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The following information is taken from: The official library tutorial on how to reference

in the School of Education.

Referencing guide
Print and electronic books
Author name, Initial. (Date). Title of publication. (Edition) Country and place of
publication: publisher.
Example: Ballard, K. (1999). Inclusive education. London, England: Taylor & Francis.
*Remember, the title of publication needs to be italicised
For e-books, an electronic retrieval statement is given in place of the publisher location
and name. If the book has been assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) include it
in the reference. If a DOI is assigned, no URL or database name is needed. If there is no
DOI, provide the home page URL for the book.
Anand, P. (2009). The handbook of rational and social choice.
Marsh, J., & Millard, E. (2000). Literacy and popular culture: using children's culture in the
classroom. Retrieved from
Where there are no page numbers, the chapter or entry title is sufficient.
If assigned, DOIs are usually displayed prominently on the first page of the e-book
Citing different types of author in the reference list:
A work by a single author:
Kember, D. (2000). Action learning and action research: Improving the quality of teaching
and learning. London, England: Kogan Page.
A work by two authors:
Pellegrini, A., & Galda, L. (1998). The development of school-based literacy: A social
ecological perspective. London, England: Taylor & Francis.

A work by 3 to 6 authors:
Wright, C., Weekes, D., & McGlaughlin, A. (2000). 'Race', class and gender in exclusion
from school. London, England: Taylor & Francis.
N.B. In works with three, four, five, or six authors, name all of the authors in the
reference list.
A work by 7 or more authors:
Hatcher, P. J., Goetz, K., Snowling, M. J., Hulme, C., Gibbs, S., Smith, G., et al. (2006).
Evidence for the effectiveness of the Early Literacy Support programme. British Journal
of Educational Psychology, 76, 351-367.
N.B. In works with seven or more authors, only the first six authors are named, and the
latin abbreviation 'et al.' meaning 'and others' is used for the remaining authors.
An edited work:
Christie, F., & Misson, R. (Eds.) (1998) Literacy and schooling. London, England:
No named author, encyclopedias or dictionaries:
Certain types of material, such as encyclopedias or dictionaries, may not have one
person or persons as the main originator. Any work with does not seem to have an
author or editor may be referenced by title first.
Aspects of upper secondary and higher education in Japan. (1991). London, England:
Citing a book chapter
Author name, Initial. (Date of publication). Title of chapter. In Editor's Initial. Name
(Ed.), Title of book (Page numbers). Place of publication: Publisher.
Christie, F. (1998). Learning the literacies of primary and secondary schooling. In F.
Christie, & R. Misson, (Eds.), Literacy and schooling (pp. 47-73). London, England:
Citing a journal article
Author's name, Initial. (Year of publication). Title of the article. Title of the Journal,
Volume (issue number), Page numbers. DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or journal URL if
accessed online.

Moon, S. (2010). Multicultural and global citizenship in the transnational age: the case of
South Korea. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 12 (1), 1-15. Retrieved
Citing a newspaper article
Author's name, Initial. (Publication year, month and day). Title of the article, Newspaper
Title, page numbers or URL if accessed online.
If no author name is given then start with the title instead (ignore a, an, the etc.). In
the text use a short title (the first two or three significant words) with the date ("Telling
pupils", 2006).
Telling pupils they're clever is uncool, teachers warned. (2006, August 4). Independent,
Taylor, M. (2006, August 3). Children should start school at seven, says MP. Guardian.
Retrieved from
Citing web pages and blogs
Before citing information from the open web, you should evaluate its reliability,
accuracy and value. Most published books and journal articles (electronic or print) are
subject to peer review, but anybody can post information on the open web. If it is not
clear who is providing the information, or when it dates from, you might want to
question using it in academic work.
Example of a web page with a personal author:
Oliver, C ., & Candappa, M. (2003). Tackling bullying: listening to the views of children and
young people. Retrieved August 8, 2006 from:
Example of a web page by a corporate author:
Ofsted. (2005) Early years framework 2005. Retrieved August 8, 2006, from:
Blog posts

Blog post references should give the month and date as well as the year of publication.
The title does not need to be in italics, and should be followed by [Web log post].
Davies, J. (2009, July 23). Repositioning the value of individual knowledge [Web log
post]. Retrieved from
Laying out the reference list
The reference list must list all of the sources you have cited in your assignment.
The references in the reference list give the full citation for those works referenced
briefly in your text. For journal articles and book chapters, you must provide the page
numbers for the full page range.
References should be listed in alphabetical order by author's surname and if there is
more than one work by the same author then by date, earliest first.

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