Frontpage: A Healthcare Haven in Rivercess

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Law & Order

pg 9

pg 9



Criminal Court 'E' has acquitted 280

individuals accused of rape since it
was establish in 2009 as a 'Special
Court' to prosecute rape cases' here.



Throwing Ebola Orphans to

the Streets an Inhumane Act
by a Heartless Company












These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of

the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The
rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials
banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Research, Policy and Planning Department,
Central Bank Liberia,
Monrovia, Liberia



VOL 8 NO.726





I believe that God wanted Steve and I back in Liberia, so this is why we are here.
The Day that we left the US, my mom gave me psalm 91 to read as Gods way of
saying he will protect us. Jen Butwill, an American Missionary

County News - pg.7


In Liberia, Politics and Ebola Collide,
Dampening Hopes of Eradicating
Virus by Christmas

p6 & 7

Former President Charles Taylors Name
Takes Center Stage as Jewel Shuts down
Gbarnga on Campaign Launch

Your Vote is your Voice Vote your Nation & Vote Right

Monday, November 24, 2014

Page 2 | Frontpage

Monrovia -

hatever lessons on fiscal commonsense that the

Ebola crisis may have taught Liberians, in the face
of a hyper-declining Gross National Product and an
increased deficit spurred mainly by the Ebola Virus
Disease, seem completely lost on national government.
Before the Ebola crisis struck Liberia in March 2014, the countrys
growth prospects were reasonably favorable, having recorded an
impressive 8.9% GDP growth rate in 2013/2014 and projected to
grow by 6% in the preceding year. Eight months of battling the
deadly Ebola virus has seen three revised growth estimates from
the International Monetary Fund, with the latest being negative
Real GDP is further expected to decline in 2015 to -2.8 percent
from 4.5 percent, owing largely to slower growth and low
economic productivity in the agriculture and mining sectors.
Analysts and observers working to address the crisis had hoped
the government would use its fiscal budget to address and mitigate
some of the external pressure on the economy inflicted by the
Ebola Virus epidemic by investing in sound programs, hence the
huge international and local interest in the unprecedented delayed
passage of the budget.
The recent passage of the Fiscal Year 2014/2015 National Budget
wherein the National Legislature spuriously increased spending
on peeve projects at the detriment of constricting development
priorities is a classic case why Liberias development partners
could right now be shaking their hands in wonderment at the
naivety of government fiscal policies.
On Thursday, the National Legislature finally passed the draft
national budget for 2014/2015 into law at a staggering US $660
million, upward from US $630 million as resubmitted by the
Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, following its
brief recall due to the Ebola crisis. Records show, the current
budget debate is the longest since 2006.
Originally submitted in May 2014, the resource envelop was
US$559.3 million but due to escalation of the Ebola crisis and
its impact on the underlying assumptions that informed the draft
budget, the budget was recalled for revision.
The revised draft budget presented a higher expenditure number
of US$605 million, without post-Ebola recovery investment.
When the post-Ebola economic recovery numbers were added to
the expenditure envelop, the total proposed expenditure comes to
US$779 million.
It is instructive to note that this time, the budget expenditure
envelop surpassed the revenue envelope by a whopping US$306
million, a massive fiscal deficit caused largely by increased
expenditure pressure on Ebola-triggered spending.
As recalled, while budget was being rehashed, Liberias Minister
of Finance and Development Planning was making an aggressive
case at the World Bank and International Monetary Fund for
more support to bridge the deficit. He also courted the African
Development Bank, the UD Government, European Union and
other partners for more budget support.
Through vigorous fund raising efforts: both debt and grant,
the total resource envelop increased from US$473.2 million
to an approximate US$635.2 million, leaving a fiscal deficit of
approximately 140 million, needed according to the authorities
of the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning to fund the
Post-Ebola recovery plan.
However, from the US$635.2 million resource envelop presented,
with the need to further raise additional US$140 million to fund
other Post-Ebola response activities including over US$60 million
new financing to the health sector, the National Legislature has
estimated it would raise additional US$25 million from signature
bonus of the sale of four (4) oil blocks in the ongoing bid rounds

led by the National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL); but

rather than reinvest this new revenue envelop into the estimating
framework, it has produced a shifting table for expense in several
projects, analysts believe are politically driven and intended
to siphon resources to finance the ambitions of several leading
legislative figures.

US$2.7 million was appropriated for

Legislative Extension, US$5 million for
Legislative Projects and US$5.5 million for
Legislative Budget Restoration indicating
the Legislatures reluctance to make
sacrifices when the country is it with the
worst challenge since the civil war. More
interesting is a US$800,000 appropriation
for Most Vulnerable Institutions.
This is the first time in many years that the Executive branch
of Government has presented a deficit budget to the National
Legislature for passage, as the country had always operated cash
based, balanced budget, consistent with requirements under the
HIPC initiative, a rule Liberia has remained complaint with.

The Pork-Barrel Spending Spree

Under the draft Legislative budget 2014/2015, it is quite
interesting to note that the lawmakers, knowing fully-well that
appropriations were already allotted for institutions within the
national budget, yet went ahead and re-appropriated the US$25
million to be realized from oil blocks sale signature fees to those
same institutions.
For instance, US$2.7 million was appropriated for Legislative
Extension, US$5 million for Legislative Projects and US$5.5
million for Legislative Budget Restoration indicating the
Legislatures reluctance to make sacrifices when the country is it
with the worst challenge since the civil war. More interesting is
a US$800,000 appropriation for Most Vulnerable Institutions.
This is how these so-called Honorables that we elected squander
our resources. But we are giving them red card come 2017, says
Jusufu Brima, a resident of the Borrrough of New Kru Town.
As for the Senate, countless instances abound of broad-day
skimming of public funds. For example, there are appropriations
made by the Senate to the following institutions: Barkedu Women
Center, US$50,000; Mendikoma Youth Center, US$50,000;
Massabolahun Youth Center, US$50,000; Boi Women Center,
US$50,000; Konia Women Center, US$50,000; Bendoo Guest
House, US$50,000, and Guassay Guest House, US$50,000.
It clearly beats the imagination, why would the Senate insert
appropriations for guest house constructions within the counties
when the County Development Funds are meant to address such
community projects.
Analysts believe the current move could greatly hurt Liberias
quest to receive more direct budget support funding and could
jeopardize its recovery strategy.
It is important to note, however, that most of resources raised
from development partners are tied to specific interventions
intended to maintain macro-economic stability as well as
resuscitate the economy. To date, the Government has been able
to attract, either in grant or loan, an estimated US$180 million
for combined purpose of fighting Ebola and investing in the real
sector of the economy, a foreign diplomat told FPA.
From an economic standpoint, the true impact of the crisis on
the economy will be felt when the virus is finally contained. And
this will depend on how soon wecan contain the virus: the longer
it stays, the more devastating the consequences will be,he said.
Liberia needs all the resources it can have now to defeat Ebola
and build strong infrastructure and systems to help prevent
this scale of problem but judging by the current outlook of its
approved budget, more work needs to be done. And even more
appalling is the way the Legislature has gone about distributing
resources it says it has uncovered, particularly in the case of this
US$25 million signature bonus on oil contracts, it has sent a very
wrong message, our source intimated.
In this day and age when the economy is hurting, it is hard time
that our spending be strategic, catalytic and focused so that we
can get the best out of these investments, maintains Emmanuel
Barnes, student of Economics at the University of Liberia.
Speaking to FPA, Barnes said, it is no doubt that our economy
has been hurt by this virus, and unless we make the kinds of
investment that will fundamentally change our economy and
provide the kind of inclusive growth we desire, we will only be
postponing the sufferings of our people. It is time for the National
Legislature to work with the Executive to ensure that critical and
strategic investments are made in the real sector of the economy
to spur growth and jobs creation which our country so desperately

Monday, November 24, 2014

Page 3



Throwing Ebola Orphans to the
Streets an Inhumane Act by a
Heartless Company

A DAILY MAIL report suggesting that the Tyre giant

Firestone has ordered the children of workers who died
from Ebola to leave their homes on its plantation in Liberia
is very troubling.
ACCORDING TO THE REPORT, Firestone which is
part of the Bridgestone group which last week announced
sales for the first nine months of the year totaling 14.5
billion - has told the families they cannot stay on in worker
housing and will not get pensions. At least 57 people
have died on Firestone's giant plantation near the national
capital Monrovia since the start of the outbreak in March,
according to the report.
FIRESTONE, like most expatriate and concession
companies abandoned Liberia at the height of the outbreak,
leaving behind families and workers who labored the
plantation in search of rubber which the company then
export for profits.
IT IS SAD THAT a company as large as Firestone would
throw children in the streets after surviving such a horrific
THAT FAMILY of workers who died are entitled to a oneoff payment of $1,900 [1,200] and a bag of rice and that,
according to the Labor union complains that Liberia's labor
laws are weighted in favor of the company and there is
no provision for a pension to support their families, speak
IT SHOWS that Firestone has no heart for orphans and
no conscience for Liberias plight, a point Austin S. Natee
aptly notes in the Mail piece when he said: 'They don't give
a damn about anyone. It is the oldest problem.
WE ARE CALLING on the Ministry of Labor to begin
exploring ways in which Firestone can be held accountable
for this inhumane action that threatens to put a lot of young
childrens future in peril.
IN A NATION WHERE there are no laws on the book to
hold investors accountable, the government owes it to its
people to take Firestone to task on this issue.
INSTEAD of throwing these young children to the wolves,
Firestone should be building Ebola treatment units and
trying to give these young kids a chance at life.
SADLY, OUR SYSTEM and our government will allow
this mad and inhumane act on the part of Firestone to go
THIS SHOULD not and must not be allow to hold, not in
this day and age.
WE CANNOT stand by and allow Firestone to throw the
future of young people away in such a horrifying manner.
THE MINISTRY OF LABOR, the Ministry of Health
and the national government must open consultation with
Firestone on this and ensure that some is done to fix the
damage that has been done.
TOO MANY PEOPLE have died already from this virus
which Liberia appears to be beating by the day. Allowing
the children who have survived and lost their parents to be
thrown on the streets by Firestone is broad day in justice
at the highest level and must be condemned by all wellmeaning Liberians and international partners.
shown the world its inhumane side and why Liberia should
never have entered into any contract with a profit-driven,
cold-hearted company throwing orphans to the wolves.

