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This report describes that which operating

system is best for any company to use in its

office. It make comparison between Linux
and Microsoft Windows

Business Requirement


Table of Contents

Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3

Server .................................................................................................................................................... 4

Work station ......................................................................................................................................... 4

User/ Client PC. ..................................................................................................................................... 4

Operating system. ................................................................................................................................. 5


Process Management. .................................................................................................................. 5


Memory Management. ................................................................................................................. 5


Disk and File system ...................................................................................................................... 5


Networking.................................................................................................................................... 6


Security ......................................................................................................................................... 6


Device Driver ................................................................................................................................. 6

Types of OS............................................................................................................................................ 7

Single user Operating System ....................................................................................................... 7


Graphic user interface Operating system ..................................................................................... 7


Multiuser OS ................................................................................................................................. 7


Multitasking OS ............................................................................................................................. 8


Distributed OS ............................................................................................................................... 8


Multiprocessors OS ....................................................................................................................... 8


Database OS .................................................................................................................................. 8


Real Time OS ................................................................................................................................. 8


Embedded OS................................................................................................................................ 9


Network OS ................................................................................................................................... 9


Mobile OS ...................................................................................................................................... 9

What a Business software need? ........................................................................................................ 10


Using mail service ....................................................................................................................... 10


Using book keeping all files ......................................................................................................... 10


Using internet services................................................................................................................ 10


Using protection of data ............................................................................................................. 10


Using printing and print sharing services ................................................................................... 10


Using file sharing services (share resources) .............................................................................. 11


Using speed among data transfer ............................................................................................... 11


Using freight software for tracking transactions ........................................................................ 11


Using affordable less costly systems........................................................................................... 11

Comparison between Linux and Microsoft Windows ......................................................................... 12


Getting online help ..................................................................................................................... 12


Side by Side ................................................................................................................................. 12


Ease to use , friendly interface.................................................................................................... 12


Free necessary software download ............................................................................................ 12


Upgradeable and compile with new technologies ..................................................................... 12


Easily new system add/remove. ................................................................................................. 12


Acts as a control program. .......................................................................................................... 12


Easily Data accessible. ................................................................................................................. 13


Anti virus ..................................................................................................................................... 13

My Recommendation.......................................................................................................................... 14

10 Points to Remember ........................................................................................................................... 15

11 References .......................................................................................................................................... 16

1 Introduction
According to a given scenario XYZ company had met an accident and lost all of his
computers. Now it is us to suggest the company which types of computers are suitable
for company and fulfill all its requirements. So, to do this we have to go a little bit deep
inside the theory of computer and operating system used by computer. So, let us start
with computer.
Office Computers
There are three types of computers used in any offices. These are;
1. Server
2. Work station
3. Clients or users

2 Server
Server is a machine which (as indicates with its name) offer services. Which types of
services it offer and whom? Yes, it is the right Questions and answer is;
It depend upon office requirement. Like it offers printer sharing services as one printer
can be sharing across all office users. It can share file sharing across all user, i.e, all
users can access all sharing files from one computers to another computer. It provide
security services, as no one from outside can get access inside the office network.
These are some examples of services, which a server can offer for users. It is ,
normally, out of reach of normal user. Just give the server required instructions and it is
following these instruction and no need to disturb it again and again.

3 Work station
It is a stand alone computer, which do not need to request services from server. It has
all data and can do all work itself. No further instruction or services is needed in it. User
who use it can often use it as user/client for sharing resources or getting resources from

4 User/ Client PC.

User or client computer with in an office network is a computer who request services
from server. These are normal computers which user can use to do office work like file
sharing , or mail receiving, data entry etc.
We have discussed about computers used in an office. Now we will discuss about
different types of operating systems which are used in side computers.

5 Operating system.
But before that we should know what the operating system is;
Operating system is simply, a system consisting of services and application ,is use to
control hardware of a computer.
In other words, operating system getting resources from hardware and providing it users
in form of applications and services. An operating system must have following

Process Management
Memory Management
Disk and File system
Device drivers

Let us see briefly, what these thing are.

5.1 Process Management.

It capable an operating system to run a series of processes along with, but it tell the
CPU that which process has high priority and which process has low. It help CPU to
decide which process need more clock speed and which need less. This characteristic
make operating system valuable and allow user to do more then one operation at a

5.2 Memory Management.

Memory manager in any OS responsible for monitoring and allocating the memory to a
requested task. It will check which memory is used by which program and when the
program finish, it provide its memory to other ongoing programs. It also sway between
primary and secondary memory that which process need priority ,it provide primary
memory and other secondary memory.

