the luminosity.
the greater the stellar mass, the less the luminosity.
Ans: C
Section: 11-11
192.Where are the most massive stars to be found in the main sequence of a HertzsprungRussell diagram?
The upper left end
Main-sequence stars all have approximately the same mass, by definition.
In the center
The lower right end
Ans: A
Section: 11-11
193.What will be the mass of a main-sequence star that has a luminosity 1000 times greater
than that of the Sun? (See Fig. 11-12, Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe,
7th Ed.)
105 solar masses
C) 0.1 solar mass
5 solar masses
D) 1000 solar masses
Ans: B
Section: 11-11

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars

194.According to the mass-luminosity relation shown in Fig. 11-12 of Comins and

Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed., what is the mass of the star Regulus (
Leonis, the brightest star in the constellation Leo)? See also the Hertzsprung-Russell
diagram Figure 11-7.
Between 2.5 and 5 solar masses
C) Between 10 and 15 solar masses
Between 1.5 and 2 solar masses
D) Between 8 and 10 solar masses
Ans: A
Section: 11-11
195.Using the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and the mass-luminosity relationship for mainsequence stars (Fig. 11-12 of Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed.),
determine which of the following type of main-sequence stars will have the highest
A) M B) A C) O D) G
Ans: C
Section: 11-11
196.Using the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram in Fig. 11-7 of Comins and Kaufmann,
Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed., and the mass-luminosity relationship for mainsequence stars shown in Fig. 11-12, which of the following is the correct sequence of
stars in increasing order of mass?
Regulus, Barnard's Star, the Sun, Altair
Barnard's Star, Altair, the Sun, Regulus
Barnard's Star, the Sun, Altair, Regulus
Regulus, Altair, the Sun, Barnard's Star
Ans: C
Section: 11-11
197.Use the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (Fig. 11-7) and the mass-luminosity relation (Fig.
11-12) in Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th Ed., to estimate the mass
of Vega, which is an AO V main-sequence star with a surface temperature of about
10,000 K.
Between 1.5 and 5.0 solar masses
C) less than 1.0 solar masse
About 10 solar masses
D) Between 5.0 and 10.0 solar masses
Ans: A
Section: 11-11
198.The radial-velocity curve of a star in a binary star system is a plot against time of
the speed of the star in a direction perpendicular to the line of sight to the star.
the position of the star in celestial coordinates.
the variation of Doppler shift of its spectral lines and hence of its speed toward or
away from us.
the temperature of the star as determined from the movement of the peak
wavelength of its spectrum.
Ans: C
Section: 11-12

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars

199.Absorption lines in the spectra of some binary stars are seen to change periodically from
single to double lines and back again. Why is this?
The effect of the gravitational field of one star on the atoms of the second star
produces spectral line shifts periodically.
The magnetic field of one star produces Zeeman periodic splitting of spectral lines
in atoms of the second star.
Oscillations on the surfaces of the stars leads to Doppler-shifted lines.
Motion toward and away from the Earth during their orbital motion results in
Doppler shift of light from these stars at times and no shift when the stars are
moving perpendicular to the line of sight.
Ans: D
Section: 11-12
200.An eclipsing binary system consists of
two stars orbiting each other in which periodic spectral line shifts due to Doppler
shift are measured.
two stars that are clearly resolved as separate but orbiting each other and obviously
gravitationally bound to each other.
a star that is periodically eclipsed by the Moon.
two stars whose combined light output toward the Earth varies regularly as one star
periodically moves in front of the other.
Ans: D
Section: 11-13

201.An eclipsing binary system consists of

a star that is periodically eclipsed by the Moon.
two stars that periodically eclipse each other, as seen from the Earth.
two stars in which spectral lines move back and forth periodically due to Doppler
shift, indicating mutually orbiting stars.
two mutually orbiting and gravitationally bound stars that are close enough to be
resolved when viewed from the Earth.
Ans: B
Section: 11-13