Martin K. N. Kollie,, Contributing Writer

t is becoming very difficult to distinguish between the National

Police Force of former President Charles Ghankay Taylor and
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf as police brutality against
unarmed civilians rises day after day in a country still striving
to consolidate peace, maintain security, and promote genuine
reconciliation. The ERU under the Unity Party led government is
gradually wearing the malicious iron jacket of the defunct ATU
while PSU walks in the dark shadow of the infamous SOD.
The recent wave of police brutality in Liberia is not only disturbing,
but worrisome as fear and panic overwhelm peaceful residents. Since
Madam Sirleaf took over as President of Liberia in 2006, there has
been series of cruel treatments against civilians, including those who
have been consistently speaking against bad governance and other
unethical deeds. How could the police force under a democratic
arrangement forget so soon about its national responsibility?
The Liberia National Police has been at the center of violating the
fundamental rights of unarmed citizens by misusing its statutory
status to harass, intimidate, and terrorize. Police Officers under
Ellens reign continue to exhibit these unlawful acts in order to
cruelly subdue peaceful civilians. They have forgotten that Liberia
is a country of law and order; as such, everyone including those
in higher authority must abide by those basic constitutional ethics
which are meant to regulate mutual existence.
In Liberia today, police officers are still affecting arrests based on
the orders of influential government officials. Is Liberia a police
state under Madam Sirleaf? In reality, anyone can easily describe
Liberia as a country with a non-independent and partial police force.
Arbitrary arrests and illegal detentions are common practices visibly
seen in almost every community. Police officers nowadays careless
about the issuance of a court warrant before making an arrest.
It is evident that most Liberians do not trust this current national
police force because of its habitual tendency of abusing those it
claims to be protecting. Public confidence is lacking as a result of
bribery, extortion, coercion, corruption, and humiliation. The LNP is
no longer seen as an institution to fully rely on for safety as political
interference undermines its overall mandate and operations. It is no
secret that the LNP now is being extremely manipulated and micromanaged by external forces to carry out unacceptable deeds and
secret measures.
The Liberia National Police which was established in accordance
with section 180 of chapter 13, sub chapter A of the Executive
Law in the Liberian code of law volume 11 of 1955 within the
Department of Justice and reversed under section 22.70 of the
same executive law of 12th, June 1955, must urgently refrain
from its recent mode of brutality and ensure internal security for
all regardless of status, creed, tribe, and political affiliation. The
Police Force is not a gangster unit or an organization of hoodlums.
Therefore, we condemn all forms of mistreatment and abuse against
defenseless civilians.
No one should use the Police Force as a hideout to commit crimes
against innocent citizens or get at other individuals. The National
Police Force was not established to lodge criminals, drug smugglers,
human rights violators, and other indecent characters. Rather, it was
formed to accommodate discipline men and women who usually
protect its professional code of conduct. The LNP especially
ERU and PSU must not ignore its functions. As the foremost law
enforcement agency in Liberia, it is mandated by law to detect
crimes, apprehend offenders, prevent crime and disorder, maintain
law and order and protect life, property and personal liberties.
I am still wondering whether most of our officers learnt what they
were taught at the Police Academy. If they did achieve anything
better from those trainings in Liberia and abroad, then they must
work diligently to ensure public safety and security. They must
desist from reinventing those gloomy days of SOD and ATU. It
does not make sense to cruelly treat those who pay you with their
taxes. The Laws Liberia has are meant to be followed without fear
or favor, unfortunately, this police force continues to give blind eyes
to those unique procedures. Flogging, torture and other inhuman
treatments of citizens by Police Officers are common practices in
Liberia even though they are strictly forbidden by the Constitution.
Police Personnel use severe physical force which leads to critical
injuries most times to disperse large crowd.
Huge resoureces were spent to train PSU and ERU officers in areas
of crowd and riot control, weapon usage, antiterrorism, hostage
rescue, internal security, tactical anticrime, and search-and-rescue
situations. The PSU and ERU were better trained and equipped than
the regular LNP force. Regrettably, these two police units continue
to show glaring signs of incompetence, indiscipline, and ineptitude
as they roam around like creeping lions seeking whom to devour or
inflict pain upon. This wanton behavior got to stop and stop now!
The track records of the PSU, ERU, and the National Police Force in
general are too alarming. Permit me to reveal few of them quickly.

Since the inauguration of Madam Sirleaf in 2006, this is a summary

of police brutality and malpractices in Liberia.

On September 20, 2006, two legislators were assaulted
by LNP officers in two separate incidents, one at a checkpoint
and another in a courthouse. On September 26, the LNP inspector
general formally apologized to the legislators in question and to the
legislature as a whole, citing inadequate training as the reason for
the assaults.

On October 3, 2006, police forced a false confession from
a robbery suspect by placing a lighter under his genitals until he

On March 13, 2006, the deputy director of police was
suspended and subsequently dismissed for stealing $4,000 (240,000
LD) worth of gas coupons.

In March 2006, four LNP officers were suspended for
assaulting a journalist.

On June 19, 2007, LNP officers beat four journalists
covering a student demonstration in support of faculty demands
for payment of salary arrears at the University of Liberia. The LNP
officers tore up the identification cards of two journalists, Daylue
Goah of the New Democrat and Evans Ballah of Public Agenda, and
forced them to delete the photos from their digital cameras.

On March 28, 2007, LNP officers forcibly dispersed a
demonstration by the Liberia Timber Workers Union in Gardnerville,
resulting in several injuries.

In May 2008, four LNP police officers of the antitheft unit
were arrested and indicted for torturing suspects in January.

In December 2008, a grand jury indicted the deputy
commissioner for criminal investigations and the chief of narcotics
for theft and false statements.

On April 9, 2008, police forcibly disbursed students of
Kendeja high school, which had been demolished to make room for
a hotel. The students were demonstrating because construction of a
replacement school had not been finished.

In August 2009, five LNP officers were dismissed for
unethical behavior.

On September 3, 2009, the chief of patrol was indicted for
looting the house of a private prosecutor who had filed a civil suit
against him earlier.

In 2009, LNP officers arbitrarily arrested, and subsequently
abducted and beat a staff member of an international NGO

On February 27, 2010, an LNP officer shot and killed a
man reportedly over a personal dispute.

On March 3, 2010, LNP officers beat a foreign citizen
who was photographing police conducting a search. The police also
confiscated her camera and took her to LNP headquarters where she
was beaten again but never arrested.

On February 13, 2011, LNP Commander Victor Boyah
beat sports journalist Fombah Kanneh. Kanneh for filming police
brutality toward spectators after a soccer game at the Antoinette
Tubman Sports Stadium. Boyah publicly apologized for his actions
on February 17.

On March 22, 2011, the LNP used excessive force to
subdue a student demonstration in support of their teachers who
were striking for promised salary increases.

On November 7, 2011, law enforcement agents clashed
with supporters of the opposition party Congress for Democratic
Change (CDC) resulting into one confirmed death with several
others injured.

In 2011, LNP and Bureau of Immigration officers
occasionally subjected travelers to arbitrary searches and petty
extortion at checkpoints.

In July 2012, three police officers harassed and assaulted
a woman in Thinkers Village in Maryland County.

In 2012, an ERU officer in Maryland County was
suspended for three months after a police investigation found him
liable for flogging and manhandling citizen.

Recently, we witnessed police brutality against two
CDcians at the Monrovia Central Prison. Monica Samuels and
Emmanuel Menza of the National Chronicle Newspaper were also
beaten by officers of the LNP while Sky TV reporter was assaulted
by guards of Robert Sirleaf.

The recent murder of civilians by police officers at ELWA
junction and Old Road speak volume as well.
These are just few instances of police brutality in Liberia under
Madam Sirleafs leadership. The Justice for Liberia Campaign
without hesitation wants to send this caveat to the LNP that gone
are those days of extortion, humiliation, and degrading treatments
against civilian population. The people have had enough! The
people have done nothing wrong to deserve such brutal reactions.
LNP must live up to its mandate. Be an independent Police Force
and act as an impartial law enforcement agency, otherwise..!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Page 4 | Frontpage







Robert Sirleaf has seriously damaged his chances with those cruel
and dumb comments! Mitt Romney, a former candidate for President
in the last US elections lost because he made a dumb comment that
47 percent of Americans are slackers. When people heard that he
was done! Although Romney's comment was made in a private
meeting but when it came out it devastated his poll numbers and he
lost the election to Obama in a landslide. Mr. Sirleaf's rant will cost
him the election because what he said was quite painful especially
for families of Ebola victims and people are terrified of Ebola.
Using Ebola as a metaphor against his antagonist or protesters is the
dumbest thing he has done in his life. He's obviously is an awkward
politician. His negatives just went up tenfold. His very unpopular
mother, allegations that he is homosexual in an anti-homosexual
society, and overnight accumulation of wealth is a huge political
liability. After a couple of election cycles Liberian voters are not as
easy to fool anymore. Watch out politicians!
HIS very unpopular mother is what's his problem. funny thing is he
is one of the main people that made his mother Unpopular. She can
thank him, aunty jenny and the rest of the crew (kesselly, parker,
weeks, etc) for that.
"I will deal with them in my most final word as the Ebola virus, I
will make them bleed". That is creeping and Rob. Sirleaf said the
the truth and the statement is the life of the family. Their mother the
vampire of Liberia has gotten away with a lot so Rob. can say or
do anything and he will get away free. Where are the polices? That
statement is a threat to the country. Where are the members of the
legislature? All those responsible to call this family to reality are all
sellout. Robert, you are not greater than the power of the people. It
wouldn't be long and you will face justice. We know how you got
rich over night. The fed. is putting your indictment together so the
grand jury will decide. Liberia is not like other countries that send
their criminals to court like your mother so you think you can say
things and go free. Your mother forgot past presidents and think she
will get away ? The hottest place in hell is a waiting her. Have fun


"The Malibu-based playboy son of an African dictator is being
forced to surrender more than $30million worth of his assets after
allegedly stealing money from his own country.
Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue, the son of the Equatorial Guinea
president, must sell his mansion in California, his Ferrari and most
of his Michael Jackson memorabilia under the settlement.
Despite recent oil and gas wealth in Equatorial Guinea, most of
the 750,000 people in the coastal country live in poverty. Since
the economic boom, U.S. authorities said Mangue and other
officials have amassed a vast amount of wealth through extortion,
embezzlement and other acts of corruption" And his people cannot
eat. This too is Africa. Sound familiar?
That is why I believe power was not made for man but GOD alone;
but man insistence on tasting it had GOD to let us in on it...HE lets
man smelled the fragrance from afar and look what happened to us we go drunk and crazyimagine if HE had let us touch it
The question remains what can the people do short of violence to
work with the Sirleafs of Africa... We have to find ways to help
the majority of the people. I believe that it is unfair for Liberia to
be undeveloped without asking questions or requesting reforms.
Is it too much to ask for water, education, roads, and better health
facilitlies from our leaders...
The African Football Federation has awarded the 2015 games to
Equatorial Guinea in spite of its evil regime of a man who murdered
his uncle to grab power and now runs a kleptomaniac government
that continue to suppress its people in so many ways. Only in


The comments expressed here are those of our online readers and
bloggers and do no represent the views of FrontPageAfrica

The Reader's Page

Send your letters and comments to:


Open Letter to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

Head of State and CIC
Republic of Liberia
Monrovia, Liberia



The Editor,

Dear Madam President:

good leader is someone whose decisions are not based on favoritism,

discrimination, and prejudice, rather on an impartial and independent
conviction. A patriotic public servant does not pick and choose. You
were actually acting in line with our laws when you gave a clear
mandate ordering all presidential appointees and civil servants participating in
the upcoming special senatorial election to resign and immediately turnover all
public belongings.
This public pronouncement was welcoming in several quarters, but some
of us knew very well that Robert Sirleaf would have been an exception. As
government officials aspiring to contest tendered in their resignation letters, your
son who I personally consider a defacto Prime Minister of Liberia is busy using
public resources to run campaign across Montserrado County.
What is even more disappointing is that Robert Sirleaf who is a senatorial
candidate in Montserrado continues to grossly violate our organic statutes by
using public buildings, state security, government vehicles, and other facilities
for campaign purposes. Madam President, did you really mean what you said or
your statement was only meant to satisfy your own political agenda? You know
and we know Madam President that your son and his supporters are exploiting
massive public resources especially during this time of campaigning.
The endless exploitation of public resources by aspirant Rob Sirleaf is not a
strange story or phenomenon under your leadership, but an unarguable reality
that is already tearing your infamous legacy into pieces. Liberians did not
elect you to mortgage their interest and build an elite empire. Until you can
understand that Liberia is not a family plantation, your government will continue
experience incessant failure.
Robert Sirleaf during one of his usual political campaign speeches in the Red
Hills Community violated chapter 10 section 10.5(a) of our electoral law when he
threatened to clampdown on citizens like ebola virus. How can any good leader
make such a statement? Even though, the use of state resources for campaigning
is a violation of the elections law, but Rob careless to observe these basic legal
instruments which are meant to safeguard our emerging democracy. I know Cllr.
Jerome Kokoya who heads the NEC is ignoring these visible violations. As a
result of fear to lose his job, he cannot raise alarm against your super wealthy
and all-powerful son. This unfair system and way of life got to stop if Liberia
must make genuine progress.
In September 2012 when Director General Mary Broh took over the GSA, a
stern warning was given to public officials not to abuse government properties in
their possessions? We are watching to see whether Madam Broh who is widely
seen as a no nonsense administrator will call Robert Sirleaf to a check and
prevent him from misusing public facilities to run campaign. However, it will
not a surprise if she does not take such stance because we know her true identity.
In addition, no ellenist or sirleafcrat dares to question Rob.
The law must take its course regardless of who it affects. Is Rob greater than our
laws? Of course, no! Madam President, we are aware about your plan to ensure
Rob succeeds you in order to prevent you from answering questions after your
reign of massive failure. Liberians have had enough and will not bow down to
such sinister agenda this time around. We are not cowards, but patriots who
are set to resist any semblance of oligarchy and autocracy. What you did not
achieve in almost 12 years, Rob cannot in 9 years. In fact, his poor performance
as Board Chairman of NOCAL and Senior Advisor to you speaks volume about
his inherent identity of leadership failure.
Madam Sirleaf, we know Rob has all the cash to buy voters, especially when
there is an ongoing bidding process of the last 4 out of 17 oil blocks in London.
We are aware about the current looting and raping of our resources by you and
Rob. You have auctioned almost all of our mountains except Wologosi to foreign
companies. However, I can assure you that Liberians are ready protest against
you and Rob with their ballots.
Former Superintendent Milton Teajay and all other public trustees contesting this
forthcoming election have obeyed our laws by turning over public properties.
The simple question I need answer to right now is why not Robert too?
Respectfully yours,
Martin K. N. Kollie
Youth Activist
cc: Director Mary Broh, GSA
Cllr. Jerome Kokoya, NEC
Cllr. James Verdier, LACC
US Embassy in Liberia
The Carter Center
Country Representative, ECOWAS
The Press Union of Liberia