5.3 Disk and File system

Operating systems should have its own file system, so files and programs can be add,
edit, delete and easily accessible.

5.4 Networking
Now a days maximum available OS using TCP/IP and other commonly used
networking protocols. So, operating system should be capable of joining and sharing its
own resources and getting additional resources from server inside a network. In simple
words, OS should be able to join any given network and getting /providing file sharing,
or printer sharing services.

5.5 Security
Most important thing , now a days, is OS should be capable of having a strong security
system built in, which may prevent unauthorized access to personal or company data.
Now a days, many OS offers security software as well as third party security software
are available to use. So, if OS do not provide better security, then it should be cable
with integrity of these third party security software.

5.6 Device Driver

Drivers are special software which are design to interact directly to hardware device and
making communication directly to users. As sound card driver is capable of listening
and speaking of sound card when user want to use sound card. An OS should be
capable of having all generally used device driver ,so new device can easily act their
function when installing in a system.

6 Types of OS
Now we will Discuss types of OS can be used in office computers.
1. Single User OS
3. Multiuser OS
4. Multitasking OS
5. Distributed OS
6. Multiprocessor OS
7. Database OS
8. Real time OS
9. Embedded OS
10. Network OS
11. Mobile OS
Now we will discuss them one by one.

6.1 Single user Operating System

Single user operating systems are those operating systems which allow only one user
of following computer. Or user can request only one process or service at that time. MS
DOS, is an example of this system.

6.2 Graphic user interface Operating system

GUI or Graphic user interface Operating system are normally known as in which user
can use mouse as input device for requesting a service or ordering an process in
application , instead of using only keyboard as in DOS. Now a days approximately all
operating system offer GUI, Which is easy to use.

6.3 Multiuser OS
Multiuser OS has its own benefits, many user can make their own account on one
computer, and use them according to their requirement. One user can use other data
with special permission is granted. Windows offer user account control to make new
accounts in any system.

6.4 Multitasking OS
IN multitasking operating system , more then one processes run at a time, its means
user can request two or more services at a time and as well as use two or more
applications at same time. In this type of OS, process management has a time critical
role, so it give clock time high priority process first then give other time to other process
to complete.

6.5 Distributed OS
In this operating system , all load is divided into all available physical processors. IN this
type of OS user do not know about location of services or program. In this OS, every
processor uses its own local memory and make communication with other processors
with high speed buses or telephone lines. This OS getting and sharing resources of
hardware and software inside the network by assuming all network a single computer.
Cambridge distributed OS, Corey, Amoeba are examples of this OS.

6.6 Multiprocessors OS
When there is a no. of processors used in a computer and need to use all their
performance as a single processor , this type of OS is best solution for it. All processors
use hardware resources in such a way that they share clock speed to make the
process fast. This type of OS are more complex as they are using processors
synchronizing as well as memory management ,which make the system more secure
and protective. Windows xp and MAC and Linux are its examples.

6.7 Database OS
These type of OS are used where some special features are required as users have to
make transaction through out a certain area, or heavily file sharing is observed. This
type of OS control system failure and keeping backup of all data in case of system

6.8 Real Time OS

This operating system is used in such a places where time scheduling is critical
required as air controlling system or chemical processing. In this operating system input
immediately changes the output.

6.9 Embedded OS
These operating system are designed for small machines for operate in small
resources, like PDA. These are efficient in design and real time type. ATM machine
software is its example.

6.10 Network OS
This type of OS is design for interconnected devices which can use each other
resources with permission in a local area network. Devices may be computers or
printer. And computer user can share files and printers with each other in same
network. Linux and Mac and Windows are good example for these OS.

6.11 Mobile OS
Now a days technology decrease sizes of computers and these become in shape of
IPAD or TAB, these small phone type computers also have OS, which provide a vide
range of functions. These types of OS are called Mobile OS.


7 What a Business software need?

What we Need in Company Office Computers
This section tell us about what is requirement of XYZ company office to run their setup.
Here we discuss about what are functions which required by XYZ company through OS.

7.1 Using mail service

OS should be capable of having receiving and sending function so that company mail
may be receive and send on time to run their business. Windows have outlook express
and Linux have thunder bird which fulfill this requirement. Thunderbird is easy to use
and free software but outlook should be purchased.