202.The light intensity from a particular star remains essentially constant except for short and
regular decreases and increases by a fixed amount. What is the explanation for this
One star is regularly eclipsing its companion as they move in mutual orbits whose
plane is close to the line of sight.
A variable star is pulsating in size, temperature, and intensity.
A massive, dark planet is periodically passing in front of the star's visible surface.
Shells of absorbing gas and dust are being periodically ejected from the star's
surface and are subsequently dispersing into space.
Ans: A
Section: 11-13

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars

203.Which of the following observations would NOT be an indication of a binary star

The star appears to move in a straight line against a background field of stars.
A star appears to become periodically dimmer and then brighter for a few hours
at a time.
A star image periodically separates into two distinct images and then blends
The star appears to wiggle in its path across our sky against the background stars.
Ans: A
Section: 11-12 and 11-13
204.What condition is necessary in order for us to see eclipses of stars in binary star systems?
The stars must have very similar surface temperatures, whatever the inclination of
their orbital plane to the line of sight, in order for us to see a significant eclipse.
The line of sight from the Earth to the star system must be very close to the
perpendicular to the orbital plane of the stars.
The line of sight from the Earth to the star system must be in, or very close to, the
orbital plane of the stars.
One of the stars must be much bigger than the other so that it can hide its smaller
companion when the orbital plane is at a large angle to the line of sight.
Ans: C
Classification: C
Section: 11-13

205.Which of the following major perturbations can occur to a close binary system and
radically alter the evolution and behavior of the two individual stars?
The gravitational disturbance of one star's motion by its companion to force it to
move in an orbit
The transfer of matter from one star to its companion
The heating of the localized areas of the atmosphere of one star by its companion
The eclipsing of the light from one star by the other when viewed from the Earth
Ans: B
Classification: C
Section: 11-13
206.What particular and very important phenomenon frequently occurs in binary star systems
where the stars are very close together?
The less massive star, in its elliptical orbit, will repeatedly pass through the thin,
extended atmosphere of the second star, producing periodic rises and falls in light
output from the star system.
The radiation from the hotter star will slowly heat and evaporate away the cooler
Mass lost from one star is deposited on its companion.
The less massive star spirals slowly into its more massive companion because of
tidal interactions.

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CHAPTER 11: Characterizing Stars

Ans: C
Classification: C
Section: 11-13
207.Suppose we observe the light curve of a totally eclipsing binary like that in Fig. 11-15 in
Comins and Kaufmann, Discovering the Universe, 7th edition. The brightness falls
gradually from magnitude 5 to magnitude 9 and remains there for 12 hours before
increasing gradually to magnitude 5. Then, after a while, it drops gradually to magnitude
6, remains there for 8 hours, and returns to magnitude 5. What conclusion can be drawn
from this light curve?
The star with the higher temperature is the smaller star.
The star with the higher temperature is the larger star.
This system is experiencing tidal distortion.
The light curve is in error because we cannot have two minima of different
Ans: D
Section: 11-13
208.In the case where a large number of stars of different masses all form at the same time
(e.g., in a cluster of stars), what does the phrase initial mass function mean?
The mass of the largest star in the cluster divided by the mass of the smallest star
The mass of the original cloud of gas and dust that collapsed to form the cluster
A graph or equation relating the mass of each star to its luminosity
The number of stars that form at each mass
Ans: D
Section: 11-14
209.The process of evolution of stars in our universe has been interpreted by
matching theoretical models to the properties of similar stars at different distances
from the Earth since we are seeing more distant stars at an earlier time, when the
light left them.
matching theoretical models to the collective properties, such as luminosity,
temperature, and size, of millions of stars as we see them.
designing theoretical models solely on the basis of the known properties of matter,
without reference to observational data on real stars, since we do not have a
sufficiently long time base for stellar observations.
matching theoretical models to the detailed observation of a few stars as we watch
them change in luminosity, temperature, and size during their evolution.
Ans: B
Section: Chapter 11

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