In November 2000, the republicans stole from America our most

precious right to free and fair electionsnow president Bush occupies
the white house ,but with questionable legitimacy Cynthia McKinney
As clearly stated in the above quote, both the 2005 and 2011 presidential
elections in Liberia were characterized by claims of electoral negligence.
In 2005 the candidate of the opposition congress for democratic change
Ambassador George M. Weah, stated the election was describe as undemocratic.
In 2011 the leader of the congress for democratic change Tubman made similar
statement about the undemocratic manner in which the election was conducted.
The major opposition party candidate complained felt on a plummeting sand.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was usher in as president of the republic of Liberia. The
most treasurable right of the Liberian people, free and fair elections were stolen
by Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. Now she is president of the republic of Liberia, but
with a questionable political legitimacy.
She has successfully occupied this position for nine years without interruption
from political oppositions in the country. She is unable to transform the lives
of the ordinary Liberians citizens. The resentments of the ordinary citizens of
Liberia is so huge, even her supporters can no longer listen to her. The only
thing president Sirleaf can now brag of is freedom of speech, which is a
constitutional right.
In the mists of the citizens of Liberia frustration, her cherish son Robert A.
Sirleaf has surface, and claiming to be a humanitarian, wanting political
leadership from the people of Montserrado county. He has now taken a different
political posture, and disassociating himself from his mother ruling unity party.
He is running as an independent candidate for the senate in Montserrado County.
He is urging the voters of Montserrado County to look at his developmental
records in Montserrado County over the years. He has distant himself from
his mother leadership. Ironically, he once served as chief adviser to his mother
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and chairperson of the NATIONAL OIL
Leadership cannot be measured in a poll or even the result of an election.
It can only be truly seen with the benefit of time. From the prospective of
20 years, not 20 days. Marco Rubio Robert A. Sirleaf in his last interview
with Mamadee the host of the popular truth breakfast show in Liberia said,
the Liberian people should not vote for someone as senator of Montserrado
County based on that person popularity. Rather, the people of Montserrado
County should vote someone in as senator based on that person developmental
records. What Robert A. Sirleaf failed to realize is; the result or outcome of
an election ismeasured in 20 or more years, and not in 9 years. As in the case
of he and Ambassador George M. Weah. Robert A. Sirleaf should understand
Ambassador George M. Weah helped to the Liberian people started before he
and his mother took the political stage of Liberia.
What was Robert A. Sirleaf developmental records before the ascendency of
his mother to the presidency of Liberia? For way too long the Liberian people
have been exploited by political elites including Robert A. Sirleaf, and his
mother Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, in the name of bringing development to the
people. Yesterday Ellen Johnson Sirleaf spoke against rampant corruption
in governmental circle. She called President Samuel K. Doe an illiterate
idiot masquerading in the corridor of power, and giving his uneducated and
unqualified kinsmen high positions in government. She accused President
Samuel K. Doe, of entrench nepotism in governmental circle. She censured
President Samuel K. Doe of corruption in governmental circle. Poignantly,
everything she denunciated President Samuel K. Doe of is now predominance
in her government.
Tempering with the result of the Montserrado County Senatorial election will
be the beginning of what transpired in Burkina Faso in Liberia. I am afraid
President Ellen Johnson Sirlaef will be forcefully remove from power like
Blaise Compaore. Robert A. Sirleaf hunger for the presidency of Liberia come
2017 ,and wanting to use the Montserrado county senatorial seat as a spring
board for the presidency of Liberia might cause him to spade the blood of
downtrodden Liberians .As was clearly stated in the video that is circulating
on Facebook. Indicating he will make Liberians opposing his senatorial bit to
bleed like EBOLA victims. His insensitivity to the victims of EBOLA, and their
families is very troubling, and most not be taken lightly. Finally all Liberians
opposing Robert A. Sirleaf senatorial bit should still away from his political
rallies. I am afraid, he will make good of his promise and waste the blood
of innocent Liberians. Robert A. Sirleaf rejection at the electoral polls come
December 16, 2014, is a protest of his mother failure as president of Liberia.
And also his failure as senior adviser to the president of Liberia. What Robert
A. Sirleaf did not do as senior adviser to President Sirleaf, and chairperson
of the national oil company of Liberia, that he is going to do as senator of
Montserrado County?
The author of this article Dashward A. Wumah, commonly called political dash,
is a political commentator, he currently lives in the United States. He can be
contacted at or 763-400-6828.


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Monday, November 24, 2014




Page 5



Cestos River, in lower Yarnee

District Rivercess County
artha Johnson
is grateful to
Steven and Jen
American Missionary couple
who for the past two years have
been operating the only clinic
in this part of Liberia, the Po
River medical Clinic.
Johnson, pressure patient says
since she started coming to the
clinic, her pressure has gone
I am a pressure patient and
because I am coming to this
clinic, the pressure is going
down, and the medicine is
cheap. I tell God thank you
for bringing the missionaries
Johnson says prior to the
missionarys arrival in the
area, she and others had to
travel all the way to Cestos for
treatment. The distance was
very far for us especially if
you do not have LD $250.00 to
transport yourself; you have to
walk to go.
Many people living in towns
and villages across the Cestos
River, in lower Yarnee District
Rivercess County, come to the
Po River medical Clinic which
serves as a relief for dwellers.
On a recent weekday, a visitor
to the area embarked on a hectic
journey, crossing the Cestos
river in a Kru canoe, made of
wood, as the only means of
getting medical treatment in
the Cestos City, the capital of
Rivercess County.
But despite the recent surge
in the number of cases of
Ebola in rural parts of Liberia,
including Rivercess, where
12 persons recently died and
81 new cases discovered, Jen
and Steve continue to service
a community in need, working
as a nurse five days a week and
seven hours a day.
Jen and Steve both missionaries
of the Pillar of Fire Church,
met while attending The Ohio
State University. Steve has
spent the past 9 years working
as an engineer and account
executive in the New York City
construction market. Jen is
certified as a nurse practitioner
and has experience working
in both neonatal and pediatric
intensive care.
They came to Po River, Liberia
in early 2013 to start up and
operate a medical clinic, the
only source of quality medical
care to the 9,000 people living
in the area. The clinic will
additionally work with local
villages to focus on access to
clean water, proper sanitation,
The pair who lived in South
Bound Brook, N.J. before
moving to Liberia in 2012,
briefly left Liberia during the
height of the outbreak but
returned recently to pick were
they left.
I believe that God wanted
Steve and I back in Liberia, so
this is why we are here, Jen
says. The Day that we left the

I believe that God wanted Steve and I back in Liberia, so this is why we are here. The Day that we left the US, my
mom gave me psalm 91 to read as Gods way of saying he will protect us. Jen Butwill, an American Missionary
that is sustainable and will
Mae Azango,

last, so the people pay a little

amount for treatment. The
clinic is supported by private
donors, friends, little and big
companies giving small and
big amount, says Steven.
Steven says the Pillar of Fire,
has been involved in church
and school activities since
1960, but when the war came,
the school and church closed
as the site became a hot-spot
for the rebel activities, which
ended up destroying most of
the building on the mission.
But when the church in the US
was looking for someone to run
the clinic, they decided to come
because they believed that God
was telling them to leave their
various jobs in the US, where
he worked in New York City,

(L-R) Jen checking a child patient, Jen and healthcare workers at the clinic.
while Jenifer was working in a
big hospital in New Jersey.
But despite their call to duty in a
remote Liberian village, Steven
is wary about the possibility of
a major Ebola outbreak in the
area. It will be very difficult
if an Ebola case comes here
because of the rivers, creeks
and the ocean, but we will be
setting up an isolation center at
the clinic for a short term and
contact the Ministry of Health
interns of safe transportation of
the patients, Steve says.
Jen agrees. I know it will be
a challenge if we have a sick
Ebola patient that we need to
transport. Our plan is to speak
with the Ministry of Health
to come up with a plan, that
when we come across a sick
or suspected cases of Ebola
to get them to Cestos. If we

could take patients in chopper
(L-R) Mettie Johnson gets her temperature check,
Steven Butwill
it would be good but since we
US, my mom gave me psalm Before when I get sick, I isolated place, cut off from the waiting for Steve and Jen to cant, we cant carry them on a
91 to read as Gods way of used to cross the Cestos River rest of Rivercess was not what transport their luggage and bike either because it will affect
saying he will protect us, Jen in a canoe; to go to the clinic American Missionaries Steve bags filled with PPEs and other the motor bike driver or maybe
in Cestos and sometimes, I and Jen anticipated. But two medical items, to the clinic on by a boat though the Atlantic
Not only are the missionaries used to wait for canoe at the years ago, the pair embarked the Pillar of Fire Mission.
Ocean to get to Cestos. But
helping citizens of the district waterside for two to three on an assessment mission Residents here are grateful to that way is expensive, because
with medical care, but they are hours to cross and by the time I to reopen the Pillar of Fire the missionaries and Steven when we are carrying loads by
also helping employees who reach at the clinic, it is already Mission Church and school.
says they are happy to be among way of the sea, we spent up to
work in the clinic, with some closed and my money will go The journey back across the the residents and offering them US$150.00. I think for now,
medical benefits as well.
in vain. But God blessed us, the Cestos River to Yarnee, was a healthcare haven.
we will use the school building
Anybody that works for us, missionaries brought this clinic just the beginning of a tedious In 2010, my wife, Jenifer as a holding center and then
we see their family free and
we will contact the Ministry of
take care of their medications,
Health to figure out how they
and sometimes if we cannot do
will transport the patient.
the care here, and have to send
Until there is a bridge
them to Monrovia, we also pay
connecting Yarnee to the rest of
for them to get to Monrovia
Rivercess, the District remains
and pay for the hospital bills in
Monrovia as well, Says Jen.
taking development into the
One of those benefiting from
county, only stop in Cestos
medical on the Mission is,
and do not cross the River.
Mettie Johnson, who lives in
Furthermore, there are less
Yahs town, near the mission
than three canoes crossing the
and works at the clinic.
Cestos River into Yarnee, but
Prior to the Butwills arrival,
canoe riders complain that they
Mettie used to go to Cestos
are getting hardly anything for
City for treatment. Now she
their time, with each passenger
says it is like heaven sent. For
paying L$20.00 to cross the
those of us who work here, our
benefit is for our husbands and
children to get free treatment,
Coming tomorrow
Patients awaiting treatment at the clinic
besides my salary, if the
missionaries can employ me
who does not know book and for us, so I am happy, Mettie journey during a recent visit came on an assessment and
pay me, it is a blessing to me says.
with the Missionaries.
saw a need for medical care,
and my family and I thank God Crossing the Costos River, to On the other side of the Cestos as she is a nurse. Our main
In Rivercess, Maternal Challenge
amidst the Ebola Crisis
for that, Mettie says.
Yarnee District, a faraway and River in Yarnee, were bikes goal was to start up a clinic




Page 6 | Frontpage

Monday, November 24, 2014

Former President Charles Taylors Name Takes Center Stage as Jewel Shuts down Gbarnga on Campaign Launch

Gbarnga, Bong County he name of former

Saturday echoed across
Gbarnga and other parts of Bong
County during the campaign
launch of Taylors former wife,
Senator Jewel Howard-Taylor,
who is seeking re-election.
From Nyanforlla to Gbartala,
from Gbartala to Sergeant Kollie
Town (SKT), from Sergeant
Kollie Town to Gbarnga,
Taylors name echoed in loud
tune as supporters of Taylors
NPP and sympathizers lined the
route to endorse Senator Taylors
Some called it a political
fun-fare. Some said it was in
celebration of Taylor, a political
figure they said symbolized the
new thinking and perspective
in political re-ordering of Bong
County. And it brought the entire
Gbarnga to a standstill.
Reminiscent of Jesus Christs
triumphant entry into Jerusalem,
the carnival that attended
the entry of Maryoe as she
is popularly called has given
her supporters the confidence
to say that what seemed like
the only challenge to her reelection, Cuttington University
president Dr. Henrique Tokpa
(Independent), is really no match
for the senator.
The whole Gbarnga was agog.
From the main entry point
through the popular Gbarnga
Broad Street, people poured
into the street in thousands to
welcome the campaign train
of the senator. For close to six
hours, Gbarnga stood still for the
NPP senatorial candidate.
The first point of call was the
Iron Gate check point where
Senator Taylor was received
and regaled in a grand manner
typical of Taylor on his return
to Gbarnga following his 1997
triumph as president of Liberia.
The significance of Senator
Taylors straight journey to
the Iron Gate Check point was
not lost on the people. The
endorsement that followed put
paid to all insinuations that given
the fact that the NPPs candidate
is of the Gbarnga stock.
But not only did citizens pray
for the senator, their words were
believed to be profound enough
attestation to their support they
offer prayer to the senator,
whose sterling performance they
In his remark, the pastor of the
Dominion Christian Church
in Gbarnga, Lahai Sesay, said
election is not a do-or-die affair
but only a civil exercise to
choose those whom the people
want to lead them. He also said:
All you have been doing are not
for yourself or for your people.
You are striving for the good of
the entire Kpelle race, for the
country. God will always be with
you. The pastor commended
Senator Taylor for her numerous
achievements in the county.
Armed with the pastors blessing,
Senator Taylors campaign train
had left the Iron Gate snaking
through the city on its way to the
campaign ground at the William
V. S. Tubman Gray Gymnasium.