7.2 Using book keeping all files

It is very necessary to record all transactions of sell and purchase and other expenses.
Before some time, windows is only reliable for this with most of application like
peachtree and quickbooks. But these are very much costly and Linux have now a lot of
free and paid applications which support this function.

7.3 Using internet services

Using internet service is most important in any office to get in touch for latest business
news so other action will be taking accordingly. Windows and Linux use same web
browser, so this is common benefit for both.

7.4 Using protection of data

Linux is known as most secure server in the world. Window still copying technology of
red hat Linux, so this credit is goes to Linux also.

7.5 Using printing and print sharing services

Printer sharing services in an office within local area network is normal and common to
both windows server 2008 and Linux redhat, but Linux is more secure then windows.


7.6 Using file sharing services (share resources)

Sharing resources among all computer equally is most common task presented by
Linux, although windows offer same functions but Linux is more secure and easy to use

7.7 Using speed among data transfer

Linux technologies are much better then windows in data transfer rate. In same
computer, if we install windows and Linux, it is clear difference between data transfer
rate among two drives, you can see easily. As Linux is much more faster.

7.8 Using freight software for tracking transactions

XYZ company need freight tracking software for supply and shipment ,Linux and
windows offer same softwares for this purpose. So it is common task.

7.9 Using affordable less costly systems

If XYZ company need 100 desktop with 1 server, then prices of windows and Linux are
as below;
For Windows:
1 License for window server 2008 = 100 OMR.
100 license of windows 7 = 100 x 60 = 6000 OMR
Total cost = 6000+ 100 = 61000 OMR
For Linux:
1 license for Linux red hat = 25 OMR with 25 years support
1 license for all 100 computers = 5 OMR
Total cost = 25 + 5 = 30 OMR
Here we see the difference.


8 Comparison between Linux and Microsoft Windows

8.1 Getting online help
Microsoft has paid help, if any problem comes in computers ,but Linux has online
community, u can et free online help.

8.2 Side by Side

Using many applications once at a time make windows too much slow, but Linux have 4
work places at one time , you can run more applications without slowing down your

8.3 Ease to use , friendly interface

Windows and Linux both have same user friendly interface, so user can easily use both
without any problem. It is common in both.

8.4 Free necessary software download

Linux have more then 36000 software free to download at one place ubuntu software
centre, while you have to search a lot regarding necessary software in windows.

8.5 Upgradeable and compile with new technologies

Linux has option to free upgrade and accept new technologies coming time by time,
while you have to pay for a new version of windows.

8.6 Easily new system add/remove.

When needed , new computers are easily added or remove in Linux redhat, but
windows server 2008 is more complicated then that.

8.7 Acts as a control program.

More then 27 million people use Linux everyday. This is best solution every person
looking for for controlling its information into a pre defined easy to access way.


8.8 Easily Data accessible.

Within Linux you can easily access you data ,where you keep, windows have same

8.9 Anti virus

No need to buy every year new License for anti virus when you are using Linux, there is
no virus in Linux, but for windows you have to 101 license for 101 computers. So
expense is added per year as;
Kaspersky antivirus = 101 x 10 OMR = 1010 OMR/year


9 My Recommendation
As we discuss all above, so it is only good and affordable solution for XYZ company to
use Linux instead of windows to get in touch with new world technology to increase its


10 Points to Remember
Types of office systems
1. Server
2. Work stations
3. Clients

Types of OS.
1. Single User OS
3. Multiuser OS
4. Multitasking OS
5. Distributed OS
6. Multiprocessor OS
7. Database OS
8. Real time OS
9. Embedded OS
10. Network OS
11. Mobile OS.

XYZ Company Requirement

1. What a Business software need?
2. Using mail service
3. Using book keeping all files
4. Using internet services
5. Using protection of data
6. Using printing and print sharing services
7. Using file sharing services (share resources)
8. Using speed among data transfer
9. Using accounting software
10. Using freight software for tracking transactions
11. Using affordable less costly systems
12. Getting online help ,if any problem comes
13. Using many applications at one time, do not slow
14. Ease to use , friendly interface
15. Free necessary software download
16. Upgradeable and compile with new technologies
17. Easily new system add/remove.
18. Acts as a control program.
19. Easily Data accessible.
20. Anti virus


11 References


modern operating system 3rd edition by Tanebaum

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