Selma Lomax,

activities came to an end; traffic

movement slowly wound to
a halt. Left, right and centre,
people radiated happiness as
they saw a leader, who, for close
to nine years, according to them,
has busied herself with how her
people would live better and
qualitative lives different from
the lives of hopelessness they
had been subjected to in the
years past.
At the campaign ground,
speakers after speakers x-rayed
the performance of Senator
Taylor, which they said is
uncommon, unrivalled and
unarguably unassailable at the
NPPs National Chairman, Cllr.
Theophillus Gould, averred that
the job of senator of the county
is enormous and her opposition
is unprepared as they lacked the
know-how to serve the county.
Senator Taylor is God-sent to the
people of Bong County. In just a
single term of nine years, this
wonderful woman transformed
the county positively.
The truth of the matter is that
the opposition has no mental
capacity to serve as senator of
the county. They cannot point
to anything beneficial they have
done for Bong County even as he
advised the people to vote wisely
by ensuring Senator Taylors
continuity in office.
In what has become characteristic
of her campaigns, Senator Taylor
undoubtedly stirred the crowd
by simply telling them what her
leadership had done since her
assumption as senator.
According to the senator,
seeking re-election is to perfect
the establishment of genuine
and credible leadership that only
aims at delivery of service to the
people in the county.
For a who woman who hinges
her bid for second term on her
scorecard in her first opportunity
to serve, the NPP senator
reeled out her leaderships
achievements in the county

thus: We have touched lives in

all facets of human endeavors.
All these we have done and are
doing. While we want a second
term is to consolidate on all
these achievements as well as
lay down a solid foundation for
credible leadership, the Bong
County senator said.
The Taylor Factor
The intimidating crowd in
Gbarnga seems to have sent
signals to many quarters. From
then, the wave of defections
to the NPP has increased.
Supporters of Senator Taylor
who spoke to FrontPage Africa
reporter said their decisions to
support the former first lady
were due to their entrenched
love for her former husband
Charles Taylor. The love I have
for Charles Taylor is the same I
have for Jewel. We see her as our
mother, Edith Newon, a student
of Cuttington University said.

While many are still believed

to be on their way perfecting
their defection strategies, a
former legislative candidate of
electoral district four, Madam
Susana Martor, formally boosted
the rank of the NPP with her
defection on Saturday November
22, 2014, when she led scores of
her supporters to the senator.
Madam Martor was given a

grand reception at the William

V. S. Tubman Gray Gymnasium
where Senator Taylor and her
NPP counterpart, Gould, were on
hand to receive the new political
Madam Martor said she shunned
Tokpa because she does not want
a mediocre to take over from a
performing senator so as to avoid
dragging the hand of the clock
of progress backward. Martor
said: I am happy to be with the
Roads leading to the campaign
ground were decorated in
different colors as multiple social
and political groups, professional
groups; artisans resplendent in
colorful attires lined the route to
add glamour to the scene.
On the left side of the route
you would see an aged woman
shaking her fragile frame to the
rhythm of entertaining beats. At

acrobatic display all in excited

display of love for the woman
they are convinced has brought
meaning to their lives.
A middle
confounded by the motley
crowd, preened here and there,
telling bystanders in local dialect
Nga Jewel po lo meaning I for
Jewel. Let us just accept that this
woman is God-sent. The road
show train later arrived at Ganta
parking in Gbarnga, which had
already been filled to the brim.
It was this gathering that Rep.
Edward Karfiah of electoral
district five who is the Campaign
Manager, addressed, telling
them to allow the incumbent
senator to continue her positive
transformations of the county.
Rep. Karfiah said that Senator
Taylor has performed excellently
in the county thus deserving to
consolidate and finish with what
she has started. He called on his

the other side of the road, you

would see an excited baby at
the back of his mother looking
innocently but quite conscious
happening in the environment.
Down another road you would
see a bike rider displaying his
dexterity and mastery of the
machine on the road. Another
time you would a young man in

supporters and residents of the

district to vote for continuity
come December 16, saying it
will be wise to show to people
Bong Countys senatorial seat
is not meant for people bereft of
I want to plead with citizens of
District Five and Bong County
people to use their vote to bring
back Senator Taylor because she

Your Vote is your Voice Vote your Nation & Vote Right

has worked tremendously for

the development of the county,
you should make sure that we
score 80 per cent of the votes.
If we are able to do this, we will
be killing an ant with a sledge
hammer, Rep. Karfiah said.
He averred that with the
senators developmental stride
in the county, if election holds
tomorrow, Senator Taylors
victory is guaranteed, saying she
is only grandstanding.
While speaking, Senator Taylor
said her achievement in her first
term will be dwarfed by that of
second term if elected.
SKT Stood Still for Jewel
Having gone to Gbarnga and
Salala District, it appeared that
the 13 administrative districts
were determined to outdo one
another in the mobilization of the
When the campaign train
of Senator Taylor arrived in
Sergeant Kollie Town (SKT), the
crowd that received her and her
team appeared to have dwarfed
those of Gbarnga and Salala.
It was not unexpected that a
tumultuous crowd came forward
to assure the former first lady of
her second term in office.
For those who witnessed the
maiden campaign in Gbarnga
and Salala, they would all agree
that SKT went extra miles in
their demonstration of love for
the senator.
The Taylor factor was one
that brought the crowd out.
Historically, it was in SKT where
Charles Taylor wedded the
senator. The area was beehive
with activities as the people
trooped out to give their senator
a rousing welcome.
Starting from the entry road
leading down into the heart
of the ancient town, people
young and old, men and women,
indigenes and non-indigenes,
NPP partisans and non-partisans
all came out en masse.
The arrival in the area was
in grand style as human and
vehicular traffic freely mingled
to form a long and unbroken
cavalcade on which Senator
Taylor rode into the waiting arms
of traditional leaders of the area
who were all eager to offer their
Armed with the chiefs blessings
again, Senator Taylor roared
into the area. She came out to
the waiting hands of the now
impatient crowd, which had
formed an unending line at
both sides of the road, chanting,
singing, dancing and with reinvigorating gusto, waiving their
flags of the senator.
The crowd was uncontrollable,
moving energetically along
the road Olivia Tennie, head
of Senator Taylors campaign
team in SKT, while speaking,
uncommon and an unthinkable
assemblage of people. She
described the Bong County
lawmaker as a unique leader,
who promises and delivers on
those promises. She said Senator
Taylor is a God-sent to Bong
County to come and place it on
an enviable height.
The rallies expected to take
the senator to all nooks of the
county are meant to showcase
the goodies that the journey
of the last nine years to the
people. According to the Bong
County senator, each campaign
is expected to bring up messages
of hopes as other parts of the
county get ready to receive the
campaigns train.



Monday, November 24, 2014

.S. ambassador to
Malacs description
of Liberian President
Ellen Johnson-Sirleafs goal of
eradicating Ebola by Christmas
as Wishful Thinking, heralds
a key challenge many health
experts fear could keep the
virus around for quite some
time, especially for those
contemplating voting in a time
of Ebola.
That goal is being compounded
by an upcoming senatorial
elections, many say would be a
crucial test to the governments
message against Ebola and
Liberias reaching a turning
point in the outbreak: Avoiding
touching, kissing and large
gathering of people can be a
hard sell for a nation historically
noted for daring conventions.
At the headquarters of the
Thursday, for example, it was
hard not to notice partisans
and supporters of senatorial
candidates hugging and holding
hands as sweat poured amid
Montserrado County, District
7) and Representative Henry
Montserrado County District
4) embrace to the cheers of
supporters paying homage to
Fahnbullehs support of CDCs
George Weah made a good photo
opportunity but for moment it
appears all was lost on the Ebola
front, although the partys head
of Mobilization Mulbah Morlu
says steps are being taken. We
have instructed our people to
wash their hands, he told a
gathering of journalists on the
partys grounds last Thursday.
Its not just about campaign.


In Liberia, Politics and Ebola Collide, Dampening Hopes of Eradicating Virus by Christmas

It is about intersection and

education about Ebola. We have
put a drum at the entrance with
chlorine that those entering the
partys premises will wash their
hands and we will tell them to
remain conscious of Ebola. So
we are taking every step to guard
against the spread of this deadly
Supporters of Robert Sirleaf,
President Sirleafs son were
also seen gathering in massive
numbers hugging aloft vehicles
as the campaign period opened
As the campaign season hits
high gear, many political
observers and international
health and diplomatic observers
are expressing concerns that
Ebola messages could be lost
on the campaign trail, dealing a
massive blow to President Sirleaf

governments goal of seeing

Ebola eradicated by Christmas.
Ambassador Malacs description
that it is a "wishful thinking" on
the part of the president, validate
those fears.

The USA Today quoted Malac,

a career diplomat in her third
year in Liberia as saying that
Sirleafs comments "took us a
bit by surprise. We obviously
all hope that the numbers will
continue to move toward zero,"
Malac told USA TODAY. "We
feel pretty comfortable where its

headed. But we realize we may
have to shift, and we may have
to adjust."
Diplomatic observers are even
more concerned that the rapid
decline of Ebola infections is
poised to drive complacency
levels high.
In October, Liberia canceled
nationwide Senatorial elections
over the rapid spread of the
deadly virus, a measure taken at
the time to combat the epidemic
which had shut down society
in three west African nations
Liberia, Guinea and Sierra
President was exercising powers
under a state of emergency
announced in August "to
suspend... any and all rights
ordinarily exercised, enjoyed
and guaranteed to citizens.

Schools were also shut while the

three governments banned all
public gatherings except those
deemed essential and cancelled a
variety of public events.
The government has also taken
steps to ban Liberians from
going on beaches on November
29, Tubmans birthday, one of
the Liberias celebrated beach
As the numbers declined,
the national legislature after
consultation with the National
Elections Commission declared
December 16, 2014 as the new
date for the holding of elections
which is expected to draw more
than a million people to the polls.
At least fifteen senators were
elected in 2011 and another 15
seats in the chamber are set to go
up for election this year.



Aspirant, Christopher Z. Neyor
has declared that he is ready to
serve the people of Montserrado
County in particular and the
motherland in general. At a
program organized by the
Job Seekers Association in
Freeport (adjacent Africa
Motors), Mr. Neyor decried
the poor economic condition
of the people and called
on policy makers to adopt
necessary policies that will
adequately address the plights
of the people. Amidst hundreds
of supporters, friends, wellwishers and sympathizers,
scholar spoke on the topic
Contradictions and Passivity
where he squarely blamed the
of the people on widespread
corruption entrenched in bad
and poor governance practiced
by past and present regimes.
For too long our people have
been marginalized, excluded
and in some way, oppressed
and the oppressors have
created a system of patronage
where they offer handouts to
appear to the oppressed as

Page 7

Christopher Z. Neyor DeclaresCreates Jobs for Job Seekers

lords. The contradictions in our

country are quite appalling; we
are one of the richest countries
in terms of resources but quite
frustratingly, the wealth of
the nation has continuously

powerful few at the expanse

of the majority, Mr. Neyor
averred that because of sharp
contradictions and passivity in
the governance system, Liberia
has perennially been dragged
into a series of strugglesthe

struggle for social justice and

academic freedom, the struggle
for political participation
which finally translated into
fifteen years of bloody and
multifaceted civil conflict
which led to the failure and

collapse of the Liberian state.

He argued bitterly that in spite
of the lessons taught by these
contradictions, Liberian state
actors have dismally failed or
deliberately refused to institute
the necessary measures to avert
the recurrence of our bitter
He informed the gathering
that Liberias potential for the
extractive industry particularly
the oil and gas sector is great
and promising but was quick
to note that it requires someone
with profound experience,
education and the right
character to provide expertise
and leadership to guide against
further waste and abuse of the
nations extractive wealth.
This expertise, I bring to you
our people. You must be keen
to ensure that our extractive
industry is not underutilized
or mortgagedor else, our oil
will become a curse and not a
blessing he cautioned.
At the conclusion of his
provided four new jobs to four
of the job seekers. Instantly,
he employed two drivers, and
assured that additional two
will be employed in January
in administrative positions.

Your Vote is your Voice Vote your Nation & Vote Right

According to the World Health

Organization(WHO) latest Ebola
tally, the number of confirmed,
probable and suspected cases
totaled 15,145, with 5,420
reported deaths, as of Sunday.
Nearly all were in Guinea,
Liberia and Sierra Leone, with
two deaths in the United States.
The reports said although
reported cases no longer appear
to be increasing in Liberia
or Guinea, the update said,
transmission remains intense
and widespread in Sierra Leone,
with Freetown, the capital,
remaining the worst-affected
area. The WHO also said at least
584 health care workers, who
are among those most at risk of
contracting the disease, had been
infected, and that 329 had died.

The jobs were offered as part

of efforts to reduce the high
rate of unemployment and
bring smiles on the faces of
the ordinary Liberians who
have been made destitute in
their own country. The Moweh
Energy Group, a consultancy
firm owned and operated by
Mr. Neyor himself as Chief
Executive Officer (CEO),
offered the jobs. This does
not mark the endwe will
continue to create more
avenues to empower our
people, he added.
Speaking on behalf of the Job
Seekers was Mr. Mark Khoury,
Vice Chairman. He thanked
Mr. Neyor for accepting their
invitation and for turning out
to grace their occasion. He
lauded the effort of the aspirant
and cautioned his colleagues to
ensure that the good tidings are
spread in the nook and corners
of their community. It will
be important for us to have
personalities with profound
character and discipline as
Mr. Neyor to represent us at
the National Legislature who
have the boldface to confront
ills in our society irrespective
of where they come from, he
concluded. The Job Seekers
Association is a group
comprising of job seekers
from various professional
backgrounds. Its establishment
was triggered as a result of the
massive downsizing exercise
carried out at the National Port
Authority (NPA).

Page 8 | Frontpage


Monday, November 24, 2014



Monrovian Liberia, the sirens are

slowing down because
of the drop in the number
of persons affected by
the deadly Ebola Virus. But
those working in the frontline
say they are still facing huge
Sam Bropleh and his team had
gone into a community called
Mandela Field in Point Four,
a suburb of Monrovia to pick
up four members of a family
who had lost their father to the
disease. Bropleh said people in
the community were running
when they heard the sirens.
Some of the inhabitants he
said were trying to shield the
sick. But there was nowhere to
hide because they were already
showing signs of the disease.
Some of them could barely
walk and one of the family
members who was strong but
feeling funny stayed behind,
while the rest were taken to the
Island Clinic Ebola Treatment
At the ETU, the health workers
wanted Bropleh and his team
to take the people back into
the community. Bropleh said
health workers were not sure
it was Ebola because the
people were saying they were
suffering from something
else. They were not telling the
health workers the truth about
what has been happening in
their family andBropleh was
We brought them to the ETU,
the people said we should wait
to take them back. They want
us to take these people back
to the house we already took
them from. Just looking at
those people, you know they
are down with the virus, said
Bropleh, insisting that he was
not taking the patients back.
He was unsure what would
happen if he agreed to take
the four (a woman and three
men) back into the community,
his question was, what if
something bad happened and
the disease spread further.
I am not prepared to risk
the lives of other people. It
only takes four hours to get
a test result. Why not keep
the patients here and get their
results, if they are negative,
then we can take them home?
Bropleh asked. He called his
supervisor and relayed what
health workers at the ETU
had told him and the response
was: take them to another
ETU. But Bropleh insisted
that the patients should remain
inside the one that had already
accepted them. He argued with
them and after almost an hour
of insisting, the ETU finally
reached a decision that the
patients should stay. Bropleh
and his team were relieved.
But he said the challenges are
still huge.
Liberia is not yet Ebola free,
let people still follow the safety
regulations. We are still in this
fight. The war is not won yet,
he said.
We are still facing difficulties

Health Workers Despite Challenges, See a Future without Ebola

Wade C. L. Williams,

in the field. Sometimes we go

into some communities; when
we go for cases, some people
try to deny when they are sick.
The family will try to tell you
that their relative is not an
Ebola patient. Sometimes in
some places when we go the
people will ask: who called
the ambulance? We did not call
the ambulance. They try to put
up resistance.
Bropleh admits that Liberia

Ebola-free Christmas
Like Bropleh, Dr. Augustus
Quiah, Head of psychosocial
team at the Island Clinic ETU
in Monrovia is optimistic about
the fight against Ebola and he
puts a timeline to what he sees
as the pending victory.
People are more conscious,
they know exactly what to
do when coming in contact
with people who are ill, he
said.We hope that within the

and we have about seven new

confirmed cases, he said.
We have about five negative
cases, which are medical cases,
we are still trying to make
arrangements to have them
transferred to other government
or private hospitals with the
assistance of their relatives. We
have one health worker who is
admitted also on the ward.
Dr. Quiah said for a hospital
with a capacity for over 200
patients and a facility, which

is having a positive behavioral

change on our people.
Dr. Quiah said as the number
of patients is reducing at the
facility so is the increase in
the survival rate. He said as
patients continue to walk into
the ETU by themselves, not
waiting for the situation to get
worse, therefore surviving and
walking out alive.
Last Monday we had about
18 persons that went home,
out of the 18, fourteen were
survivors, he said. These
survivors are people who had
the disease and after both
physical, social and mental
treatment (we try to make the
person happy so that they be
in a positive mood while they
are undergoing treatment). We
also give them psychological
support, we try to connect them
with their families and to God
be the glory, fourteen were free
on Monday and reunited with
their families.
Huge sacrifice

is witnessing a steady and

remarkable improvement in the
fight against Ebola.
We thank God that at least,
Ebola is decreasing. Yet our
people must continue to take
the preventative measures,
he said. You dont have to
forget about washing your
hands. Stop shaking hands with
other people. Stop the public

next couple of weeks, we will

have lower cases, so that by
December 25th we will have
zero cases in our Liberia.
Dr. Quiahsaid as of November
19, 2014, there were about 58
patients, on admission at the
Island Clinic ETU and of those
there were 9 new admissions
and zero discharges.
We have 48 total confirmed
cases. We also have five
probable and suspected cases

filled up in just one day when it

was opened in late September,
the admissions at the hospital
are a huge drop.
When we compare the
situation initially between
November, weve noticed
that there is a remarkable
improvement in our cases and
we are so grateful that the
education that is going on; the
awareness in the communities

Leading the fight at the Island

Clinic ETU is Dr. AtaiOmoturo,
a Ugandan Doctor working for
the World Health Organization
(WHO). Dr. Atai also hopes
for an Ebola-Free Christmas
according to sources at the
hospital. She and her team has

worked hard to bring relief
to the people of Liberia and
her advocacy for the welfare
of health workers has led
her to stepping on toes in the
government. But Dr. Quiah
said there is nothing more
valuable than the service Dr.
Atai and her team including
these health workers have
rendered to the sick.
We want to appreciate the
hard work of the Uganda
Team here, we also want to

appreciate the hard work of the

health workers, he said.
I want to appreciate their
dedication, hard work and
patience in the work they
are doing under difficult and
extreme situations; especially
when you put on the PPE and
you are providing care for
someone who is vomiting, for
someone who is bleeding or
stooling and you have to clean
them, you have to feed them
and give them water to drink.
He said health workers working
in the ETU spend about two
to three hours on the ward,
wearing Personal Protective
Equipment, which he said is a
difficult thing to do.
It is only God that can pay
them. It is only someone with
a heart of service that can do
such a job, said Dr. Quiah.
Though things are not
palatable as regards their
hazard allowance; up till now,
they have not received hazard
allowance for October. We
appeal to them to exercise
some patience.
Reports Friday from the
Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention confirmed
that a slowdown of Ebola is
indeed occurring in Liberia,
and that increased intervention
is still needed to contain it.
The WHO also in its new
report highlighted a decrease
in Liberias death toll. Liberia
is now holding steady at 6,878
cases of Ebola and 2,812 deaths
this is down from the estimate
of 2,836 two days prior.
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
also hopes for a Christmas
without Ebola, though many
has termed this as wishful
thinking, Liberians are hoping
the decrease in cases would
lead to a life free of Ebola in a
not too distant future.

Monday, November 24, 2014


Page 9

Vacancy Announcement
The American Refugee Committee seeks to establish an Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU) in Liberia. The ETU will be a highcapacity, isolated unit with up to 10 beds upon completion, which will require the oversight of approximately 125 staff, over a
period of 6-9 months. Given the magnitude of the need, the plan is to set up the ETU immediately in Fish Town. Staff safety
is an absolute priority of the ARC, therefore, strict adherence to infections control procedures will be undertaken to protect
staffs. Given the nature of the work, staffs dealing directly with confirm and/or suspected Ebola patients will be required to
wear protective equipment gears and must adhere to ARC/WHO/CDC/MHSW infection control protocols and procedures at
all times.
ARC is therefore soliciting applications from qualified candidates for the below listed positions to be based in Monrovia,
Harper and Fish Town Republic of Liberia. All interested candidates are encouraged to send your resume and cover letter with
the title of the job you are applying for in the subject line of the email to
Contract duration: Six (6) months with attractive salary and Benefits.
1) Monrovia Based Position
Finance Manager (1), Accountant (1), Logistic and Procurement Manager (1), National HR Manager (1), HR Assistant (1),
Drivers (2), Cleaner (1), Cook (1)
2) Harper Based Position
Logistics Officer (1), Cleaners (2), Driver (1), Cook (2)
3) Fish-Town Based Position
Status: 3 month Rotations
Clinical/Health staff
Physician Assistants (4), Nurses and Nurse Aids, (5), Pharmacist(1), Pharmacy Assistant, Laboratory Technician, (1) Ambulance
Nurses (4)
ETU Other Program Staff:
ETU Site Manager Staff: (1),Surveillance Officer (1), WASH Coordinator (1) Local WASH Staff (44)Coordinators (5) Warehouse
Manager/Storekeeper (1)Waste Management Specialist (1) PSS Staff (1)Driver (Ambulance/Regular) (5), Sprayers (18)
ETU Support Staff:
HR Coordinator (1), Logistics and Transportation Officer (1) Accountant
IT/Communication Coordinator (1), Foreman (1),Daily Labor (4),Security focal point
Tent City / Fish Town
Cooks and Cleaners (30)
Deadline is November 30, 2014. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
ARC is committed to gender equity and ethnic and racial diversity in programs and organizational policy. ARCs employment
policy provides for the equality of opportunity, regardless of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, citizenship status,
physical or mental disability, or past, present, or future service in the uniformed services. ARC will not violate any applicable
law by showing partiality or granting any specific favors to any employees or group of employees

Page 10 | Frontpage



Mugabe Pulls the Strings


Barry outshone every politician
in the 40-year history of District
of Columbia self-rule. But for
many, his legacy was not defined
by the accomplishments and
failures of his four terms as
mayor and long service on the
D.C. Council.
remembered for a single night
in a downtown Washington hotel
room and the grainy video that
showed him lighting a crack
pipe in the company of a muchyounger woman. When FBI
agents burst in, he referred to her
with an expletive. She "set me
up," Barry said.



OUAGADOUGOU (Reuters) urkina Faso's new

transitional president
has promised to open
an investigation to
identify remains believed to
be those of the West African
nation's murdered revolutionary
folk hero Thomas Sankara.
Sankara rose to power in 1983
at the age of 33 after a coup and
left a lasting mark during his
short presidency, even changing
his country's name from Upper
Volta to Burkina Faso, meaning
"the land of upright people" in
local languages.



has said he won't
president for life
and will step down in line with
the constitution no later than
2024, according to an interview
with a Russian news agency
released Sunday.
Staying beyond that would be
"detrimental for the country
and I don't need this," he told
the Tass news agency.
Putin, 62, has effectively led
Russia since he was first elected
in 2000. He stepped aside after
two four-year terms to abide
with constitutional term limits,
but retained power as prime
minister and was elected in
2012 to a six-year term.
Putin said his decision on
whether to run for a fourth
term in 2018 will depend on the
situation in the country and his
"own mood."


Monday, November 24, 2014

n August,
shoulder to shoulder in
Beijing with President Xi
Jinping of China. Then,
in September, he addressed the
United Nations to condemn the
evil machinations of Western
countries seeking his overthrow.
And just this month, he eulogized
a neighbor and political ally at the
state funeral of President Michael
Chilufya Sata of Zambia.
Hemmed in by travel restrictions
in the West, except for journeys
to international gatherings, and
reviled by many governments
for his record on human rights,
President Robert G. Mugabe
ofZimbabwe, Africas oldest
leader at 90, still struts a somewhat
diminished stage as head of state,
one of a shrinking band of the
continents longstanding rulers
and political survivors.
But back home, he is presiding over
and possibly choreographing
an increasingly fierce internal
scramble for the rewards of high

The land is seething with
intimations of conspiracy and
counterconspiracy. In recent
days, a state-run newspaper
reported that his vice president,
Joice Mujuru, 59, was linked to a
plot to assassinate him, a charge
she vigorously denied. Then his
wife, Grace Mugabe, 49, said the
vice president planned to kill her,
too, intensifying the battle for
control of the country after Mr.
Mugabe dies.
There has been talk of bugged
conversations and secret videos
showing the vice president in
unseemly attire; there have been
whisperings of hit men hired in
Israel and South Africa; and there
have been purges of high officials
that are likely to continue until
Mr. Mugabes dominant party,
ZANU-PF, holds an elective
congress in early December
that will determine his potential
successor and other key posts.
It would take a person like
William Shakespeare to write

a meaningful script on this

episode, Moses Chamboko, a
pro-democracy advocate, said in
a column this week.
The drama is being played out
at the heart of a region facing
political challenges from a
transition to new elections in
Zambia to the north, to what
Allister Sparks, a veteran
columnist and author, called a
dangerous convergence of both a
political and an economic crisis
in South Africa to the south.
ineffectual opposition parties
Wilf Mbanga, editor of The
Zimbabwean newspaper, said in a
telephone interview. The fight is
within ZANU-PF.
And, in a closely controlled
autocracy where Mr. Mugabe
controls the fonts of patronage,
he added, If you lose power in
ZANU-PF, you lose access to
wealth, farms, all the inputs from
the government.
Mr. Mugabe has maintained

his grip on the nation through

successive and often disputed
achieved independence from
Britain in 1980, surviving as
much through political guile as
through oppression.
But the origins and the style
of the latest scramble recall earlier
days, before independence, when
factional fighting among black
nationalists led to leaders being
ousted or assassinated, or dying
in mysterious car wrecks.
For many, the armed struggle
during the 1970s to end
white minority rule became
the touchstone of political
legitimacy. That was the era
when Ms. Mujuru, a fighter with
the nom de guerre Teurai Ropa,
or Spill Blood, met her husband,
Solomon Mujuru, known then as
Rex Nhongo.
Both established their credentials.
She was said to have brought
down a military helicopter with
a machine gun. He became a key
commander in ZANLA, as Mr.
Mugabes guerrilla army was
As a power broker along
with the most senior commander,
Josiah Tongogara, he helped
ensure that guerrilla fighters in
the bush accepted Mr. Mugabe as
their political leader a major
step toward the leadership of an
independent Zimbabwe.
After the defeat of white rule, Mr.
Mujuru rose to the rank of general
while Ms. Mujuru joined the
cabinet as its youngest member
in the first post-independence
In 2004, after political maneuvers
that bear a striking resemblance
to those of the past few weeks,
she became vice president. Many
said she had become the heir
But in 2011, her husband died in a
fire at their home that many of her
supporters say was suspicious.
In a tangle of secretive, shady
business deals, old alliances
and shifting allegiances that
bind Zimbabwes Machiavellian
elite, Ms. Mujuru lost a degree
of political protection in a longrunning contest with another

veteran of the liberation struggle,

Emmerson Mnangagwa, a former
spymaster and her archrival.
Now, enter Ms. Mugabe, the
presidents former secretary and
second wife. As first lady, she
has acquired such a reputation
for high-end purchases in luxury
stores during overseas travel that
critics call her the first shopper.
remarkably durable, celebrating
his 90th birthday in February and
seeming to defy alarms about
his health with defiant displays
of longevity. Yet his adversaries
never cease to foretell his
demise, heightening the stakes
congress in December that will
parcel out positions of influence
in the party and thus wealth
potentially for years to come.
To some, Mr. Mugabe has seemed
to groom his wife for high office,
promoting her within the ZANUPF Womens League in what his
critics have depicted as, perhaps,
the stirrings of a dynasty.
Ms. Mugabe, indeed, has taken
her political ambitions a step
further, tilting vituperatively
against Ms. Mujuru at a series
of public rallies, accusing
her of corruption and perfidy,
and hinting at her own higher
Why shouldnt I be president?
Ms. Mugabe asked.
As if to answer her own question,
Ms. Mugabe has burnished her
qualifications with a rapidly
acquired doctorate from the
University of Zimbabwe, of
which her husband is chancellor.
Her degree matched a similar
academic achievement by Ms.
both red-robed women at the
same graduation ceremony in
State-run newspapers, moreover,
have amplified Ms. Mugabes
attacks on the vice president,
prompting Ms. Mujuru on Sunday
to deliver an extraordinary
I deny any and all the
allegations of treason, corruption,
incompetence and misuse of
public office being routinely
made against me, Ms. Mujuru
said. I stand ready to defend
The fevered mood has nonetheless
built in intensity.

the Turkish port of Mersin, but

the migrants apparently boarded
it in open waters via small boats.
Strong winds and rough seas
prevented coast guard vessels
from approaching the Haj
Zaher, which was left stranded
after experiencing mechanical
problems. The crew then
abandoned the vessel, according

to the migrants. Tacoy said

authorities are searching for
another vessel on which the
crew may have gotten away.
The Haj Zaher then drifted to
within 300 meters (1,000 feet)
from shore where another vessel
towed it to the port of Girne,
also known as Kyrenia in Greek.
Cyprus lies around 80 kilometers
(50 miles) south of Turkey.
The island was ethnically
split in 1974, when Turkey
invaded after a coup aiming to
unite the island with Greece.
Only Turkey has recognized a
Turkish Cypriot declaration of
An estimated 1.6 million
Syrian refugees have entered
neighboring Turkey since the
Syrian war began in March
In September, a Cypriot cruise
ship rescued 345 Syrian
refugees, including 52 children,
from a small fishing boat that
issued a distress call amid
rough seas off the coastal
town of Paphos in Cyprus'
Greek Cypriot south.


NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP)

bout 228 migrants,
apparently refugees
from Syria, have
been rescued after
their damaged ship drifted for
hours in rough seas off Cyprus'
northern coast, an official said
minister of the Turkish Cypriot
breakaway state in Cyprus'
north, told The Associated Press
that the migrants, including 25
children, have received medical
check-ups and are now housed
in a sports hall in the coastal
town of Girne.
Apart from sea sickness during
their 14-hour ordeal, the
migrants are in good health,
Tacoy said. Authorities are
checking the identities of the
migrants, who say they are
Syrian and want to go to Italy.
Their cases will be handled
norms regarding migrants, the
official said.
Meanwhile, the Italian coast
guard rescued nearly 600

migrants in Libyan waters in

five operations in recent days,
mostly from sub-Saharan Africa.
The operations were carried out
after Italian authorities received
distress calls via satellite phones
from the migrants' boats.
More than 150,000 migrants
have arrived in Italy after being
rescued at sea in unseaworthy

boats as they risk their lives

to flee war and conflict in the
Middle East and Africa.
Regarding the Cyprus rescue,
Tacoy said authorities received
a distress call from the
Tanzanian-flagged cargo ship
Haj Zaher late Saturday, about
10 kilometers (6.2 miles) off the
coast. The ship had set sail from

Monday, November 24, 2014




The visitors took an early lead through Rickie Lambert although goals from Dwight
Gayle, Joe Ledley and Mile Jedinak secured all three points for Neil Warnock's side

saw his side make
the perfect start,
as Rickie Lambert
netted inside the opening 90
seconds, but there was to be
more pain in the rain for the
men from Merseyside.
Liverpool saw their title dreams
dashed in south London last
season, as they squandered a
three-goal lead, and they were
once again unable to prevent
plucky Palace from pegging
them back as Dwight Gayle,
Joe Ledley and Mile Jedinak
found the target.
Lamberts first goal for his
boyhood club offered the
visitors a dream start, as he was
freed by a brilliant pass from

Adam Lallana and fired low

under Julian Speroni.
The hosts grew into the game,
though, and drew level on
17 minutes when the lively
Yannick Bolasie saw a skidding
drive cannon back off the base
of the post and Gayle bundle
home the rebound.
Things got even better for
Neil Warnocks men after the
interval, as they clambered out
of the Premier League drop
zone, with Joe Ledley firing
through the legs of Simon
Mignolet on 78 minutes and
Jedinak curling a spectacular
free-kick into the top corner
nine minutes from time.
Palace scored three times in

the last 11 minutes at Selhurst

Park last season to record a
memorable 3-3 draw and allbut end Liverpool's title hopes
- leaving Luis Suarez in tears.
That fixture came on the back
of a home defeat to Chelsea
and, just like the back-end of
last campaign, Rodgers' side
could not respond with a win in
the capital.
Mario Balotelli was ruled out
with a groin injury having yet
to make much of an impact
since moving to Anfield.
He is still searching for his first
Premier League goal but it was
his replacement Lambert who
achieved his own landmark
early on.

fan was on hand to gather a

pinpoint pass from his fellow
former Southampton favorite
Lallana to net his first goal

for the club since his summer
Being on the pitch at such an
early stage is not something
Lambert has been accustomed
to, with this just his second
league start of the season, but
the England international has
now staked his claim to stay in
Rodgers' side.
The Reds have not won in the
league since a late 3-2 victory
at QPR over a month ago,
but flew out of the blocks at a
wet Selhurst Park as Lambert
collected Lallana's pass and
slotted home past Julian



eal Madrid defender

Marcelo says people
are jealous of teammate
Ronaldo, who set another La
Liga record this weekend.
The Fifa Ballon d'Or winner
netted twice in Saturday's 4-0
win against Eibar to become
the first player to score against
every team he has played
against in Spain's top flight.
Ronaldo, who moved to the
Bernabeu from Manchester
United in 2009, has won six
trophies with Madrid, including
La Liga and the Champions
League, and can also count
numerous goalscoring records
among his personal accolades.
Marcelo told the club's website:
"A lot of people are envious
about what he has achieved and
about what he can accomplish.


Speroni with aplomb to finally

break his Liverpool duck with
just 90 seconds on the clock.
Dwight Gayle came off the
bench to grab two of the goals
in the enthralling draw last
season and it was the former
Peterborough man who was on
hand to equalise for the Eagles.
Brendan Rodgers believes that
his Liverpool team must stick
Bolasie picked the ball up and
was allowed to canter into the
Liverpool half unchallenged
before his fierce drive came
off the post and into the path
of Gayle, whose shot was too
strong for Mignolet to keep
Lambert could not hit the target
with two headers either side
of another arrowed shot from
Bolasie that forced Mignolet
into a smart save.
He was the man causing all of
the problems for Liverpool,
who were caught on the
counter-attack by the blistering
pace of the Congo international
before he exchanged passes
with Jason Puncheon and saw
his shot blocked behind by
Javier Manquillo.
The Spanish defender had no
answer to Bolasie moments
later but this time the Palace
winger could only hammer his
shot wide as the first half ended
with the sides level.
There were no clear chances in
the early stages of the second
half with neither side really
creating enough in the final
Steven Gerrard, who had
little impact on much of
the proceedings, could only
hammer a free-kick into the
stands before Manquillo sidefooted a chance from inside the
area out for a Palace throw-in.
Rodgers reacted to his side's
lack of cutting edge by
introducing Fabio Borini and
Emre Can in place of Lallana
and Joe Allen.
Cristiano always works hard,
he's a top professional with a
huge desire to learn and help
the team."
Ronaldo set the benchmark on
the same day that his Barcelona
rival Lionel Messi set a La
Liga record tally of 253 goals
with a hat-trick in a 5-1 rout of
Meanwhile, Brazil full-back
Marcelo also stuck up for
team-mate Iker Casillas after
former Real Madrid midfielder
Xabi Alonso said that Bayern
Munich's Manuel Neuer was
"by far the best" goalkeeper he
had played with.
"Everyone has their own
opinion. I respect his and I
have to respect it," Marcelo
told Marca. "Iker is the best
in my view. Then [Madrid
goalkeepers] Keylor [Navas]
and then [Fernando] Pacheco.
"We know that Xabi Alonso
has done a lot for Real Madrid,
but this is Real and when a
good player leaves, another
good player comes in."

Page 11




ionel Messi's Spanish

will never be beaten,
according to Barcelona
coach Luis Enrique.
Telmo Zarra's 251 goals had been
the record since 1955 but Messi,
27, is now up to 253 La Liga
strikes following Saturday's hattrick in the 5-1 win over Sevilla.
"He's a unique player - there'll
never be anyone like him and
we're lucky to enjoy his presence
here," Enrique said.
"I think he will leave the record
unreachable for anyone else."
Enrique added: "Zarra beat it in
an age when there were more
forwards than defenders."
The next highest La Liga scorer
still playing is Real Madrid's
Cristiano Ronaldo with 197,
although he is two years older
than Argentina forward Messi.



est Ham captain

Clattenburg allowed Romelu
Lukakus opener stand in the
2-1 defeat at Everton.
Lukaku appeared to collect
the ball while in an off-side
position after Ross Barkleys
shot was cleared off the line by
a combination of Winston Reid
and James Collins.
Several West Ham players
remonstrated with Clattenburg
after he awarded the goal and
Nolan was far from amused
with the explanation that he was
offered by the referee.
It was quite strange what he
said, Nolan told Sky Sports
News HQ. He said our
defender passed the ball to him
which I dont really get.



Jose Mourinho has
warned the club's
players they must
win trophies if they are to be
seen as a great team, despite
another impressive performance
in the triumph over West Brom.
Diego Costa's 11th Premier
League goal of the season
and an Eden Hazard strike
were enough for the leaders to
defeat Alan Irvine's men 2-0 at
Stamford Bridge on Saturday.
Chelsea's league unbeaten
run and moved them seven
points clear of second-placed
Southampton, but Mourinho
insists that despite their
attractive football, they must
win trophies to vindicate their

Page 6a
12 | Frontpage



Monday, November 24, 2014


Bipartisan bills help contain Ebola overseas, fight hunger

WASHINGTON, D.C. he House Foreign Affairs Committee today approved two

key humanitarian aid bills authored by Rep. Chris Smith
- one to help contain and better treat Ebola at points of
origination overseas and a second bill to combat world
hunger by enhancing agricultural and nutrition activities in poor
countries. The adoption of both bills at the full committee level
improves the chances that each bill will be considered by the full
congress before the end of this year.
"I am proud to have introduced H.R. 5656, the Global Food
Security Act, and to have the support of co-sponsors across the
aisle," Smith said. "This important legislation will help provide a
long-term solution to global hunger by authorizing a national food
security program coordinated by the US Agency for International
Development (USAID) known as Feed the Future. This program
strengthens nutrition, especially for children during that critical first
1000 day-window, from conception to the child's second birthday, and
also teaches small-scale farmers techniques to increase agricultural
productivity, thereby helping nations achieve food security something that is in the national security interest of the United States
as well."
Smith also noted that the legislation is "fiscally-responsible, as
helping countries become agriculturally self-sufficient should lead to
a reduction in the amount of money we spend on emergency food
Over 800 million people around the world suffer from chronic
hunger. The Smith bill, co-sponsored by Democrat Betty McCollum,
coordinates the efforts of 11 government agencies in improving
basic nutrition and reducing hunger within the poorest of 19 priority
countries. It promotes women's economic empowerment and building
the capacity of local small scale farmers.
Begun by President Bush and continued by President Obama, the
current U.S. food security program has been funded by Congress
in annual appropriations legislation, but without official statutory
authorization. The Smith bill would permanently codify and authorize
such efforts and help marshal a worldwide commitment to tackling
hunger and malnutrition. USAID will be the lead U.S. agency, in
coordination with the Department of Agriculture, the Department
of State, the U.S. African Development Foundation and the other
The Foreign Affairs Committee also passed another key Smith
legislative initiative on the Ebola crisis.
Smith, who chairs the Foreign Affairs subcommittee on Global
Health, has held three hearings on the West African Ebola epidemic
since August - the most recent one on Tuesday, November 18 - on
the extent of this epidemic and the U.S. government response. The
unprecedented epidemic has killed more than 5,000 people, with
another 14,000 people known to be infected.
"In previous hearings, we were told that if the rate of infection
continued at the level it was at the end of summer, we could have
1.4 million Ebola cases in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone by the
end of January," Smith said. "Due to the robust programming of our
government in Liberia, the rate of new infections there is slowing
measurably, and we may avoid this dire prediction."
H.R 5710 - the Ebola Emergency Response Act - lays out the steps
needed for the U.S. government to continue to effectively help fight
the West African Ebola epidemic, especially in Liberia, the worst-hit
of the three affected countries. The bill supports staffing and training
health care personnel, establishing fully functional treatment centers,
conducting education campaigns among populations in affected
countries and developing diagnostics, treatments and vaccines. It
confirms U.S. policy in the anti-Ebola fight and provides necessary
authorities for the Administration to continue or expand anticipated
actions in this regard.
"Unless we can prevent the further increase in Ebola cases in Liberia,
Sierra Leone and Guinea, there will be increasing pressure on the
United States and the rest of the international community to combat
this threat once it reaches our shores," Smith said.
At today's committee mark-up, Smith also offered a substitute
amendment to H.R. 2901, the Senator Paul Simon Water for the World
Act, enhancing local capacity for critical water projects, including
safe drinking water.
Smith has spearheaded similar U.S. international, health and
nutritional initiatives throughout his career dating back to legislation
he successfully offered in 1985 to restore and double the commitment
to the then Child Survival Fund program to protect children who
would otherwise die from preventable, curable diseases.

cluster of American
gathered in the sticky
heat this week to say a
prayer for a dead Liberian nurse,
the first loss to Ebola at the only
U.S. government-operated clinic
in West Africa.
The 34-year-old nurse's death
Wednesday hit the American
staff hard at the clinic charged
with caring for health care
workers sickened by Ebola.
"She was one of us. She was a
health care provider just like all
of us," said Russ Bowman, 53,
of Albuquerque, a lead physician
here. "This is what this unit is
for to provide care to folks ...
providing care for the people of
Liberia. We're here to back them
up. And we weren't able to save
her. And that's a tragedy."
The nurse whose name was
not made available was
unconscious and already failing
when she arrived by ambulance
the night before.

"It's a shame she wasn't here a

lot earlier," said Jennifer Malia,
41, of Laytonsville, Md., a lab
medical technician. "I believe
we really could have helped and
maybe had a different outcome."
Her arrival at such a late stage of
the disease raises concerns that
the new clinic, which opened
Nov. 7, is not being adequately
publicized by Liberian health
officials. Four Liberian health
workers with Ebola are being
treated there. All are improving.
"I'd like to be able to answer
that, definitively, yes (word has
spread)," says Paul Reed, the
chief medical officer. "But I don't
know that."
announced in September he was
sending U.S. troops to Liberia,
it was with the caveat that none
would directly treat patients
infected with Ebola, which has
killed 3,000 in this country.
But with health workers among
the most threatened by the
disease, the responsibility for a

clinic devoted to treating doctors

and nurses who become ill fell
upon the U.S. Public Health
Service, a little-known branch
of the Department of Health and
Human Services.
"It's a very noble mission, an
honorable mission," says Reed,
who left behind a wife and four
children to deploy.
The Public Health Service is one
of the nation's seven uniformed
services with members who
carry military ranks and wear
uniforms similar to those of
the U.S. Coast Guard. They
often are sent to domestic and
international health disasters.
This is the first time Public
Health Service members have
operated an Ebola clinic. All 69
workers here are volunteers.
"I told my oldest before I left
'This is what God wants us to do.
We're here to help people. That's
what Mommy does,' " says
Malia, a married mother of three.
Malia and her colleagues live
on pre-packed military Meals

Ready-to-Eat. The clinic sits

near Liberia's international
airport and looks much like
a military field hospital with
structures assembled neatly into
a green zone and a hot zone for
Ebola patients.
Clinicians follow painstaking
procedures for donning and
taking off protective gear,
thoroughly dousing themselves
with a chlorine mix to kill the
virus as they shed the suits.
With the hoods and masks on
in the red zone, they are nearly
unrecognizable. So many carry
a small photo on their suit
allowing patients to see what
they look like.
Bowman says he has developed
a healthy respect for Ebola.
Clinicians are methodical about
how they move around patients.
One staff member always
watches for any safety breach.
"It's kind of like a rattlesnake,"
Bowman says of the disease.
"You don't poke it. You know
what it can do. You prepare for
it. You avoid things that can put
you in harm's way."
The Liberian nurse was in the
last stages of the disease, her
body teaming with the virus.
The U.S. Public Health officers
washed her repeatedly with
water tinged with chlorine and
kept fluids flowing into her
veins, hoping that by morning
she might improve.
But the nurse was too far gone,
Bowman says.
"She was unresponsive when
she came in and clearly very
ill. ... We did what we could for
her," Bowman says. "It's a very
tenacious illness."


A convening of scientists and members of national health bodies meet to
review Ebola research efforts and develop regional advocacy group


s the Ebola epidemic

continues to wage
thousands of deaths
across West Africa
and clinical trials are underway,
a consortium of local West
African leaders with scientific
expertise are meeting in Dakar,
on November 21 and 22nd, to
assess the current state of Ebola
treatment efforts and provide
clear recommendations on ways
forward, particularly for the
three most affected countries
of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra
Many citizens are concerned
that we are not hearing enough
from our own doctors in this
region. Today we have the
opportunity to mobilize West
Africas medical community and
help them take leadership in the
fight against Ebola, explains
Ibrahima Amadou Niang, the
Guinea office manager at the
Open Society Initiative for West
Africa (OSIWA). Human lives
are the major stake in these Ebola
trials, and the management of
communities expectations is
The importance of getting local

actors involved is paramount,

and the two-day forum, launched
by OSIWA, will gather some 25
local medical professionals from
across the region. The first day
will focus on the current status of
the epidemic and recent trends,
including standards of care and
community engagement, and
provide an overview of several
experimental treatments and
vaccines currently underway.
Day two will review how to
ensure local clinicians and

researchers involvement in trials,

including building capacity and
There will also be discussions
on data transparency, ethics
and facilitating community
The lessons learned from
placed great emphasis on the
importance of infectious disease
surveillance and control, the
need for improved national and
international preparedness and

for continued research to identify

and vaccines, says Professor
Souleymane Mboup, from the
virology and bacteria laboratory
at Cheikh Anta Diop University
in Dakar, Senegal.
While Ebola cases may be
declining in Liberia, in Guinea
and Sierra Leone it persists at a
relentless rate.
A communication strategy will
be developed to get the buyin, from vulnerable affected
communities, on the clinical
trials, says OSIWAs Niang.
But most importantly, a joint
strategy and action plan will
be designed that will create a
core regional advocacy group
to represent a regional voice in
international discussions and
influence future health policy
formulation in West Africa.
With just over 5,100 Ebola
deaths reported so far by the
World Health Organization
(WHO) - mostly in the three most
affected countries - and four new
cases reported in nearby Mali,
the current outbreak is the worst
on record. The WHO warns
there could be 10,000 new cases
per week in West Africa by
December if the situation does
not get under control.
Dr. Jeanetta Johnson, Dr.
Stephen Kennedy and Dr. Moses
Massaquoi represent Liberia.

Monday, November 24, 2014




Page 6b


Commission on Higher Education Director General

terms of court." long Corruption
were convicted and sentenced

Criminal Court 'E' has acquitted 280 individuals accused of rape since it was
establish in 2009 as a 'Special Court' to prosecute rape cases' here.

Monroviahe Criminal Court

'E' has acquitted 280
of rape since it was
establish in 2009 as a 'Special
Court' to prosecute rape cases',
according to court data obtained
by FrontPageAfrica.

The court data states that the

280 persons covered three years
2012; 2011 and 2010.
According to the statistics, the
August and February Term of
2012 recorded 101 cases that
were dispose in keeping with
law; 99 cases were throw out
during August and February



Term of 2011 cases while 80

persons freedom were restore in
The courts five years statistics
failed to indicate as to what
led to the disposal of this huge
number cases from it docket but
government officials have cited
reluctance of families of victims

to testify in court as a key reason

why many have been left off
the hook. Political interventions
have also played a role.
Chapter 18. Section 18.2 of
Criminal Procedure Law states:
"Anyone that is accused of
an indictable offense must be
indicted and tried within two


While Chapter 18. Section 18.1

of Criminal Procedure Law gives
state lawyers the right to drop
cases against any persons that
were indicted without prejudice,
Criminal Court 'E' which operate
for six months compared to other
Criminal Courts at the Temple
Justice that has dozens of cases
on the docket.
The Liberian government in
2013 admitted that it has indicted
over 250 people in pretrial
detention but has done nothing
to release or try them which was
a clear violation of the law.
Prior to Criminal Court 'E'
statistic several convicted and
indicted Lebanese were release
by presiding Judge Cianeh

Judge Cianeh Clinton-Johnson
cited several legal loopholes
as provided by the law for her
decision despite rape being nonbillable offense under the laws of
Mr. David Anthony Kassabli and
his father Mr. Edmond Kassabli





Buchanan, Grand Bassa County olice in Grand Bassa County have sent a 53 year old man
to court for allegedly raping a 13 year old girl, making it
a total of five confirmed rape cases in November 2014 in
Grand Bassa County that have been forwarded to court in
the county.
The Suspect, Joe Knuckles, is the uncle-in-law of the 13 year old
victim and is a resident of District Three, Grand Bassa County.
According to police on the Liberia Agricultural Company (LAC)
plantation where the case was reported over weekend, the victim has
been sent to the companys hospital for medical examination though
the result has not been released.
From the statement gathered from the suspect it was done mistakenly
because he was intoxicated, a police source hinted FrontPage Africa.
Preliminary investigation has been done by the police and the case
has already been send to the LAC magisterial court but the magistrate,
Emmanuel Peters, informed FPA that the case will shortly be send to
the circuit court for hearing.
Police sources revealed to FPA that they have recorded over five
cases in November this year in Grand Bassa County, something says
is astonishing considering the limited amount of rape cases reported
in 2014.
For this year, 2014, rape cases were not much but it was surprising
for the month of November 2014 because theres a lot of rape cases
this month, the source added.
Approximately nine rape cases have been reported to the police in
Grand Bassa County out of which five have been sent to court for
prosecution. Buchanan city has sent two; District Four has senT two;
while Owens Groove and LAC have sent one respectively.
The court is in line with us. Whenever we send case to court they
will always call us, where theres anything lacking we brainstorm on
it and find the answers, a well-placed source told FPA on condition
of anonymity.
The clarity from the police source has hinted that theres probably a
suitable relationship between the police and the court in dealing with
rape cases in Grand Bassa County. But as concerns continue to arise,
over victims family attempting to reconcile these cases, the police
in the county seem committed to allowing the law takes it course
especially when the victims and the suspects are related.
The police say family interference into rape case investigations
remains a challenge. It happens several times but what happen is that
we always sensitized people because rape issue is not a family issue.
The victims father, Joseph S. Musah told FPA that he wants the
suspect to face the full weight of the law.

imprisonment on separate years

for human traffic and gang rape
but were release on US$50,000
Suspect Jaafar Bashir who
sexually abused several kids at
the age of 10 to 15 was indicted
for statutory rape, but was
release on a special bond value
at US$25,000 until the Supreme
Court intervened.
The Supreme Court overturned
Judge Cianeh Clinton-Johnson
decision to grant suspect Jaafar
Bashir's US$25.000 bond after
state lawyers filed a petition
saying "Judge Clinton-Johnson
was in error as provided by law."
After Judge Evelina Quaqua
denied David Waine's motion for
medical attention, her successor
Judge Cianeh Clinton-Johnson
overturned the decision by
restoring suspect Waine liberty.
Waine was accused of abusing
a 13 year old girl but it remains
unclear as to whether the indicted
Canadian will return to Liberia
for trial.

Monrovia he Press Union of

Liberia (PUL) will on
Monday, November
24 open a book of
condolence in memory of fallen
Liberian journalist Zoegar Q.
Jaynes. The book will open at
11am at the Unions Clay Street
Headquarters in Monrovia for
journalists and members of the
public to pay their last respect
ahead of Zoegars final journey
on Saturday, November 29.
According to family sources
Zoegars remains will be
removed from the St Moses
Funeral Home in Gardnersville
on Saturday morning and
taken to the Providence Baptist
Church, where he served as a
deacon. Funeral rites starts at 10
am and the remains will later be
interred in Brewerville, outside

Zeogar, a career journalist,
veteran sports reporter and
evening (Nov 13) in Monrovia
while seeking medication at a
local clinic following a sudden
illness. The PUL has described
Zoegars death as a painful blow
to the Union and the journalism


profession in Liberia as he was

a very committed member of the
journalist union.
Zoegar served two terms as
Financial Secretary of the
PUL, served the Grievance and
Ethics as well as the Sports and
Entertainment Committees of
the Union, besides captaining
the unions soccer squadthe

Pen Pushers. He traded his

professional career at state radio
ELBC and the Catholic-run
Radio Varitas, mentoring scores
of young journalists. Zeogar
lately served as a consultant
at the Ministry of Finance just
before his demise.
His sudden death has shocked
the Liberian media landscape,
with many young journalists
describing him as a role model.
Meanwhile, the PUL has
announced that it will hold a
memorial event in memory of
all journalists who have fallen
to the deadly Ebola virus, when
the country is declared Ebola
free. Journalist Yaya Kromah
was the first casualty, followed
by Alexander Koko Anderson,
former employee of the Liberia
Women Democracy Radio and
Cassius Saye, a cameraman at
Real TV. Long-time language
announcer Sitonneh Wiah is the
latest victim.



resident Ellen Johnson
additional appointments
especially affecting the Ministry
of State for Presidential
Affairs and Local Government
structures. According to an
Executive Mansion release,
these appointments are subject to
confirmation by the Honorable
They include:
Ministry of State for Presidential
Affairs: Mr. Sylvester Grigsby,
Minister of State Without
Portfolio; Ministry of Labor;
Mr. J. Levi Demmah, Deputy
Minister for Human Resource
and Development; Ministry of
Youth and Sports, Mr. Teeko
Assistant Minister for

Youth Development; National

Oil Company of Liberia, Mr.
Peter Bonner Jallah, Member,
Board of Directors, Temple of
Justice, Madam Florence Weade
Stemn-Wesley Justice of the
Peace & Notary Public, Local
Philip T. Jah, Superintendent,
Assistant Superintendent for
COUNTY, Mr. Armah Sarnor,
Superintendent; Mr. Paul M.
Kimba, Assistant Superintendent
for Development, Mr. Mulbah
B. Manow, Commissioner,
Quioh, Superintendent, Mr.
Sneh Johnson, Assistant Supt
for Development, Mr. Ransey
Snoh, Township Commissioner,

Du-Wolee Township; River

Cess County, Mr. Matthew
Daniels, Superintendent, Ms.
Superintendent for Development;
Betsy Toe Kouh, Superintendent,
Mr. George Prowd, City Mayor,
Harper City; Madam Noria G.
District Karluway Statutory
Mr. Dor Cooper, Assistant
Superintendent for Development,
Mr. Ben Tokpa, Mayor, Ganta
City, Nimba County
G. Siryon, Asst. Supt. for
Development, Suehn Mecca
Gray, District Commissioner,
Barclayville District.




VOL 8 NO.726



Can Football Legend Succeed as Lone Stars Head Coach

Monrovia -

t the pinnacle of his career, James Salinsa Debbah was

virtually unstoppable, taking his opponent to the max and
streamlining defenses at will. Paring with striker George
Weah, the duo would form what is easily Liberias most
successful football team, a group of star-studded soldiers who came
close to qualifying for the 1990 World Cup finals.
His playing days now behind him, Debbah is opening a new chapter,
accepting a new role as head coach of the Liberian National Team, the
Lone Star.
Debbah, Liberias all time leading goal scorer will take on coaching
duties of a team he has been critical of for quite some time.

Debbah who rose to prominence as a striker for Mighty Barrolle replaces
the Italian coach Roberto Landi.
Debbah, who is in possession of a Caf License B certificate is taking
over a team still in search of the form the Weah-Debbah partnership
produced during their prime.
Debbah is a former captain of the national team he led to the 1998
Nations cup
Musa Bility, President of the Liberia Football Association says the
appointment of Debbah and a number of new coaches has the backing
of the government.
The appointees include, former National team right back Varmah Kpoto
head coach of the Under-14, assisted by Jonah Sirweah.

Joe Nagbe and George Gerbro will manage the Under-17 team,
while the Under-20 national team will be managed by former
Arsenal (English Club) Liberian forward Christopher Wreh
and he will be assisted by Oliver Markor. James Debbah will
take of the senior national team and will be assisted by Kelvin
Debbahs appointment will no doubt be subject to scrutiny with
many recalling his difficult and complicated days as player.
During the 1986 Special West African tourney, Debbah broke
the hearts of many when he refused to play in the finals because
of a questionable injury.
Debbah also raised eyebrows during a July 2004 FIFA World
Cup qualifying match against Togo in Monrovia, when as
captain, he refused to be substituted in the 53rd minute, instead
waiting until the 68th minute to leave the pitch. The match
resulted in a 00 draw, causing the team to leave the stadium
under the protection of an armored personnel carrier. Liberia
finished in last place in their group during qualification, with
only 4 points after 10 matches. The draw with Togo was their
only draw during the qualification.
In his new role, Debbah is quick to note that he should not be
viewed as a Messiah coming to rescue a team on the down
end of luck in recent years and is quoted in Liberian Soccer.
com a saying total collaboration and support from government
and the citizens, the country national team will return to the
glory days. Im very optimistic that this is the beginning of a
bright and prosperous future in Liberian football. The future I
believed will put us back on the stage of international football. I
know that the expectation of the Liberia people will be high on
this appoint, but this is not just an event but a process.
Born December 14, 1967 in Monrovia, Debbah began his
professional football career with Mighty Barrolle in 1984. In
1989, he left Liberia for Union Doula of Cameroon, where he
lasted only 1 season. In 1990, Debbah moved to the French
squad Olympique Ales. In 1991, Debbah moved up to the First
Division of French Football with AS Monaco where he also
played in the UEFA Cup Winners' Cup finals. The following
year he moved to Olympique Lyon. In 1995, moved across
to Olympique Nice, where he lasted until 1997. In that year,

moved to the Belgian League squad R.S.C. Anderlecht.
He moved back to Ligue 1 for one season with Paris SaintGermain. After leaving Paris Saint-Germain, Debbah moved
to the Turkcell Super League squad Ankaragucu for the 1998
and 1999 seasons, then to the Iraklis squad in Greece. Debbah
moved with Al-Jazeera Club from 20012003 in Abu Dhabi,
United Arab Emirates, then Muharraq Club from 20032004 in
Muharrag, , Bahrain. Four years after leaving Muharraq Club,
he moved with Indonesia Super League squad, PKT Bontang
for only one season -2008-09.



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